Clash Comp v1.1

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Clash Comp v1.

1 (Updated 28/08/15)


.Any rules written in red are changed from the previous edition, some are rules changes and some are clairfications

Measure distances from the bases
of models to each other.
Bases sizes allowed will be the
ones models were supplied with or
if you have rebased the model
onto round/Oval bases then these
must be sensible.
A natural roll of a 1 for a Wound,
Hit or Save roll is always a fail.
Games will last a max of 5 turns.
No Wizard may cast a summoning
spell. A spell that summons a unit
but also has other affects may be
cast but the summon part is
ignored. Any ability that brings on
new units, such as Karanaks Call
of the Hunt ability, are not allowed
to be used. If the Engine of the
Gods rolls a 14-17 on its table, you
must instead choose any of the
lower results on that table. Spells
or abilities that raise models back
into existing units are allowed, the
unit may not exceed their starting
size while doing so.
Any quirky rule that requires an out
of game action such as dancing or
shouting will always be in effect as
if the person had done the action
required already. Greasus
Goldtooths ability is banned.

There will be 8 pieces of terrain
preset on each board. The
Scenery Table will not be used,
neither will any Scenery

Wood Elves may take a Sylvaneth

Wyldwood as part of their pool
choices. This does not count as
terrain for any scenario purposes
and is set up after rolling for sides.
It may be placed any distance from
other pieces of terrain by the Wood
Elf player.

Each game will be played on a 6
by 4 foot table. Only the following
methods may be used when
splitting the battlefield.

The following apply to capturing

objectives and terrain pieces:
*Single models may never capture,
even if part of a unit originally.
*A unit that has an ability to be off
the battlefield for more than just
the first turn can never capture.
Even if the ability is not used.
*A unit must have all of its models
in formation (all models within 1 of
another) to be able to capture.
*A unit must have 5 wounds worth
of models (ignore wounds taken on
a model) on or at least partially
within 3 of the objective/terrain
piece to capture it.

Glorious Victories and Sudden
Death Victories will not be used.
The Triumphs rule will not be used.

There will be 5 Primary Scenarios
used at Clash of Swords.
Most Scenarios revolve around
capturing an objective or terrain
piece. All objectives are clear
All objectives will be 30mm round

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*A unit within 3 of more than one

objective cannot capture any
objectives. A unit may only capture
one terrain piece at a time. This
piece would be the one with most
models from the unit within 3 of it
(roll off in case of a tie).
*If both players are capturing the
same objective/terrain piece then it
is contested and neither counts as
having captured it.
*For games 1, 2, 3 and 5: The
player that is capturing the most
objectives/terrain pieces at the end
of the game is considered to have
completed his Primary Scenario. If
both players are capturing the
same amount of objectives/terrain
pieces at the end of the game then
neither is considered to have
completed his Primary Scenario.

Clash Comp v1.1 (Updated 28/08/15)

Game 1: Divide and Conquer
Set up 6 objectives as per map below. Players must capture objectives at game end.
Game 2: Refused Flank
The board must be split horizontally for this game as per top left map. Instead of rolling for splitting the board,
roll off and the winner chooses which side to deploy in and also sets up first. Set up 3 objectives as per map
below. At the start of turn 3 one objective will disappear. Allocate the left and right objectives result on a D6
and roll it to see which objective disappears. Players must capture objectives at game end.
Game 3: Seize Control
Players must capture terrain pieces at game end.
Game 4: Balance of Power
Set up 4 objectives as per map below. At the end of each Battle Round check which objectives are being
captured. For every objective captured at the end of a Battle Round a player scores 1 Game Point. At the end
of the game the player with the most Game Points is considered to have completed his Primary Scenario. If it
is a draw on Points then neither player is considered to have completed his Primary Scenario.
Game 5: Capture the Center
Place one objective in the exact center of the board. Immediately after choosing sides, both players must
place one objective each starting with the winner of a roll off. The objectives cannot be placed within 12 of a
board edge or another objective. Players must capture objectives at game end.
Game 1: Divide and Conquer

Game 2: Refused Flank



For example Jack and Thomas

play a game.

There are 5 Secondary Scenarios

to each game and these apply to
all games in the tournament.

Each game will be scored out of 20

Tournament Points (TPs). These
are scored by completing Primary
and Secondary Objectives.

At the end of the game they both

receive 10 TPs.

