Demographic Structure
Demographic Structure
Demographic Structure
A Masters Thesis
JULY 2006
I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and
in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History.
Prof. Dr. Halil nalck
I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and
in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Evgeny Radushev
Examining Comitee Member
I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and
in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hasan nal
Examining Comitee Member
Nuray Ocakl
M.A., Department of History
Supervisor: Halil nalck
June 2006
This thesis examines demographic structure and settlement patterns of Nibolu Sandjak
in the the last two decades of the fifteenth century. Seen through the data provided by
the Ottoman tax and population censuses (tahrir defterleri), the research shows the
demographic movements of native Christians in the sandjak and new settlers coming
from the Asia Minor. The thesis examines the presence of Turkic people in the region
from 5th century to the end of the 15th century. Based on the two 15th century icml
defters of Nibolu Sandjak, this study focuses on recovery of pre-Ottoman settlemets
and establishment of new Turkish settlements. Also this study criticizes the catastroph
theory of Hristo Gandev who developed one of the leading demographic theories of
Marxist Balkan historiography. The information we get from the icml defters does not
consistant with Gandevs Catastrophy Theory. Following the conquest of the region,
neither a quick Turkification nor a mass-Islamization was happened in the sandjak but
the secure and peacefull environment provided the infrastructure of these Islamizationa
and Turkification processes for the sixteenth century.
Nuray Ocakl
Yksek Lisans Tarih Blm
Tez Danman:Halil nalck
Haziran 2006
Bu alma 15.yyn sonunda Nibolu Sancandaki demografik yapy ve yerleim
dzenini incelemektedir. Aratrmamz blgedeki Trkleme ve slamlama srecinin
balangc saylan bu dnemde, Osmanl tmar kaytlarn ieren iki icml defterinden
elde edilen bilgiler iiinda, blgede beinci yzyla kadar giden Trk varlndan
balayarak onbeinci yzyln sonunda Osmanl ncesi yerleimlerin fetihten sonra nasl
tekrar canland ve yeni Trk yerleimlerinin nasl olustuu zerinde younlamakta,
sancakta yaayan yerli Hristiyan halkn nfus hareketlerini ve Anadoludan blgeye
gen Trklerin durumunu incelemektedir. Ayn zamanda bu alma Marksist Balkan
historiografisinin nde gelen teorisyenlerinden Hristo Gandevin Katastrof teorisini
eletirmektedir.ncelenen icml defterleri gstermektedir ki blgenin fethini izleyen
dnemde ne ani bir Trkleme ne de toplu bir slamlama grlmstr. Fetih sonrasnda
blgede salanan istikrar ve gven ortam on altnc yzylda ivme kazanacak olan bu
sreclere zemin hazrlamstr.
Thanks to God for everything giving me to start and complete this study. I am
gratefull to a number of people for their assistance and support in different stages of this
study. Working with Professor nalck who is the dean of Ottoman studies has been a
dream for me since the beginning of my graduate years in Bilkent University. I would
like to thank Professor nalck whom I am very indepted for supervising the thesis and
for letting me take benefit from his deep knowledge of Ottoman History. Then, I wish to
thank Professor Radushev who thought me defterology, siyakat and Ottoman Balkans
and he helped me in each stage of my study. Also I am very gratefull to all of the
professors in the department who shared their knowledge with us. Also I would like to
thank to professor Hasan nal to read my thesis and be one of the examining comitee
member in my defense.
Finally special thanks must go to my family, my beloved husband Sait and my
litte son Mehmet Berke. Without your constant support, love, cheer and smile, it would
be impossible to deal with the hard times and complete this study.
TITLE PAGE..................................................................i
APPROVAL PAGE.........................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION...............................1
2.1. Pre-Ottoman Turkish Settlement in North-Eastern Bulgaria
2.1.1. Bulgars................................................15
2.1.2. Kumans, Uz, Pecheneks, Tatars..........19
2.1.3. Gagauzes.................................................25
3.1. Pre-Ottoman Political Conditions.....................32
3.2. Pre-Ottoman Demographic Conditions
and Settlement Policies in the Region...............35
3.3. Ottoman Conquest............................................39
3.4. Turkish Setlement and the New Administrative
System in the Ottoman Balkans.......................46
VILAYET OF NIBOLU....................................................58
4.1. Ottoman Sandjak of Nibolu...............................61
4.2. Ottoman Social, Economic, and Military
System in the Sandjak..........................................64
THE NIBOLU SANDJAK................................................72
5.1. Bulgarian Historiography and Catastrophe
5.2. Settlement and Population in the Sandjak:
A General Look to the Registers.........................82
5.3. Population of Town, Village and
Mezraa Settlements.............................................90
5.4. Timars in the Registers.......................................101
5.5. Yrks................................................................110
5.6. Villages...............................................................110
5.7. Bogomils.............................................................114
Map1: Lofa and vraca Kazas...............................................131
Map 2: Trnovi-umnu-ernovi..............................................132
List of Mezraas:.......................................................................133
Table of Demographic and Financial data of Villages............134
List of Villages.........................................................................135
Ottomans considered the Balkan region in the south of the Danube as the area of
their sovereignity since the reign of the Bayezid I. Successors of the Bayezid I
kept the Danube as the northern border of the Ottoman lands in the Balkans.
Murad II was clearly following this notion when he obtained the commitment
from Hungarians not to cross the Danube in the treaty he made with them in
1444.1 In the reign of Murad I (1362-89), the lands of the Ottoman Balkans
emerged as a separate military and administrative region under the rule of a
Beylerbeyi. Mass immigration and settlement of Turks, especially nomads, to the
newly conquered Balkan lands occurred especially in the 14th century but the
immigration wave gained acceleration during the Timurs occupation of Anatolia
in the 15th century. North-Eastern Bulgaria, especially fortresses along the south
shore of the Danube played an important role in the struggeles between the
Christian world and the Ottoman state until the fall of Hungary. After the
nalck, Halil, Fatih Devri zerine Tetkikler ve Vesikalar I, (Ankara: TTK, 1995), pp.22.
conquest, In the 15th century, these depopulated and uncultivated lands were
repopulated by Anatolian yrks who migrated voluntarily or were deported.
Also native Christians came back to their old settlements during the peace period
after the Ottoman conquest.
Post-conquest demographic trends in the Ottoman Balkans can be
followed in Ottoman tax-registers (tahrir defterleri). These registers serving as
both military and administrative apparatus of the Ottoman state are mufassal
(detailed) and icml (summary) registers. These are valuable sources for
demographic researches to get an idea about the demographic composition as well
as being a good source of information for economic and social history of a
geographic area.2 On the other hand using these tax-surveys as a source of
demographic studies requires to be considered the deficiencies of the registers
because these defters were kept specifically to determine and meet the needs of
the timar system. They generally do not include detailed information about reaya
(subject people) having special status and privillages, reaya of pious endowments,
and different members of military class. For this reason researchers should
Ottoman tax-surveys has been used to examine various aspects of the Ottoman history but the
earliest Ottoman tax-survey in the Ottoman Archaives published by Halil nalck first in 1954 was
the prominent study and leading guide for the reaserchers on how these registers should be used.
See, Halil nalck, Hicr 835 Tarihli Sret-i Defter-i Arvanid (Ankara: TTK,1987). Also . L.
Barkan published many important studies on Ottoman tax-surveys and his publications are still
very valuable for reaserchers studying on the tax-surveys. See, Barkan Tarihi Demografi
Aratrmalar ve Osmanli Tarihi Trkiyat Mecmuas 10 (1951-1953): 1-26. Barkan, Research on
the Otoman Fiscal Surveys , in M.A. Cook (ed.), Studies in the Economic History of the Middle
East (London, 1970).
combine the information in these tax-surveys with other archieval sources.3 The
other important problem that a demographic reasercher working with Ottoman tax
registers faces is that these registers were kept for tax purposes. The measure of
taxable unit in the Ottoman system was not individual but hane (household),
which makes difficult to determine the precious demographic situation and
changing trends through years in settlemts. Size of hane in the Empire varied
region to region. The main reasons of these variations were different geographic
conditions, and culture social structure, and culture in these regions. Different life
styles such as nomadic, semi- sedentary or sedentary life have very determinant
effects on family size. On the other hand, geographic conditions such as
mountainous or plain lands and climatical conditions such as cold or warm
wheather conditions are the other determinants of the family size as well as life
For the problems in the use of the registers as a source and methodological problems can be
faced while interpreting the data in the surveys see, Heat, W. Lowry Ottoman Tahrir Defteri As a
Source for Social and Economic Histor: Pitfals and Limitations in Heat W. Lowry, Studies in
Defterology: Ottoman Society in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries (Istanbul; Isis Press 1992),
3-18. For more discussions about use of the defters as a source of economic, social and
demographic history see, Mehmet z, Tahrir Defterlerinin Osmanl Aratirmalarnda
Kullanlmas Hakknda Baz Grler, Vakflar Dergisi, 12 (1991): 229-239; Kemal iek,
Osmanl tahrir Defterlerinin Kullanmnda Grlen Baz Problemler ve Method Araylar, Trk
Dnyas Aratrmalar 97 (1995): 93-111; Bruce McGowan, Food Supply and Taxation on the
Middle Danube, Archivum Ottomanicum 1 (1969): 139-196.
style. For this reason demographical information given in these surveys would
rather consider as rough data giving approximate number of taxable population
and changing demographic trends in a region and in a period of time.
During the Soviet era, a nationalist historiography was dominated the
Bulgarian view of the Ottoman history. Marxist historians interpreted the
documents in the Bulgarian Archive with an ideological point of view. After the
fall of USSR in 1992, the door for more objective and comprehensive studies was
opened. The corporation made between Babakanlk Osmanl Arivi (BOA) and
Oriental Department of Bulgarian National Library (ODBNL) St. Cyril and
Methodius in Sofia gave reaserchers the chance to make more comprehensive
studies about Ottoman Bulgaria. On the other hand, contrary to the Balkan
historiography in the soviet era, some Turkish hisatorians made qualified studies
on economic and social history of the Ottoman Balkans during 1950s. Turkish
historians such as Barkan and Gkbilgin published their studies during 1950s
about demographic trends in the Balkans during the classical age.4 These works of
Barkan and Gkbilgin are still important secondary sources for studies on the
During the Soviet era, a nationalist historiography was dominated the Bulgarian view of the
Ottoman history. The documents in the Bulgarian Archive interpreted with an ideological manner
by the nationalist historians. More objective and comprehensive studies have been started to be
made after academic environment was freed from Soviet ideologiy and authority. The corporation
made between Babakanlik Osmanl Arivi (BOA) and Oriental Department of Bulagarian
National Library (ODBNL) Sts Cyril and Methodius in Sofia after 1992 gave reaserchers to
make more comprehensive studies about Ottoman Bulgaria. On the other hand during 1950s,
Barkan and Gkbilgin made important contributions to the literature of Balkan demography during
the classical age of the Ottoman Empire. . L. Barkan, Osmanl mparatorluunda Bir skn ve
Kolonizasyon Metodu Olarak Srgnler, stanbul niversitesi ktisat Fakltesi Mecmuas 11
(1949-1950): 524-269; FM 13 (1951-1952), pp.56-79; FM 15 (1953-1954), pp. 209-257.
Also the books of Tayyib Gkbilgin examined the demographic trends in the Ottoman Balkans in
detail. M. Tayyib Gkbilgin, XV. ve XVI. Asrlarda Edirne ve Paa Livas: Vakiflar, Mlkler,
Mukataalar, (stanbul: ler Matbaas, 1952);Gkbilgin, Rumelide Yrkler, Tatarlar ve Evld-
Ftihn (stanbul: Osman Yaln Matbaas, 1957).
Kiel, M.,The Trbe of Sar Saltk at Babadag- Dobruja, Gney Dou Avrupa Aratrmalar
Dergisi, 6-7, 1978, pp. 205-225; Kiel, Anatolia Transplanted? Patterns of demographic, Religious
and Ethnic Changes in the District of Tozluk 1479-1873, Anatolica, XVII, 1991, pp. 1-30; Kiel,
Tatar Pazarck: A Turkish Town Iin the Heart of Bulgaria, Some Brief Remarks on its
Demographic Development 1485-1874, X. Trk Tarih Kongresi, Ankara: 22-26 Eyll 1986,
Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler, Vol. 5 (Ankara: TTK, 1994), 2567-2581.
For the studies finding out approximate size for a typical hane for Anatolia and the Balkans see,
footnotes 177-181.
nalck, I.Murad, Trkiye Diyanet Vakf slm Ansiklopedisi (DA), (stanbul).
See, nalck , Edirnenin Fethi in Edirne Armaan(Ankara: TTK, 1964), 189-196.
udj begs and went to the Ottoman capital Bursa to sit on the throne. Lala ahin
captured Eski Zagra and Filibe. In 1366, Sultan Murad went to the Trace in order
to protect Ottoman lands in the Balkans and make new conquests. IN the same
year, Filibe became the udj center of Lala ahin who started the raids on the
direction of Sanakov and htiman. Tzar of Bulgaria Alexander made an allience
with Ottomans because Byzantine emperor wanted to capture the Bulgarian
castles Sozopol, Mesembria, Anchialos. Amadeo making an agreement with the
Bulgarian Tsar Alexandr captured these castles and gave them to the Byzantine
emperor, which ended the agreement between the Ottomans and Bulgaria in 1366
and Bulgarian lands were opened for the Ottoman invasion. The Sultan begun his
conquests in spring of 1368 and he firstly captured Aydos (Ates) and KarinOvas (Karnobad) because these fortresses were at strategic locations in the passes
on the Balkan mountains. Then Murad I conquered Sozopol, Pnar-Hisar, KrkKilise and Vize. These successes caused anxious in Byzantine and the emperor
Yuannis V went to Rome in 1369 so as to ask the pope for a crusade against the
Ottomans.9 On the other hand Ottomans continued conquests and in 1368-69 Kara
Timurta Beg captured Kzilaa-Yenicesi (Elhovo) and Yanbolu (Yamboli). Lala
ahin with his army captured Samakov and htiman and way of Sofia was opened
to the Ottomans. In 1370, Lala ahin won the Saryar battle and the people living
in Rila mountain region accepted to obey the Ottoman rule. After the Srp-Snd
Halecki, O., Un Emperor de Byzance Rome, Varshova (1930), pp. 169-212 cited by nalck, I.
Murad, DIA, p.5.
war in 1371, Turkish dominance started in the region.10 Inwinter 1372, Byzantine
became one of the vassals of the Ottomans.11 According to Ottoman chronicles12,
in June 1373, andarl Hayreddin Pasha and the Sultan were in Rumelia. Sultan
Murad stayed in Edirne and he gave order to Hayreddin and Evrenos to make
raids on Western Trace. He captured Buri (Pros), Iskee (Xanthi), Kavala
(Hristopolis) and Marulya (Maronia, Avret-Hisari). In 1375-76, Sultan Murad
went on a campaign on Bulgarian Tsar Shishman and the tsar accepted Ottoman
suzerainty.13 Kavala anasd Serez were captured in 1383 and Serez became udj
center. Turkish raiders were making raids on Serbian lands in 1381. Serbian
prince Lazar in Krueva got his daughter to marry to Bulgarian Tsar Shishman
and made an alliance with him against the Ottomans. When Lazar rebelled,
Bulgarian Tsar of Vidin, Sarac Stratsimir, and ruler of Kstendil, Constantin
Deyanovi was loyal to the Sultan Murad and they joined the campaign on Lazar
but Bulgarian Tsar Shishman and ruler of Dobrudja, Dobroti disobeyed the order
of the Sultan. Ali Pasha and Timurta Beg went on Bulgaria and Dobrudja. Ali
Pasha came to Shumen and made the city military center of his raid. Shishman
escaped from the Ottomans and moved his center from Silistre to Tirnovo and
from Tirnovo to Nikopol.14
Jirecek, Geschichte der Bulgaren, Prague (1876), pp.439, cited by nalck, I. Murad, DIA, p.
Against the Ottoman conquests, Europe disturbed and Pope was worried
about the possibility of fall of Constantinople. Also important ports in northern
Agean Sea and Adriatic Sea wanted Venice to be their guarantor against the
Ottoman threat.15 Avlonya in Albania accepted
developments was going to result Hungaria-Venice alliance and 1396 crusade and
Nibolu War.16 On the other hand, in 1391 Mircea, with the support of
Sigismond, conquered Silistra and Dobrudja and succesfully raided on the
akindjis of Karin-ovas.17 In 1393, Bayezid I took Tirnovo and Dobrudja and
Silistre were subjugated but Nikopol was still an important fortification of the
vassal Bulgarian State. Bulgarian king Shishman appealed to Sigismond, which
caused a new campaign of the Ottomans on the Balkans. Bayezid I invaded
Transilvania and made the battle of Arges against Mircea in 1395.According to a
document discovered by Professor nalck18 after the Arges battle Bayezid I came
to the fortresses of Nikopol, which was ruling by the Bulgarian lord Shishman
who was one of the vassals of the Ottomans paying tribute. When the Sultan
asked him to send ships Shishman fetched and behided the Ottomans.
