Autocad 2d Notes
Autocad 2d Notes
Autocad 2d Notes
AutoCAD 2D Notes
Polar coordinates used when you need to draw the next points at specify angle.
Polar coordinates system in AutoCAD specifies distance length at which angle. Using
polar coordinate, points entered by typing @distance<angle [Enter]
Oject Snap(for On/Off need to press F3):Object snaps (Osnaps) are one of the handiest tools in AutoCAD. Without them, you
would have a lot of trouble doing even the simplest dimension accurately. Before
discussing how they are used, first think about what they are. Their name, "object
snaps" means that they snap to objects, or more precisely, they snap to specific
parts of an object. A line for example has 3 points that you can snap to: a midpoint
and two endpoints. A circle has 5 points: a center and 4 quadrants.
Running Object Snap: - Shift + Right Click
To change the Object Snap settings:Ds [enter]
Click on object snap
Click on select all
Click on ok
Draw Commands:- The draw commands can be used to create new objects such
as lines and circles
Modify Commands:- The modify commands can be used to modify objects that
you create with draw commands. Such as Copy & Move.
View Commands:The view commands are playing important role in
AutoCAD, After drawing you should use the view commands to show dimension of
Ex: Dimlinear, DimDia.
Enquiry Commands:- This commands are used for knowing information of your
Ex: Id, Dist, List, Area.
Command Rules: The cases are not sensitive
The command doesnt allow spaces
If you enter into the command need to be press Enter or Space bar
If you want to select previous command press Enter or Space bar
If you get out of the command then press ESC
If you want to see the history of drawing then press F2
If you select recent commands then press arrow keys(Up/Down arrows)
1. Parallel Projection:-
3rd Angle Projection:Here your seen object in one view drawn into the same view
BASIC COMMANDS:-View :- is the command uses to interchange between one view to another
-view enter
Enter the view port name
Ex:- t Enter(T for top)
Visual Style:Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport. A visual
style is a collection of customizable settings that control the display of edges,
shading, background, and shadows of 3D solids and surfaces in the current
Vscurrent enter
Select your style of visualstyle
Navigation Wheel:Selecting a tool on the wheel is different from the selection of a typical command.
Press on a wedge and drag to use the desired navigation tool. Release the mouse
button to return to the wheel and switch navigation tools.
Wheel enter
Select your tool
Drag your mouse (hold the left hand side button)
New Shot:Creates a named view with motion that is played back when viewed with
Newshot enter
Enter the view name
Change the shot properties
Change the view properties
Security :- By using of this command you can give the password to your files
Security enter
Write the password
Click on ok
Now to try to save the file and open check it
Pan: Moves the view in the current viewport position the cursor at the start location
and press the mouse button down. Drag the cursor to the new location. You can also
press the mouse scroll wheel or middle button down and drag the cursor to pan.
P enter
Cursorsize:- You can increase the size of Cursor
Cursorsize enter
Enter the new value for cursor size
Note:- When command is asking specify point then we are seen only cursor
Pickbox: You can increase the size of Pick box
Pickbox enter
Enter the new value for pick box
Note: When command is asking select objects then we are seen only pickbox
Grip Size:- You can increase the Grip size
Units: Controls the displayed precision and format for coordinates and angels. The
format, precision, and other conventions to be used in displaying coordinates,
distance, and angles are set and saved in drawing template files. These settings can
also be changed in the current drawing file.
Creates straight line segments, with line, you can create a series of contiguous line
segments. Each segment is a line object that can be edited separately
L enter
Specify First point
Specify Second Point
C enter
Specify center point
D enter
Specify Diameter of circle
2P Circle:C enter
Blend enter
Select first object
Select second object
Properties:- Controls properties of existing objects. When more than one object is
selected, only those properties common to all selected objects are displayed. When
no objects are selected, only the current settings of general properties are
Ch enter
Select object to change
Change your settings
Redraw:- You can refresh the view ports
R enter
Stretch:Stretches objects crossed by a selection window or polygon. Objects that are
partially enclosed by a crossing window are stretched. Objects that are completely
enclosed within the crossing window, or that are selected individually, are moved
rather than stretched. Several objects such as circles, ellipses, and blocks, cannot
be stretched.
S enter
Select (with the help of cross selection ) objects to stretch enter
Specify base point
Specify 2nd point
Dimensioning is the process of adding measurement annotation to a drawing.
AutoCAD 2013 provides many ways to dimension objects and many ways to format
Dimensions show the measurement of objects, the distances or angles between
objects, or the distance of a feature from an origin you specify. AutoCAD 2013
provides three basic types of dimensioning: Liner, radial, and angular. Dimensions
can be horizontal, vertical, aligned, rotated, ordinate, baseline, or continued. You
can create dimension styles to format dimensions quickly and ensure that
dimensions in your drawing conform to industry or project standards.
Dimlinear: By using this command you can measure the linear objects
Specify the first extension line origin
Specify the second extension line origin
Specify the dimension line locations
Dimaligned: creates a linear dimension that is aligned with the origin points of the
extension lines
Line Tab
Dimension Lines:
Color:- Displays and sets the color for the dimension line. If you click
select color for this you can use the Dimclrd command
Line Type:- Sets the line of the dimension line. Dimltype system
Line Weight :- Sets the Weight of line of the dimension line . dimlwd
command for this
Base line Spacing:- Sets the spacing between the dimension lines of a
baseline dimension. a distance. For information about baseline dimension,
see dimbaseline. For this you can use dimdli
Suppress:- Supperesses display of dimension lines. Dim line1 suyppresses
the first dimension line; Dimline 2 suppresses the second dimension line.
(dimsd1and Dimsd2 system variables)
Alternate Units
If you on this you can see the alternate units for primary units
Unit format :- Sets the current units format for all dimension types except
Multiplier Alternate Units:- Specifies the multiplier used as the conversion
factor between primary and alternate units. For example, to convert inches
to millimeters, enter 25.4. The value has no effect on angular dimensions,
and it is not applied to the rounding value or the plus or minus tolerance
The Block is divided into 4 types
1. Block
2. Wblock
3. Bedit
4. Attribute Block
Block:- Effective management increases the productivity of your drawing.
With various tools in AutoCAD you can organize and manipulate the shared
drawings more effectively.
Working With Blocks:-
External References:An external reference is a link between two drawings. The drawing opened
by the user is referred as the current drawing. The current drawing can also
Select the point sytle
Divide :- Creates evenly spaced point obejct or blocks aling the length or
perimeter of an object
Select the obejct to divide
Enter the Number of segments
Note 1:- The segments should be in between of 2 to 32767
Note 2:-After using this command you should use DDPTYPE Command
Ddptype enter
Select point style
Boundary :- Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area. Each point that
you specify identifies the surrounding objects and creates a separate region or
Bo enter
Click on ok
Pick on internal area
Multiline : Create multiple parallel lines
Section Plane :Create as section object that acts as a cutting plane through 3D objects. Section
plane objects create section of 3D Solids, surfaces, and meshes. Use live sectioning
with section plane objects to analyze a model, and save sections as blocks for use in
Sectionplane enter
D enter
Specify first point
Specify second point. Enter
To Create section:Right click on section choose the generate 2d Section/Elevation
Specify intersection point
Specify x Scale factor
Specify y scale
Specify Angle
Flatshot:- Creates a 2D representation of all 3d objects based on the current view.
The edges of all 3d solids, surfaces, and meshes are projected line of sight onto a
plane parallel to the viewing plane.
Flatshot enter
Select Create
Title Block: To create Title Block:Click on layout
To change page setup:Right Click layout choose page setup manger
Click on Modify
Click paper size