Chakra Incense Brochure PDF
Chakra Incense Brochure PDF
Chakra Incense Brochure PDF
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the ancient science of life, originating in the Himalayas thousands of years ago. It teaches that harmony of body,
mind, and spirit - and our environment - brings about physical
and mental health. In ancient Ayurvedic scriptures aromatherapy
is often mentioned. For example, Ayurveda will recommend to a
depressed person to take a walk along a stream where Jasmine
owers are blooming. Inhale the fragrance and you will be uplifted.
In Ayurveda, many plants are categorized and assigned for their
specic use. We have drawn from this ancient knowledge to create
this special line of Triloka Ayurvedic Chakra Incense.
Our Chakra Incense is chemical free! Only natural plant substances, i.e. herbs, wood charcoal, gums, resins, fragrant woods,
bark, seeds, ower-petals, roots and essential oils are used. To
enhance the energy and to represent a certain plant-energy more
completely, we use various forms of a plant simultaneously. i.e.
rose petals and rose oil, or vetiver roots and vetiver oil, etc. Our
formulas are unique and artfully blended by skilled incense makers
with generations of experience.
Basil (Ocimum Basilicum):
Supports clarity of mind; assists faith and devotion.
endocrine system.
Mind and Spirit: the Third Eye, or Sixth, Chakra belongs to the
spiritual realm and vision. It is home of the spirit and the part of
consciousness that inuences our actions and our life. An open
and balanced Third Eye Chakra allows us to look beyond our own
issues to see a more complete, enlightened picture of reality.
We become aware of the motivation behind our actions. We
may experience extra sensory perception (ESP), inner sound and
Ayurvedic Chakra