Nibolu is the fortress famous with the battle fought between the
Ottomans and the Crusaders on 25 September 1396. Victory of the Ottomans in
the battle brought the vassalage of Wallachia that was a strategical ally of the
See Setton, K., M., The Papacy and the Levant 1204-1571, I-III, Philedelphia (1976)
cited by nalck, I. Murad, DIA, p.16.
For detailed information on conquest of Bulgaria see nalck,Bulgaria, EI.
Sthis document is in Topkap Saray Archives, Istanbul, no. 6374. For more information and a
summary of the document see nalck, Bulgaria EI Web ed..
western Christian world against the Ottomans. A relatively long peace period in
the region after the battle gave the Ottomans enough time to establish Ottoman
military, fiscal and administrational system in the these lands. Also the strategical
importance of Nibolu as one of the sandjak on the border periphery continued
during the later centuries. For this reason, besides the need of Tukish population
on the loosely populated lands of the sandjak as the basis of the Ottomans
permanency, establishment of Ottoman military, fiscal, and administrational
system in the region was crucially important for the purpose.
Ottoman archives in Istanbul and Sofia offer us a unique opportunity to
reach the earliest Ottoman tax registers and to analyze the processes of
repopulation, recovery, settling and system building in these lands. These icml
(summary) registers of Nibolu Sandjak are dated 147919 and 148320. Fromthese
registers we learn about timars, timariots, names of villages, status of reaya (such
as Muslim, Christian, hane, mcerred, bive, yrk etc.) and tax revenues, which
indicates that these are icml registers written by using the data in a mufassals.
The short time period between these tahrirs help us to examine and reveal the
quick and significant changes, alterations, and recovery in settlement and
population of the the region. Although there are some Byzantine practicas
(detailed population and tax statistics) for the other regions of the Balkans21, the
earliest written sources of the Nibolu region are the two Ottoman Nibolu
icmls. The first register is dated 1479 and it is in St. St. Cyril and Methoius
National Library, in Sofia.22 This survey is registered in the late years of Sultan
Mehmed the Conquerors reign and the defter consists of 60 pages but beginig
and end parts of the defter are missing. There is 19 zeamets and 220 timars are
registered in the defter. We dont know the information about why the tahrir was
made, names of the officials making the tahrir and the kanunname of the sandjak
ordering the special problems and cases of the sandjak in the missing beginning
part. Also the end part including records of wakfs (pious endowments) in the
sandjak is also missing. Although these missing parts limit our examination, we
can reach some other sources that can supply in the necessary formation about
kanunname and pious endowments in the sandjak. The oldest kanunnames of the
sandjak is dated the reign of the Sultan Suleyman I transcribed by .L.Barkan23
and the information about the endowments in the sandjak is given in detailed by
.H. Ayverdi.24 The second register that the study examines is again an icml
register whose beginning part and the end part is missing as well. Although this
defter is not dated, the paper of the register and its writing style indicates that the
defter is written early 1480s.25 Especially when we consider the hand-writing of
used by Heath Lowery to determine the average size of the Radilovos size of household in 1316
and 1341. For more information see, H., Lowery, Continuity and Change in Late Byzantine and
Early Otoman Society, ed. Bryer and Lowry.
ODNLB, Or., Abt., Signatur OAK., 45/29.
See, Barkan, ., L., XV ve XVIinci asrlarda Osmanl mparatorluunda zirai ekonominin
Hukuki ve Mali Esaslar. Cilt 1: Kanunlar (stanbul: Brhaneddin Matbaasi 1943).
Ayverdi, I., H., Avrupada Osmanl Mimari Eserleri : Bulgaristan, Yunanistan,
Arnavutluk, (stanbul: stanbul Fetih Cemiyeti, 1982).
ODNLB, Or., Abt., Signatur Hk., 12/9.
the ktib, we can see that it is very similar to a register written in the early years
of the sultan Bayezid IIs reign dated beginning of the 1480s.26 The other reason
led researchers to think such a close date to the 1479 register is that names of
many timariots and household numbers of some villages are the same with in the
1479 defters registers. All these indicate the date of the tahrir as early 1480s.27
For these reasons, while we are examining the second register, we assume the date
of the tahrir as 1483. These defters gave us information about names of timariots,
number of soldiers that the timariots have to train, names of the villages and
mezraas given as timar, the number of Muslim, Christian, yrk, and other
households living in the sandjak and timar revenues reserved for the timariots. In
addition the number of tax payer hane (household), mcerred (unmarried man),
and bive (widows) were registered in the defters. Besides these, we see some derkenars near the registers of some villages. These are explanations about any
change or renewal in timar holders or status of these villages. In addition, these
der-kenars are wrtten so as to underline a specific feature the villages and
mezraas such as hl (uninhabited), cultivated by yrks or given as timar to be
populated. Also in these registers, we see some other notes explaining that
inhabitants of some villages were registered in a village but they were living in
another settlement or some settlements that were derbend villages protecting a
mountain pass or a trade road.
institutions and, system the Balkans. The chapter four examines Nibolu sandjak
as one of the strategic sandjak on the Ottoman borderland along the south shore of
the Danube and the establishment process of Ottoman military, fiscal, agricultural
and administrative system in the region is analised . The last chapter evaluates the
the two Ottoman icmls dated 1479 and 1483, as sources of social history of the
15th century Nibolu sandjak. This chapter examines the changing demographic
trends, composition of the population, and settlement patterns in the short period
between the registers and criticizes the previous studies made on these icmal
registers of Nibolu.
Northeastern Bulgaria with the foothills and low mountain ridges to the
north of the Balkan Mountains constituted the historical hearth of the Second
Bulgarian Kingdom (1185-1279). This region, including along the coast of Black
Sea, had been a passage during the invasions of Turco-Mongol peoples such as
Huns, Avars, Proto-Bulgars, Pechenegs, Kumans, Tatar- Kipchaks during the
period between 5th and 13th centuries. Permanent settlements of these peoples had
formed the foundations of Turkic presence in pre-Ottoman times in the region.
The cultural, religious and administrative effects of the pre-Ottoman Turkic
settlements in the north-eastern Bulgaria are seen in Ottoman registers, achieve
sources and various chronicles. In this chapter, I am going to explain the
processes of Turkish settlements in the region. Firstly we are going to examine
pre-Ottoman Turkic presence in Bulgaria and secondly early Ottoman settlement
in northeastern Bulgaria such as dervishes, yrks, deportation and colonization in
the north-easterm Bulgaria.
Menges,K., H., The Turkic language and people:An introduction to Turkic Studies,Wiesbaden
(1968), p.19 cited by Tekin, T., Tuna Bulgarlar ve Dilleri(Ankara: Trk Dil Kurumu Yaynlar,
1987), p.1.
Mller, frag. Hist. Graec. Iv. 619 cited by Hrbek, I., Bulgar, EI WebCD ed., Brill Academic
Publishers 2003.
See Hrbek, I., Bulgar, EI WebCD ed.; nalck, Bulgaria, EI WebCD ed.
became a state
expanding on the the lands stretching in between Adriatic Sea in the west and
Agean Sea in the south and Danube in the north.
After the death of Symeon, serious internal and external problems
destroyed the social and political structure of the Bulgarian state. While
empowered feudal aristocracy struggling for being autonomous, having the help
and support of the Byzantine Empire, Serbians became independent. Also the
birth of the sect called Bogomil 37 and its spread between subject people revealed
the uneasiness in the society. Besides the internal problems, a new wave of
migration from the steppes weakened the Bulgarians control and dominance on
the lands of the state. In 972, the Byzantine emperor Johannes Tzimiskes I
conquered the capital city of the Bulgarian state and at the end of 1018, the first
Bulgarian state became one of the provinces of the Byzantine Empire.
During 150 years long Byzantine domination, Peeneks and Kumans from
the Russian steppes invaded the Bulgarian lands. These two tribal communities
gave a few dynasty and played role in the rebirth of the second Bulgarian Khanate
as a kingdom.38 At the end of the eleventh century, Tatars of Golden Horde
Khanate founded in the Russian steppes invaded Bulgarian lands. Ottomans in the
last quarter of the twelfth century concurred and settled in these lands. During the
next five hundred years, these lands became a part of the Ottoman Balkans.
Bogomil means the person who loves the God. Followers of the sect believe that people can talk
to the God without an intermediary, the priest. They were accusing the rulers with being cruel
towards their subjects. (see Todorov (1979), p. 25-26). Birth of Bogomilism, reasons behind
spread of the heresy, and beliefs of the sect aare going to be discussed in the section dedicated to
pre-Ottoman situation of the Nibolu region and siyuation of the sect and its followers is going to
be examine, while examining the information in the Ottoman registers of 1479 and 1483.
In 1185, the two Bulgarian feudal aristocrats Assen and Peter brothers carried out a rebellion
against the Byzantine Empire and the emperor Ishak Angelos II, as a result of the unsuccessful
campaigns on rebellions, signed a peace treaty with Bulgars in 1187 and recognized the setting up
the second Bulgarian State. After Assen and Peter, Koloyan reining the state established an
alliance with Papacy in Rome, which gave the first important result in 1204 when the pope
Innocence III declared him as the king of Bulgaria.However his alliance with Rome did not go
further because of the Crusades. Crusaders and Balkan feudal aristocracy struggled for supremacy
and power in the Balkan provinces of the Byzantine Empire and Bulgarian Kingdom took part on
the side of the Balkan aristocracy. For further information see Todorov (1979), p.29-33; Acarolu
For further information see Glubovski (1884) cited by Manof (1939), p.8-9 and lksal
of their neighbor Pecheneks and therefore, they had to migrate to the basin of
Carpathians in 889-892. From his book, we learn that Pecheneks still inhabited on
the plains located east of the Don River at the end of the ninth century and they
were powerful and populous enough to expel others on their way.40 After the
migration of Hungarians, bitter struggles happened between these tribes and they
divided into two groups. One of those was under the command of Tirah and the
second one was under the leadership of Kegenes. The second group of the tribes
was defeated by tribes under the command of Tirah and retrogrades towards
Danube41 and they inhabited southern Moldavia. Coming of Pecheneks to the
Balkans was nearly three hundred and fifty years later from the Bulgars. As it is
mentioned in Byzantine sources, as a result of the treaty made between the
Byzantine Empire and Pecheneks in 1048, Kegenes accepted the Byzantine
protection and took a position in the Byzantine administrative system. In the
following years, Kegenes was given the title, voyvoda (prince). Afterwards
majority of the tribes under his command accepted Christianity and they were
settled around Dobruja.42 The other group of Pecheneks under the command of
Tirah, passed the Danube and invaded Byzantine lands but after the sent of the
imperial army, they were defeated and taken under the Byzantine rule.43 Their
leader Tirah was converted to Christianity in Constantinople.44 Pecheneks were
Gy. Kldy Nagy, Magjar Madjaristan, EI WebCD Ed., Brill Academic Publishers 2003.
See Manof (1939), p. 9-10-11.
Mileti, L.,Peridiesko Spisanie (Mevkut Risale), sene VII, kitap 32, Sredets (1890) cited by
Manof (1939), p.10.
reek (1876), p. 575 cited by Manof (1939), p. Manof (1939), p.10.
Mileti (1905), kitap XXXII- XXXIII, s. 212, cited by Manof (1939), p. 10.
not different than other tribal communities in the steppes of Western Eurasia.
They were consisting of nomadic tribes. Pecheneks did not found a state or any
other form of political unity until they settled and were absorbed by other Turkish
or non-Turkish communities.
The other Turkic tribal communities coming to the northeastern regions of
the Balkan Peninsula are Uzs and Kumans. Some historians claim that Kumans
and Uzs are the group of tribes belonging to the same community.45 Kumans in
the middle of the eleventh century founded a state in the region between Volga
and Danube. As a result of Kumans invasions and pressures leading to the
westward migration of Uz tribes, Uzs passed the Danube and settled around north
of Dobruja, Deliorman and Black Sea region. Invasions of Uz or Oguz tribes
started in the second half of the 11th century. Although they defeated the troops
consisting of Bulgars and Rumanians, they could not be long lived in the Balkans.
A number of these tribes became subjects of the Byzantine Empire but rest of
them went back to the steppes and lived along the Russian border.46 In 1224,
following the defeat of the Russian-Kuman army by Mogol troops, these Uz tribes
living along the Russian border had to pass the Danube and settled in around
Dobruja where other Turkic peoples had inhabited for a long time.47 A number of
Christianized Uz tribes preferred to live along the shore of the Black Sea,
especially in Mahgalya, Kavarna, Varna, and Silistre. On the other hand, Kumans
defeated by Mongols settled in the Byzantine territory especially in Trace and
Cahen, G., Les Mongols Dans Les Balkans, Revenue Historique, 1924, p.55-59 cited by Ekrem
(1983) p.160.
Wittek, Yazijioglu Ali on the Christian Turks of Dobruja, in BSOAS, xiv (1952), 639-68
Ibid., p. 648.
Gographie, ed. Reinaud and de Slane, Paris 1840, 34, cited by Ibid.
Voyages, ii, 416; English trans. Gibb, ii, Cambridge 1959, 499, cited by Ibid.
given as timar but the sucessor of the Sultan Mehmed the conquerer.58 Also Arab
travelers give us valuable information about the Tatar settlements in north-east
Balkans, especially around Dobruja. The Arab historian Abdul Fida, in his book
Takvim-i Al Buldan, noted that the majority of the settlers of Tulcha around
Dobruja were Tatars. In addition, other Arab travelers Rukn al-Din ve bn
Khaldun wrote about the Nogays were living the northern Dobruja.59 The other
Arab traveler Ibn Battuta visited the Dobruja region between the years 1331-1335
says that the city of Babadag was under the rule of the Tatar Khan. The Arab
traveler Ibn Battuta was in the capital city of the Golden Horde Khanate, Saray, in
1333. He joined a caravan accompanied a Byzantine princess who was the wife of
a prince of the Golden Horde going to Constantinople. The caravan passing
through steppe of Kipchak followed the way of Dobruja and Bulgarian lands. bn
Battuta notes that the country from Itil (Volga) River to the town of Baba Saltuk
was the lands of the Tatars. Between the town of Baba Saltuk and the first
Byzantine fortress Yanbolu, he traveled during eighteen days through the land
which is unsettled and desperately drought.60
2.1.3. Gagauzes
In the northeastern part of the peninsula, Gagaues are one of the various
ethnic groups of the region. They are speaking a dialect of the Anatolian Turkish
but their religion, Orthodox Christianity, distincts them from other Turkish groups
in the region. Since middle of the fourteenth century, the homeland of the
Gagaueses was mainly the steppes stretching between the lower Danube and the
Black Sea, from the delta southward as far as the foothills of the Emine Dagh (the
easternmost chain of the Balkan range) and the city of Dobruja called by the name
of the Bulgarian prince Dobrotitsa.61 In the city base, they were living in the
southern and middle Dobruja, from Varna and Kaliakra towards Silistre on the
Danube.62 On the other hand, Gagauess were living as relatively small groups in
other cities and provinces of the north-east region of the Balkan Peninsula such as
Prevadi (Provadia), umnu (Shumen), Razgrad, Tutrakan, and the region from
Danube to Edirne.63
Historians have discussed the origin of Gagaues and a number of
hypotheses have been developed in order to clarify this issue. One of the
hypothesis is that Gagaues are the probably the descendents of Uzs well known to
the Russian chronicles namely Black Caps (Karakalpaks) adopted Orthodox
Christianity under the Russian rule in the eleventh century. On the other hand,
Bulgarian scholars consider the Gagaues as the descendents of the Proto-Bulgars
turkicized in the Ottoman period but they kept their religion as Orthodox
Christianity.64 Some other scholars claim that Gagaues are Anatolian Seldjuks
who had migrated to Dobruja under the Ottoman rule and they were Christianized
under the influence of the surrounding religious environment.65 The last but the
most probable hypothesis is the one which regards the Gagaues as descendents of
Anatolian Seldjuks came to Byzantine territory under the command of their
sultan, Izz al-Dins Kay Kaus as refugees. According to Wittek, the name
Gagaues came from the name of their leader Sultan zz al-Din Kay Kaus.
Under the rule of the Byzantine Empire, these Anatolian Seldjuks were
Christianized but they kept their language, culture, and traditions.
