MapR Certified Spark Developer Study Guide (MCSD)

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Certification Study Guide

MapR Certified Spark Developer

Study Guide

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

About MapR Study Guides .................................................................................................................................... 3
MapR Certified Spark Developer (MCSD) .......................................................................................................... 3

SECTION 1 WHATS ON THE EXAM? ................................................................................. 5

1. Load and Inspect Data ................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Build an Apache Spark Application ........................................................................................................... 5
3. Working with Pair RDD ................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Working with DataFrames ........................................................................................................................... 6
5. Monitoring Spark Applications .................................................................................................................. 7
6. Spark Streaming ............................................................................................................................................. 7
7. Advanced Spark Programming Machine Learning ............................................................................... 8
Sample Questions .................................................................................................................................................... 9

SECTION 2- PREPARING FOR THE CERTIFICATION ......................................................... 15

Instructor and Virtual Instructor-led Training .............................................................................................. 15
Online Self-paced Training ................................................................................................................................. 16
Videos, Webinars, and Tutorials ........................................................................................................................ 18
Blogs & eBooks ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Datasets .................................................................................................................................................................... 20

SECTION 3 - TAKING THE EXAM .......................................................................................... 22

Register for the Exam ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Reserve a Test Session .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Cancellation & Rescheduling .............................................................................................................................. 24
Test System Compatibility ................................................................................................................................... 25
Day of the Exam ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
After the Exam - Sharing Your Results ............................................................................................................ 28
Exam Retakes .......................................................................................................................................................... 29

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

About MapR Study Guides

MapR Certification Study Guides are intended to help you prepare for certification by
providing additional study resources, sample questions, and details about how to take the
exam. The study guide by itself is not enough to prepare you for the exam. Youll need
training, practice, and experience. The study guide will point you in the right direction and
help you get ready.
If you use all the resources in this guide, and spend 6-12 months on your own using the
software, experimenting with the tools, and practicing the role you are certifying for, you
should be well prepared to attempt the exams.
MapR provides practice exams for some of its certifications (coming 2016). Practice exams
are a good way to test your knowledge and diagnose the gaps in your knowledge. We
recommend that you purchase a practice exam before you commit to a certification exam

MapR Certified Spark Developer (MCSD)

The MapR Certified Spark Developer credential is designed for Engineers, Programmers, and
Developers who prepare and process large amounts of data using Spark. The certification
tests ones ability to use Spark in a production environment; where coding knowledge is
tested, we lean toward the use of Scala for our code samples.
Cost: $250
Duration: 2 Hours
The certification has seven sections or domains. These seven sections have specific
objectives listed below.

Whats on the

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Section 1 Whats on the Exam?

The MapR Certified Apache Spark Developer exam is comprised of 7 sections with 33 exam
objectives. There are 60-80 questions on the exam. MapR exams are constantly changing
and being updated. For that reason, the number of questions on the test vary.
MapR frequently tests new questions on the exam in an unscored manner. This means that
you may see test questions on the exam that are not used for scoring your exam, but you
will not know which items are live, and which are unscored. These unscored items are being
tested for inclusion in future versions of the exam. They do not affect your results.
MapR exams are Pass or Fail. We do not publish the exam cut score because the passing
score changes frequently, based on the live test items that are being used.
1. Load and Inspect Data 24%


Demonstrate how to create and use Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)


Apply transformation to RDDs, such as map(), filter(), distinct(), reduceByKey


Apply actions to RDDs such as count(), collect(), reduce(func), take (n),

foreach(func), first()


Demonstrate how and when to cache intermediate RDDs and persist


Identify the differences between Actions and Transformations

2. Build an Apache Spark Application 14%


Describe how MapReduce jobs are executed and monitored in both MapReduce v.1 and


Define the function of SparkContext


Create a simple Spark application creating a SparkContext with a main method

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016


Describe the differences between running Spark in the interactive shell vs. building a
standalone application


Run a Spark application in modes including Local, Standalone, YARN, and


3. Working with Pair RDD 17%


Define ways to create Pair RDDs from existing RDDs and from automatically loaded


Apply transformations on Pair RDDs including groupByKey and reduceByKey


Describe the differences between groupByKey and reduceByKey and how each
are used


