2016 Ba Tourney Packet - Tank War

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Game Opponent Army

2016 Michigan Grand Tournaments

Bolt Action
Best Job I Ever Had
Event Packet
Tournament Notes
Game Time: After two hour and a half hours of game play, the players must finish the current turn, and then the game
ends automatically.

Army List: Each player must provide an army list to each of his opponents and one for the tournament organizer. Army
list may not be more than 1250 points. Units in the Additional Units PDF, as well as anything printed in the “Armies of…”
books and the campaign books are allowed. The War Reporter or “Cameraman” rules are not allowed to be used.

Tournament points Each game will reward points as follows: 10 points for a win, 4 points for a draw, 1 point for a loss,
and 0 points for withdrawal. Record the number of total points destroyed (squads / vehicles must be completely
destroyed to count) after the match to break ties.

Terrain: Terrain will be preset and may not be moved and the terrain chart on page 28 of the Bolt Action rule book. If
there are any questions please ask the tournament organizer for clarification.

FAQ & Errata: The latest FAQ & Errata will be used and can be found here: http://www.warlordgames.com/rules-

The guidelines for the event are:

 1250 points, reinforced platoon, one platoon
 A single selector will be used for Armored Platoons
 16 dice cap for orders
 Any official list is allowed, as well as the Hungarian list from BAA
 Theater selectors are allowed
 No cameramen
 All lists will be vetted before the event

The house rules we’ll use are:

Bolt Action Alliance rules:
Fixed Weapons can rotate up to 90 degrees in place with an advance order and shoot at -1 to hit. Note that is does not
apply to weapons firing indirectly.
LMG Cost is 5 points in infantry squads.
Armored transports can fire one weapon while empty.
All Infantry MMGs increase their ROF to 6; German MMGs are 7 with Hitler’s Buzz Saw.

AdeptiCon rules:
Anti-Aircraft and Flak: When determining flak reactionary fire; a unit selected from the “Anti-aircraft Guns” or “Anti-
Aircraft Vehicles” section of an army list DOES NOT suffer the -2 to hit for fast moving penalty.
That penalty still applies to pintle-mounted weapons that have the “flak” special rule; if they were not from anti- aircraft
unit sections.
Forests: Troops can see into but not completely through any forest area terrain. So in essence line of sight is blocked if it
passes through two edges of a forest base. In addition, troops in a forest can see out of the forest base they are in, and
troops can see into another forest base.
SCHEDULE Sunday (9:30AM – 6:00PM)
9:00AM – 9:30AM Registration
9:30AM – 12:00PM Game #1
12:00PM– 12:30PM Lunch Break – Appearance Judging
12:30PM – 3:00PM – Game #2
3:00PM – 5:30PM – Game #3
6:00PM - Awards
2016 Bolt Action Best Job I Ever Had!
Mission I – We’re Still in This Fight
Two armored patrols have met on the field of battle and attempt to do the most damage possible.

Setup Primary Objective

Objectives: The objective is to hold as many vital Players are trying to capture as many objectives as possible.
objectives as possible at the end of the game.
To capture an objective, you must have one of your units
Roll for Sides: Take 5 minutes and talk about the terrain within 6” of the objective marker at the end of a turn, and
on the table. there must be no enemy units within 6” of it. Markers can be
captured and recaptured several times during a battle, but
First, take five objectives markers – ideally a 25mm only objectives captured at the end of the game count
diameter round token such as a plastic Bolt Action base or towards your victory score, so bear this in mind when you
formulate your battle plans.
two-pence coin.
In addition to capturing objectives, destroying enemy units
Then both players roll a die. The highest scorer places the
also counts in your favor, as explained in the Victory
first objective marker on the table anywhere more than 6” conditions below.
from any edge. Then the other player places the second
objective (if any) more than 18” from any other objective At the end of the game the side that has captured the most
marker and more than 6” from any edge. Players then objectives has won.
alternate placing the remaining objective markers, until
all markers are on the table or it becomes impossible to If the players capture an equal number of objectives, then
place any further markers. the winner is determined by using victory points. Players
score one victory point for every enemy unit destroyed. If
Both players roll a die. The highest scorer picks a side of one side scores at least two more victory points than the
the table. other, then that side has won a clear victory. Otherwise the
result is deemed too close to call and honors are shared – a
No units are set up on the table at the start of the game. draw!
Both sides must nominate at least half of their force to
form their first wave. This can be the entire army if Note that if a side destroys every single enemy unit, the
desired. Any units not included in the first wave are left in game ends and that side wins, regardless of any other
reserve (see Reserves – Bolt Action Rulebook p119). consideration.

First Turn Game Duration

The battle begins. During turn 1 both players must bring Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game
their first wave onto the table. These units can enter the is played. At the end of turn 6, roll a die. On a result of 1, 2
table from any point on their side’s table edge, and must or 3 the game ends, on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 play one further
be given either a run or advance order. Note that no order turn.
test is required to move units on to the table as part of the
first wave.
Conceding and Wipeouts
If one player concedes the battle, or has no units on the
table at the end of the game turn, the game ends and the
opponent automatically wins.
2016 Bolt Action Best Job I Ever Had!
Mission II – Locking Horns with Tigers
A small village has been identified as holding a vital piece of materiel – gold. Your patrol has been organized to strike
deep into enemy territory, find the gold, and eliminate any enemy forces holding it.