The discussions on the origin of the Gagauess are nearly ended after Paul
Witteks assertion of a comparative study of the original Turkish account of
Yazijioghlu Ali written in the pre- Ottoman period, in 1423 with the Byzantine
sources.67 According to Wittek, after the publication of T. Kowalskis careful
analysis of the Gagaues Turkish, it is proved that the Gagaues Turkish essentially
has southern, in other word Anatolian characteristics, which made the previous
hypotheses on the origin of Gagaues invalid68. Wittek completely rejects the
hypothesis that the Gagauess are Anatolian Turks who had immigrated into
Dobruja under the Ottoman rule and been subsequently Christianized there under
the influence of the surrounding population. Such a gradual apostasy from Islam
is not possible under the sultans rule. For this reason he concludes that the
conversion must be in the pre-Ottoman period, before the end of the fourteenth
century. In addition, Wittek also rejects the hypothesis that the Gagaues are
Bulgarian, Greek or Wallachian Christians adopted Turkish language under the
Ottoman rule. According to him, it seems very unlikely because of the
indicating opposite cases in the Balkans. Spread of Islam among the Balkan
peoples is combined with retention of the native language such as Muslim
Bulgarians (Pomaks), the Bosnian Muslims speaking Serbo-Croat, and the
Muslim Albanians.69
On the light of the achieve sources, linguistic studies and his comparative
study on Yazijioghlu Ali and Byzantine sources, Wittek concludes that the
ancestors of the Gagauess migrated from Anatolia in the pre-Ottoman times. The
account of Yazijioghlu Ali tells the story after the re-capture of Costatinople by
Michael VIII Palaeologos from the Franks in 1261. According to the account, the
sultan Izz al-Dins Kay Kaus II ruling the western part of the Anatolian Seljuks
sultanate felt himself threatened by both this brother Rukneddin ruling the eastern
half of the sultanate and the Mongol protectors. He, his family and his household
left Anatolia with of his navy. This account relates the Seljuk troops had come
with their sultan Izz al-Dins Kay Kaus II and their help to the emperor in his
Balkan campaigns. Then the account tells about these Seljuk troops, namely
Tourkopouloi, settled Karvuna (later named as Dobruja) and coming of the
For further information about the discussion see Wittek (1952), p. 658-660.
nomadic tribes that they belonging to. These tribes, with their religious leader Sari
Saltuk, were coming from Anatolia to Dobruja where Tourkopouloi were settled
on the Byzantine border in 1263-64.
region, two or three Muslim towns were set up containing 30- 40 Muslim
nomadic oba (clans) in Dobruja. 71 The function of these Turks, in the border, was
to be shield against the any attack could come from the north. Emperors
assignment of Izz al-Dins Kay Kaus and his followers to Dobruja was very
practical solution for providing a protection for the north border of the empire
where almost no-mans land between the Golden Horde Khanate, the Bulgarian
State and the Byzantine Empire.72 Also in the region generally known as
Karvana Land73 many Turkish tribes supplying soldier to the Byzantine army,
were living but they could not be taken under the control of the Empire. The
emperor Mihail VIII Paleologos enfeoffed the sultan of the Seljuks zz al-Dins
Kay Kaus as the leader of these Turkic peoples including Christan Turks in the
Karvuna region where zz al-Dins Kay Kaus founded an independent Oguz state
whose religious authority was the exach in Karvuna dependent to the Patriarch in
According to the account of Yazijioghlu, after some time, the emperor
feared from the Turkish tribes come together under the roof of the Oghuz state
See Wittek (1952), p. 659 ; P. Wittek also deals with the account in his article Wittek (1934) and
more fully in Wittek (1948).
Wittek (1952), p.648.
See nalck, Dobruja, EI WebCD ed., Brill Academic Publishers 2003.
We learned the name of the region as Kavarna from the document that Arsen II gave the to
the merchants of Raguza. Manof (1939), p. 20.
founded by zz al-Dins Kay Kaus. The Emperor sent the imperial army to be
killed and imprisoned their leaders. Although the army was partially successful in
killing or imprisoning some of the tribal leader, zz al-Din Kay Kaus with two of
his sons were liberated and brought to Crimea by the Khan of the Golden Horde,
Berke Khan. The Muslim subject of the sultan zz al-Dins Kay Kaus living in
Dobruja was also taken under the protection of the Muslim khans of the Golden
Horde, Berke and then his successor Noghay. The Muslims of Dobruja were
transferred to the steppes with their religious leader Sari Saltuk. However,
according to Gregoras, a number of the Turkish soldier coming from Anatolia
with zz al-Din Kay Kaus stayed in Kavarna region were baptized and enrolled in
the Byzantine army.74 On the other hand, two of the sultans sons with their
mother who was the relative of the Byzantine emperor were received land with a
feudal position and deported to Verria (Karaferye) in Macedonia. One of the
Seljuk princes stayed in Verria and the other one went to Constantinople.
According to Yazijioghlu, after going of the Sultan to Crimea Turks who were
still Muslims are said to immigrate to Quarasi in Anatolia. On the other hand, the
Turks of Dobruja having already been Christianized joined to the son of the
Sultan zz al-Din Kay Kaus deported to Verria. It astonishes that contrary to his
followers Christianized in Dobruja, the son of the Sultan zz al-Dins Kay Kaus
died as Muslim and his grandsons were not Christianized until the coming of the
basileus to Salonica.75 Also Yazijioghlu adds this note that when the Sultan
Bayezid I, concurred Verria in 1385, he see that the grandsons of the Seljuk
dynasty still were living there. Bayezid I deported them from Verria to Zikhne in
eastern Macedonia. The eldest son of the family, Lizaqos was enfeoffed as
subashi, which was incredible to obtain such a position for a Christian.76 In
addition during the reign of the sultan Bayezid I, Lizaqos renewed their diploma
of timar and he was exempted from pay poll-tax.77 These Christian Turks were
still in Zikhne until the end of the Ottoman Empire.78
On the other hand, Muslim Turks under the protection of Berke Khan
came back to Dobruja with their leader Sari Saltuk in 1280s. Until his death at the
beginning of 1300s, Sari Saltuk was the head of the Turks in Dobruja. After Sari
Saltuk, Muslims of Dobruja returned to Anatolia because of the harassment of the
Bulgars princes in 1307-11
Turkish tribes remained in Dobruja elected Balik as their chief and established a
despotate in Dobruja. After Balik, his brother Dobrotic reined the Oghuz state
(1357-1386). Since his reign, the name of the region Karvuna Land called
Dobruja or Dobrotic Land.80 The last ruler of the Oghuz state before the
Ottoman conquest was Yanko (or Ivanco). Yanko could not be successful against
the Sultan Bayezid I and the Christian Oghuz state became one of the Ottoman
suzerains in the Balkans in 1398. 81
Since the independent Oghuz state in Dobruja, these Turks and Turkic
peoples were under the religious authority of the Patriarch in Constantinople,
which was not changed during the Ottoman rule in the region. Just after the
conquest of Constantinople, the Ottomans recognized the Patriarch as the
religious authority of the Orthodox Christians without discriminating nationality.
On that view, the Gagaues must be recognized as one of the Christian
communities dependent to the Patriarch. There is evidence relevant to which from
the year 1652 concerning the decision of the Patriarch to give authority over all
towns and villages to the local bishop instead of to the exarch in Karvuna.82
Dobrucenska Biblioteka, no:1, p. 35, Sofya cited by Manof (1939), p. 25; Zajaczkowski, W.,
Gagaues, EI WebCD Ed., 2003; rechek, Istoria na Bulgarite, p. 410 cited by Manof (1939), p.
Zajaczkowski, W., Gagaues, EI Web Ed., 2003.
Emona.83 In 1371, Tsar Ivan Alexander was died. His sons Ivan Shishman and
Sratsimir split the Tsardom of Tirnovo. As Ivan Shishman kept the larger part of
the lands, Sratsimir set himself as the ruler of Vidin independent from his brother.
In the reign of the Sultan Murad I, Byzantine Empire, both Vidin and Tirnovo
Tsadom and many Serbian lords in Macedonia became the vassals of the Ottoman
State.84 Just after the death of Ivan Alxander, Ottoman army defeated the Serbian
army in the battle of Maritsain Trace. The Ottoman Sultan Murad was married
to the sister of Ivan Shishman, Tamara, which was expected to strengthen the
alliance between the Ottomans and the divided Bulgarian Tsardom but after the
defeat of the Battle of Plotnik against the Serbians, Bulgarians took part on the
side of the Christian coalition formed by the local lords under leadership of the
Serbian king Lazar and did not response to the Ottoman Sultan who called
Bulgarian vassals to support him. In the winter of the year 1388/89 the Sultan
organized a march on the Bulgarian vassals under the command of the grand vezir
Candarli Ali Pasha to conquer the lands of his vassals breaking the alliance. These
political developments prepared the conditions of the Ottoman conquests of the
On the other hand, the other important development in the region was the
emergence and quick spread of a new heresy, Bogomilism, which widely accepted
by local people who preferred doctrine of the heresy to Christianity that they saw
as the cultural and religious tool of the Byzantine dominance in the region.
was not dated, it is thought that the letter could be written in the period 940-950.
In the text, King Peter informing the patriarch about the new heresy in Bulgaria
defines it as Manichaeism mixed with Paulicianism 87 and asked his guidance to
deal with. In the reign of Peter, Bogomilism is first taught in Bulgaria by the
priest Bogomil. This information is confirmed by a 13th century Bulgarian
Document, the Synodicon of the Tsar Boril
supporters in Bulgaria. One of the reasons behind this support was the strong
opposition of Bulgars against Christianity that they perceived as the symbol of the
cultural and religious domination of Byzantine on the Bulgarian Khanate and as a
serious danger for their freedom. The other reason behind the stubborn resistance
of Bulgarians to be Christianized was that they tried to keep their traditional
beliefs, such as shaman religious rituals as the symbol of their distinctive culture,
to protect themselves from assimilation against Christian Byzantine and pagan
Slavic culture. For this reson, Ottoman rule welcomed by local people and
Ottomans did not face any serious public resistance in the region.89
When we consider the political conditions of the pre-ottoman Balkans in
the 14th century, we see that local authorities replaced the Byzantine dominance in
the region and the handover the ruling power. Sometimes these local dynasties,
too, divided as in Bulgarian case. For this reason, Ottoman expansion towards the
west did not faced with any strong opposition in the region. In provinces, the
feudal lords and local dynasties ruling these feudal states became the holders of
the large military and monastic estates by increasing their tax exemptions and
various privileges in expense of the Byzantine authority. The unavoidable result
of this process was the creation of various independent local regimes in the
region. Also the other result of this change in the concentration of the power from
central to local was the increase in tax and labor burden on the peasants.
The case of Cyprus is a good example for the attitude of local people against the Ottoman rule.
See, p.27 and footnote 79.
of who had been Christianized. When the Ottomans conquered these lands,
Greeks along the shore of Blacksea, Bulgars in the inner side of the region, and a
group of christianized Anatolian Turks coming under the command of the sultan
of Anatolian Seldjuks zz al-Dins Kaykaus were living there. Also, other groups
of Turks and Turkic peoples coming from the steppes of the north such as
Kumans, Uzs, Pecheneks, and Tatars were inhabited in the region. Before the
Ottoman conquest, a small number of households were living in Dobruja. During
the century following the Tatar invasion, political conditions had not been stable,
until the 13th century when Dobruja became the Tatar land. Although the region
was a strategic borderland, security problems and continuous exposure of the
invasions made the settlement structure in the region very loose. The region had
been started to colonize by Anatolians before the conquest. Especially dervishes
of heterodox Islamic sects and their followers had settled in the western Dobruja
known as Deliorman.
Before the Ottoman conquest, as one of the methods of conquest,
Ottomans gave the way to colonizing derwishes and to be established many
religious pious endowments such as tekkes and zaviyes in the reagion. Many of
these zaviyes were founded on uninhabbited lands and they played important roles
in opening these lands for settlement. They were derwishes who were members of
mystical religious orders and carrying out missionary activities and holy war
(djihat). According to Barkan90, the main function of zaviyes was to organize the
For detailed information and more examples see, Barkan, (1988), p.133-143.
foundations. One of these examples is the zaviye founded by Es-seyyid Ali known
as Kzl Sultan (Kzl Del)93 in Dimetoka. The villages of Tatar Viran and
Tatarlk were bestowed with the mlkname given in 804/1401. These villages
were recorded as property of the Kzl Sultans zviye which was a foundation
serving to the travellers accommodating in these villages. These were derbend
villages and had been founded by Tatars. After the coming of Kzl Sultan with
his dervishes, these villages became populous and the number of household
reached 58 Muslim and 23 non-Muslim.94 In the same way, we see the other
village named as Derviler in Nibolu become populous after the establishment of
Ibid., 136.
Barkan, (1942), p.279- 386.
Ibid., p. 293.
Vakf-I evlad-I Kzl Del
Mezkr merhum Kzl Del diyr-I Rum li eref-I slmla merref oldukta bile geb zikrolan
karye-I Byk Viran ve karye-I Dar Bk ve Tirfill Viran Sultan Yldrm Han aleyh-irrahmet- velgufrn hududu ve snruile temlik idub sene-I erba ve semane mie tarihinde
mlknme-I erif ihsan buyurub mazmun-I mnif-I latfine Tanr Danda Daru Bk ve Byk
Viran ve Tirfill Viran hududu ve snr ile mezkr Kzl Delye virdm ki kimesne dahl
eylemeye dey kayd olunub merhum Kzl Deldahi vakf-I evld idb sevalif-I seltin-I hkaniyeI Osmaniye dahi rahimehmullh teal aletteakub her biri emr-I mezkr I mehuru musaddak
ve mstahkem dutub ahkmna ahkm vci-bl-kabul erzan klmlardr. Ibid., Tapu Kadastro
Umum Mdrl 526 numaral Edirne Evkaf Defteri, Registeration No: 173, p. 339.
a zviye. The uninhabited village was getting populous and in the reign of the
Sultan Sleyman I, it became a village consisting 45 households.95 Also the other
function of zaviyes was providing security in uninhabited places such as
mountain-passes and trade roads. Krlk vllage n Simav, Kurunlu iftlii in
Karaman Kayas-Manisa, and Palamut village in Manisa were good examples for
the settlement function of zaviyes.96 The long period of war and social disorder in
the Balkans during the pre-Ottoman period led to population decreases that may
have not been recovered by the population brought from Anatolia. In this
situation, the other possible source for the new settlers was the Tatars living in the
north of the Black Sea. In fact the history of the Tatar settlement is older than the
Ottoman presence in the Balkans. During the reigns of Cingiz Khan and his sons,
Tatars of the northern steppes were settled in the Balkans. In the Ottoman
registers, we see Tatars settled in the time of the Golden Horde Khanate
consisting of a considerable part of the southeastern Europe.97 According to
Gkbilgin, the four groups of Tatars recorded in the Ottoman tax registers in 1543
that were Aktau, Trhala, Yanbolu, and Bozata. During the invasion of Timur in
1400s, they came to the Balkans under the command of Aktav Khan. These
groups of Tatars passing through Eflak and Danube were settled in Edirne and
Filibe regions.98
Ibid., Nibolu Evkaf defteri, No: 611, Registration No: 181, p. 341.
Barkan (1988), p.141-142.
A village named as Erbuz Ata in Edirne was noted that this village had been endowment since
the time of Cingiz Khan. Ekrem, (1983), pp. 160.
Gkbilgin (1952), p. 17.
tax exemptions or even timars in order to turn them into employees of state.99 As a
result of these developments, we see that the Ottomans emerged as a Balkan
power since the earliest conquests in the region. In addition, Ottomans being
sensitive not to violate the well-functioning institutions of old system in the region
and they adopted the military organization of peasant soldiers called voynuk or
voynik used as the complementary military forces and martolos served in
fortresses in military organization of the Serbian Empire of Stephan Dushan..
Besides the protection of the Orthodox Church and its pre-conquest organization,
the method integrating the newly concurred lands to the Ottoman system with its
proper institutions provides a gentle and quick adoption to the new system. 100
On the other hand, Ottoman methods of conquest played an important role
in the success of the Ottomans in the Balkan region.101 Although the Gaz holy
war was the fundamental principle behind the Ottoman conquest, the Ottoman
state rose as an empire protecting the peasant population Muslims or Christians.
Gaz intended to subdue the infidel world, drlharb. In the Islamic law, life and
property of Christians and Jews are guaranteed on the conditions that the agreed
to central authority and paying poll-tax. Also they eliminated the native military
aristocracy whenever they resisted. At the same time, the Ottoman empire
emerged as a Muslim state and at the same time as the protector of the Orthodox
Church and millions of Christians living on the vast lands of the empire stretching
from Hungaria to deserts of the Middle-East and north Africa. In that sense before
See nalck (1957); nalck (1973), p.7; nalck(1969), p.5. , Barkan (1953-54) 239-329;
Barkan, (1955-56) 193-347;Barkan (1964), 1-117.
Atsz,(1949), p. 123.
See nalck (1967), p. 6.
Cobham, C., D., Excerpta Cypria, (Cambridge: 1908), p. 92, cited by ibid.
luck under a new master, even offered them provisions and gave them the fullest
information as to the position of affairs and the condition of the island.
