Vitug, Mary Anne, G.: London Trader Vineyard France Beneficiary
Vitug, Mary Anne, G.: London Trader Vineyard France Beneficiary
Vitug, Mary Anne, G.: London Trader Vineyard France Beneficiary
In the movie A Good Year, Max is a London-based bond trader who grew up with his
uncle in the latters vineyard in Provence, France. The said uncle died and Max became the
sole beneficiary of the French property. He traveled to Provence to sell the property. There, he
had to deal with several people such as Fanny Chenal, a local caf owner, who he knocked while
driving his car and winemaker Francis Duflot, who fears being separated from his precious vines.
Thereafter, a surprise visitor in the person of Christie Roberts changed the course of Maxs plans.
The former claims to be Henrys (Maxs uncle) daughter. Max got worried that Christie might be
interested in the estate.
Later on, Christie just decided to move forward with her life and left Provence. Max sold
the estate and returned to London where he was made to choose by Sir Nigel, the company
chairman, offers between "Money or your life" - either a discharge settlement, which includes "a
lot of zeros," or the partnership in the trading firm, where he would then be "made for life. Max
decided that he did not want to become like Sir Nigel so he invalidated the estate's sale and gave
Christie the estate.
Thereafter, he sold his London residence and entered into a relationship with with Fanny.
The most apparent morale doctrine in the movie is the Watch out for # 1 doctrine or
Ethical Egoism. Max is a very selfish person whose life revolved around what would benefit
him. This is significantly reflected in two instances in the movie. First is when he decided to sell
his uncles estate regardless of the times he spent there as a child and how his uncle valued the
estate. He also disregarded those whose livelihoods are dependent upon the estate especially
Francis Duflot. Second is when he thought of Christie as a threat to his claim to the estate which
thus shows that he doesnt really care about other people for as long as he gets what he wants.
From these two instances, Maxs selfishness is glaring.
On the other hand, I think the most important lesson Ive learned from this movie is to
always choose to be a good person. Truly, there are days when its easier to let ourselves be
consumed by selfishness, anger, and negativity. Sometimes, it takes so much energy to take the
higher road and be the bigger person amidst trying times. However, there is a need for us to look
at the bigger picture for us to understand that while the world out there can be quite
discouraging, to become a good person is the best decision we can make not only for ourselves,
but for everyone around us as well.