Use transformations specific to two pPair RDDs, including joins


Apply actions on pPair RDDs


Control partitioning across nodes, including specifying the type of partitioner

and number of partitions

4. Working with DataFrames 14%


Create DataFrames from existing RDDs, data sources, and using reflection


Demonstrate how to use DataFrame operations including domain methods and SQL


Demonstrate how to register a user-defined function


Define how to repartition DataFrames

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

5. Monitoring Spark Applications 10%


Describe components of the Spark execution model such as stages, tasks, and jobs


Use Spark Web UI to monitor Spark applications


Debug and tune Spark application logic, as well as Spark configurations, including
optimizations, memory cache, and data locality

6. Spark Streaming 10%


Describe Apache Spark Streaming architecture components and their purpose


Demonstrate how to use Spark Streaming to process streaming data


Demonstrate how to create DStreams using standard RDD operations and stateful


Demonstrate how to trigger computation using output operations such as

saveAsTextFiles, foreachRDD, and others


Demonstrate how to process streaming data using Window operations including

countByWindow, reduceByWindow, countByValueAndWindow, and others


Describe how Spark Streaming achieves fault tolerance

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

7 .Advanced Spark programming Machine Learning 10%


Use accumulators as atomic aggregates and broadcast variables as a way to share data


Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised machine learning


Identify use of classification, clustering, and recommendation machine learning



Describe the basic process for machine learning using Spark

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Sample Questions
The following questions represent the kinds of questions you will see on the exam. The
answers to these sample questions can be found in the answer key following the sample


Which of the following Scala statement would be most appropriate to load the data
(sfpd.txt) into an RDD? Assume that SparkContext is available as the variable sc
and SQLContext as the variable sqlContext.
a) val sfpd=sqlContext.loadText(/path to file/sfpd.txt)
b) val sfpd=sc.loadFile(/path to file/sfpd.txt)
c) val sfpd=sc.textFile(/path to file/sfpd.txt)
d) val sfpd=sc.loadText(/path to file/sfpd.txt)

2. Given the following lines of code in Scala, identify at which step the input RDD is
actually computed.
val inputRDD=sc.textFile(/user/user01/data/salesdat.csv)
val elecRDD=inputRDD.filter(line=>line.contains(ELECTRONICS))
val electCount=elecRDD.count()

a) The inputRDD is computed and data loaded as soon as it is defined

b) The inputRDD is computed and data loaded when count() is applied
c) The inputRDD is computed and data loaded when filter() is applied
d) The inputRDD is computed and data loaded when map() is applied

Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

3. When building a standalone application, you need to create the SparkContext. To

do this in Scala, you would include which of the following within the main method?
a) val conf= new SparkConf().setAppName(AuctionsApp)
val sc= new SparkContext(conf)

b) val sc= SparkContext().setAppName(AuctionsApp)

val conf= SparkConf(sc)


val sc= new SparkContext()

val conf= new SparkConf().setAppName(AuctionsApp)

4. Which of the following is true of running a Spark application on Hadoop YARN?

a) In Hadoop YARN mode, the RDDs and variables are always in the same memory
b) Running in Hadoop YARN has the advantage of having multiple users running
the Spark interactive shell
c) There are two deploy modes that can be used to launch Spark applications on
YARN client mode and cluster mode
d) Irrespective of the mode, the driver is launched in the client process that
submitted the job


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

5. An existing RDD, unhcrRDD contains refugee data from the UNHCR. It contains the
following fields: (Country of residence, Country of origin, Year, Number of refugees).
Sample data is shown below. Assume that number of refugees is of type Int and all
other values are of type String.
Array(Array(Afghanistan, Pakistan, 2013, 34), Array(Albania,
Algeria, 2013, 0), Array(Albania, China, 2013, 12)).
To get the count of all refugees by country of residence, use which of the following
in Scala?
a) val country =>(x(0), x(3))).reduceByKey((a,b)=>a+b)
b) val country =>(x(0),1)).reduceByKey((a,b)=>a+b)
c) val country =>x.parallelize())

6. Given the pair RDD country that contains tuples of the form ((Country, count)),
which of the following is used to get the country with the lowest number of
refugees in Scala?
a) val low = country.sortByKey().first
b) val low = country.sortByKey(false).first
c) val low =>(x._2,x._1)).sortByKey().first
d) val low =>(x._2,x._1)).sortByKey(false).first


