Ac Itnerference 4 PDF
Ac Itnerference 4 PDF
Ac Itnerference 4 PDF
in order to predict the current in a faulted transmission line as well a s the induced voltages across points on
a pipeline running parallel to the faulted line and remote earth. The problem is a two-dimensional one, because the phase-to-ground fault is assumed to be outside of the parallel exposure so that the conductive interference is negligible. Therefore a two-dimensional finite-element mesh has been solved, that leads to the
field distribution andfinally to the induced voltages. The effectof the problem operational parameters (mitigation wires numbec earth resistivity and overhead transmission line geometrical configuration) has been
taken into account. The results lead to conclusions that may be useful to power-system engineers.
1 Introduction
The proximity of electric power lines and metal
pipelines transporting fluids has become more and more
frequent, owing to their having been assigned a common
course and to the continual increase in energy consumption. This leads to a stronger power-line interference on
pipelines, in view of the increase of fault currents linked
to electric network development. An insulated pipeline,
even below ground, which follows an electrical line or
cable over a certain distance is subjected to significant
voltages, especially in cases of earth faults.
AC interference in a pipeline sharing a corridor with
a power line consists of an inductive component and a
conductive component. Inductive interference, which is
occurred by the magnetic field generated by the power
line, is present during both normal load conditions and
fault conditions on the power line. Conductive interference arises when a power-line structure injects a large
magnitude current into the earth during a single-phaseto-ground fault and the pipeline is located near the faulted structure.
Using initially the widely-known Carsons relations
[ 11, various formulae have been proposed [2-51 to study
the above interferences. The introduction of computers
in the next decade has brought a considerable improvement to the procedures for calculating voltages appearing along an influence area, leading to advanced analytical models [6].Technical Recommendation No. 7 [6]
takes all new knowledge, both theoretically and experimentally derived, into account and represents the present
state of the art. On the basis of particular examples it is
possible to specify interferencecaused by earth-faultcurrents in high-voltage systems or by load currents.
Recently, two extensive research projects introduced practical analytical expressions which could be
programmed on hand-held calculators [ 7 ] and compuETEP Vol. 8, No. 3, MayNune 1998
The authors of this paper believe that a finite-element solution of Maxwells equations which describe
the corresponding electromagnetic field problem may
lead to useful conclusions, complementary to already
proposed methods. In order to determine both inductive
and conductive interferences, a three-dimensional FEM
analysis is required. However, in the present work,the
two-dimensional electromagnetic field problem of a
faulted overhead transmission line in the presence of
buried conductorshas been numerically solved with the
help of FEM, because the fault is assumed to be outside
of the parallel exposure and therefore the conductive
interference is negligible.
145 kV 1240'
2 Problem Description
The system under investigation,shown in Fig. 1and
2, consists of a 25 km long corridor shared between one
pipeline and one transmission line. A phase-to-earth
fault is assumed on the transmission line at point B,
which is outside of the parallel exposure.Thereforeconductive interference becomes negligible and the present
work analysesthe inductive coupling between overhead
power transmission lines and neighbouring gas pipelines or other conductors, when they run parallel to a line
section. Currents are induced in the faulted conductor,
skywiresand earth. End effectsare neglected, i. e. a twodimensional problem is consideredconsistingof infinite
length conductors. This is reasonable for the lengths of
parallel exposure between transmissionlines and buried
conductors, as encountered in practical applications.
The fault is assumed to be in a steady-state condition
with 50 Hz nominal frequency.
Concerning the material properties, the earth is assumed to be homogeneouswith a varying resistivity corresponding to wet, dry and rocky grounds, respectively.
Homogeneity is not a restriction for the program developed, which is capable to solve for a multi-layer earth,
or earths with properties varying in the two dimensions
(x, y). Pipeline's metal and skywires have conductivities
a ,= ask = 7 . lo6 S/m and relative permeabilities pLm
= C(r,sk = 250, respectively. Pipeline's coating has a relative permeability pr,== 1 and is assumed to be perfect,
which is reasonable for nowadays synthetic coatings
[ 161. Therefore, the coating conductivity ocis assumed
to be zero and the corresponding leakage currents
Phase wires -
-Z, = (4 +j50) R
Phase L2+@
I45 kV S O o
= (4 + j50) R
Faulted phase
Mitigation wires
1, = 12.5 km
acteristics, power system terminal parameters (such as
source voltages and equivalent source impedances) as
well as fault parameters describing fault location and
type. The output data are the fault current in the faulty
phase conductor, magnetic vector potential (MVP) distribution in the cross-section of the parallel exposure,
eddy currents induced in skywires and earth, and voltages induced at points across pipeline sections HJ and KJ
and remote earth.