In fact, by taking the advantage of the Byzantine civil war and conflicts
between Byzantine and Serbians-Bulgarians, the group of gazis from Anatolia had
already been started to cross to the Balkan lands. Ottoman conquests in the
Balkans were carried out from the three wings: Left, right and center. After the
conquest of Edirne (Adrianople) in 1361, under the command of Gahzi Evrenos
the progress was continued on the right wing, on the direction of Ipsala,
Gmlcine, Serez, and Salonica. The Ottoman progress went on the way of Filibe
and Sofia on the center, and Zagra, Karinabad, Dobruja, Silistre on the right. The
sub-division of the frontier regions as left, right and center is considered as in
accordance with old Turkish tradition.106 On the other hand a chain of political
events in the region prepared the appropriate conditions for the Ottoman
conquests and settlements to the Balkan lands. After the death of the Serbian
emperor Stephan Dushan in 1345, his empire was disintegrated. The necessity of a
powerful ally for the Byzantine against the internal and external threats led
Byzantine to the Ottomans. The leader of Ottoman principality Orkhan married
the daughter of the emperor John Cantacuzenos and became the ally of the
Byzantine Empire. When the second civil war broke out between the emperor
Cantacusenos and Ionnes Paleologos V, Orhan taking the side of Cantacuzenos
sent a contingent of ten thousand cavalries under the command of Suleyman
Pasha in return of taking the Tsympe castle. The Ottoman cavalry defeated the
military forces consisting of Serbian- Greek soldiers in 1352, which is the corner
stone of the Ottomans passing to and settling in the Balkans. Although the
emperor Cantacuzenos tried to take the castle back by offering to pay gold,
Ottomans postponed reaching any compromise until taking the advantage of an
earthquake happened in Trace in 1353. After the migration of the Byzantine
subject affected from the natural disaster to the cities whose fortifications were
not desperately ruined, Ottomans repaired these fortresses especially Galipoli and
Tzimpe Castle and colonized Anatolian Turks in these lands, which was the
beginning of the formal passing and the permanent settlement of Ottomans in the
Balkans in the mid of the fourteenth century. The Balkan conquests of Suleyman
Pasha until his sudden death in 1357 included Migalkara, Ipsala, Vize, Tekfur
Daghi, Seyyid Kawaghi, Bolayr, and Galipoli.
The second stage of the conquests were carried out in the reign of the
sultan Murad I. Bulgarians were became one of the vassal states of the Ottomans
besides the kinship founded between them as a result the marriage between the
Sultan Murad and the sister of the Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Shishman. However the
peaceful period was ended when the tension between Ottomans and Serbians
became higher as a result of Ottomans defeat in the battle of Plotnik. Bulgarians
took place on the side of the Christian coalition and did not joined the Ottoman
army, when the sultan Murad called the Tsar Shishman who was responsible to
participate Ottoman campaigns as a Ottoman vassal. In the winter 1388, the
Sultan Murad planned a campaign against his disloyal vassals, Bulgarian king
Shishman, ruler of Dobruja Ivanko, and the Serbians. As the first step of the
campaign, Ottoman army occupied the Bulgarian state under the command of the
grand vizir Chandarli Ali Pasha. According to Neshri107, from Edirne
(Adrianople) to the south shore of the Danube was the land of Sosmanos
(Shishman) who is the son of Alexander and beyond the northern shore of the
Danube was the land of Eflak. The fortresses of Susmanos (Shishman) were more
than thirty and the names of these fortresses, mentioned by Neshri, were including
Prevadi, Trnovi (as the capital of the Bulgaharian Kingdom), Nika-boli (Nikopol
or Nibolu), Kosova and Silistre.108 There are some views in national
historiography of the Balkans in 19th and 20th centuries considering the Balkan
conquests of the Sultan Murad I as bloody and barbaric. For instance, according to
Todorov109, following the conquest of Tirnova, noble and rich families were
slaughtered and thousands of people and many families were forced to migrate to
Anatolia. In addition, the Ottoman central authority decided to deport some of the
people living in Tirnova to the west and the clergymen of the city to Macedonia.
On the other hand, there are detailed stories of the Balkan conquests in the reign
of Murad I in the chronicles of Neshri and Ruhi giving us very detailed
Prepared by F.Reshit Unat and M. A. Kymen, Kitab- Cihan Nm: Ner Tarihi c.I.
The other fortresses are enge, Madara, Vefen, Dobri, Meka, Efleka, Gzke, Krapene,
Kirastava, Eski stanbulluk, um, ernoz, Migloc, Eymenoz, Yrk-ova, Ton-Birgoz, Zit-ova,
Nkesri, and Traka. Neshri also notes that majority of these fortresses are on the shore of the
Danube. See Unat and Kymen (1949), p. 245.
For a Bulgarian view of the Ottoman conquest see, Todorov (1979), p. 42-44.
continued with the capture of Silistre and southern Dobruja113, Zit-ova, Nikopol
and Varna conquered. Exemplary for the political situation of the time was that in
almost all cases, the local inhabitants came to the Ottoman camp to bring the keys
of their strongholds.114 The chronicles of Neshri and Ruhi gave us very detailed
information about these conquests and their chronology.115 The lands of the
Bulgarian State were completely conquered in 1393 in the reign of the Sultan
Yldrm Bayezid, which was the second stage of the Balkan conquests of the
For further information about these conquests see Unat and Kymen (1949), p243-265;
Uzunarl, (1978); Babinger (1944), p. 29-35.
Fil hal Timurta olu Yahi Beyle be bin er seb, Prevadiye gnderb eytdi: cehd it ki
Prevadiyi bir hile idub alaydun, ola m ? didi. Yahi Bey dahi fil-hal gb, Prevadiye azm
ittler. Gelb iline konmak istediler. K gn idi. Kar yaard. Hseyin Bey atlar souktan
esirgeyb, niin geldklerin bilmeyb, Ta-Hisara koydi. Bunlar kalay feth idb Paaya bearet
gnderdiler. Ertesi gn Paa Prevadiye gelb kalaya girub, kalann iine er koyub, mezzinler
ezan okuyub, namaz kldlar. Ve Paa oradan gb Veene kond. Kala halk dahi Paann
geldiin gricek, kalann kilidin getrdiler. Andan ertesi Madaranun ve umnunun dahi kilidin
getrdiler. Andan irtesi Paa, varup umnu kaasn girub, hisarlar berkitti. Unat and
Kymen (1949), p.245-246.
Sosmanoz un tahtgh zerine gelb, konub, kfir dahi anun kilidin getrdiler. Ibid, p.255.
Rivayet olunur ki, Paa umnda birka gn oturduktan sonra kalkub Dobrucaya gelb,
kffar kilidin karu getrdiler. Ibid.
Kiel (2005), p.16-17.
for further information about these conquests see Uzunarl, (1978) cited by lhan (2003), p.
51; Babinger, F., Beitrge zur Frhgesch. der Trkenherrschaft in Rumelien, Munich 1944, 29-35.
ruled the Balkans. After the Ottoman conquests, the mass migration of nomadic
tribes, peasants, dervishes, and esnaf from Anatolia, was an organized and
centrally directed demographic movement. The simultaneous development in the
new lands with the demographic movement was introduction of the Ottoman
administrative system, which provided the needed infrastructure for the massmigration of yrks and Ottoman military organization in the region. In fact, three
main purposes can be defined as the basis of the Ottoman settlement policy. The
first purpose was to provide sanctuary and the economic means to ensure the
survival of the population in central and western Anatolia that was getting more
and more populous as aresult of the continuous migration from the east. The
second purpose was to disperse the unruly and the unorthodox Kizilbashes and to
settle them in areas away from their religious centers in Eastern Anatolia and Iran.
The third purpose was to guarantee the security of the Ottoman State in the
Balkans.118 Ottoman conquests were not an invasion but a planned process, which
was sometimes completed by internalizing them into the Ottoman administration.
The local lords reassigned in their own lands as the timar-holders and they were
taken under the state control. Hence, Ottomans created a strong military force, the
Janissary crops, which was the first standing army in Europe. After the conquest,
generally the conquerors were sensitive to keep the institutions and organization
of the old system. With a detailed register, the Ottoman central authority became
familiar with the new lands and the new subjects. On that view, it can be said that
while settling in the conquered lands, Ottomans put a conservative policy into
practice and adapted the religious institutions, status of social classes,
administrative divisions, taxes, local administrative traditions, and military
classes.119 Ottomans abolished seigniorial rights, privileges, and the feudal
ownership of arable lands as well as monasteries to set up a strict control on the
state-owned agrarian lands. Also, Ottomans made adjustments about the tax
burden on peasants and except some symbolic traditional taxes inherited from the
old feudal system120, a fixed tax called resm-i ift levied in order to make the tax
burden on peasants reasonable.121 Also compulsory labor services of the peasants
to the landlord were commuted to a fixed tax of 22 aspers (20 aspers equal 1
kurus) called resm-i ift (plough tax).122 The study of M. Maxim on Ottoman
archive documents about Ibraila, a port of Danube located in Romania, gives a
good example for the more advantageous and fairer tax system of the Ottomans
compare to the local feudal tax system. When Maxim compared the tax and labor
burden in principalities of Eflak-Bogdan and the Ottoman state, he sees that tax
and labor burden on the Ottoman lands seem very reasonable. For this reason,
time-to-time peasants of neighbor Balkan principalities migrated to Ottoman
towns including Ibraila because legal status and living conditions of peasants were
better on the Ottoman lands than in these principalities.123 The other example
given by Professor nalck indicates the more reasonable tax system of the
Ottomans. In his study examining the Ottoman policy and administration in
Cyprus, nalck gives a table comparing the tax burden on peasants of Cyprus
before and after the Ottoman conquest.124
(Slavic name
of the Resm-I
Tithes (ashr) From 1/6 to 1/3
new- For mules 60 akcha
born animals
For colts 25 akcha
For calves 5 akcha
For lambs 1 akcha
Salt Due
5 akcha
Vineyard Due
For the adaptation of the Ottoman system in these lands and establishment
of the Turkish settlements, Ottomans needed to either eliminate or internalize the
native military classes. According to a view in the Bulgarian historiography, the
military aristocracy of the pre- Ottoman system was either deported or
assimilated. The dominant classes of the Ottoman Balkans consisting of Turkis
cavalries in provinces called sipahi, high ranked members of military class, and
government officials concentrated in the capital city, stanbul.125 On the other
hand, studies made on the Ottoman tahrir registers show that besides the necessity
See the article of Dimitrov (1987) reviewing the book of Petrov (1962); Todorov (1979), p. 46.
nalck, Rumeli, EI WebCD Ed., Brill Academic Publishers 2003.
Wittek (1936), p. 315 cited by nalck (1995), p. 139.
Kimi Tatar ve kimi Trkmendir.imdiki halde Rumda olan Trkmen ol tayifedendir. Ask
Paa Zade (1929), p. 6, cited by Gkbilgin (1952), p.16.
lksal (1966), p. 20; Evliya elebi, Seyahat-name, Istanbul 1315, v. II, p. 134-146, cited by
lksal (1966).
nklap Ktphanesi, M. Cevdet Yazma Vesikalar, O.89, cited by Gkbilgin (1957), p. 18.
nalck (1986), p. 42
the meaning that the person performsthe action as away of life.This word was
used as a financial and administrative term in the Ottoman system that reffers to
all group. Yrks136 were generally concentrated in the borderlans, mountains and
rugged regions because the central governments of Asia minor and Iran, as a
systematic policy, had led and forced them to live these loosely populated regions
in order to prevent them from giving harm to cultivated lands, which was the main
sourse of the tax rervenue. The main purpose The basic study on the settlement
of nomads on the newly conquered Balkan Lands is Barkans article Osmanl
mparatorluunda bir skn ve Kolonizaston Metodu Olarak Srgnler. 137 Some
scholars claim that the first settlements of the nomad Turkish tribes in the Balkans
were in the reign of the Sultan Bayezid I and they gave a record from Muhiddin
referred by Leunclavius. In this record, it is said that the Christians fearing the
Turks escaped and Anatolian yrk around Saruhan were deported to Serez and
Vardar valley.138 Etymologically Turk, yrk or yrk supposed to be the same
and the two different forms of the one word) This record became the basis for
claims of some other scholars such as Wilhelmy stating that the first yrk
deportation was in the reign of the Sultan Bayezid I
this migration continued.140 The other scholar used the same source as the basis of
his claims was Oberhammer.141 After the Ottoman conquest, migration of Turks
from Anatolia subsequently started and policies for Turkish settlement put into
practice because of the overpopulation as a result of the continuous mass
migration of nomadic tribes, missioner dervishes with their families, their
followers and landless peasants coming from the east. The migrations from the
east had been lasting since the 11th century. Athough the number of nomadic
tribes was continuously increasing in central and western Anatolia, the grazing
grounds taken hold by these tribes for seasonal migration was limited. For this
reason, before the conquest, Ottoman central government had already started to
led the nomadic tribes to the depopulated lands of the Balkan region. The mass
migration to and Turkish settlement in the Balkans accelerated with the Timurs
occupation of Anatolia in the 14th century. The fear from Mongolian invasion
resulted with a new wave of mass migration from Anatolia to the Balkans and
moving of the Ottoman capital from Bursa to Edirne. The Turks coming from
Anatolia densely populated Trace, Eastern Bulgaria, the river valley of Maritsa
and Dobruja.142 This was a result of the Ottoman strategy undertaken during the
15th and 16th centuries in south of Danube and Dobruja in order to strengthen the
Ottoman presence in the region. In fact, the chosen of the yrks to be settled in
the newly conquered lands in the Balkans is very purposeful, when we consider
the needs of the Ottoman central government and conditions of 14th centurys
Anatolia and the Balkans. Nomads, compare to sedentary people, tend to migrate
and they can quickly adopt themselves to new environment and natural conditions
in new lands. For this reason they were very appropriate settlers to create and
strengthen the Ottoman-Turkish presence in the newly conquered lands of the
Balkans. In addition, Turkish tribes possessed an organizational structure and
discipline that were conductive to perform military functions on the borderlands
and in their settlement places. 143 For this reason nomads had an important role in
an organized and well-adopted Ottoman settlement in these new lands.
When we are going through the names of villages in the Ottoman
registers, we can see many tribe and place names from Anatolia. In Ottoman tax
registers, although there were many villages having Slavic names, we see many
names indicating Anatolian origin such as Danishment, Sarukhanlu, Mentesheli,
Simawli, Hamidli. Also, names associated with Ottoman military and
administrative system such as Doghanjilar, Aknc, Einli Kadi, Pasha or the
names of dervishes, zaviye and pious endowments such as Dusthur Dede,
Kutbuddin, Mumin Dede, Tekye, Han Dede are very common in these registers.
In addition, when we consider the Turkish settlements in the Balkans we see that
the new Muslim settlers did not mix with the native Christian population and they
found new settlements called Yenice (new) near these Christian villages such as
Yenice-i Kebir, Yenice-i Muslim, Yenice-i Sagir.144 The Bulgarian scholar
Jirecek, without underlining the yrk origin of the first Turkish settlers, define
them as the descendents of the Turkish conquerors in the early Ottoman times.
For why nomads were preferred to be settled in the newly conquered lands see nalck (1994),
p. 34-35; ahin, Emecan, Halaolu (1989), p. 25; Gkbilgin (1957), p. 14.
For the Slavic and Turkish names of villages see Ayverdi (1982), v. IV, especially p.46-125.
Also Jirecek adds that although these settlers having nomad origin kept their
traditional way of life in both Anatolia and the Balkans, they were sedanterized.145
The other scholar underlies the Anatolian yrk origin of the Turks living in the
Balkans is Cvijic. One of his study including Ottoman archive documents about
the ethnic geography of Macedonia, he states that the Turks of Ofluca were yrks
coming from Anatolia.146 Ak-paa-zade states these migrants as not yrk but
ger evler (migratory households) coming from Karesi to around Galipoli in
1355.147 The same source mentions their migration to Hayrabolu and joining the
gazis fighting there.
