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Dent Corn - Corn grains which have a dent in the broad end of the grain caused by
shrinkage of soft starch between the two layers of corneous and flinty starch
at the side of the endosperm.
Discolored Grains - Grains that have changed their original color as a result of
heating and other means. This is also known as yellow grains or fermented
Fancy Palay
- This refers mainly to palay varieties possessing special genetic
characteristics in terms of color, aroma,
flavor and other cooking and eating
qualities that make them distinct from other varieties.
Palay varieties considered under this classification shall include but are not
limited to the following:
a. Dinorado
e. Sampaguita
b. Milagrosa
f. Kalinayan
c. Sinandomeng
g. Baysilanon
d. Sigadis
Fancy Variety Rice - This refers to the milled rice of fancy palay varieties
possessing special genetic characteristics in terms
flavor and other cooking and eating
qualities that make them distinct
from other rice varieties.
Flint Corn - Corn grains with relatively large amount of hard endosperm on the sides
and the inner portion is composed of soft starch.
Foreign Matter (Corn grains/ Corn grits) Any matter which is not corn grain/
corn grits or fragment of corn grain / corn grits.
Foreign Matter (Milled Rice) All matters other than rice grains, rice polishings
and paddy, such as weed seeds and other crop seeds.
Foreign Matter (Palay) All matters other than rice grains, such as a) sand, gravel,
dirt, pebbles, stones, lumps of earth, clay, mud, chaff, straw, and b) other
grains like weed seeds and other crop seeds.
Grade Number A designation indicating the quality of rice and corn commodity
determined with reference to its acquired characteristics (i.e. Premium, Grade
No. 1,2 and 3).
Grade No. 1
- Any rice and corn variety which meet the second highest grade
requirements for rice and corn as set forth in the herein prescribed national
Grade No. 2
- Any rice and corn variety which is lower in quality than Grade
No. 1 but higher in quality than Grade No. 3, based on the grade requirements
set forth in the herein prescribed national standards.
Grade No. 3
- Any rice and corn variety which meet the lowest grade
requirements for rice and corn as set forth in the herein prescribed national
Headrice - A grain or piece of grain with its length equal to or greater than 8/10 th of
the average length of the unbroken grain.
Heat Damaged Grains/ Grits Grains or pieces of grains/ grits of corn which are
materially discolored and damaged by external heat or a result of heating
caused by fermentation.
Corn Post-Production Processing
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Immature Grains Grains which are light green and chalky with soft texture.
Long Grain (Palay) Palay whose average length of the full size brown rice grain is
above 6.5 millimeters.
Long Grain (Milled Rice) Rice grain with 80% or more of whole milled rice grains
having a length of 6.0 millimeters and above.
Medium Grain (Palay) Palay whose average length of the full size brown rice
grain ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 millimeters.
Medium Grain (Milled Rice) Rice grain with 80% or more of whole milled rice
grains having a length of 5.0 to 5.9 millimeters.
Milled Rice - Grains obtained after removal of hull and bran.
Modern Variety - Variety of rice and corn derived from recent genetic improvement
or inter-breeding of different varieties.
Moisture Content (as received) The water content of palay, milled rice and corn,
expressed in % wet basis.
Moldy Grains - Grains or pieces of grains which are contaminated with molds.
Overmilled Rice - Rice grain from which the hull, the germ and the bran layers have
been completely removed.
Palay - Unhulled grain of Oryza sativa, that is grain with the hulls enclosing the
grains. This is also known as paddy or rough rice.
Palay Variety
- This refers to the category/ species of palay denoting its
genetic characteristics whether it is traditional variety (i.e. Intan, Raminad,
etc.) or modern variety which is a result of genetic improvement or interbreeding of different varieties (i.e. C-4, IR Series, BPI Series, PSB Series, etc.).
Premium Grade Any rice and corn variety which meet the highest grade
requirements for rice and corn as set forth in the herein prescribed national
Purity - Percentage of palay grains free of foreign matter.
Red Grains - Grains which have red pericarp.
Red Streaked Grains Grains, whole or broken, having red streaks of the total
length of which is one-half or more of the length of the grains.
Regular Milled Rice Rice grain from which the hull, the germ, the outer bran
layers and the greater part of the inner bran layers have been removed but
parts of the lengthwise streaks of the bran layers may still be present on 15%
to 40% of the sample grains.
Rice Variety - This refers to the category/ species of palay from which processed or
milled rice was derived denoting its
genetic characteristics whether it is
traditional variety not belonging to fancy variety rice or a result of genetic
improvement/ hybridization.
Traditional variety shall include all other indigenous or native varieties
not included in the listing of fancy palay or rice (i.e. Intan, Raminad). Modern
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