Chakra Incense Brochure PDF

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What are Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex and is used

to describe the energy centers of the body. In the yogic tradition Chakras are depicted as Lotus owers, each with a different
number of petals, similar to the lotus symbols found on our label
and in this brochure.
There are seven main Chakras and many more secondary Chakras
throughout our body. The Chakras are located in the etheric,
or subtle life-force, body. The chakras affect the ow of energy
throughout our energy system. Prana, the life-force (also known
as Chi) is all pervading. Our energy centers are nourished by the
ow of Pranic energy.
Each Chakra is associated with certain parts of the physical body
as well as with our mind and spiritual development. Chakras are
inuenced, awakened and balanced through our thoughts and
actions. They are aspects of our consciousness. If our Chakras
are balanced and energy ows freely, we create a life of harmony,
health and spiritual awakening.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the ancient science of life, originating in the Himalayas thousands of years ago. It teaches that harmony of body,
mind, and spirit - and our environment - brings about physical
and mental health. In ancient Ayurvedic scriptures aromatherapy
is often mentioned. For example, Ayurveda will recommend to a
depressed person to take a walk along a stream where Jasmine
owers are blooming. Inhale the fragrance and you will be uplifted.
In Ayurveda, many plants are categorized and assigned for their
specic use. We have drawn from this ancient knowledge to create
this special line of Triloka Ayurvedic Chakra Incense.


Root (Muladhara) Chakra

Location: base of spine

Symbol: four-petal Lotus ower
Color: red
Element: earth
Sense: smell
Body parts: lymph system, skeleton, elimination, central nervous system, nose, lower extremities
Mind and Spirit: The Root, or First, Chakra is the seat of the
Kundalini or life force. Our feelings of security, trust, and survival are rooted here, as well as our connection with the physical
body and its nourishment. When our root chakra is balanced,
we feel grounded, strong and secure and trust the universe to
Mysore Sandalwood (Santalum Album):
Precious Mysore Sandalwood oil is grounding and removes tension and depression; it helps through periods of fear. Its energy is
said to be protective and dispels negativity.
Vetiver roots and essential oil (Vetiveria Zizanoides):
Deeply grounding, earthy fragrance that nurtures our spirit.
Cedar wood (Cedrus Atlantica):
Balancing and stabilizing energy strengthens the spirit and dispels
negative energy.
Ginger (Zingiber Ofcinalis):
Increases vitality, activates willpower and enables us to take initiative with determination, which leads to achievement of our lifes
goals. Ginger is said to attract prosperity.

Sacral (Svadisthana) Chakra

High-energy blending method:

Our Chakra Incense is chemical free! Only natural plant substances, i.e. herbs, wood charcoal, gums, resins, fragrant woods,
bark, seeds, ower-petals, roots and essential oils are used. To
enhance the energy and to represent a certain plant-energy more
completely, we use various forms of a plant simultaneously. i.e.
rose petals and rose oil, or vetiver roots and vetiver oil, etc. Our
formulas are unique and artfully blended by skilled incense makers
with generations of experience.

Location: center of abdomen

Symbol: six-petal Lotus ower
Color: orange
Element: water
Sense: taste
Body parts: sexual organs, reproductive system.
Mind and Spirit: the Sacral, or Second, Chakra is the seat of
our creative energy and is associated with what the body needs
and what it nds pleasurable (sexuality/food). A balanced Sacral
Chakra enables us to accept and solve the challenges of life in a
creative manner; to understand and incorporate our sexuality
responsibly, and to feel and express our emotions.
Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata):
Floral scent that soothes, balances and instills condence; reduces
negative emotions and anger.

Patchouli (Pogostemon Patchouli):

Its deep, earthy fragrance is both grounding and sensual. Supports creativity, relieves nervous exhaustion, uplifting to the
Rose Geranium (Pelargonium Graveolens):
Relaxing and calming, it nourishes creativity and joyfulness.
Promotes harmony and happiness.

