Virology MCQ

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3) Which of the following enzymes have critical importance in the

establishment of HIV infection?

a. Neuraminidase
b. DNA polymerase
c. Protein kinase
d. RNA polymerase
e. Reverse transcriptase

1. 5) A 3-year-old girl presents to the ED with fever, vomiting, and

abdominal pain. She has right upper quadrant tenderness and
hepatomegaly. Her serum transaminases are elevated, but her total and
direct bilirubin are only slightly above normal. Several other children in
her day care are sick with similar symptoms. Which of the following
statements is FALSE:
a. Most patients with this illness do not develop fulminant or
chronic disease
b. Jaundice is common in young children with this illness
c. Highly effective vaccines exist against this disease
d. Most commonly transmitted by fecal-oral contact
7) the most perment complication of congenital cytomegalovirus infection
A) Central nervous system.
B) Heart,
C) Hematopiotic system.
D) Liver.
27) A 2-month-old child of an HIV-positive mother is followed in your
pediatric practice. Which of the following therapies should be considered for
this child?
a. Monthly evaluation for Kaposi’s sarcoma
b. Prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
c. Vitamin C supplementation
d. Oral polio virus
e. Bone marrow transplantation
8) What are shingles?
Reactivated varicella-zoster infection. After the primary infection of
chickenpox, the virus establishes a latent infection in the dorsal root
ganglion. When reactivation occurs, the virus spreads to the skin via
nerves, and a typical vesicular pattern along dermatomal lines occurs .
In its primary form, the infection is varicella; in its recurrent form, it is

8) All statement are true except in rubella disease :

A) The risk of congenital rubella syndrome is higher if maternal
exposure occurs during the first trimester.
B) Evidence of intrauterine growth retardation during pregnancy .
C) Lyphoadenopathy in rubella are not porment.

14) Varicella or checkenbox caused by:

A)RNA virus,varicella-zoster virus.

B)DNA virus,varicella –zoster virus.

C) Morbillivirus.

D) Papilloma virus.

E) Non above.

19) The mother of 3months -old infant has developed uncomplicated

chickenpox, Which of the following is the most appropriate measure?
a. Isolate the infant from the mother.
b. Hospitalize the infant in the isolation ward.
c. Administer acyclovir to the infant.
d. Administer varicella-zoster immunoglobulin to the infant.
e. Advise the mother to continue regular well-baby care for the infant.
5)A 4 years old child manifests symptoms of fever ,sorethroat,swelling
lynphnodes spleen tip is palpable. Throat culture and rapid
slide(monospots) test result negative.
The next logical diagnostic procedure would involve:
A) Repeat throat culture.
B) Heterophil titer.
C) Epstein-barr virus titer.
D) Chest x-ray.
E)Bone marrow examination
16) vitamin A deficiency increase the mortality of the following:
A) Diarrohea.
B) Respiratory illness.
D)All above.
5) The following are clinical features of measles except:
a. Maculopapular rash
b. Cough
c. Conjunctivitis
d. Koplik spots (rash on mucous membranes)
e. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
A 4-year-old boy who has acute lymphoblastic leukemia develops fever of
40°C (104°F) and an eruption that involves the face, trunk, and extremities,
including the palms and soles. The numerous lesions are deep-seated,
somewhat umbilicated vesicles that have surrounding erythema. Ulcers are
present on the buccal mucosa.
Of the following, the MOST likely diagnosis is

A. hand, foot, and mouth disease

B. herpes simplex virus infection
C. herpes zoster
D. molluscum contagiosum
E. varicella

2) The most common iniatial site of lesions in HSV2 cutanenous infections

5days old infant.
6) Your 18-year-old college freshman calls to state that he has had fever,
muscular pain (especially in the neck), headache, and malaise. He describes
the area from the back of his mandible toward the mastoid space as being
full and tender and that his earlobe on the affected side appears to be
upward and outward. Drinking sour liquids causes much pain in the
affected area. You quickly retrieve his immunization card and suddenly
that he has failed to get vaccinated for
8) Mumps virus is:
A)DNA virus family Paramyxoviridae and the genus Rubulavirus.
B) RNA virus family Paramyxoviridae and the genus Rubulavirus.
C) RNA virus in the family Paramyxoviridae and genus Morbillivirus
D)Betaherpesvirinae virus.
11) The virus causing chicken pox
C)Herpes simplex
13) Five years old child developed mauclopapular rash starting in the face
progressing downwards on the body, this was preceded by five days febrile
illness with runny nose and congested red eyes. What is the most likely
A)Scarlet fever
B)Sweat rash
C)Chicken pox
15) The CNS area commonly affected in poliomyelitis is:
A)Anterior horn cells of spinal cord
B)posterior horn cells of spinal cord.
C)Sensory roots of spinal nerves
D)Motor part of cerebral cortex
1. Each of the following agents has been associated with conginental infection
except ?
A. Toxoplasma gondii
B. Rubella virus
C. Cytomegalo virus
D. Herpes simplex virus
E. Rotavirus
3. Which of the following infections typically has an inacubation period of less
than 2 weeks ?
A. Mumps
B. Varicella
C. Rubella
D. Measles
E. Rabies
4. A 14 yrs old girl awakens with a mild sore throat, low grade fever and a
diffuse muculo papular rash. During the next 24hrs she developed tender
swelling of her wrist and redness of her eyes. In addition her physician noted
mild tenderness and marked swelling of her posterior cervical and occipital
lymph nodes. Four days after the onset of her illness the rash has vanished.
The most likely diagnosis of this girl’s condtion is ?
A. Rubella
B. Rubeola
C. Roseola
D. Herpes zoster
E. Measles
5. Common features of infection with hepatitis A virus include all the following
except ?
A. Short inacubation period ( 15-50 dys)
B. Frequent occurring of extra hepatic manifestations
C. sudden onset of fever nausea and vomiting
D. Transmission of fecal oral route
E. Transient elevation of SGOT and serum bilirubin

