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John Ethan Carroll

350 Workman Ave. Woodruff, SC 29388 (864) 580-1920

OBJECTIVE: To obtain an Art Education Position in either elementary, middle, or high school level.

Bachelors of Art Education
University of South Carolina Upstate, Spartanburg, SC
Graduate of December 2016
South Carolina Teaching Certification
Praxis I: Passed
Art Education

Praxis II: Content and Analysis To be taken December 10th

PLT To be taken on December 17th

Darkness to Light

Student Teacher
West View Elementary School; Spartanburg S.C.
Dorman High School; Spartanburg S.C.

August October 2016

October December 2016

Art Education Clinical

Woodruff Elementary; Spartanburg S.C.

January March 2016

Byrnes Freshman Academy; Spartanburg S.C.

January March 2016

D.R. Hill Middle School; Spartanburg S.C.

Turtle Parfait
Bus Boy and Waiter
September 2012 November 2012

August December 2015

Rue 21
Sale Associate
November 17, 2012 January 27, 2014
Three Pines Country Club
Cart Staff
January 28, 2014 June 18, 2016
Reidville Presbyterian Church
Music Leader
June 19, 2016 Present

Related Activities
-Earned Credits
*6 credit hours awarded for Art AP portfolio
3 hours for Fundamentals of 2D design
3 hours for Drawing 1
-Leadership roles
Arts and Crafts Leader and Instructor for Welford Baptist

*USC Upstate HPAC upstairs gallery

Art Gallery Assistant 2015
*6 year veteran for two marching bands:
Woodruff High School marching band
Cadet 2005-2007
Drumline Co-Captain 2008-2009
Byrnes High School marching Band
Drumline 2nd Lieutenant 2010
Drumline 1st Lieutenant 2011

Hobbies and Interests

Drawing and Painting
Playing the Piano (along-side a slew of other percussion instruments).
Creating music on my computer for fun.
Having had an interest in video games for some time now.

Mary Lou Hightower, Ph.D., Professor

Meghan Ford, Cooperating Teacher

University of South Carolina Upstate

West View Elementary School

800 University Way

400 Oak Grove Rd.

Spartanburg, S.C. 29303

Spartanburg S.C. 29301

(864) 580 - 0910

(864) 316 - 5529

Susan Paris, Cooperating Teacher

Amy Jo Workman, Ph.D., Cooperating Teacher

D.R. Middle School

Dorman High School

1303 Holly Springs Rd.,

1050 Cavalier Way

Lyman S.C. 29365

Roebuck, S.C. 29376

(864) 949 2370 ext. 1800

(864) 909 - 2938

Lindi Metcalf, Ph.D., Principal
West View Elementary School
400 Oak Grove Rd.
Spartanburg S.C. 29301
(864) 576 - 1833

Phyllis Whitmire, University Supervisor

Gretchen Durrell, Children's Director

University of South Caorlina Upstate

Welford Baptist Church

800 University Way

235 Syphrit Rd.

Spartanburg, S.C. 29303

Welford S.C. 29385

(864) 384 - 3575

(864) 237 - 8308

Nancy Vaughn, Cooperating Teacher

Woodruff Elementary School
1050 Cavalier Way
Roebuck, S.C. 29376
(864) 979 - 9056

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