Different than the notion of yrk in Anatolia, the term, yrk, gained a
new meaning in the Balkans, as a military class in the Ottoman army, in a few
centuries. According to Truhelka, yrk were not stated in the two kanunnames
(the code of laws) written before the Balkan conquests but in kanunnames of the
two military organizations founded in the reign of the Sultan Murad II, sipahi and
acemi olan, yrk organization roughly mentions. 148 For this reason, the general
opinion on the issue of yrks and their military organization in the Balkans is
that the integration of yrk into the Ottoman administrative and military system
starts with the Ottoman presence in the Balkans. In fact, the yrk organiztion
mentioned with a few sentences in the Kanunname of the Mehmed II (the
Conqueror) gain importance in a few centuries and in the reign of the Sultan
Suleyman I (the magnificent) yrk kanunnames defining their status and their
military and financial responsibilities were written
The first register about the migration of yrks belongs to the time of
Sultan Murad I in 1385. According to the record, yrks from Saruhan were
deported to Serez. Also, Ahmet Refik informs us that we know these yrks of
Saruhan settled in Belgrad and Akehisar from the timar registers and these
defters registers in the reign of elebi Mehmet.149 Also Evliya elebi mentions
that after the conquest, the Sultan Bayezid I colonized Dobruja with yrk
deported from Anatolia and Tatars called for from the north of the Black Sea.150
Number of Ocaks (1543)
Prevadi Silistre Varna umnu ernovi Trnovi
Yrks of
Yrks of
Tanr Da
Yrks of
The town of Nibolu was found by Heraklius (ca. 575- 642). The name,
Nibolu, is the Ottoman Turkish form of the Byzantine town called Nikopol. The
Byzantine Nikopolis was called Nikopolis Major to distinguish it from Trajans
Nikopolis and Nikopolis Minor that was near the Rumenian town of Tornu
Magurele on the north bank of the Danube.151
military importance because it was a trade center and one of the primary military
posts. Nikopol was the command holding over the Osma and Aluta, which were
Danubian arteries respectively reaching central Bulgaria and Rumania. The town
was established on a naturally fortified tableland. The city was situated at such a
position that there were plains at the south, the Danube at the north, and at the
east, the road that was connecting the inner Bulgaria with the river.
The borderline area along the Danube with its strategic importance had
been realized since the second Bulgarian Kingdom (1185-1393) and this strategic
importance had been a determinant factor in settlement policy of both Bulgarian
Kingdom and the Ottoman State. The borderline following the Danube was
reaching to the mouth of the Yanta River. The importance given to the borderline
was determined by the need of security for the capital city Turnovo and important
roads that were crossing the passes on the Carpathians and Stara Planina.152 In fact
a defense system on borderlines was a familiar military system since the Roman
Empire. We see the border guards as milites limitanei in the Roman empire and as
acrites (from a Greek word - end, border) in the Byzantine Empire, which
was an institution for the territory by a populace with specified defense functions
located along the border periphery.153 When the Seldjuks conquered the eastern
Anatolia, the advancement could not go further from the central Anatolia because
of the Byzantine defense system consisting of a numerous armed forces, acrites,
which the Turkish warriors faced with. However sultan of the Seldjuks, after the
conquests in Anatolia, established a system of defense and a military
administrative structure in the new lands, which was known as uc or udj system.
The udj system was a military system along a defense line in borders. The beylik
of the Ottomans was a part of the udj system on the borderline and after gaining
independence in 1299, Ottomans successfully transferred and adapted the system
to the Balkans during the process of the Balkan conquests in the early Ottoman
times.154 For the Ottoman peripheral organization, Danube was a natural barrier
against hostile attacks of the European enemies and Danube was the border
between Ottoman State and Wallachian Principality. The main part of the udj was
located in Nibolu and along the south bank of the Danube. Besides the
fortifications of Zitovi and Gerilec, Ottomans designed Nibolu on the south and
Turnu Nikopolis on the north (Wallashian) bank of the Danube like Anadolu and
Rumeli Hisar on the both side of the Bosporus.155 Although the principality
became one of the vassal states of the Ottomans, Wallachians participation of
anti-Ottoman unions of the West and attacks coming from this border-line always
created serious dangers that required a powerful udj organization in the border.
On the Bulgarian territory, an udj defence system was organized on the right bank
of Danube with principal garrisons in Vidin and Nibolu. Along the Danube,
military garrisons were located in these fortified centers and functions of the
centers during the period of hundred years had very crucial for the existence and
durability of the Ottomans in these lands. In fact, the reason behind the enormous
importance given to the border periphery was that power of the Ottoman state was
depended on the constant expansion of its land, which was vital not only in terms
of military organization and its success depending on more soldiers and more
lands to feed them but also for the problem of growing population as a result of
continuous migration waves of nomadic Turkic tribes from the east.
On the other hand, in the context of pre- Ottoman population and
settlement in the sandjak, existence of villages inhabited by members of Christian
heresies is the other interesting issue. Among the settlements of Ottoman Nibolu,
existence of the Bogomil settlements indicates that although the Orthodox
patriarchate had been attempting to deal with the heresy and to stop its spread for
For more information about the fortifications and Ottman military organization in the
fortifications of Nibolu see, Radushev (1995), p.148.
centuries, Bogomilism, since its first appearance in the 10th century156, was a
religious sact still actively performing its religious practices at the end of the 15th
century. Bogomilism was a dualist approach to religion and they believed that
God has two sons, the Devil and Christ. The Devil is the elder brother of Christ,
an intermediate spirit and a secondary God who created the material world.
Because of these beliefs, Bogomils perceived the material world as inferior and
they condemned the worldly activities leading to pleasure and bringing people
into close contact with the material world such as marriage, eating meat and
drinking wine.157 Although they were seen as heretics and ostracized by either
eastern or western Christian world, they were still a part of the religious and
cultural mosaic of the Ottoman Balkans as well as sandjak of Nibolu at the end
of the 15th century. In the 15th century Ottoman registers, we can distinguish them
from Orthodox Christian settlements with the names of their villages mentioned
as Pavlikn such as Orean-i Pavlikan, Brestovice-i Pavlikan.
Especially Bayezid
wanted to prevent Venices aims on Morea but Palaelogi, Theodore, and Manuel
turned against the Ottomans and sough help from the Christian West, especially
Venice conducting activities in Morea. On 3 June 1395 Bulgarian king Shishman
was seized and executed. These continuous attacks to the lands in the north of the
Danube caused the Hungary-Venice alliance and became a motive in the Catholic
world for a new expedition. Most of the Catholic countries joined the campaign
against the Ottomans and the crusade army consisted soldiers coming from
France, Burgundy, England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Wallachia,
and Transylvania. The crusade armyunder the command of Sigismund seized
Vidin and Rahova and besieged Nibolu from the land and the fleet of VenetoGenoese blockaded the city from the Danube. Sultan Bayezid I lifted the siege of
Constantinople and he brought Anatolian soldiers with soldiers of the vassal states
together in Adrianople (Edirne). Going through the Shipka Pass, the army came
to the valley of Osma and set the camp on the southern hill seeing the plain of
Nibolu. The battle was ended with the victory of the Ottomans on 25 September
1396. Results of the victory were very important for the Ottoman conquests in the
Balkans. Following the victory, Greece was conquered and Wallachia became one
of the Ottoman vassals. The disappointment weakened the resistance and alliance
of the Christian world against the Ottomans, which gave the Ottomans a time
space to establish a powerful political, demographic and military infrastructure in
the lands of the Ottoman Balkans.
When we consider the settlement history of the Nibolu exposed many
invasions from the north and devastating effects of many battles and wars for
centuries. After the invasions of the Pecheneks and the other steppe region during
late 10th and 11th centuries, life in the northeastern plains of medieval Bulgaria
nearly ceased and pre-invasions urban population escaped to mountains. After the
invasions both fortified Prevadi (Provadija) and umnu (Shoumen) were the most
vivid centers in the settlement history of these lands. Prevadi was closely followed
by Trnovi, the capital of the second Bulgarian Kingdom (1185-1393), or by
ernovi (Cherven) on the Rusuk (Rousse or Russenski Lom).159 There are many
rock-cut grotto churches around these urban centers built in the 13th and 14th
centuries and in the villages surrounding them, which are contains good examples
of medieval Bulgarian art such as fresco paintings and inscriptions in oldBulgarian. These findings prove that the villages with Slavic names and Christian
inhabitants as mentioned in the oldest preserved Ottoman tahrirs of the area are
going back to these pre-Ottoman centuries.160
For the ethnic and administrative consequences of the Ottoman conquest in Bulgaria see Ibid.,
., O -
- In: 1300 - . 1. c., 1981 (From Bulgarian
Feudalism to Ottoman Socio-Economic Structure), p. 221, cited by Radushev (1995), p. 141.
the conquest incorporated the borders of the divided Second Bulgarian Kingdom:
the kingdom of Shishman as Nibolu sandjak, kingdom of Ivan Stracimir as Vidin
sandjak, and including the south-east part of the Shishmans kingdom, the
independent Dobruja state as Silistra vilayet.163 On the other hand slight changes
were needed because of some strategic and military reasons but these changes
were made more than two hundred years after the first conquest. Ottomans should
have provided the security of not only the border along the Danube but the capital,
Istanbul, in case of any attack from the northern Europe. One of the examples for
the new division is Russe. Until the second half of the 16th century Rusuk
(Russe) region (in the Ottoman registers the castle is recorded as Yerggi Ber
Yaka) was a part of the nahiye-i ernovi in the Nibolu Sandjak. Rusuk was
either a control and militarily defense point on the Danubian border or a
strategically important fortification on the way between the northern Europe and
the Ottoman capital, Istanbul. Also Rusuk as one of the four castles of the
defense system (umnu, Varna, and Silistre) along the northern border of the
Ottoman state was providing control in case of any attack coming from the north,
which could threaten Edirne and the Ottoman Capital, Istanbul.164
According to Ottoman registers territory of the central-northern Bulgaria
was divided into these kazas165: Nibolu (Modern Nikopol as the center of the
sancak), vraca (Vratsa as its center), Lofa (the town of modern Lovech as its
center), Trnovi (the town of modern Veliko Tarnovo as its center), umnu
(modern Shoumen as its center), and ernovi (the modern village of Cherven, in
the district of Rousse). Besides these, we see smaller centers such as Rahova,
ibri, Reslec, Nedeliko, Plevne, Kuruna, Kieva, zladi, Zitovi as nahiyes. The
medieval ports and fortified centers along the Danube such as Nibolu, Zitovi,
Tutrakan, and consequently Rusuk (Giurgiu or Yergg ) on the right bank of
the Danube became parts of nahiyes and towards the end of the 15th century kadi
centers as well. The town of the old capital, Trnovi, also secured its leading role
in internal division among the central nahiyes such as Tuzla, Sahra, and Hotali.
In the west Lofa, Ivraca, Resle, Nedeliko, and Kuruna were distributed among
the vast kazas, and also to Plevne that had already became a kaza.166 Many of
these kazas and nahiyes were recognized as the kaza centers where the internal
division into nahiyes was carried on Tirnovi, umnu, ernovi. Many other kazas
and nahiyes were unified or divided to provide an appropriate infrastructure for
the Ottoman administrative and military system. For instance, in the west, the
nahiye of Karalom was formed out of ernovi, as well as the vast kaza of the
future Hezargrad (Razgrad) and the kaza of umnu was internally structured into
During the 14th century, Nibolu was taking place at the region where was
the battle-field of the military struggle between the Muslim Ottomans and the
Catholic Europe. In 1388-89, Ali Pasha quickly raided Bulgarian lands and
Ibid., p.67.
specifically Aydos and umnu became the headquarters in 1389. Nibolu was on
the Ottoman peripheral border and it was the fortification where the Ottomans
defeated the crusaders in the famous battle of Nibolu in 1396.
Until the
conquest, the struggle between the Ottomans and the Wallachians resulted many
attacks to the fortified towns along the right bank of the Danube, which created a
serious uneasiness and led to migrations from the region.
Until the crusade of Varna in autumn 1444, conquest of the Bulgarian
kingdom ended and Sishman was executed. The crusade led to heavy destruction
in the area and many important settlements were deserted. Among them the
capital of the Dobruja Principality, Kaliakra that was one of the towns of
Shoumen, and many smaller castles such as Madara, Petri, and Galata near Varna
can be mentioned. Archeological discoveries indicated that umnu existed until
the second half of the 15th century but then the town with the fortresses was
destroyed by fire and attacks and the old city of umnu was not rebuild again.168
After the destruction, a town was built in the plain below the ruins of the old
citys castle and it existed until mid-eighteenth century as a small town.
When Ottomans conquered the lands of the Bulgarian Kingdom, they
came across a well-established settlement structure. This system had been set up
as a result of a process of occupying economically, geographically and militarily
the best locations of the area and this process had lasted during the times of
second Bulgarian Kingdom. When Ottomans came to these lands, Bulgarian
towns and villages had already enjoyed the most convenient settlement
conditions. Some of these Bulgarian settlemets are mentioned Kitb- Cihannm
of Mehmed Ner. Ner mentions that these settlements are more than thirty three
and he mentions twenty four names: enge, Prevadi, Madara, Vefen, Dobri,
Meka, Eflek, Gzke, Krapene, Kirastava, Eski stanbulluk, umn, ernoz,
Migloc, Eymeneboz, Kos-ova, Yrk-ova, Trnavi, Nik-bol, Ton-Birgoz, Zitova, Nkesri, Traka, and Silistre.169 The other hand, when the Ottomans
conquered these lands there had already been a land system 170 and there was not
any reason to to revolutionize the functioning system. Ottomans made a synthesis
of the Islamic and local practices and adapted local administrative traditions into
the Islamic land system. According to these icml registers that we examined,
during the last two decades of the 15th century, a well-designed military and
administrational system was established in the region. Taxable sources of the
sandjak were carefully kept in these registers including unsettled villages and
newly populated lands.
When the settlements in the 15th century Nibolu Sandjak are examined,
we saw many mezraas as much as villges. Although mezraa and village have
similarities, each of them has distinguishing features. According to nalcks
definition171, mezraa or mezra or ekinlik in Turkish, means arable land, a field and
it designates a periodic settlement or a deserted village and its fields. In the
Ottoman regulations, a mezraa was required that it be checked whether the place
had a village site in ruins, its own water supply and a cemetery172 These piece of
lands having fixed boundaries were called metruk, abandoned land. While
regisering newly populated villages and mezraas it was noted as haric-ez defter
added in order to indicate the status of these settlements.173 ift-hane
was the basic of the re-organisation of the use of the arable-lands in country side.
In principle, the owner of all arable lands was state. According to the Islamic law,
conquered lands were common property of Islamic state.175 ift-hane system has
thee basic elements: a married peasant (hane), acertain unit of land (iftlik) and a
farm workable by a pair of oxen. These elements were forming the basic unit of
the Ottoman fiscal and agricultural system. In such a system, a iftlik should be
large enough to maintain the peasant-family, to yield sufficient surplus to be able
to pay taxes, and to cover reproduction costs. The peasant households cultivating
and managing a piece of agrarian land was a farm unit since the late Roman
Empire. The peasant family unit was called as colonus in Roman, paroikos in
Byzantine and raiyyet in Ottoman system. This family unit remained the basic
cell of the rural society for tousands of year. Arable lands were mr , which
means under state ownership, which strengthen the governmet control on these
lands and maintained the system as the basis for the agrarian and fiscal
According to the law-code of Mehmed the Conqueror the total amount paid instead of these seven
services was 22 aka. See nalck (1959), p.581.ocann bulgularna referans ver
After the general information given about the demographic trend, town
and village-mezraa type settlements and their populations, this study focuses on
specific characteristics of the sandjak located on the Danubian borderline of the
Ottoman lands. cml registers includes names of timar holders as well as villages
and mezraas in timars, the number of Muslim hanes, non-Muslim hanes,
mcerreds, and bves, the number of cebel (armed soldier) that the timar holder
should train and maintain, and timar revenue. cml registers skip many details
such as names of the reaya (peasants), names of cemaats (religious groups), types
of economic activities that various taxes were levied on. There are mufassal
(detailed) registers of the Nibolu sandjak in the Ottoman Archaives but these
belong to the later centuries. In our futher studies, these registers are going to be
examined and historical progress and changes are going to be analyzed. When we
consider the records in 1479 and 1483 icml registers of Nibolu, we see that
there were 247 Christian, 68 mixed, 29 Turkish villages and 12 mezraas180. In the
15th century Nibolu sandjak, Turkish villages and mezraas were 12,2 % and
In fact there were more mezraa than the Appendix E included but this study takes the mezraas
either recorded in both registers or having a distinctive feature that should be taken into account.
Also the other interesting case that a settlement in the 1479 register had been recorded as mezraa
became a village in the 1483 register is included in the list of settlements in Appendix E.
mixed villages were 11,9 % of total number of villages and mezraas. On the other
hand, during the last two decades of the 15th century, at the rate of 75,9 % of total
villages were still consisting of purely Christians. According to his analysis of the
same registers, villages and small settlements of the sandjak were entirely or
predominantly settled by Turkish colonizers who replaced the native Bulgarian
population in the region181 but the information in these registers that we are reexamining exhibits a totally diffrent and opposite settlement and popullation
structure in the sandjak.
collection of icmal and cizye registers in National library of Sofia since 1933,
political conditions of the 20th century in Bulgaria prevented researchers from
making studies based on not only pure theory but also archive sources interpreted
objectively. In Bulgarian historiography, the Ottoman conquest has been accepted
as the period of destruction and disappearance of the old Christian-Bulgarian
culture and the Ottoman period has been believed as the responsible for the weak
economic structure and backwardness of the country. This view is known as
catastrophe theory developed by Hristo Gandev. Until the recent times,
Gandevs book was one of the important reference book on historical demography
of Bulgaria. In his book, Gandev examined Ottoman tahrir registers kept in the
Sofia National Library and analyzed settlement system in 15th and early 16th
century Bulgaria.183 Gandevs theories on mezraas and demographic losses has
been discussing since 1970s. The study arouse interest and translated many
foreign languages and used as a reference source in studies on the region.
