Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage and Allied Subjects August 26, 2015 8am-1pm

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Recalled Questions 2015

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Irrigation and

Drainage and Allied Subjects
August 26, 2015

1. The minimum trajectory angle for sprinkler. Answer: 10-25 degrees

2. Allowable percentage depletion of most crops. Answer: 50%
3. Soil moisture tension with 15 atmospheres. Answer: Permanent wilting point
4. The ratio of water beneficially used on the project, farm or field to the amount of water delivered
to the farm. Answer: Water Use Efficiency
5. Basic irrigation method for lowland farming. Answer: Basin irrigation
6. Irrigation method with high cost but low operation cost. Answer: Overhead irrigation
7. Irrigation method wherein water is directed to the base of the plant and is applied to the soil
through small orifices. Answer: Drip or trickle irrigation
8. Laterals enter the submain from one side only to minimize the double drainage that occurs near
the submain. Answer: Gridiron layout
9. Depth of shallow tube well. Answer: 20 m or 60 ft
10. Equation for evapotranspiration computation. Answer:Penman-Montieth Equation
11. Precipitation results from mechanical lifting of air mass over mountain barriers. Answer:
Orographic rainfall
12. Travels over the ground and through the channels to reach the outlets. Answer: Runoff
13. A hydrograph with a unit volume of direct runoff for a given storm duration. Answer: Unit
14. Combination of splash and sheet erosion. Answer: Inter rill
15. Flow greater than the critical flow. Answer: Supercritical flow
16. Type of flow wherein the discharge or flow in a prismatic channel is constant with respect to
time. Answer: Steady flow
17. Irrigation components, related to flow and head. Answer: Head gates
18. Uses a thin wall of plastic, butyl, concrete, steel or wood to barrier against seepage through the
wall. Answer: Full Diaphragm Type
19. Type of precipitation in the Philippines. (choices: rain, snow, hail, sleet)
20. Referred to as rain fall. Answer. Precipitation
21. Standard height of an earth embankment. Answer. (not exceeding )15 meters
22. An instrument used to determine the wind speed. Answer. Anemometer
23. Measures atmospheric humidity. Answer. Hygrometer
24. A mathematical expression for the macroscopic flow of water through a porous system. (not
exactly the same question, pero parang ganyan yun) Answer. Darcy's Law
25. The composite parts of the irrigation system that divert water from natural bodies of water such
as rivers, streams, and lakes. Answer. Headworks
26. A thin film of soil layer detached ad transported by water flowing on the land surface.Answer.
Sheet Erosion
27. The type of surveying in which the surface of the earth is considered as a plane, or in which its
spheroidal shape is neglected, with regard to horizontal distances and directions. Answer. Plane
28. The recommended pressure head variation in the lateral between the first and the last
sprinkler.Answer. 20%
29. Answer. Priming
30. Earth Embankment. Wave height computation (h = 0.014 Df2)
Df = fetch or exposure, m
31. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE= CPSLKRM) all values are given. Direct substitution.
32. Soil property which describes the ability of the soil to transmit water. Answer. Hydraulic
33. The surface is rarely wet since the water is supplied from the soil underneath. This requires
complete control of the water table so that the root zone is kept relatively free of excess water but
is continually supplied with capillary moisture during the cropping season. Answer. Sub
34. What do you call the mountain side, with reference to the wind direction in which the air masses
passing through it is cold and dry. Answer. Leeward
35. The equation used in current meters is V= a + bN. What does a signifies? Answer. Starting
36. Meron din yung problem requiring the use of “Meyer's equation”. First time ko nabasa yan eh
nung exam na. 
37. Problem. Use formula Q = CIA
38. Computation of fertilizer given 5% (element) application and kilogram..??
39. One thousand two hundred and fifty cubic meters of water was delivered to a 10 ha farm for the
month of June in which consumptive use is estimated at 8 mm/day. The effective rainfall for the
period was 150 mm. What is the irrigation efficiency?
40. A trapezoidal channel discharges water Q =___;at a velocity of ____m/s. The channel'sbottom
width (b) is = ____m,side slope ratio (z) =___,and hydraulic radius(R) of ____. What is its depth?
(almost 10 items yung ganito, either missing si b, d or z)
41. Pair of dice. Probability that the sum of the result is 10. Answer: 1/6
42. Radius of circle x2+y2+8x-4y=0. Answer: 4.47
43. Integral of (5t+y)2
44. Three lines for command. Answer: Command area
45. Area where arrow cursor can be viewed. Answer: View area
46. Area where the cursor is at the current position. Answer: Drawing area
47. How to create circle in the AutoCAD application. (yung step by step)
48. Sum of two numbers is 10. The sum is the small square number. Answer: 5 & 5
49. A type of survey that deals with the contour of the surveyed location.Answer. Topographic
50. Uses legumes to cover blah blah blah …. Answer. Basta ung may "Buffer". 

From: Cabanada, Jefferson B.

Pasion, Fatima B.

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