Guiding Triple B Overland Tour
Guiding Triple B Overland Tour
Guiding Triple B Overland Tour
abbreviation of the name Roro anteng and Joko Seger. They had lived together for
years as a couple of husband and wife but they had not had a children yet. So they
came to the foot of Mount Bromo and did a meditation asking to the god. They
promised if they were given many children they would sacrifice one of them to
Sang Hyang Bromo. They both very surprised as they knew a light of fire came
out from mount Bromo. They though it was a sign that Sang Hyang Bromo
listened their promise and would give them many children so they directly went
home. Year come to year, the couple had 25 children. Roro Anteng and Joko Seger
loved all of the children and lived happily together with their children. However it
had not be longer. One night Joko Seger dream that Sang Hyang Bromoasked his
promising to sacrifice one of his children to the crater of Mount Bromo. He woke
up from his sleeping and very surprised on his dream. The next morning he called
all his children and told them actually he told them very much. But he just dream
that he should sacrificed one of his children to the crater of Mount Bromo. His said
to his children that formerly he didnt have any child after marriage for many
years. So hhe promised to Sang Hyang Bromo if he had many children he would
sacrifice one of them to the crater . his promise was listening and finnaly he got 25
Ladies and Gentlemen
Id like to inform you that today is the last day for me to accompany you as I
will be substituted by the tour guide from bali. Thank you very much for your
participation in 4 days tour in east java. We hope you get wonderful impression
during your visit to tourist attractions in my province. Forgive me if I have a
mistake during accompaniying you in the east java. See you again in other tour
progamme. Have a good trip. Good bye.