6. A 4 yr old child presents in the clinic with mumps. Correct statement about
thi condition include all except?
A. CNS pleocytosis occrs rarely in mumps
B. The disease could have been prevented by prior immunization
with live attenuated virus vaccine
C. Orchites occurs almost exlusively in post pubertal males
D. Renal involvement manifested by hematuria, polyuria, and viruria
may be observed
E. Rotavirus
7)The care of children with AIDS including each of the following EXCEPT:
B)Prophylaxis against pneumo-cystitis carinii pnumnia.
C)Calorie supplemention.
E)Bone marrow transplantation

8) Infections monnucleousis is a disease caused by the Epstein –Bar virus

(EBV). A pateint with this disease usually has a triad of findings consisting of
the appropriate change in physical examination,and the associate serological
change and the corresponding hematolgical abnormality .True statement
about infections mononucleosis include each of the following EXCRPT:
A) The incubation period is 30- 50 days.
B)10-20 percent of healthys seropositive persons excrete virus.
C)Transmission of the diseaseis mainly via saliva containng EBV .
D)A person may be infected by an exogenous strain of EBV on more
than one occasion.
E) Most adolescents have serological evidence of past EBV infection
9)Forcheimer spots are seen in :
B) Mumps.
D)Herpes simplex stomatitis

15) Latent varicella zoster infection is found in?

A. T cells

B. B cells

C. Macrophages

D. Trigeminal ganglion


17) what are the common complications of herpes zoster?

18) what are the main difference of rubella and measles.

20)A)How is mostly occurs the trassmion of Cytomegalo virus infection in
B) What are high risck groups of CMV Infection in children?
21) Define the types of polio disease and factors that involved?

1. A five-year-old boy from Burco presents with acute febrile illness. On

examination: he is febrile, the oropharynx is inflamed and contains
scattered vescicle on the tongue, buckle mucosa, posterior palate , and lips,
some lesion ulcerated with surrounding erythema. Maculopapular,
vesicular lesions were observed on the hands and buttocks. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
a. Dengue hemorrhagic shock syndrome
b. Varicella-zoster infection
c. Infectious mononucleosis
d. Enterovirus infection
e. Human herpes 6
2. In a mother who is hepatitis B surface antigen positive and core antigen
positive, which of the following combination is the most appropriate for
her newborn baby?
a. Hepatitis B vaccine
b. Hepatitis B immunoglobulin
c. Hepatitis B vaccine and immunoglobulin
d. Wait one month , then check hepatitis B markers, if is all negative
give hepatitis b vaccine
e. Hepatitis B vaccine and intravenous pooled immunoglobulin.
3. A 9-month-old infant presents with coryzal symptoms and a hoarse
barking cough. Select the likely causative agent from the list below.
a. Hemophilus influenza type b
b. Adenovirus
c. Streptococcal pneumonia
d. Parainfluenza virus
e. Bordetella pertussis
4. A 5-year-old boy presents with a limp. This was precededby a febrile
illness, but there has been no preceding trauma. On examination he has
weakness of all muscle groups in his right lower limb. The limb is
hypotonic, and deep tendon reflexes cannot be elicited. There is no pain on
movement of the joints nor is there tenderness. Sensory examination is
normal. The most likely diagnosis is?
a. Myositis
b. Osteomyelitis
c. Gullian barre syndrome
d. Poliomyelitis
e. Botulism
1. A small-for-gestational age newborn has splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia,
hepatitis, jaundice, cataracts, and a “blueberry muffin’’ rash. Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?

a) Toxoplasmosis
b) Rubeola
c) Rubella
d) Varicella
e) Syphilis

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