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

7. There are two datasets on online auctions. D1 has the number of the bids for an
auction item. D2 contains the seller rating for an auction item. Not every seller has a
seller rating. What would you use to get all auction items with the number of bids
count and the seller rating (if the data exists) in Scala?
a) D2.join(D1)
b) D1.join(D2)
c) D1.leftOuterJoin(D2)
d) D2.leftOuterJoin(D1)

8. A DataFrame can be created from an existing RDD. You would create the DataFrame
from the existing RDD by inferring the schema using case classes in which case?
a) If your dataset has more than 22 fields
b) If all your users are going to need the dataset parsed in the same way
c) If you have two sets of users who will need the text dataset parsed differently

9. In Scala which of the following would be used to specify a User Defined Function
(UDF) that can be used in a SQL statement on Apache Spark DataFrames?
a) registerUDF(func name, func def)
b) sqlContext.udf(function definition)
c) udf((arguments)=>{function definition})
d) sqlContext.udf.register(func name, func def)


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Sample Questions Answer Key


Option C

2. Option B
3. Option A
4. Option C
5. Option A
6. Option C
7. Option C
8. Option B
9. Option D


Preparing for
the Certification


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Section 2- Preparing for the Certification

MapR provides several ways to prepare for the certification including classroom
training, self-paced online training, videos, webinars, blogs, and ebooks.
MapR offers a number of training courses that will help you prepare. We recommend
taking the classroom training first, followed by self-paced online training, and then
several months of experimentation on your own learning the tools in a real-world
We also provide additional resources in this guide to support your learning. The blogs,
whiteboard walkthroughs, and ebooks are excellent supporting material in your efforts
to become a Spark Developer.

Instructor and Virtual Instructor-led Training

All courses include:

Certified MapR Instructor who is an SME in the topic, and is expert in

classroom facilitation and course delivery techniques

Collaboration and assistance for all students on completion of exercises

Lab exercises, a lab guide, slide guide, job aids as appropriate

Course Cluster for completing labs provided

Certification exam fee included one exam try only, done on the
students own time (not in class)

DEV 3600 Developing Spark Applications

Duration: 3 days
Cost: $2400
Course Description:
This introductory course enables developers to get started developing big data
applications with Apache Spark. In the first part of the course, you will use Sparks
interactive shell to load and inspect data. The course then describes the various modes
for launching a Spark application. You will then go on to build and launch a standalone
Spark application. The concepts are taught using scenarios that also form the basis of
hands-on labs.
Please see


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Online Self-paced Training

DEV 360 - Apache Spark Essentials
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: FREE!
Course Description:
DEV 360 is part 1 in a 2-part course that enables developers to get started developing
big data applications with Apache Spark. You will use Sparks interactive shell to load
and inspect data. The course then describes the various modes for launching a Spark
application. You will then go on to build and launch a standalone Spark application. The
concepts are taught using scenarios that also form the basis of hands-on labs.
Lesson 1 Introduction to Apache Spark
Describe the features of Apache Spark
Advantages of Spark
How Spark fits in with the big data application stack
How Spark fits in with Hadoop
Define Apache Spark components
Lesson 2 Load and Inspect Data in Apache Spark
Describe different ways of getting data into Spark
Create and use Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)
Apply transformation to RDDs
Use actions on RDDs
Load and inspect data in RDD
Cache intermediate RDDs
Use Spark DataFrames for simple queries
Load and inspect data in DataFrames
Lesson 3 Build a Simple Apache Spark Application
Define the lifecycle of a Spark program
Define the function of SparkContext
Create the application
Define different ways to run a Spark application
Run your Spark application
Launch the application