1. Assassinate - As per the

Sudden Death table. If no
eligible model is placed down
then the General model must
be assassinated.
2. Blunt - As per the Sudden
Death table. If no eligible unit
is placed down, then the
largest units regardless of size
can be chosen.
3. Seize Ground - As per the
Sudden Death table. Any unit
or model can seize ground
4. Carnage Kill more pool
choices of your enemys army
then you lose of yours.
5. Moonstone - Capture more
Forests than your opponent at
game end. Use the Objective
capture rules to determine who
is capturing any forests.

After a game is completed each

player is given 10 TPs.
If you completed the Primary
Objective, then you receive an
additional 5 TPs.
If your opponent completed the
Primary Objective, then you lose
an additional 5 TPs.
For every Secondary Objective you
complete you receive an additional
1 TP.
For every Secondary Objective
your opponent completes you lose
an additional 1 TP.

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Game 4: Balance of Power

Jack completed the Primary

Objective. So Jack receives an
additional 5 TPs and Thomas
loses 5 TPs.
For their Secondary Scenarios,
Jack completed 4 of his and
Thomas only 2.
Jack receives 4 TPs and loses 2.
Whereas Thomas gains 2 TPs and
loses 4.
So the final score for Jack is 17
(10+5+4-2). The final score for
Thomas is 3 (10-5+2-4).
Jack beats Thomas 17-3.

Clash Comp v1.1 (Updated 28/08/15)

All the Warscrolls in an army must
come from the same Warscrolls
Compendium. No mixing from
different races is allowed.
A pool system will be used to
select armies. The pools each
Warscroll is worth can be found:
Each Warscroll has a minimum unit
size. For each pool choice selected
you receive the minimum number
of models from that Warscroll. For
example Saurus Warriors are 1
pool choice. Their minimum unit
size according to their Warscroll is
10. So to take 10 Saurus in your
Total Army, it costs 1 pool choice.
To take 11-20 Saurus Warriors will
cost 2 pool choices. 21-30 will cost
3 pool choices etc.
When writing army lists you may
choose from a maximum of 30 pool
choices. These 30 pool choices are
your Total Army.
When writing your Total Army, you
do not need to list unit sizes just
how many models you are taking.
For example 10 Saurus Warriors
are 1 pool choice and 3 Terradons
are 1.5 Pool Choices. On your
Total Army you would just need to
state 50 Saurus Warriors (5 Pool
Choices) and 6 Terradons (3 Pool
Named character Warscrolls such
as Kairos, Karnak, Grimgor etc are
unique and so only one of each
may be taken in your total army.
You may still take multiple different
special characters though.
Weapon and upgrade options do
not have to be stated on Open
Lists but must be explained to your
opponent before each game.
Command, unit upgrades and
magic standard each unit has,
does not have to be stated either
on Open Lists. They must also be
explained before each game.

An example of a Total Army list

that needs to be submitted is
below. As you can see it basically
is just a list of models you are

While setting up your Deployed

Force the following restrictions
apply. Note these restrictions do
not apply to the Total Army of 30

Slann Mage Priest 2

*You may only deploy up to 4

Warscrolls with the Hero Keyword.
A Warscroll with the Hero and
Monster Keyword counts as 2
towards this limit.

Skink Priest 1
Skink Chief 1
Skink Chief 1
Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur 4

*You may only deploy up to 3

Warscrolls with the Monster
Keyword. No Hero Warscrolls
would count towards this limit.

TettoEko 1
80 Saurus Warriors 8
50 Skinks 5
6 Terradon Riders 3
Stegadon 4
Total: 30 Pools

When setting up during a game
you may deploy up to 20 pool
choices only. This is known as your
Deployed Force.
You may drop any unit in any order
and in any size you decide. This
can change from game to game.
Each dropped unit will have its own
Pool Cost. So if a unit of 15 Saurus
Warriors is dropped their Pool Cost
is 2. The remaining 5 Saurus
Warriors are lost. This cannot be
changed. So for example if you
dropped 15 Saurus Warriors and
then later another 15 Saurus
Warriors both of their Pool Cost in
that game would be 2 for a total of
4. Even though only 30 Saurus
Warriors are dropped the Pool
Cost isnt 3. This is for one of the
Secondary Scenarios and so your
opponent knows how many Pool
Choices have been dropped
accurately per unit.
You may have 1 of each type of
command model per deployed unit.
So every unit deployed may have
Full Command.