Until the recent years, Ottoman conquest and domination in Bulgaria were
depicted with mass enslavement, deportation, seizure of towns, fortresses, villages
and settlements of Turks in these towns and villages. Besides the demographic
thesis, there were claims of mass Islamization campaigns carried out viciously by
the central government. These claims were based on 17th century- local sources184
stating the Ottomans second siege and conquest of the old-Bulgarian capital
Gandev, H., The Bulgarian People During the 15th Century: A Demographic and Ethnic Study,
Sofia Pres, Sofya (1987).
For more information about Bulgarian historiography see, Kiel (2005), p. 15-16; Pundeff,
Tirnovo in 1393 in a very pathetic and exaggerated way which has been a deep
influence on Bulgarian historiography.
The Catastrophe Theory of Gandev used mezraas as an instrument to
measure the extent of destruction caused by the Ottoman conquest. 185 According
to Gandev, invasion of the Ottomans in the lands of the Bulgarian Kingdom was
bloody and devastating for the native people. Also the clashes during 130 years
after the first conquest of the region between Ottomans and forces of Christian
allies worsened the situation in the towns and villages on the periphery along the
right bank of the Danube. Seizure of the fortresses, towns, and villages meant
burning, plundering, and destruction. The process accompanied by the settlement
of Turks in towns and villages.186
settlements in Ottoman registers, one should not ignore the vast literature of the
deserted villages (Wstungen) in Europe.187 According to Gandev, the mezraas
expanded into villages in a short time indicates that mezraa lands were not empty
plots but sizeable village lands that could feed villages having an average number
of household, which was 40 households for 15th century Bulgaria. On the other
hand nalck defines mezraa as arable land, a field and it designates a periodic
Kiel(2005), p.18.
Gandev (1987), p. 18.
For a comprehensive overview of the deserted villages in Europe, see Villages Dserts et
Historie conomique XIe_ XVIIIe siecle, cole Pratique des Hautes tudes, VIe Section, Paris
1965 with detailed studies about Wstungen in Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece,
Italy, Norway, Poland and Spain. A detailed map of the deserted villages in Germany is given by
H. Pohlendt, Die Verbreitung der mittelalterlichen Wstungen in Deutschland, 1950. For a
statistical research including a mass of numerical data see, W. Abel, Die Wstungen des
ausgehenden Mittealters, Stuttgart 1955.
permanent residents but tilled small plots of land that brought timar holder a small
profit between 20-100 ake.193
Mezraa was an important part of the timar system because the uninhabited
lands were granted to timar holders, officers, and dervishes (Muslim clerks) to
populate in order to guarantee tax revenues collecting by timar holders to fulfill
the needs of their military service. According to Gandev, Bulgarian peasants did
not take part in the policy of populating these uninhabited mezraas. They worked
in the arable lands in mezraas but did not settle permanently and they continued
their life in their own villages.194 Christians and yrks tilled parts of the
mezraas seasonally but they did not permanently settle. Gandev concludes that the
several isolated number of the mezraas expansion into village with a considerable
number of households show that the mezraa land was not some plot, but sizeable
village land area capable of feeding some 40 households were typical of the
average population density of 15th century Bulgarian villages. Thats why the
conclusion that the mezraa were lands of uninhabited and destroyed villages.195
The other conclusion Gandev reaches that the Turkish conquest gravely
affected small land-owners and their populations. Some of them disappeared but
some others were kept just their names and facilities of the settlement as the
center inhabited by the 10-20 households. There were some upward shifts in
population of some villages but Gandev considers these increases in population of
Christian villages as rare and adds that the reason behind the upward shifts in
Ibid., p.29.
Gandev (1987), 30.
Ibid., p. 32.
population was giving shelter to refugees from nearby areas.196 Some other
villages and small settlements were entirely or predominantly settled by Turkish
colonizers who replaced the Bulgarian population who had been living in the
region.197 According to his theory, a part of the Bulgarian population was
converted to Islam and settled in towns and villages in Asian provinces of the
Ottoman lands in order to meet need of craftsmen and labor for the growing state
and military necessities. These policies led to an economic stagnation in the
region. Agricultural and crafts production sharply decreased. The feudal titles
and state taxes, high profit of foreign traders, all together, created a serious
impoverishment among the Bulgarian citizens.198 Also Gandev claims that
Muslim Turks and the Islamized Bulgarians were settled in economic and cultural
centers as well as big cities of Ottoman Bulgaria. Gandev underlines the religious
reasoning behind the motive that infidels had to be killed, enslaved or forcibly
converted to Islam was a holy war promoted and advised in the Kouran. The
fifteenth century was the beginning of the mass Islamization. The deBulgarianized villages were quickly Islamized because the majority of the
population was deported from the country and the rest of the population mixed
with the Turkish migrants and many them converted to Islam. For this reason
Gandev claims that probably three fouth of the Turkish citizens in Bulgarian
towns and some one fourth of the Turkish peasants in the Bulgarian countryside
are of Bulgarian ethnic origin.199
Ibid., p. 165.
For more information about the change of life conditons and their results on epidemics see,
Proceedings of the International Conferance on Historical Population Studies, (Harvard
University, 1966), pp. 165-167.
times are considered, there are many fluctuations and up or down shifts in the
population are seen.
When one would like to analyze population structure in the Ottoman lands,
the related material in the Ottoman archives will provide valuable information
about the demography of the pre-industrial society not only in the near and middle
east but also in the Eastern Europe.
For the previous works and discussions on the Otoman demography see Erder (1975); Erder
(1979); Cook (1972); slamolu-nan, (1987); nalck (1978); nalck (1986).
multiplier as 4.5.
Coale and Demeny.206 According to the results of the study, all multipliers
estimated are confined to relatively narrow range varying between 3 and 4.
When a hane multiplier is determined for Ottoman Nibolu in 15th
century, we should consider that at that time settlements of Anatolian Turks were
limited. On the other hand, although the vast majority of the population in the
sandjak was native Christians, Anatolian nomads, yrks, were the most populous
Turkish-Muslim group on the lands of the sandjak. When the unstable political
conditions, continuous wars, and uneasiness in the region during the pre-Ottoman
period is considered, the hane multiplier of the native Christians living in Nibolu
during the last two decades of the 15th century might have been in between 3 and
4. However because of the appropriate living conditions in Anatolia and the life
style of Turkish nomads depend on human resource to be maintained, hane
multiplier for the Turkish population of the sandjak is probably higher than 4. The
higher hane multipliers for Anatolia were estimated by Barkan and Cook. When
cooler climatic conditions of the northern Bulgaria is considered, it can be thought
that the household multiplier might be lower than in Anatolia for the new Turkish
settlers of the sandjak. For this reason while examining the population in the
sandjak, the household multiplier is going to used as 4,5, which is an average
value of family size for both Muslim-Turks and native Christians living in the
Cook (1970).
Shorter (1968): 14-16, cited by Erder (1975): 297.
For a detailed information on the natural conditions, environment, and types of settlement in
Mediterranean Basin see the first chapter of the Braudel (1972).
For general studies on the Balkan Population see, Todorov (1970; Todorov (1983);Barkan
(1964); Moacanin (1989).
See, Figure 2. This figure does not include muafs form avarz.
population of Muslim mcerreds, 0,1%, was higher. The higher rate of Muslim
mcerreds can be explain as an indicator for migration of young Turkish settlers
coming from the Asia minor in order to find new lands to settle. During 13th and
15th centuries, the continuous population movements from the Asia minor towards
the west was a result of the population pressure coming from the east of the
Anatolia and the sharp demographic increases in the westwern regions of Asia
minor. There were an ongoing migration of nomadic Turkomans to the frontier
zone in western Anatolia, which was the main reason behind the population
pressure led the nomads to the west during the period 1260-1400. The significant
result of the population pressure was increasing discrepancy between the
population and economic resources.210 Since the early times of the Ottoman state,
society was consisting of immigrants, pastoralists, nomads, jobless soldiers,
landless peasant youths seeking new lands to settle and a new life on the frontier.
This migration movement encouraged by the Ottoman government because
increase in tax revenue depended on peasants settled on empty lands to cultivate
and pay tax. As a reflection of these demographic developments, during this
period, it is expected that the rate of unmarried men among the Turkish
immigrants was high in Ottoman Balkans.
For more information about the population pressure, westward migration in early Ottoman
times see, nalck (1994), p. 25-37.
Figure 1
MH: Muslim Hane (Household CH: Christian Hane (Household) CW: Christian Widow
O: Others 1: 1479 2:1483
turfification nor islamization. Population of the sandjak at the last two decades of
the 15th century was still predominantly Christians.
Figure 2
Muslim 1479
Muslim 1483
of Muslim-Turks (9.2 % in 1479 and 8.2 % in 1483) indicates that the native
Christian population dominantly inhabited in towns211.
Figure 3
MH: Muslim Household, MU: Muslim Unmarried Men, CH: Christian Household
CU: Christian Unmarried Men, CW: Christian Widow1: 1479, 2:1483
On the other hand, when we examine the Figure 3 depicting the changing
share of town population in total population, we see that the rate of Christians
living in towns went down in the period between the two registers. The two
categories of people, Christian mcerreds and Others, had mentioned in the town
population in 1479 register but they appeared in the town population of 1483
register. This change in population structure can be interpreted as a result of lower
death rate during the peace-period after the Ottoman conquest and migration of
For the % of Muslim-Christian, mcerred- bve or Others in town population, see Figure 3.
Anatolian nomads looking for a new life and lands for themselves.212 The small
number of Turkish households in towns in 1479 had been most probably
consisting of government officials such as sancakbeyi, suba, kadi, yenieri.
Our examinations of the general ethno-demographic situation and ethnic
combination of town population recorded in 1479 and 1483 registers indicate too
different, some times totally controversial results with Gandevs interpretations on
the same registers.213
Figure 4
% Town Population in Total Population
11.4 8.9
MH: Muslim Household, MU: Muslim Unmarried Men, CH: Christian Household CU:
Christian Unmarried Men, CW: Christian Widow1: 1479, 2:1483
For more information see, Mezraa EI WebCD ed., Barkan (1943), p. 53, 133, 190.
For further information about the pre- Ottoman waves, population and settlement conditions
the region see nalck, Dobrudja EI WebCD ed., 2003; nalck, Balkans EI WebCD ed. 2003;
Zacazkowski, Gagaues EI WebCD ed. 2003; ahin, Emecan, Halaolu (1989), 23-26.
Figure 5
% of Village Population in Total Population
MH: Muslim Household, MU: Muslim Unmarried Men, CH: Christian Household
CU: Christian Unmarried Men, CW: Christian Widow1: 1479, 2:1483
Anatolia217 during mid 13th century to 15th century. If we consider the increase in
the Turkish population in all categories including hane, mcerred, and Others, the
continuous migration from Anatolia to the Ottoman Balkans can be seen
Figure 7
In the total polulation of the sandjak, combination of Turkish settlers living in the
pure Turkish settlements change significantly in the time period between the two
registers. As it is depicted in the Figure 7, the number Muslim hanes and Muslim
mcerreds living in pure Turkish settlements increased in the 1479-1483 period.
Although there are 10 % increase in the Muslim households, there was more than
43 % increase in the rate of Muslim mcerreds living in these settlements.
For the westward migration from the east to Anatolia see, p. 59 and for more information about
the migration from the east and Asia minor see, footnote 183.
Contrary to hanes and mcerreds, the settlers in the category of Others decreased
in the pure Turkish villages and mezraas. As we see in Figure 4, population in the
category of Others preferred to move from rural to urban areas.
When we consider the population profile of the pure Turkish settlements,
we see in Figure 8, the only category whose share increases in the total population
of the Turkish settlements is Muslim mcerreds. A parallel trend can be observed
for Muslim mcerreds in Turkish villages and mezraas (with 3.5 % increase) as
well as for the Muslim mcerreds (44 % increase) in the total population of the
sandjak. When we think about the reasons behind the increase in both Muslim and
Christian mcerreds, we can consider this trend as an indicator of a general
population increase in the sandjak.
Figure 8
Mezraas are one of the interesting and most controversial issues for the
researchers studying on the two icml registers. Mezraa issue with its creation,
depopulation and repopulation have been discussing since the publication of the
book of Gandev in 1972.218 Gandev used the term, mezraa, for deserted or
depopulated Bulgarian villages. According to Halil nalck, mezraa or ekinlik in
Turkish, means in general arable land, a field; as used in the Ottoman survey
registers; it designates a periodic settlement or a deserted village and its fields.
This type of lands are occasionally called matruk yer, abandoned land.219 On the
other hand, the other Bulgarian historian Radushev emphasises that creation of
mezraa could be assumed that Ottoman troops, Ottoman colonizers and groups of
colonists settled in the deserted villages which had been or were to be declared
mezraa and occupied the livable houses, productive lands and convenient
watering places.220 In late 14th and 15th centuries there were many deserted
villages and mezraas in the region which were populated by Turks in a short
period of time. In the late fifteenth century, the number of the mezraa appropriate
for the settlement of the Turkish colonizers was not as big as in the late 14th
century. After the Turkish settlements, these deserted or partially populated
villages were registered under Turkish names and provided the basis of the longlasting Turkish existence in the region. Each mezraa is called by a specific name
which generally reveals its origin or first settlers of the land. When we consider
Gandev, (1987).
See Halil nalck, Mazraa, EI WebCD ed.
Radushev (1995)., p.143.
the significant number of mezraa in the sandjak, we should refer the reasons
behind the emergence of mezraas explained by Professor nalck.221 When the
demographic factors are considered, we can say that any population increase in a
region leads to an increase in the number of people cultivating the land and the
harvest becomes insufficient to feed the growing peasant population of the region.
In this case, some hanes and mcerreds left the village and established a new
settlement on an uninhabited land near the village. The other demographic reason
behind the creation of a mezraa can be a population decrease because of
epidemics, security problems, being on the road of a military campaign, brigand
bands, or caravans. In this case, peasants left their villages and migrated to other
places and these villages were recorded in Ottoman registers as hl or metruk.
Ottoman peasants were not a dependent labor force but they were always free to
settle and cultivate on other lands, which is the reason behind the mobility of the
Ottoman rural population that many examples we see in the two registers.
Ottoman peasants were cultivating agrarian lands under the tapu system that was a
perpetual tenancy on the state lands. For this reson, when life conditions worsen
or security problems and epidemics make life in a village harder, peasants pay a
tax called ift bozan resmi to compensate the loss of their timariots revenue and
move other places freely. The other reason behind the creation of a mezraa
mentioned by Professor nalck is attractive living conditions of wakf-lands for the
Ottoman peasants.
peasants because of many privileges, tax exemptions and better living conditions.
Thus, Ottoman registers recorded sometimes a large number of deserted villages
especially in Anatolia and in the Balkans because peasants were prefering wakf
lands to cultivate and live in better conditions.222 Although wakfs were registered
in wakf defters, we can find the lists of wakfs and wakf villages at the end part of
the Ottoman tax-surveys. Unfortunately the end parts of the 1479 and 1483
registers are missing and we have to get an idea about the wakfs in the region
from the explanations and additional notes recorded in these registers. Examples
of these additional notes and explanations are the village Kozar Beleni as der asl wakf- ahmelik223 and the four villages in zeamet-i Umur Bey (Mihal Oru,
Marnopoli-I Pavlikan, Murad Bey, and Umur Bey) as der asl- wakf- Firuz
villages should have been given back to the wakfs of Firuz Bey and ahmelik
because we do not find in records of the next register. These villages should have
been registered in a seperate wakf defter.
Since we consider the people in the category of Others who were Turkish
settlers coming from Asia Minor, we see them living in three different types of
settlements: Mezraas, villages, and towns. When these defters are compared, it is
seen that in the 4-5 years period between the two tahrirs, 43.4 % of the people in
the category of Others left mezraas and settled in towns and villages. As it is
depicted in Figure 9, Gandevs theory of re-population of mezraas by Turkish
settlers is not generally valid. The main inhabitants of the mezraas, the people in
the category of Others, preferred to live in villages and towns. An example for
mezraas changing its status and registered as village in the next tahrir was Litnie
but in the second register in 1483, many mezraas were still empty. 225
Figure 9
Population of Others
In both 1479 and 1483 icml registers, names of the mezraas226 reflect the
origin of the mezraas that is old Bulgarian settlemets and new Turkish
settlements. In these registers, settlers of the mezraas bearing either Tukish or
Bulgarian names were purely Muslim-Turks. These mezraas having Bulgarian
and according
For futhert information about the Ottoman economic mind see, nalck (1994), p.44-77; for
further information about the Ottoman administrative system see, nalck (1994), p. 103-155; for
further information about the Ottoman methods of conquests see, nalck (1957).