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

DEV 361 - Build and Monitor Apache Spark Applications

DEV 361 is the second in the Apache Spark series. You will learn to create and modify
pair RDDs, perform aggregations, and control the layout of pair RDDs across nodes with
data partitioning.
This course also discusses Spark SQL and DataFrames, the programming abstraction of
Spark SQL. You will learn the different ways to load data into DataFrames, perform
operations on DataFrames using DataFrame functions, actions and language integrated
queries, and create and use user-defined functions with DataFrames.
This course also describes the components of the Spark execution model using the
Spark Web UI to monitor Spark applications. The concepts are taught using scenarios in
Scala that also form the basis of hands-on labs. Lab solutions are provided in Scala and
Python. Since this course is a continuation of DEV 360, course lessons begin at lesson 4.
Lesson 4 Work with PairRDD
Review loading and exploring data in RDD
Describe and create Pair RDD
Control partitioning across nodes
Lesson 5 Work with DataFrames
Create DataFrames
From existing RDD
From data sources
Work with data in DataFrames
Use DataFrame operations
Create user-defined functions (UDF)
UDF used with Scala DSL
UDF used with SQL
Repartition DataFrames
Supplemental Lab: Build a standalone application
Lesson 6 Monitor Apache Spark Applications
Describe components of the Spark execution model
Use Spark Web UI to monitor Spark applications
Debug and tune Spark applications


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Videos, Webinars, and Tutorials

In addition to the classroom and self-paced training courses, we recommend these
videos, webinars, and tutorials

An Overview of Apache Spark

2. Apache Spark vs. MapReduce Whiteboard Walkthrough. The following whiteboard

walkthrough describes the differences between MapReduce and Apache Spark.
3. Parallel and Iterative Processing for Machine Learning Recommendations with Spark
4. Spark Streaming with HBase


Adding Complex Data to Spark Stack

6. Enterprise-Grade Spark: Leveraging Hadoop for Production Success

This blog post discusses how you can leverage Hadoop and Apache Spark for
production success.

7. Getting Started with Spark on MapR Sandbox

This tutorial shows you how to get started with Spark.

8. Getting Started with the Spark Web UI

This post will help you get started using the Apache Spark Web UI to understand
how your Spark application is executing on a Hadoop cluster. - .VcP55Z1Vikr
9. Apache Spark: An Engine for Large-Scale Data Processing
Introduces Spark, explains its place in big data, walks through setup and creation of
a Spark application, and explains commonly used actions and operations.


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Blogs & eBooks

We recommend these blog posts and ebooks that can help you prepare for the MapR
Certified Spark Administrator exam.

The 5-Minute Guide to Understanding the Significance of Apache Spark

2. Apache Spark vs. Apache Drill
3. Using Python with Apache Spark
4. Getting Started with Apache Spark: From Inception to Production
This ebook features guides and tutorials on a wide range of use cases and topics,
whiteboard videos, infographics, and more. Start reading now and learn about:
What Spark is and isn't
How Spark and Hadoop work together
How Spark works in production
In-depth use cases for Spark (including running code)


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

These are some datasets that we recommend for experimenting with Spark.

UCI Machine Learning Repository

This site has almost 300 datasets of various types and sizes for tasks including
classification, regression, clustering, and recommender systems.

2. Amazon AWS public datasets

These datasets include the Human Genome Project, the Common Crawl web corpus,
Wikipedia data, and Google Books Ngrams. Information on these datasets can be
found at
3. Kaggle
This site includes a collection of datasets used in machine learning competitions run
by Kaggle. Areas include classification, regression, ranking, recommender systems,
and image analysis. These datasets can be found under the Competitions section at
4. KDnuggets
This site has a detailed list of public datasets, including some of those mentioned
earlier. The list is available at
5. SF Open Data
SF OpenData is the central clearinghouse for data published by the City and County
of San Francisco and is part of the broader open data program.


Taking the Exam


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Section 3 - Taking the Exam

MapR Certification exams are delivered online using a service from Innovative Exams. A
human will proctor your exam. Your proctor will have access to your webcam and
desktop during your exam. Once you are logged in for your test session, and your
webcam and desktop are shared, your proctor will launch your exam.
This method allows you to take our exams anytime, and anywhere, but you will need a
quiet environment where you will remain uninterrupted for up to two hours. You will
also need a reliable Internet connection for the entire test session.
There are five steps in taking your exam:
1) Register for the exam
2) Reserve a test session
3) Test your system compatibility
4) Take the exam
5) Get your results

Register for the Exam

MapR exams are available for purchase exclusively at You have six
months to complete your certification after you purchase the exam. After six months
have expired, your exam registration will be canceled. There are no refunds for expired
certification purchases.