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*You may only deploy up to 3

Warscrolls with the Warmachine
Keyword. May have max 2 of the
same war machine deployed.
*No unit may be over 30 Wounds
when deployed. Units with a pool
cost of 1 for 10 or more models
may be 40 Wounds when
deployed. They may not go over
this limit during the game either by
any means.
*You may only deploy up to 40
shots. Count the number of attacks
on the models Warscroll profile
under Missile Attacks. Ignore
abilities that grant extra attacks.
Ranged attacks with a range of 12"
or less are excluded from this shot
Warmachines always count as 3
attacks towards this cap.
Attacks with random number of
shots count as the following:
D3 2 attacks
D6 4 attacks
More than D6 6 attacks
*As long as they dont break any
comp limitations set in this pack
(such as maximum of 2 monsters
etc.), Special formations from the
back of the Warscrolls
Compendium will be allowed when
creating your Deployed Force. You
must pay the Pool Cost listed
though for each one to be able to
use them. Make sure to inform
your opponent you have created
the formation when deploying.

Clash Comp v1.1 (Updated 28/08/15)



The main principles for

making a pile in move are:
A model must end his
movement nearer to the
closest enemy model than
when he started.
A model cannot be moving
away from his closest
enemy model at any point
during the 3 move, unless
he is going around a friendly
model or obstacle.
All models must still be in
formation (within 1 of
another model from the unit)
at the end of the pile in
Please see example above
with the Orc unit having just
charged into the Empire

Its the Orcs turn to pile in.

Since Orc A is in base
contact with Swordsman 1,
he may not move at all as
he cannot finish his move
closer to Swordsman 1 than
when he started.
Orc CS closest enemy
model is Swordsman 2. He
makes a 3move ending up
closer to Swordsman 3. This
is allowed as:
Orc C finished his move
closer to Swordsman 2 than
when started.
Orc C was not moving away
from Swordsman 2 at any
Orc C he is still within 1 of
Orc B at the end of the

After the Orcs have their

turn of attacking a single
model was killed.
Swordsman 1 was chosen
to be removed by the
Empire player.

Swordsman 3s closest
enemy model is Orc C. He
moves 1.5 towards Orc C,
again going slightly around
him to bring himself within
1 of Swordsman 2.

Its now the turn for the

Swordsman to pile in.

Swordsman 4s closest
enemy model before moving
was Orc C. The Empire
player decides he wants his
model closer to Orc B rather
than moving his model
directly towards Orc C. This
may be because it would
become advantageous to
some of his other units later
on in the game, or to
become closer to an
objective etc.

Swordsman 2s closest
enemy model is Orc B. He
moves 2 slightly around
Orc B. this allows other
models to pile in better later.
Swordsman 2 is now not
within 1 of any of his unit,
so this pile in move would
be illegal if Swordsman 3 or
4 did not finish their pile in
within 1 of Swordsman 2.

Swordsman 4 is finishing his

move closer to Orc C than
when he started, he is not
moving away at any point
from Orc C and he finishes
his move within 1 of his
unit. So this is allowed.


*The dice to see who takes the initiative at the start of each Battle Round may not be re-rolled or modified in
any way.
*When attacking with a unit, declare where each model will be attacking before rolling any dice.
*Warmachines and their crew are set up as one drop. As soon as the game starts they are considered 2
separate units for rule purposes. Neither unit may capture objectives, they can be shot at separately, move
independently etc. The crew from one Warmachine may not crew any other Warmachine during the game.
For the Secondary Scenario Carnage, both units from a Warmachine must be destroyed to get their Pool
*Models can see in a 360 degree arc. Their Line of Sight can still be blocked by other models, terrain etc.
*A model must be fully inside terrain with no part of the base at all outside to be able to receive the +1 cover
save bonus. In the case of Walls/Obstacles a model only needs to be touching part of the Wall to receive the
+1 cover save bonus.

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Clash Comp v1.1 (Updated 28/08/15)

*Any ability that Halves wounds inflicted are done after the whole unit has attacked. Add up the number of
wounds the unit has done and then half this. If for example a unit of 10 Saurus Warriors attack and do 5
Wounds to a unit with this ability (each attack is only damage 1) then the unit would only take 3 wounds (5
halved and rounded up). This means even single Damage attacks will be halved.
*Formations when being deployed can be dropped as a single drop all together or can be deployed
individually as per one of the large rulebooks.

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