Solar Plant Monitoring: A Standards-Based Approach To Evaluate and Improve Performance

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Integrated monitoring and management solution for solar power plants

White paper

Solar plant monitoring:

A standards-based approach to evaluate
and improve performance

Mr. Ioannis Grammatikakis

MSc, MBA, Senior Product Manager

Integrated monitoring and management solution for solar power plants

White paper

Table of Contents


IEC61724 based approach

Using derived parameters to evaluate and improve performance

Alarming based on standard KPIs

Actual example of fault detection utilizing the PR


Integrated monitoring and management solution for solar power plants

White paper

5 points about Integrated monitoring

and management solution for solar power plants

How can the IEC 61724 standard, act as a basis of an advanced solar plant
monitoring system

How can I compare plants with dierent conditions and dierent equipment
in a standards-based way

How can I use the KPIs of the solar plant to improve performance

How standards-based KPIs and fault detection are connected

The importance of a standardized method for calculating Performance Ratio (PR)

Integrated monitoring and management solution for solar power plants

White paper


The best possible performance and uninterrupted operation are among the top priorities for investors
and stakeholders in solar plants. These parameters dene the economic viability and protability of
their projects. Centralized management systems for large solar plants are the essential solution for
having a global, detailed and up-to-date view of each solar asset, bringing monitoring and control for
solar plant owners, installers and O&M contractors.

IEC61724 based approach

Using an international standard ensures consistency, repeatability, reproducibility, and data quality
across PV plants with dierent equipment and dierent conditions. The International Standard
IEC61724 recommends procedures for the monitoring of energy-related PV system characteristics such
as in-plane irradiance, array output, storage input and output and load voltage & current. Also, the IEC
Standard recommends procedures for the exchange and analysis of monitored data. The purpose of
these procedures is to assess the overall performance of PV systems. More specically, according to the
IEC61724 standard, there are specied parameters that must be at least measured in real time by the
data acquisition system and other parameters that shall be calculated from the measured data.
According to the standard, the real-time data are acquired from the eld-deployed equipment and
sensors every 1 minute or less. Once the real-time data have been acquired, certain processing is
applied on them in order to yield primary parameters for further use. Those primary parameters are
produced every recording period using a mean operation and are stored for further use.
Apart from that, derived parameters are calculated using a specic mathematical formula which operates on a specic set of values or vectors of values of primary (and/or other derived) parameters covering a set of specic time spans (always in multiples of the recording period), which are called reporting
periods within the IEC Standard, which also denes the necessary derived parameters, together with
the formulas to be used for their calculation.

Integrated monitoring and management solution for solar power plants

White paper

Using derived parameters to evaluate and

improve performance

Such standardized parameters oer the most valuable help in the pursuit of maximum and optimal
plant operation. For example, by comparing a key performance indicator over a long period and across
dierent sections of a plant the operator can have a clear idea of the eect of local topology, local
climate, technology factors and time. The tolerance of rated power, aging of modules, reection losses,
soiling, shadowing, thermal losses, wiring losses, inverter and transformer eciencies, and MPP tracking performance are only some of the most important ndings and evaluation criteria that can be
As a real world example, we have detected cases where array capture losses showed a signicant
increase over the normal state. This enabled a speedy response and resolution from the O&M team.

Image 1

Monthly graph of array capture losses, system losses and nal yield of a solar plant

Alarming based on standard KPIs

In a solar plant monitoring system, alarming is one of the most signicant features. Malfunctions,
failures or defects are immediately communicated to solar plant operator in order to be interpreted
and solved. Alarms considering KPIs of the IEC 61724 Standard are of a great importance. For example,
performance ratio of a specic array with values under the expected threshold mark possible issues
that have to do with soiling, partial shading or damaged panels. However, alarming is useless if a ood
of trivial alerts bury signicant issues.
Alarms' thresholds must be attentively calibrated so as to avoid frustration and careless handling of
problems related to the PV plant. Alarms based on over-sensitive parameters or misjudged time periods
can lead to a large number of alarms and consequently to a possible disregard of a major issue. Apart
from that, frequent alarms may be produced from wrong components' installation in the rst place. For
example, a pyranometer placed in a frequently shadowed spot may be the nding of frequent alarms
concerning unreasonable values of performance ratio.

Integrated monitoring and management solution for solar power plants

White paper

Actual example of fault detection utilizing the PR

Performance ratio is always mentioned among the most important factors of a PV plants' performance
analysis and comparison. For this reason it is necessary to have a standardized method of calculating
this index. This enables comparison of PV systems of dierent congurations and at dierent locations.
Normalization of yields for rated array power and of system eciencies to array area facilitates
comparison of dissimilar plants. PR indicates the overall eect of losses on the arrays nominal energy
output due to array temperature, incomplete utilization of irradiation, system component ineciencies
or failures.
As it is visible in the image No 2, a comparison view of the performance ratio of various inverters of a
single plant can easily help to detect the inverter or inverters that are under performing and reduce the
plant's overall yield.

Image 2

Comparison of the performance ratio of all inverters of a solar plant


Nowadays, there is a progressively growing need for comprehensive and continuous operation
management of PV plants all over the world. IEC61724 Standard has set the requirements for a detailed
monitoring of a PV plant performance. It presents the minimum set of real-time data measurements
and the appropriate method to retrieve them, together with all the derived parameters that characterize performance.
Inaccesss vendor independent solution for the centralized management of geographically distributed
solar plants complies fully with IEC61724 Standard. The alarm features have been engineered to focus
on the issues of highest relevancy and eliminate transient or nuisance conditions. Inaccess has developed signicant familiarity in all areas addressed in this white paper and can assist its customers in
studying and evaluating the condition of their solar assets.
Coupled with a robust hardware solution and depth of experience gained from years of serving utility
scale plants in the international market, this makes inaccess a wise partner for maximizing your return.

Integrated monitoring and management solution for solar power plants

White paper

For further info, please contact:

Mr. Angelos Koronias

T: +30 210 68 02 300

Inaccess was founded in 2000, with a focus on renewable energy and telecom infrastructure management. We design and develop state-of-the-art products and solutions, which give our partners invaluable access to information, enabling them to maximize the viability and eectiveness of their investments through performance optimization and OPEX reduction.

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