Pulse Code Modulation
Pulse Code Modulation
Pulse Code Modulation
Instead of a pulse train, PCM produces a series of numbers or digits, and hence this
process is called as digital. Each one of these digits, though in binary code, represent
the approximate amplitude of the signal sample at that instant.
In Pulse Code Modulation, the message signal is represented by a sequence of coded
pulses. This message signal is achieved by representing the signal in discrete form in
both time and amplitude.
This is the technique which helps to collect the sample data at instantaneous values of
message signal, so as to reconstruct the original signal. The sampling rate must be
greater than twice the highest frequency component W of the message signal, in
accordance with the sampling theorem.
Quantizing is a process of reducing the excessive bits and confining the data. The
sampled output when given to Quantizer, reduces the redundant bits and compresses
the value.
The digitization of analog signal is done by the encoder. It designates each quantized
level by a binary code. The sampling done here is the sample-and-hold process. These
three sections LPF, Sampler, Quantizer LPF, Sampler, and Quantizer will act as an
analog to digital converter. Encoding minimizes the bandwidth used.
Regenerative Repeater
This section increases the signal strength. The output of the channel also has one
regenerative repeater circuit, to compensate the signal loss and reconstruct the signal,
and also to increase its strength.
The decoder circuit decodes the pulse coded waveform to reproduce the original signal.
This circuit acts as the demodulator.
Reconstruction Filter
After the digital-to-analog conversion is done by the regenerative circuit and the decoder,
a low-pass filter is employed, called as the reconstruction filter to get back the original
Hence, the Pulse Code Modulator circuit digitizes the given analog signal, codes it and
samples it, and then transmits it in an analog form. This whole process is repeated in a
reverse pattern to obtain the original signal.