Sign in to your profile at

Find the exam in the catalog and click Purchase
If you have a voucher code, enter it in the Promotion Code field
Use a credit card to pay for the exam
You may use a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover credit card. The
charge will appear as MAPR TECHNOLOGIES on your credit card statement.
5) Look for a confirmation with your Order ID


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Reserve a Test Session

MapR exams are delivered on a platform called Innovative Exams. When you are ready
to schedule your exam, go back to your profile in, click on your exam,
and click the Continue to Innovative Exams link to proceed to scheduling. This will take
you to
1) Create an account in
Make sure to use the same email address that you use in
2) Sign in
3) Enter your exam title in the Search field
4) Choose an exam date

5) Choose a time slot at least 24 hours in advance


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

6) Once confirmed, your reservation will be in your My Exams tab of Innovative Exams

7) Check your email for a reservation confirmation

Cancellation & Rescheduling

Examinees are allowed to cancel or reschedule their exam with 24-hour notice without a
cancellation penalty. If they cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of the scheduled
appointment, the examinee will forfeit the entire cost of the exam and they will need to
pay for it again to reschedule. Examinees must cancel or reschedule their exams more
than 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund and remain eligible to take the exam.
To cancel an exam, the examinee logs into and clicks My Exams,
selects the exam to cancel, and then selects the Cancel button to confirm their
cancellation. A cancellation confirmation email will be sent to the examinee following
the cancellation.


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Test System Compatibility

We recommend that you check your system compatibility several days before your
exam to make sure you are ready to go. Go to
These are the system requirements:

Mac, Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS

Google Chrome or Chromium version 32 and above
Your browser must accept third party cookies for the duration of the exam ONLY
Install Innovative Exams Google Chrome Extension
TCP: port 80 and 443
1GB RAM & 2GHz dual core processor
Minimum 1280 x 800 resolution
Sufficient bandwidth to share your screen via the Internet


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Day of the Exam

Make sure your Internet connection is strong and stable

Make sure you are in a quiet, well-lit room without distractions
Clear the room - you must be alone when taking your exam
No breaks are allowed during the exam; use the bathroom before you log in
Clear your desk of any materials, notebooks, and mobile devices
Silence your mobile and remove it from your desk
Configure your computer for a single display; multiple displays are not allowed
Close out of all other applications except for Chrome

We recommend that you sign in 30 minutes in advance of your testing time so that you
can communicate with your proctor, and get completely set up well in advance of your
test time.
You will be required to share your desktop and your webcam prior to the exam start.
YOUR EXAM SESSION WILL BE RECORDED. If the Proctor senses any misconduct, your
exam will be paused and you will be notified by the proctor of your misconduct.
If your misconduct is not corrected, the Proctor will shut down your exam, resulting in a
Examples of misconduct and/or misuse of the exam include, but are not limited to, the

Impersonating another person

Accepting assistance or providing assistance to another person
Disclosure of exam content including, but not limited to, web postings, formal or
informal test preparation or discussion groups, or reconstruction through
memorization or any other method
Possession of unauthorized items during the exam. This includes study
materials, notes, computers and mobile devices.
Use of unauthorized materials (including brain-dump material and/or
unauthorized publication of exam questions with or without answers).
Making notes of any kind during the exam
Removing or attempting to remove exam material (in any format)
Modifying and/or altering the results and/or scoring the report or any other
exam record

MapR Certification exam policies can be viewed at:


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

After the Exam - Sharing Your Results

When you pass a MapR Certification exam, you will receive a confirmation email from with the details of your success. This will include the title
of your certification and details on how you can download your digital certificate, and
share your certification on social media.
Your certification will be updated in in your profile. From your profile
you can view your certificate and share it on LinkedIn.


Certification Study Guide v.2.2016

Your certificate is available as a PDF. You can download and print your certificate from
your profile in
Your credential contains a unique Certificate Number and a URL. You can share your
credential with anyone who needs to verify your certification.

If you happen to fail the exam, you will automatically qualify for a discounted exam
retake. Retakes are $100 USD and can be purchased in only after youve
failed that exam.

Exam Retakes
If you fail an exam, you are eligible to purchase immediately and retake the exam in 14
days. Once you have passed the exam, you may not take that version (e.g., v.4.0) of the
exam again, but you may take any newer version of the exam (e.g., v.4.1).


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