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b. neisseria species
c. staphylococcus aureus
d. group A streptococcus pyogenes
33. A 4 week old infant has persistent stridor that worsens in the supine position,
the most likely diagnosis is:
a. parotitis
b. epiglottitis
c. laryngomalacia
d. laryngeal atresia
34. Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is the usual cause of:
a. mumps (epidemic parotitis)
b. rubella (German measles, three-day measles)
c. roseola infantum (exanthem subitum, pseudorubella)
d. erythema infectiosum (fifth disease, parvovirus B19 infection)
35. Sudden onset of cyanosis with aphonia and inability to cough in a 2 year old
child is most likely due to:
a. croup
b. epiglottitis
c. laryngomalacia
d. foreign body aspiration
36. Human parvovirus B19 and slapped-cheek appearnce are associated with:
a. mumps (epidemic parotitis)
b. rubella (German measles, three-day measles)
c. roseola infantum (exanthema subitum, pseudorubella)
d. erythema infectiosum (fifth disease, parvovirus B19 infection)
37. Congenital tricuspid atresia is characterized by marked cyanosis at birth and
the ECG showing:
a. right axis deviation
b. right atrial enlargement
c. right ventricular hypertrophy
d. all of the above
38. Neonatal cyanosis occurs in:
a. persistent truncus arteriosus
b. hypoplastic left heart syndrome
c. both
d. neither
39. Only one huge vessel arteries supplies both the systemic and pulmonary
arterial beds in:
a. tetralogy of Fallot
b. patent ductus arteriosus
c. persistent truncus arteriosus
d. complete transposition of the great arteries
40. The most common valvular residual of acute rheumatic carditis is:
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a. aortic stenosis
b. mitral stenosis
c. aortic insufficiency
d. mitral insufficiency
41. Retrosternal chest pain made worse by deep inspiration and decreased by
leaning forward with ECG showing ST segment elevations occurs in:
a. pericarditis
b. dextrocardia
c. rheumatic fever
d. persistent truncus arteriosus
42. The most common cause of pediatric hypertension is:
a. unknown
b. renal disease
c. pheochromocytoma
d. renal artery stenosis
43. Hearing loss does NOT occur in:
a. acoustic neuroma
b. Meniere's disease
c. recurrent vestibulopathy
d. all of the above
44. Labyrinthitis causes:
a. fever
b. ear pain
c. dizziness
d. aural fullness
45. If the father is Rh+ and the mother is Rh-, the chance of having an Rh+ fetus
a. 10%
b. 30%
c. 50%
d. 80%
46. Rhogam should be given to Rh- mothers:
a. after an ectopic pregnancy
b. at the time of amniocentesis
c. both
d. neither
47. Kleihauer-Betke test is used to detect:
a. thalassemia
b. cervical cancer
c. pheochromocytoma
d. fetomaternal hemorrhage
48. The main mode of transmission of entamoeba histolytica is:
a. droplet and insect bites
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