Usman Haider
Roll # 3323
What is fermentation?
History of fermentation?
Types of fermentaion?
Aerobic fermentation means that oxygen is present.
Wine, beer and acetic acid vinegar (such as apple
cider vinegar), need oxygen in the primary or
first stage of fermentation.
Anaerobic Fermentation
1.Ethanol fermentation
Ethanol fermentation is the process by which
yeast and some types of bacteria convert sugar into
alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process is used for
making bread and producing alcoholic beverages
such as beer, wine and hard cider.
Fermentaion products
Most people are aware of food and
beverages that are fermentation
products, but may not realize many
important industrial products results
from fermentation.
certain sour foods containing lactic acid,
including sauerkraut, kimchi and pepperoni
bread leavening by yeast
sewage treatment
some industrial alcohol production, such as for
hydrogen gas
Production of yoghurt by
Yogurt is produced through the fermentation
of milk by lactic acid bacteria,
usuallylactobacillus bulgariusand
The milk is firstly
heat treated, homogenised and is
then cooled to allow the addition of bacteria or starter
Given the right conditions, i.e. correct temperature
and moisture, the bacteria are able to ferment the milk
sugar (lactose), producing lactic acid.
Production of bread by
First stage
Second stage
1. The second stage corresponds to the fermentation
of a sugar contained in flour called maltose. Maltose
comes from the action of some enzymes, the
amylases, on the starch granules of the flour.
Amylases which are naturally present in flour, split
starch into small fractions of a much simpler sugar,
the maltose. The action of amylases starts as soon
as water is added to the flour and stops during
2. The action of the flour amylases is completed by
that of another enzyme of yeast, the maltase
which, in its turn, splits maltose to give the most
simple sugar, glucose. The glucose is transformed
by the yeast into carbon dioxide and alcohol
Use of yeast
For bread making, the amount of yeast used is
between 2 and 5 kilos of compressed yeast for 100
kilos of flour.
A standard amount of 2.5 grams of bakers
yeast for 100g of flour provides 25 billion yeast
cells. This is the proof that bakers yeast is
predominant in the bakery fermentation.
Fermentation begins as soon as the yeast is in
contact with the mixture of water and flour.
Production of cheese by
Cheese is way of preserving milk for long periods of
time. In the process, the milk in cheese becomes
something completely unlike milk, but cheese has
its own interesting and delicious properties.
Cheese-making is a long and involved process that
makes use of bacteria,enzymesand naturally
formedacidsto solidify milk proteinsandfatand
preserve them. Once turned into cheese, milk can
be stored for months or years.
Production of wine by
Initial Stages(For All Wines)
Once the grapes have been picked and transported to the winery,
certain preparatory steps must be taken before the actual winemaking can
begin.Cleanliness and sanitation are essential for good winemaking, as
troublesome bacteria can cause disastrous results.Equipment must be
sanitized with an O2 based caustic solution, rinsed with water, and finally
treated with an anti-bacterial sulfite solution.
Upon arriving at the winery, grapes are treated with 50-75 ppm of
free sulfur dioxide.This process is called sulfating, and inhibits the
unwanted microorganisms and wild yeast species on the grapes
Pressing the grapes
Grapes that are meant for the production of white wine are picked and
processed in the winepress.The grapes are gently squeezed for about 2
hours and the juice is pumped (or fed by gravity) into holding tanks.In the
tanks, the juice is chilled, and sediment from the fruit drops to the bottom.
The sediments are removed and wine is ready to be fermented with yeast
The juice is transferred to fermenting vats, and the yeast is added With
the addition of yeast, the term wine can now be used to describe the grape
juice. The species of yeast that is used to ferment grape juice into wine
isSaccharomyces cerevisiae.
The juice is put in large vats from which air is excluded.In this
way, oxidation is prevented and the growth of bacteria is
discouraged.The most problematic bacterium is of the genus
Acetobecter.This organism has the potential to convert wine into vinegar
overnight.Fortunately,Acetobecteris sensitive to free sulfur dioxide and
preventative measure against the bacteria can be taken .
Fermentation is a process that takes place slowly over a period of
ten to thirty days.The temperature of the liquid is maintained at
approximately 25oC, as severe changes in temperature can kill the
necessary yeast cells.Certain types of wines are fermented in ways that
give them their characteristic flavors.For example, Chardonnay is placed
in oak barrels to ferment, and an oaky flavor in the final wine product
Malo-lactic Fermentation
Oak fermented wines may go through secondary fermentation, called
malo-lactic fermentation.This is a reaction in which malic acid is converted
into lactic acid, and results in the texture of the wine changing from crisp
and light to creamier buttery .Malo-lactic fermentation can either be
introduced, or may naturally occur.It is not an easily predicted reaction: it
may begin immediately, or it may take months for the process to begin.The
progress of malo-lactic fermentation is monitored with paper
chromatography.The benefits of secondary fermentation are that it reduces
the amount of total acidity and causes a mellowing of the tartness in the
The amount of time that a wine is aged is equal to the time that
elapses between fermentation and drinking.White wine tends not to be
aged for long, though some complex white wines can be aged for 3-7 years.