Setup Primary Objective

The small village is set up in the middle of the table. The The goal is to control the crossroads in the middle of the
objective is in the middle of the town. town at the end of the game. To do so, a player must have
a unit within 3” of the crossroads, with no enemy unit
The Axis player deploys one infantry squad and one within 3” of the crossroads.
other unit within 6” of the crossroads. Then he nominates
half his units (rounded down) to be in his first wave. The At the end of the game the side that controls the
rest of his units are left in reserve. crossroads is the winner. If neither side controls it, it is a
The Allied player chooses one of the short table edges and
deploys at least half his units within 6” of it. The rest of his
units remain in the reserves.

First Turn Game Duration

The battle begins. During turn 1, the Axis player must bring Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game
his first wave on to the table. These units can enter the is played. At the end of turn 6, roll a die. On a result of 1, 2
table at any point on the German player’s table edge (the or 3 the game ends, on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 play one further
opposite of what the Allied player chose), and must be turn.
given either a run or advance order. Note that no order
test is required to move units onto the table as part of the
first wave.

Conceding and Wipeouts

If one player concedes the battle, or has no units on the
table at the end of the game turn, the game ends and the
opponent automatically wins.
2016 Bolt Action Best Job I Ever Had
Mission III – Great, Now We Gotta Surrender Our Socks
Both forces have moved to a meeting engagement in a desolate corner of the country. A storm has kicked up and
threatens to enter the area at any second, but both commanders know they cannot avoid a fight. The infantry have
been ordered to arm themselves with as many improvised grenades as possible.

Setup Primary Objective

The Axis player picks a long table side. At the end of the game calculate who has won by adding
up attrition points, using a multiplier of one as outlined on
No units are set up on the table as the battle commences. page 119 of the Bolt Action rulebook.
Both sides must nominate at least half their forces to form
their first waves. This can be the entire army if desired. At the end of the game calculate which side has won by
adding up the attrition values of the enemy units that
Any units not included in the first wave are left in reserve. were destroyed. If one side scores at least 200 more points
than the other, then that side has won a clear victory.
Otherwise the result is deemed too close to call and
the battle is a draw.
First Turn Game Duration

The battle begins. During turn 1 both players must bring Keep a count of how many turns have elapsed as the game
their first wave onto the table. These units can enter the is played. At the end of turn 6, roll a die. On a result of 1, 2
table from any point on their side’s table edge, and must or 3 the game ends, on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 play one further
be given either a run or advance order. Note that no order turn.
test is required to move units onto the table as part of a
first wave.

Conceding and Wipeouts Special Rules

If one player concedes the battle, or has no units on the Dust Storm: A dust storm is on the horizon and threatening to
table at the end of the game turn, the game ends and the envelope the battlefield. At the start of each turn, roll a die. If
opponent automatically wins. the number rolled is equal to or less than the current turn
number, the sandstorm hits and all weapons with a range
greater than 12” have their ranges reduced to 12” for the rest of
the game.

Minefield!: Whenever a unit is ordered to Run, execute the

move as normal, and then roll a die. On the roll of a one, the
unit immediately takes D6 pin markers and suffers a hit with a
Pen value of +2. Armoured vehicles are hit against the bottom
armour (this is the same as a hit against the rear, so the Pen is
actually +4 total). If the unit suffers this hit as a result of an
assault move and makes contact with the enemy, this is handled
as if the target had reacted by shooting at the charging unit, and
then all pin markers are discarded.

Sock Bombs: All Infantry are counted as having anti-tank

weapons and tank hunters.
2016 Bolt Action Best Job I Ever Had
Favorite Opponent and Post Game Survey

Your Name:

Please nominate one opponent as your favorite opponent

_______________________________________________ ___________

Name Game

Optional Post event survey:

Did you enjoy the format?

Were the missions fair?

Were the rules understandable and clear?

Would you recommend this format to someone next year?

What would you like to see changed next year?

2016 Bolt Action Best Job I Ever Had
Game 3 Results


Your Name:

Opponent Name:

Win Loss Draw

Casualty Points Earned: _______

Casualty Points Lost: _______

Opponent initials ______

Painting Scoring Levels

Complete this section after Opponent has initialed above.

Please rate your opponent’s paint on a scale of 1 (worst) to 10(best)

1- 3 colors dipped randomly

3 Some effort

5 Table top

7 Above average

10 Best in Show

Paint Score: _____________

2016 Bolt Action Best Job I Ever Had
Game 2 Results


Your Name:

Opponent Name:

Win Loss Draw

Casualty Points Earned: _______

Casualty Points Lost: _______

Opponent initials ______

Painting Scoring Levels

Complete this section after Opponent has initialed above.

Please rate your opponent’s paint on a scale of 1 (worst) to 10(best)

1- 3 colors dipped randomly

3 Some effort

5 Table top

7 Above average

10 Best in Show

Paint Score: _____________

2016 Bolt Action Best Job I Ever Had
Game 1 Results


Your Name:

Opponent Name:

Win Loss Draw

Casualty Points Earned: _______

Casualty Points Lost: _______

Opponent initials ______

Painting Scoring Levels

Complete this section after Opponent has initialed above.

Please rate your opponent’s paint on a scale of 1 (worst) to 10(best)

1- 3 colors dipped randomly

3 Some effort

5 Table top

7 Above average

10 Best in Show

Paint Score: _____________

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