See, nalck, Balkan, EI webCD ed.
Kovachev (2005), p.18.
For more information about the war period and Ottoman uc organization see, Radushev (1995),
p. 140- 143.
Pachimeres observation during the Koyunhisar Battle in 1302 are good examples indicating
how local people left their villages and took refuge at fortresses and big cities that seemed safer.
For the details of the example see, p. 47-48.
90 years later from the conquest, Turkish-Muslims had still been a small
portion in the population of the sandjak. On the other hand, Ottoman military and
administrative system had already been establihed and functioning at the end of
the 15th century. Also the records indicate that there were wakfs establihed in the
period before the 1479 register and some villages were in these wakfs. In this
register, these wakfs were mentions with the phrase der asl-, which means that
this had been one of the villages of this wakf. For instance Karye-i Kozar- Beleni
der asl- wakf- ahmelik was one of the records indicating the existance of such
wakfs. The other record mentioned as
includes the four villages, Mihal Oru, Marnopoli-I Pavlikan, Murad Bey, and
Umur Bey in the zeamet-i Umur Bey. These wakfs established as a civil tool of
Ottoman social policy. These were very important foundations making the
Ottoman system and settlement permanent in the area. During the reign of
Mehmet the Conqueror, increasing military expenditures required to find new
sources of revenue to finance campaigns. 235 Tax revenue of many wakf villages
transfered to timariots as income. However in the early years of the reign of
Bayezid II who is the successor of Mehmed II, these villages had been included in
wakfs property were restituted to the previous owners and social functions of
these wakfs were restored.236
For the information about Firuz Bey, see end note 225.
For detailed information about the land reforms of Mehmed II and the restitution of the wakfs
and mlks by the Bayezid II see, Akpaazade (1970), nalck, Mehmed II EI WebCD ed.;
Sertolu (1970); zel (1999).
In 1479 register of Nibolu Sandjak, we have two examples for the case but for more examples
can be found in Barkan (1942) and Gkbilgin (1952).
and fiscal authority appointed by the central government. Kadi of Trnovi and
Kadi of umnu were bequested timars as their salaries show that the existance of
Ottoman judicial system in the sandjak. Also zeamet-i Lofa given to Hzr Bey,
zeamet-i Gerilova given to Ramazan Bey, zevaid-i voynugn- Nibolu given to
Mahmud Bey as zeamet, and zeamet of nefs-i ibre given to (Mihalolu) Ali
Bey239 indicate the Beys appointed to the big centers of the Nibolu sandjak. In
addition, we see other governmet officials and their timars in these registers such
as timar of Ktip Sinan emin-i iskele-i Nibolu, Muhiddin emin-i iskele-i Silistre,
timar of Mirliva-i Voynugan, ehabeddin dizdr- kal'a, Mehter Mustafa dizdr-
kal'a-i Zitovi, Etmekiba Mustafa dizdr- kal'a-i Trnovi. These examples
indicate that ninety years after the conquest, although a vast majority of Nibolu
population consisted of the native Bulgarians, Ottomans as the rular had already
established the institutons of their system that made the Ottoman rule permanent
in these lands and fullfilled the fiscal, administrative, and military organisation of
the region. For this reason we see the Ottomans in the conquered lands not as
invaders but rulers and system builders. In that sense, it can be said that native
people and Turkish settlers were just tax payers who could live and work on
imperial lands of the sandjak freely and timariots, beys, kadis, defterdar, emins
and other governmet officials functioned the military, fiscal and administrative
Mihalolu Ali Be was the son of Hzr Be from one of the aknc (raider) family in the
Balkans known as Mihaloullar. He was the most famous aknc coming from the family. For
more information about Mihalolu Ali Be, see Gkbilgin, Mihaloullar, slm Ansiklopedisi
(1992), p. 285-292.
system, which was the way of maintaining the institutions of the central
administration on these lands.
While examining the two registers, we see some centers and villages
whose settlers were either deported or migrated to another village or center. In
principle, the ownership of land belonged to the state and these lands were called
as mr lands. Ottoman peasants were perpetual tenets on the miri lands. These
lands were divided into fixed farm units called ift and the tenants cultivate on
these ifts generation to generation in return of regularly cultivating these lands
and paying the fixed tax called resm-i ift. The tenancy of the peasant on mr
lands makes their status different than in the pre-Ottoman times. They were free to
work on any appropriate land on the empire. They could leave their ift and
settled any other land including towns, other villages or unsettled or depopulated
lands. In this case, they paid a fine called ift bozan akesi in order to compansate
the decrease in the tax revenues of the timariot. The status of peasants during the
pre-Ottoman feudal times had not been free. Peasants could not move anywhere
from the lands of the lord and they must have cultivated his land and fullfilled the
obligatory services that peasants responsible for their masters.240 In Table 1, some
examples of such migrations of the pesants from one place to another are given.
Besides these voluntary migrations, we see some other records in these registers
mentioning the deportations from the sandjak. Ottoman central administration
made some focefull deportations from the Nibolu sandjak in order to populate
For a more detailed information about status of the peasants in the Ottoman agrarian-land
system ift-hane see, nalck (1994), p. 143-153.
the new capital Istanbul. According to Halil nalck, the most effective measure
taken to repopulate the new Ottoman capital was srgn, which is deportation or
compulsary re-settlemet of people from various parts of the empire.241 Following
the conquest, Mehmed II put some policies into practice in order to re-populate
the new capita. He issued firmans ordering the deportation of households from all
parts of the Empire, specifically craftsmen and merchants who familiar the urban
life. Settlers having such qualifications including nobles from the newly
conquered cities were encouraged to settle or deported to Istanbul.242 In autumn
1455, Mehmed II visited the city and learnt that Muslim deportees had left the
city. Then he sent new orders to the government officials of Rumeli and Anatolia
to be re-sent the srgn families to Istanbul as quick as possible. According to the
data given by nalck243, in 1455, a large group of Jewish households, from
Ottoman Balkans, 38 households from Filibe, and others deported from Edirne,
Nibolu, and Trikkala were deported to and settled in stanbul. We can see some
examples in Table 1 for these deportees in the records of the 1479 and 1483 icmal
registers. The town of ibre was completely deported to Istanbul. ibre as a town
should have been an urban center and whose inhabbitants should have been
satisfied the qualifications of the new inhabbitants looking for to be settled in
nalck gives very detailed information about the repopulation of Istanbul after conquest in his
article titled Istanbul in EI webCD ed. In his article he gives many examples for srgns
(compalsary deportations) made from many provinces of the empire to repopulate the new capital,
For more information about the methods of re-population of Istanbul and the new inhabitants
of Istanbul see, nalck, The Policy of Mehmed II towards the Greek population of Istanbul and
the Byzantine buildings of the city, in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, no. xxiii-xxiv, 231-49
See nalck, Istanbul EI webCD ed.
Istanbul. There should have been craftsmen and merchants living and performing
their professionality in the town. The other settlement 23 of whose inhabbitants
were deported to stanbul is Kalugerevo, a village in Trnovi. These 23
inhabbitants were probably not ordinary pesants but craftsmen and merchants that
were heavyly needed to stimulate the economy and urban life of the new capital.
Table 1
In 1483 register, it is
noted that they are
settled in the village
Lefeva (vraca)
erepe (Kievo)
Lenie (Lofa)
Dalka- Bzrg
Non-Muslims of the
village are living in
Balk Hisar
Nefs-i ibre
Gorna Kreneme
Gradite (umnu)
Kalugerevo (Trnovi)
26 settlers were
deported to Istanbul
Petrite (derbend)
Klovie (Trnovi)
Non-Muslims of the
village Klani are living
in this village
Sedlarova (slimiye)
The other interesting records in the registers are villages that were newly
recorded in these registers. These are new or re- populated settlements. For this
reason they are mentioned as haric-ez defter (not recorded in the previous
register). In Table 1, we see three repopulated Bulgarian villages, Pedrepole,
Petrite and Tipanie, and also one Turkish village settled in the time period
between the two tahrirs. These records of new and re- populated settlements
indicate that contrary to Gandevs claims that following the conquest and seizure
of the towns, villages accompanied by the process of Turkish migration and
repopulated villages and mezraas, which were entirely or predominantly settled by
Turkish immigrants in a short time. These new settlers replaced the native
Bulgarian population in the region.244 These claims of Gandev do not seem
consistant with the records of 1479 and 1483 registers. These records given in
Table 1 show that the native Christians and these Turkish colonizers coming from
Asia Minor repopulated Bulgarian villages did not always settle depopulated
Bulgarian villages but they established new settlements in the region. Also the
other claim of Gandev is that the native Christians were excluded from the policy
of repopulation of these uninhabited mezraas. According to Gandevs view,
mezraas were intentionally reserved to the Turks coming from Asia Minor and
native Christians were prevented to repopulate these deserted villages. According
to Gandev, although the native Christians were cultivating the arable lands, they
Bulgarian settlements by the native Christians can be one of the explanations for
why the Christian population of towns decreases in the time period between the
two tahrirs.249 On the other hand, if these were native-Bulgarians who had taken
refuge in these fortresses during the war times and they were going back to their
old-settlements after the Ottoman conquest, Gandevs claim of the killing,
enslaving, and mass-deportation of the native Bulgarians after the Ottoman
conquest was an inconsistent statement with the data in the two registers.250 These
cases of repopulated mezraas by the native Christians are the evidences
supporting Phaimeres observations that the native inhabitants taking refuge in
Nicea and Constantinople during the war times.251
The other interesting records in these registers are empty lands given to
timariots to be populated. These timariots were expected to find reaya (peasants)
to cultivate these lands and pay tax that was given to them as salary in return of
training armed soldiers and maintaining themselves and their soldiers. Sometimes
these reaya could be enslaved native people in wars. They were settled on these
lands and they gained the status of Ottoman reaya. They cultivate the lands, ift
(farm), given to them under the tapu system. In the Balkan provinces, the farm
was called as bashtina and the tax, resm-i ift, was named as ispene. Table 3
shows these timars and their holders. These timariots were generally high
government officials such as kad, ktib or local aristocrats such as Mihalolu Ali
Bey. On the other hand, the town, Nefs-i ibre whose settlers had been noted as
Compare in Figure 3.
See, the part 4.1. Bulgarian Historiography and Catastrophe Theory.
See, p.55 and footnote 153.
deported to Istanbul in the 1479 register was given to. Mihalolu Ali Bey with six
villages to populate. The interesting evidence in this record is that the new settlers
of these six villages were native Christians.252 Changes in status and population of
these villages in the registers of sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are going to
be examined in my further studies. Each timariot was responsible for populating
his timar and training and maintaining armed soldier or soldiers. Among these
eleven settlements (see Table 3) given to timariots to be populated, we see that
majority of them were bearing Slavic names. Also we see a new settlement in
mezraa status bearing Turkish name, Kara Aa. Besides the other mezraa given
to Eyne Han to be populated is Tatar Yurdu. The name of the mezraa may imply a
Turkic settlement established in pre-Ottoman period, in the time of Tatar invasion
in the 13th century. Also we see some other records indicating pre-Ottoman Turkic
settlements in the area during the Tatar colonizations in the Mongolic era.253 The
other interesting record among the villges given to timariots to be populated is
ernova-Voda (now the village is known as ervene-Voda) registered on the
Kad of ervovi. We first see ernova-Voda as an empty mezraa in 1483 register.
When we checked the status and population of the settlement in 1530 register,
recorded as ero-Voda, we see that the settlement was registered as village in the
same timar with Gagova and the settlement included 15 Muslim hane, 13 Muslim
mcerred, and 2 kala- merd (soldiers living in the castle).254 ernova-Voda is an
example for how Turkish immigrants settled the uninhabited lands in the sandjak
See, Appendix E and check the villages given in Table 3 in the timar of Mihalolu Ali Bey.
See, foodnote 29.
See, TTD 370 (Fol.) 559.370
and there are many such examples for repopulation of these uninhabited or
depopulated regions and settlements in the Nibolu sandjak.255
5.6. Yrks
When we examine the yrks and their settlements in the sandjak, the
region of Krapi is one of the interesting lands that many mezraas settled by
yrks.256 Hamza Fakih, Haymak, zlatova, Kara Han, Kulkal Obas, Raklum,
Resuller, Saru Ali, and Vrbova Vlad are mezraas of Krapi that all inhabitants are
yrks. zlatova, Raklum, and Vrbova Vlad are old-Bulgarian villages whose
inhabitants left these lands. Native Christian population of the region is living in
Gagova, Opaka, Pramalie, and Rasuhad villages. A number of empty mezraas
recorded at first time in 1483 register 257 and these were appropriate lands for the
newcomers to settle, which can be one of the reasons behind the yrk settlements
in the region. These uninhabited mezraas were given to Muhammed, the kad of
ernovi, as timar to be populated, in return to give a cebel (an armed soldier) in
the times of campaigns.258 The other mezraas inhabited by yrks are Aydn
Obas, Azizler, aruk Ali, Derzi Musa, Kaluger, and Paa Yiit. Inhabitants of
these mezraas are yrks who are not permanent settlers because of their way of
nomadic life and they seasonally cultivate these mezraas. Only exception among
these yrk mezraas is Paa Yiit, where 17 yrk households inhabited in this
mezraa and as the 1483 register mentions that they cultivated these lands and
paying r like any ordinary settled reaya. This example implies that the tribal
Muslim communities in the region were leaving gradually the sedentary way of
life and they were getting settled. Especially the two mezraas, Emir Doan and
Hayreddin, are the examples for the final process of the gradual settlement of
Anatolian nomads in the region. Settlers of the two mezraas are permanent
Muslim-Turks and no yrk household was among the inhabitants of these
mezraas.259 The trend of yrk migration to the sandjak continued until sixteenth
century and at the mid- sixteeth century North-east Bulgaria was dominantly
settled by Turks coming from the Asia Minor.260
5.7. Villages
The early indicators of the population boom in sixteenth century are
clearly seen in both 1479 and 1483 icml registers. When we compare the two
registers, the increasing yrk population in villages and Christian mcerred
population in towns are the pre-existing conditions of the demographic boom.
Later Ottoman records give us the data to compare and examine these trends in
the region but such a population study is going to be a part of my PhD study. In
the earliest registers includes records mentioning names of some villages in two
different forms as Gorna (lower) and Dolna (upper). Dolna and Gorna Krayite,
Dolna and Gorna Beovite, Dolna and Gorna Kremene261 are examples for such
villages. Population increase in villages led the new households to go and settle
appropriate lands around the village. After some time, these new settlements
became villages bearing the same name with the old village. These two villge
were distinguished from each other by adding an adjective in front of their name,
Dolna or Gorna. The other significant feature of these villages is that they are pure
villages, which indicates an opposite case of Gandevs claims of very rare
population increase in Bulgarian villages that was a result of giving shelter to
refugees from nearby areas.262 Records of 1479 and 1483 registers show that
Christian villages extended, as land they spread and as number of households
living in. e For this reason we can say that these records are clear evidences for a
general population increase in Christian villages.
While we are examining Turkish and Christian villages in the sandjak, a
significant number of Christian bives in the sandjak arise interest. According to
the 1479 and 1483 registers, more than 6 % of the total population in the Nibolu
sandjak was recorded as bive hanes.
The book of Stephan Gerlach, "Tage-Buch, was publihed in Frankfurt in 1674. See,
Peregrinatores Germanici et Austiriaci XV-XVI, p. 338-339.
For more information about the large family size in Anatolia, see endnote 176.
For more information about the tribal marrige traditions in Anatolia see, Vergin, Nur, Social
Change and the Family in Turkey , Current Anthropology , Vol. 26, No. 5 (Dec., 1985): 571-574;
Meeker, M., E., Meaning and Society in the near East: Examples from the Black Sea Turks and
the Levantine Arabs (II), International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Jul., 1976):
383-422; Dubetsky, Alan, Kinship, Primordial Ties, and Factory Organization in Turkey: An
Anthropological View, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Jul., 1976):
kind of marriage
5.7. Bogomils
The other interesting records in these registers are Bogomil villages
mentioned as Pavlikn. We have five Bogomil villages recorded in both of the
registers. Among the villages, three of them are in Lofca and two of them are in
Nibolu. Names of the villages are Brestovice-i Pavlikan (Lofa), Kalugerie-i
Pavlikan (Lofa), Orean-i Pavlikan (Nibolu), Telej-i Pavlikn (Lofa),
Trnevie-i Bulgar and Pavlikn (Nibolu).267 The division in the name of the
village as Bulgar and Pavlikn indicates the religious characteristics of these
settlements that is Bulgar was an Orthodox and Pavlikn was a Bogomil villge.
