Eltek Hybrid Excellence Brochure Rev1
Eltek Hybrid Excellence Brochure Rev1
Eltek Hybrid Excellence Brochure Rev1
Hybrid Excellence
Superior power solutions for offgrid
telecom installations
Are you making the most
of free, renewable energy
to reduce OPEX?
Mobile operators have expanded telecom networks into rural areas
with no or weak electricity supply. However, powered by continuously
running diesel generators, remote offgrid sites typically have very
high operating costs.
Conceptual sketch for illustration purposes only Conceptual sketch for illustration purposes only
“Eltek is one of the largest providers of hybrid power systems in the global
telecom sector. Its hybrid power system solutions are some of the most
Network status view
KPI - view
technologically advanced in the market, delivering high value-for-money to
Through an embedded map service, the MultiSite Monitor The KPI overview shows the performance of selected indicators, its customers.
provides the operator with a map of all sites in the network measured against set targets. You can customize the KPI view
and the top-level network status. This includes information with little effort to match your specific needs through an easy-to-
such as the number of sites connected to the MultiSite use template.
Monitor server, the number of connected sites that are
offline/not responding to the server and the number of sites
The company offers the highest efficiency in its power converters, which
with alarm status, as well as the total solar energy produced
during the last 24 hours. helps reduce operational expenses drastically. It also utilizes galvanized
components that require minimum maintenance. Moreover, Eltek’s hybrid
power systems are fully integrated, which allows remote monitoring and
control, consequently delivering optimum performance to the customers.
Conceptual sketch for illustration purposes only Conceptual sketch for illustration purposes only
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