Champa Flower (Michelia Champaca):

With its exotic, deep oral scent the Champa ower guides us to
develop our intuition and helps us to stay grounded. It assists us
on the spiritual path by balancing the need for power and control
in favor of serving a higher good.
Jasmine (Jasmimum Grandiorum):
Brings balance, hope and condence.

Palmarosa (Cymbopogon Martinii):

Its cooling energy is soothing, calming, removes tension and
restlessness. It opens the mind to change.

Lavender (Lavandula Ofcinalis):

Clears and balances, calms and strengthens. Soothes the overheated, ery ego.

Lemon (Citrus Limon):

Uplifting, fresh, inspiring, clears emotional confusion.

Heart (Anahata) Chakra

Neroli (Citrus Aurantium)

Instills condence and strengthens the mind, removes blockages
and allows us to be present in the moment.

Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra

Location: solar plexus

Symbol: ten-petal Lotus ower
Color: yellow
Element: re (or Sun)
Sense: sight
Body Parts: solar plexus, muscles, skin, digestion, liver, eyes,

Mind and Spirit: the Solar Plexus, or Third, Chakra is the

seat of our desire for power, control, freedom, or autonomy.
A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra will enable us to be condent
and comfortable with ourselves, while opening our consciousness to the will of God and peace. Our creativity and work will
manifest easily.
Davana leaves and essential oil (Artemisia Pallens):
Davana owers are the traditional offering to the god Shiva.
Their energy is balancing and soothing. It connects us with our
creative energy and intuition.
Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare):
Its cooling energy soothes the re element of the solar plexus.
It opens the mind for compassion, promotes condence and
courage. Enhances the ability to communicate.
Sandalwood (Santalum Album):
Used at the level of Third Chakra, Sandalwood promotes self
esteem; calms and comforts. In its role as spirit guide it directs
our awareness toward our spiritual needs.
Geranium (Pelargonium Graveolens):
Relaxing and uplifting, nourishes creativity and harmony in

Location: center of chest, heart

Symbol: twelve-petal Lotus ower
Color: green
Element: air
Sense: touch
Body parts: circulatory system, lungs, chest area
Mind and Spirit: the Heart, or Fourth, Chakra is the joining
point between the higher and lower chakras. Here we experience
perceptions of love, emotions, compassion and balance. An open
and balanced Heart Chakra will allow us to feel connected to
other beings, to understand unconditional love, to accept others
and not judge them or condemn them. We also experience a lightness of being that is nourished by the inspiration and wisdom of
the higher chakras and strengthened by the grounding energy of
the lower chakras.
Palmarosa (Cymbopogon Martinii):
Soothing and calming energy. Removes tension and restlessness.
Opens the mind to change, comforts the heart. Connects body,
mind and spirit.
Saffron (Crocus Sativus):
Balancing, uplifting.
Rose petals and oil (Rosa Damascena):
The rose is the universal symbol of love and compassion. Its
fragrance opens the heart to experience love, and to extend
forgiveness and love to others. It helps to overcome the pain of
grief and assists in healing. Rose creates a protective energy eld
that shields from negativity and attracts compassion, hope, joy and
Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia): with its aromatic citrus scent
Bergamot lifts the spirit, conveys the experience of joy and courage, and is generally balancing. It soothes and lightens the burden
of a grieving, wounded heart.

Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

Location: base of throat

Symbol: sixteen-petal Lotus ower
Color: sky blue
Element: ether (crossover between the
physical and spiritual worlds)
Sense: hearing
Body parts: throat, neck, arms, hands, thyroid gland
Mind and Spirit: the throat is our instrument of communication,
thus the Throat, or Fifth, Chakra is the seat of communication and
expression of all that is happening in our consciousness. An open
and balanced Throat Chakra allows us to communicate truthfully
and express our feelings, as well as our creativity. We will be able
to receive, allowing abundance and grace to be experienced. We
will listen to our intuition and connect to a higher wisdom and
Mysore Sandalwood (Santalum Album):
On the energetic level of the Throat Chakra, Sandalwood acts as
a protector and spiritual guide. It promotes condence to express
ourselves and guides our intuition by keeping us close to our
divine spirit.
Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia):
With its aromatic citrus scent Bergamot lifts the spirit, conveys the
experience of joy and courage, and is generally balancing.
Lavender (Lavendula Ofcinalis):
Clears and balances; calms and strengthens. The energy of Lavender awakens us and makes us more attentive to our spiritual path.

Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra

Location: center of forehead

Symbol: two-petal Lotus ower
Color: indigo
Element: inner sound
Sense: Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), clairvoyance, clairaudiance

Body parts: forehead, temples, facial nerves, pituitary gland,

Camphor (Cinnamonum Camphora):

Awakens perception, clarifying.
Jasmine (Jasminum Ofcinalis):
Enhances intuition, invites original thought, inspires and assists in

Basil (Ocimum Basilicum):
Supports clarity of mind; assists faith and devotion.

Lemon (Citrus Limon):

Bright and clear energy strengthens intuition and focus.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Globulus):

Clearing energy opens our mind to experience life without fear.
Revives our spirit. Clarity of vision.

Crown Chakra/ Sahasrara Chakra

Location: top of head

Symbol: thousand-petal Lotus ower
Color: violet
Element: inner light
Sense: empathy
Body parts: brain, nervous system, pineal gland
Mind and Spirit: the Crown, or Seventh, Chakra is a source of
divine energy and self-realization. It is the gateway to the other
world. An open and balanced Crown Chakra allows us to experience oneness with God and unity with all beings. We surrender to
Divine Will. We can experience enlightenment, inner light, higher
consciousness and higher intelligence.
Frankincense (Boswellia Carteri):
Centering; opens the consciousness to make contact with the Divine; creates an atmosphere conducive for prayer and meditation.
Camphor (Cinnamonum Camphora):
Awakens perception, clarifying.
Myrrh (Commiphora Molmol):
Invites tranquility, calming. Centering, grounding. Supports meditation and your spiritual journey.

endocrine system.

Mind and Spirit: the Third Eye, or Sixth, Chakra belongs to the
spiritual realm and vision. It is home of the spirit and the part of
consciousness that inuences our actions and our life. An open
and balanced Third Eye Chakra allows us to look beyond our own
issues to see a more complete, enlightened picture of reality.
We become aware of the motivation behind our actions. We
may experience extra sensory perception (ESP), inner sound and

Ayurvedic Chakra

DIRECTIONS: Light the tip of the incense stick. After a few

seconds blow out the ame. Place stick in an incense holder or
pot of sand to catch the ash. The incense will burn slowly releasing
natural fragrance.
CAUTION: Keep small children and animals away from lit

Triloka Incense, since 1977

Triloka incense are part of a 150 year-old tradition. The concept
of the bamboo incense stick came to India around 1850. The new
idea caught re and has ourished ever since. Triloka incense is
produced by several families who were part of the original
incense stick producers of India.
Look for our other ne Triloka products:
Triloka Herbal Incense
Triloka Premium Incense
Triloka Feng Shui Incense
Triloka Bulk Incense
Triloka Incense Cones
Triloka Ayurvedic Incense
Triloka Ayurvedic Incense Cones
Triloka offers decorative incense stands of
recycled aluminum, wood, soapstone and clay,
in various designs and sizes.
Global Shaman Smudge Wands
Global Shaman Dream Pillows
Global Shaman Medicine Bags
Global Shaman Tibetan incense
Global Shaman Nepali Rope incense
Triloka Essential Oils
Triloka Perfume Oils
Triloka Chakra Oils
Triloka Chakra Anointing Oils
Aroma Lamps - Artistically made in soapstone

2006 Windrose Trading Company, Inc.

P.O. Box 990 Madison,VA 22727

Triloka Chakra Incense is

blended only from pure and natural
plant ingredients, to inspire you on
the journey of life, the path to your
inner-self and to spiritual and
physical wholeness.

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