Among them, name of the village, Trnevie-i Bulgar and Pavlikn, was recorded
For population trends of these villages between the two registers, see Appendix E.
in one timar as a hisse (share) in 1483 register. The other hisse (or hisses) was not
recorded in the defter. For this reason we cannot observe demographic changes in
the villages, Trnevie-i Bulga and Pavlikn. The other villages exhibiting
interesting demographical developments were Brestovice-i Pavlikan (Lofa) and
Kalugerie-i Pavlikan (Lofa). We see that between the two tahrirs, although the
Christian hanes of Brestovice-i Pavlikan (Lofa) decreased from 40 to 12 and 1
mcerred was added, the Christian hane of Kalugerie-i Pavlikan (Lofa)
increased from 39 to 53 and 9 mcerred was added. When we take into
consideration that these were villages in Lofca, we may think that there could be a
migration from one village to another. In some other migration cases in our
registers, we see some notes mentioning the number of migrated reaya and where
they came from but we have no such a note in the records of 1483 register to
determineif there was such a migration from one Pavlikan village to another.
Demography of the other two Pavlikan villages, Orean-i Pavlikan (Nibolu) and
Telej-i Pavlikn (Lofa), seem stable during the period between the two registers.
Existence of the heresy, Bogomilism, since 10th century and the records of their
villages in Ottoman registers dated to the last decades of the 15th century most
probabbly imply that there were still a resistances to Orthodox Christianity of the
patriarchate in Istanbul. The reason behind the resistance was not only a struggle
against Orthodox Christianity but also a social, cultural and political concern
towars the dominant image of Christian Byzantine. Bogomils were mostly
peasants and their masters who were the members of the land-owner ruling class.
This study reveals that 15th century was still a transformation and restructuring period in Nibolu sandjak. Turkish settlers were still a small portion in
the total population. Although there was a continuous immigration of Turkish
nomads, turkification of the sandjak was a gradual processes that were completed
centuries after the conquest. At the end of the century, majority of the Turkish
immigrants in the sandjak were still nomads but the process of sedentarization
among the them had already started.
Accept a few Muslim hanes in some Christian villages, these registers did
not include any record giving a clue about islamization but these registers prove
that Bogomilism was still one of the heresies in the sandjak. Among the villages
of Ottoman Nibolu, existence of the Bogomil settlements indicates that although
the Orthodox patriarchate had been attempting to deal with the heresy and to stop
its spread for centuries, Bogomilism, since its first appearance in the 10th century,
was a religious sact that was still actively performing its religious practices at the
end of the 15th century.
These Ottoman registers indicate that there were demographic recoveries
in Ottoman-Nibolu in the 15th century. Comparison of the two registers shows
that there were increases in both Christian and Muslim population. Besides the
new Turkish settlements, enlargement of Christian villages as Dolna (Upper), and
Primary Sources:
Sofia, Oriental Depatment of Bulgarian National Library St. St. Cyril and Methoius,
Acarolu, M.T., III. Milletleraras Trk Folklor Kongresi Bildirileri, C.I Genel
Konular, s.1-12, Ankara (1986).
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Bakardjieva,Teodora, Ruse and Ruse Region in the Context of Demographic
Process in the Lower Danube Region, Osmanli ve Cumhuriyet
Dnemi Trk-Bulgar likileri, Osman Gazi niversitesi Tarih
Yakubovski, Y., Altn Ordu ve Inhitat, ev. Hasan Eren, stanbul (1955).
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book Turkish Settlement in Bulgaria I,TTK Basmevi,
Zacazkowski, Gagaues EI WebCD add. (2003).
Ake: Ottoman silver coin. (nalck, 1994)
Avrz: Extraordinary levies or services introduced by the stse on emergency
situations, mostly support the navy; a certain number of households of reaya is
registered as avarz tax unit (hne). (nalck, 1994)
Batina: A peasant family farm in the Balkans corresponding to the Ottoman
iftlik. The Ottomans retained the Slavic term with groups whose pre-Ottoman
staus and services were maintained. (nalck, 1994)
Be: (bey) title given to the sons of pashas, and of a few of the highest civil
functionaries, to military and naval officers of the rank of colonel or lieutenant
colonel, and popularly, to any persons of wealth, or supposed distinction
Bve: Widow
Cebel: A fully armed retainer of a timar, zeamet, or hass holder. (EI, 1999)
ift: (iftlik) In Ottoman times it designated, at first, a certain unit of agricultural
land in the land-holding system, and then, later on, a large estate. Originally, it
was thought of as the amount of land that could be ploughed by a pair of oxen; it
applied to a holding of agricultural land comprising 60 or 80 to 150 dnms, the
size depending upon the fertility of the soil. (EI, 1999)
Defterdar: keeper of the daftar; an Ottoman term for the chief finance officer,
corresponding to the mustawfi in the eastern Islamic world. The title that seems to
originate with the ilkhanids who appointed persons to make and keep the
registers. (EI, 1999)
Doanc: Falconer. Hawking was a favourite traditional sport at the Ottoman
court. (EI, 1999)
Firman: (ferman or farman) Originally command, but by the 9th/15th century, ~
had come to denote the edict or document, as issued by the ruler, itself. There
were many synonyms, such as Hukm, mithl and rakam, which later came to
designate a document issued by authorities of lower rank (EI, 1999)
Gazi: a fighter for the faith, a person who took part in a razzia, or raid against the
infidels; later, a title of honour, becoming part of the title of certain Muslim
such as the emirs of Anatolia and more particularly the first
Ottoman sultans; soldiers
of fortune, who in times of peace became a danger to the government which
employed them. (EI, 1999).
Hara: Hara is an Islamic tax collected yearly from vassal states as a proof of
the dominance of an Islamic state over them. (nalck (2003), p. 18.)
cml: Tax-survey reistering only distribution of tax revenues among the military.
Imam: The personnel of the mosque. Each mosque regularly had one. He had to
maintain order and was in general in charge of the divine services in the mosque.
(EI, 1999)
spene: Poll-tax paid to feudal lord in pre-Ottoman Serbia; continued under the
Ottomans as a customary tax, it is mostly included in timar revenue. (nalck,
Kad: (kadi) judge; a representative of authority, invested with the power of
jurisdiction. (EI, 1999)
Kanunname: Generally referred to a decree of the sultan containing legal clauses
on a particular topic. In the 9th/15th century the term yasaknme had the same
meaning. It occasionally extended to refer to regulations which viziers and
pashas had enacted, to laws which a competent authority had formulated or to
reform projects. (EI, 1999)
Ktip: It could be applied to private secretaries as well as to the employees of the
administrative service. It can denote merely a book-keeper as well as the chief
clerk or a Secretary of State, directly responsible to the sovereign or to his vizier.
(EI, 1999)
Kethd: Already in Sasanid Persia we find the kethd acting as the
representative of thevillage vis-a-vis the government, and under the Safawids they
were in charge of collecting taxes and responsible for the administration of a
village or town (cf. A. K. S. Lambton, Landlord and Peasant in Persia, London
1953, 122, 144, 168, 175, 430). We find the form kethd in Anatolian Seldjuk
usage of the 7th/13th century (Osman Turan, Trkiye Seluklari hakkinda resmi
vesikalar, Ankara 1958, 13), and the form kyahya may have evolved during
Ottoman times. (EI, 1999)
Knez: A Serbian word that means prince; under the Ottomans, a local strongman.
(EI, 1999)
Martolos: A pre-Ottoman group of militiamaintained by the Ottomans mostly
serving on the frontier for raids and intelligence in the neighbouring country. (EI,
Mcerred: Unmarried man.
Mufassal: Tax-survey registering the sources of revenue in detail.
Reaya: All those groups, Muslim or non-Muslim, outside of the military elite,
engaged in economic activities and thus subject to taxes. (nalck, 1994)
Resm-i ift: Plough-tax collected from each hane of iftlik.
Salname: Yearbook
Sandjak: A sub-province; administrative unit under a sandjak beyi; a
beylerbeylik is divided into several sandjaks. (nalck, 1994)
Sipahi: 1. A mounted soldier
2. A member of noble class
3. A member of cavalry divisions at the Porte.
4. The lowest rank in the provincial timariot army. (nalck, 1994)
Suba: see, voyvoda and zeamet.
Tahrir: Ottoman system of periodical surveying of population, land and other
sources of revenue. (nalck, 1994)
Tapu: Permanent patrilineal lease of state-owned land to a peasant family head in
return for his pledge to cultivate it continuously and meet all the obligations in tax
or service. (nalck, 1994)
Timar: A prebend acquired through a sultanic diploma, consisting as a rule of of
state taxes in return for regular military service, the amount which conventionally
was below 20 thousand ake. (nalck, 1994)
Timariot (sipahi): In the Ottoman empire, a timar holder, cavalryman. (EI, 1999)
Udj (uc): Border periphery.
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Sennik
alk Kavak
vil., dist. of Burgas, today Rish
a n a k Bunar
mz., dist. of Trnovo, today unknown
a r e v a K i s a l i e mz., dist. of Trnovo, today unknown
C a r i v a K i s a l i e mz., dist. of Trnovo, today unknown
a r u k Ali
mz., dist. of Gerilova, today unknown
vil., dist. of Gerilova, today unknown
vil., dist. of Rousse, today Lilyak
e l o p e k ( e l u b e g ) v il., dist. of Vratza
vil., today Pravda, dist. of Lowech
vil., dist. of Pleven, today unknown
vil., dist. of Varna, today Cherencha
vil., dist. of Shumen, today unknown
vil., dist. of Kievo, today unknown
e r k o v i n e ( K l e n e ) vil., dist. of Vratza, today Boyka
ernovi nfs
today distr. of Rousse, Cherven
ibri nfs.
vil., dist. of Montana, today Gorni Tzibar
vil., dist. of Rousse, today erkovna
vil., dist. of Rousse, today Tzerovetz
i r o -V o d a
mz., dist. of Rousse, today vil., Chervena Voda
vil., dist. of Lowech, today unknown
o b a n Y u r d u vil., dist. of Varna, today Ovcharovo ( o b a n Dere)
vil., dist. of Lofa, today unknown
o t r e ( Y e n i c e ) vil., dist. of Burgas, today Chotirya
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Debelchovo
vil., dist. of Trnovo, today Debeletz
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Debnevo
Dere Ky
vil., dist. of Rousse, today Golyamo Dolyane
Derzi Musa
mz., dist. of Krapetz, today unknown
vil., dist. of Sumen, today unknown
vil., dist. of Lowech
vil., dist. of erven, today unknown
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Dermantzi
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Dobrevtzi
vil., dist. of Gerilovo, today unknown
vil,. dist. of Trnovo
vil., dist. of vraca, today unknown
D o l n e B e o v i e vil., dist. of Montana, today Dolne Beshovicha
D o l n e G e r i l e vil., dist. of Targovishte, today Prolaz
D o l n e K r a y i t e vil., dist. of vraca, today unknown
D o l n e K r e m e n e vil., dist. of Montana
D o l n i P i l e v n e vil., dist. of Pleven, today Dolni Pilevne
vil., dist. of Gerilova, today unknown
vil., dist. of Burgas, today Daragodanovo
vil., dist. of Trnovo, today unknown
D u r s u n O b a s vil., dist. of ernovi, today unknown
vil., dist. of Sofia, today Dushanchi
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Dushevo
E f l k - B z r g vil., dist. of Montana, today Tzarevetz
vil., dist. of Trnovo
Emir Doan
mz., dist. of Gerilovo, today unknown
E s k i s t a n b u l l u k vil., dist. of Shoumen, today Veliki Preslav
vil., dist. of Trnovo
G a b r o v o O r e a n i vil., dist. of Lowech, today Oreshene
vil., dist. of Rousse, today Gagovo
vil., dist. of ernovi, today unknown
vil., dist. of Trnovo, today unknown
nefs, dist. of Veliki Preslav, today Varbitza.
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Gigen
vil., dist. of Trnovo, today unknown
vil., dist. of Kievo, today unknown
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Glojene
vil., dist. of Burgas
G o r n a K r e n e m e vil., dist. of Montana
G o r n e B e o v i e vil., dist. of Montana, today Gorna Beshowicha
s t a n o v Dol
vil., dist. of Rousse, today Kachelovo
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Kalenik
vil., dist. of Montana, today Kalen
mz., dist., of Shumen, today vil., Kalinovo Varneska
mz., dist. of Lowech, today in the vil. Agatovo
vil. Kaltinech in Oryahovicha dist. of Lowech
K a l o y a n -d o l
vil., dist. of Burgas today Kaloyanovo
mz., near vil. Marash Oglu dist. of Varna, today vil., Marash,
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Gorsko Kalugerevo
K a l u g e r i e - i P a v l i k a n vil., dist. of Lowech, today GornoPavlikeni
vil., near Plujna distr. of Lowech, today Gorsko Kalugerovo
K a m e n o P o l i (Gorna and Dolna) vil., dist. of Montana, today Kameno
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Kapinovo
K a r a A a ( S l e y m a n D e r e s i ) mz., dist. of Pleven today
Kar a H a n
mz., in dist., of (Krapi) Sumen, today unknown
K a r a c a N a s u h mz., dist., of Sumen, today unknown
vil., dist., of Sumen, today unknown
vil., dist. of Montana, today Krovodol
Karl Obas
vil., today Karlievo, dist. of Pirdop
vil., dist., of zladi, today unknown
vil., dist., of Lowech, today Katunetz
vil., dist. of Erke, today unknown
Kaya Pnar
vil., dist., of Trnovo, today unknown
K a z a n P n a r vil., dist. of Burgas, today Kotel
vil., dist., of Trnovo, today unknown
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Kilifarevo
Kiriva Dol
vil., dist., of Montana, today Krivvodol
K r n a v a B r d e vil., dist., of Montana, today Kurnovo
vil., dist., of Montana, today Krapech
vil., dist., of Trnovo, today unknown
vil., dist., of ernovi, today unknown
vil., dist., of Sofia, today Chavdar
vil., dist., of Kolena, today Kolena
vil., dist., of Rousse today vil., in Gagovo
K o m a r i O b a s vil., dist., of Sofia, today Dolno Komarchi
vil., dist., of ernovi, today unknown
vil., dist., of S h u m e n , today unknown
K o r u m e n i k o vil., dist., of Lowech, today Kormyansko
vil., dist., of Sumen, today unknown
K s e Mustafa
Kova Yunus
Kk cik
Kulkal Obas
Kuruna Nefs
vil., dist., of Lowech
vil., dist., of Montana, today Lehchevo
vil., dist., of Lofa, today unknown
vil., dist., of Lowech, today Leshnitsa
L e n i e ( P o m a k a L e n i a ) vil., dist., of Lowech, today Kiechevo
vil., dis. of Sofia, today Lipnicha
vil., dist., of Lowech, today Letintsa
vil., dis. of Lowech, today Lajene,
vil., dist., of Shumen, today unknown
Lik (Lka)
vil., dist., of Montana, today Lik
vil., dist., of Montana, today Lipen
vil., dist., of Sofia, today Lipnitsa
vil., dist., of Lowech, today Lisets
vil., dist., of Lofa, today unknown
vil., dist., of Lowech, today Letnitsa
Lofa Nefs
today Lowech
L t Dol
vil., dis. of Montana, today Lyutidol
vil., dist., of Sofia, today Litakova
vil., dist., of Rousse
vil., dist., of Sumen, today unknown
O r e a n - i P a v l i k a n vil., dist., of Lowech, today, Oresh
vil., dist., of Montana, today Oslen Krivodol
vil., dist., of Varna
vil., dist., of Lowech, today Ostrets
Paa Yiit
Pidre Poli
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Radovene
vil., dist. Montana, today Radovene
n e f s , today town of Oryahovo
vil., dist. of Haskovo, today Oryahovitsa
mz., dist., of Krapi, today unknown
vil., dist. of Sofia, today Rashkovo
vil., dist., of Krapi, today unknown
vil., dist. of Varna
R a v n a - i D i e r vil., dist. of Varna, today Ravna
vil., in dist. of Rousse
vil., dist., of Kievo, today unknown
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Resen
mz., dist. of Lowech, today unknown
vil., dist. of Vratza
vil., dist., of ernovi, today unknown
Saru Ali
Siredne Kraite
Suha Meka
irg ute
iroko Brod
Tahir Fakih
mz., dist., of Trnovo, today unknown
vil., dist., of zladi, today unknown
vil., dist. of Rousse, today Tetovo
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Teteven
T e l e j - i P a v l i k n vil., dist. of Pleven, today Telish
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Obedineniye
vil., today in dist. of Lowech
vil., dist. of Burgas,today Trapoklovo
vil., dist. of Montana, today Tipchenitsa
vil., dist. of Trnovo, today Polski Tranbesh
vil., dist. of Rousse, today Trnovitsa
Trnovo nefs
today Veliko Tirnovo
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Topilisha
vil., dist. of Lowech, today Lazar Stanevo,
T r n e v i e - i B u l g a r v e P a v l i k n vil., dist. of Lowech today
Vetre Poli
Vrbova Vlad