Clash Comp v1.1
Clash Comp v1.1
Clash Comp v1.1
1 (Updated 28/08/15)
Measure distances from the bases
of models to each other.
Bases sizes allowed will be the
ones models were supplied with or
if you have rebased the model
onto round/Oval bases then these
must be sensible.
A natural roll of a 1 for a Wound,
Hit or Save roll is always a fail.
Games will last a max of 5 turns.
No Wizard may cast a summoning
spell. A spell that summons a unit
but also has other affects may be
cast but the summon part is
ignored. Any ability that brings on
new units, such as Karanaks Call
of the Hunt ability, are not allowed
to be used. If the Engine of the
Gods rolls a 14-17 on its table, you
must instead choose any of the
lower results on that table. Spells
or abilities that raise models back
into existing units are allowed, the
unit may not exceed their starting
size while doing so.
Any quirky rule that requires an out
of game action such as dancing or
shouting will always be in effect as
if the person had done the action
required already. Greasus
Goldtooths ability is banned.
There will be 8 pieces of terrain
preset on each board. The
Scenery Table will not be used,
neither will any Scenery
Each game will be played on a 6
by 4 foot table. Only the following
methods may be used when
splitting the battlefield.
Glorious Victories and Sudden
Death Victories will not be used.
The Triumphs rule will not be used.
There will be 5 Primary Scenarios
used at Clash of Swords.
Most Scenarios revolve around
capturing an objective or terrain
piece. All objectives are clear
All objectives will be 30mm round
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All the Warscrolls in an army must
come from the same Warscrolls
Compendium. No mixing from
different races is allowed.
A pool system will be used to
select armies. The pools each
Warscroll is worth can be found:
Each Warscroll has a minimum unit
size. For each pool choice selected
you receive the minimum number
of models from that Warscroll. For
example Saurus Warriors are 1
pool choice. Their minimum unit
size according to their Warscroll is
10. So to take 10 Saurus in your
Total Army, it costs 1 pool choice.
To take 11-20 Saurus Warriors will
cost 2 pool choices. 21-30 will cost
3 pool choices etc.
When writing army lists you may
choose from a maximum of 30 pool
choices. These 30 pool choices are
your Total Army.
When writing your Total Army, you
do not need to list unit sizes just
how many models you are taking.
For example 10 Saurus Warriors
are 1 pool choice and 3 Terradons
are 1.5 Pool Choices. On your
Total Army you would just need to
state 50 Saurus Warriors (5 Pool
Choices) and 6 Terradons (3 Pool
Named character Warscrolls such
as Kairos, Karnak, Grimgor etc are
unique and so only one of each
may be taken in your total army.
You may still take multiple different
special characters though.
Weapon and upgrade options do
not have to be stated on Open
Lists but must be explained to your
opponent before each game.
Command, unit upgrades and
magic standard each unit has,
does not have to be stated either
on Open Lists. They must also be
explained before each game.
Skink Priest 1
Skink Chief 1
Skink Chief 1
Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur 4
TettoEko 1
80 Saurus Warriors 8
50 Skinks 5
6 Terradon Riders 3
Stegadon 4
Total: 30 Pools
When setting up during a game
you may deploy up to 20 pool
choices only. This is known as your
Deployed Force.
You may drop any unit in any order
and in any size you decide. This
can change from game to game.
Each dropped unit will have its own
Pool Cost. So if a unit of 15 Saurus
Warriors is dropped their Pool Cost
is 2. The remaining 5 Saurus
Warriors are lost. This cannot be
changed. So for example if you
dropped 15 Saurus Warriors and
then later another 15 Saurus
Warriors both of their Pool Cost in
that game would be 2 for a total of
4. Even though only 30 Saurus
Warriors are dropped the Pool
Cost isnt 3. This is for one of the
Secondary Scenarios and so your
opponent knows how many Pool
Choices have been dropped
accurately per unit.
You may have 1 of each type of
command model per deployed unit.
So every unit deployed may have
Full Command.
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Swordsman 3s closest
enemy model is Orc C. He
moves 1.5 towards Orc C,
again going slightly around
him to bring himself within
1 of Swordsman 2.
Swordsman 4s closest
enemy model before moving
was Orc C. The Empire
player decides he wants his
model closer to Orc B rather
than moving his model
directly towards Orc C. This
may be because it would
become advantageous to
some of his other units later
on in the game, or to
become closer to an
objective etc.
Swordsman 2s closest
enemy model is Orc B. He
moves 2 slightly around
Orc B. this allows other
models to pile in better later.
Swordsman 2 is now not
within 1 of any of his unit,
so this pile in move would
be illegal if Swordsman 3 or
4 did not finish their pile in
within 1 of Swordsman 2.
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