3 Finite-Element Formulation
of the Electromagnetic Field
If the cross-section shown in Fig. l a lies on the x-y
plane, the linear two-dimensional electromagnetic diffision problem for the z-direction components& andl, of
the MVP vector and of the total current density vector, respectively, is described by the system of equations [ 181:
CAB= j E d 1 = AJ -,1
where a i s the conductivity, o is the angular frequency,
po andpu,are the vacuum and relative perrneabilities, respectively, I,:is the source current density in the z-direction and _li is the current flowing through conductor i
of cross-section S,.
The FEM formulation of eqs. ( 1a) to ( I c) leads [ 191
to a matrix equation, which is solved using the Crout
variation of Gauss elimination. From the solution of this
system, the values of the MVP in every node of the discretization domain as well as the unknown source current densities are calculated. Consequently, the eddy
current density & of element e is obtained from the relation [ 181
Integration of eq. (2b) over a conductor cross-section will give the total current flowing through this conductor.
The total solution domain for our problem, which is
a square with 10km side, is subdivided in first-order triangular finite elements. A Deluunuy-based [20] adaptive mesh generation algorithm has been used for the
original discretization. The continuity requirement of
the flux density B on the interface between neighbouring elements has been chosen [2 I] as the criterion for an
iteratively adaptive mesh refinement. The Defuunuybased original mesh of approximately 3 OOO elements,
using the above criterion, led in almost.all cases tested
ETEP Vol. 8, No. 3, MayNune 1998
Earth surface
4.1 Faradays Law Application
for Fault-Current Determination
a 0 = 0,
f Ed1 + at
where 4:is the z-component of the MVP and 1 is the
length of the path AB.
Using eq. (6)with phasors instead of time functions
we obtain
+ Uec + UCF+ UFG+ UGA
+ j W = 0,
CAB= Ed1 = -,
U C F = 0,
U f f i= LRgr
Finally, the source phase voltage U Ocan be expressed with two additive terms in brackets as follows:
UPN=j 4 , o z .
The maximum value of this voltage is occurred
across point K and remote earth M as:
= j4,olZ.
Due to the symmetry of pipeline HK across grounding point J, the same conclusions hold for both sections
KJ and HJ.
The above method can also be used for other
pipelines configurations, if for example the pipeline is
grounded with resistancesR,, at both ends -points K and
H as shown in Fig. 4. In this case section HK is part of
the closed loop HKLQDEH and a current 1, will flow
through it. Applying as previously Furuduys law eq. (6)
in the two loops PKLQNP, HKLQDEH, the voltage
across a point P, lying between the grounding points H,
K, and remote earth N is obtained as:
Faulted phase L1
E d
Earth surface
Buried pipeline
where L:b and q z b are the current density and the MVP
on the surface of the phase conductors, respectively, calculated using E M . Finally, ifis calculated from
where YOis the known source phase voltage of the terminal, shown in Fig. 2 and 3.
The calculation of in eqs. (1 1a) and (1lb) takes
into account soil properties and buriedconductors. It has
_ _
The corresponding magnitude variation will be from
IRELl to zero and finally to IRpg~cI.
It should be mentioned that eq. ( 14)holds if the leakage currents are neglected, which is reasonable for nowadays synthetic coatings [ 161.
The system shown in Fig. 1,2 and 3 has been investigated for several different cases. According to eqs. ( 11a)
and ( 1 lb), the fault current of phase L1 has been calculated equal to 2 OOO A. Using this current, the twodimensional diffusion equation has been solved for different
separation distances d between the pipeline and the center of the overhead line, when initially no mitigation
wires are present. Using FEM MVP results and applying
Furuduy's law in the loop PNQDJP of Fig. 2 and 3, the
voltage across points at pipeline sections HJ and KJ and
remote earth is calculated. Fig. 5 shows the amplitude of
this voltage UPN = I u p N I for!r= 1OOO A <0" across a point
Pat a distance z = 1 OOO m from J and remote earth N, as
well as its dependence on variations of separation distance nand of earth resistivity.This voltage is proportional to the fault current. Therefore, Fig. 5 can be easily used
to predict the voltage for any value of current Lr.
d -
lo3 m 2
Number of
mitigationwires / material
1 I copper
2 I copper
3 I copper
. 1 /aluminum
2 /aluminum
3 I aluminum
UPN(in V)
35. I
7.3 Subscripts
6 Conclusions
7.2 Superscripts
finite element e
base quantity
conductor i
7.4 Abbreviations
Electrical Power Research Institute
American Gas Association
ECCAPP Electromagnetic & Conductive Coupling
Analysis from Powerlines to Pipelines
Finite Element Method
Magnetic Vector Potential
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The Authors
Kostas J. Satsios (1971) received the
Dip].-Eng. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
/Greece in 1994. Since 1994 he is a
Ph.D. student in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering
at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His research interests are in finite elements and artificial-intelli-