Lumb 2011
Lumb 2011
Lumb 2011
DOI 10.1007/s12403-011-0040-0
Received: 31 December 2010 / Revised: 28 February 2011 / Accepted: 28 February 2011 / Published online: 25 March 2011
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Abstract The concept of indexing water with a numerical value to express its quality, based on physical, chemical
and biological measurements, was developed in 1965 by US
based National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). In NSFWQI,
the selection of parameters is based on Delphi method and
these models were formulated in additive and multiplicative
forms. The models were implemented across various states
in the US while being continually refined. One refined form
is known as Oregon Water Quality Index (OWQI). The index enjoys the advantage of being free from the arbitration
in weighting the parameters and employs the concept of
harmonic averaging. Another model of WQI from Europe
(Spain) is that of Bascaron (Bol. Inf. Medio Ambient. 9:30
51, 1979), which is based on the normalization of the con-
centrations of the water quality parameters and then aggregating them through an additive model with suitable weights
attached to the parameters involved. The major differences
in various WQIs are based on the mannerism of statistical integration and interpretation of parameter values. A totally different approach was adopted in the Canadian Water
Quality Index also known as Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CCME WQI).
CCME WQI and is also being used by many countries all
over the world and has also been endorsed by United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) in 2007 as a model
for Global Drinking Water Quality Index (GDWQI). The
most commonly used parameters are dissolved oxygen, pH,
turbidity, total dissolved solids, nitrates, phosphates, metals
among others. All indices have one or other limitation and
the search for a perfect one is still a challenge.
Keywords CCME WQI Delphi method NSF WQI
Water Quality Index
The water quality index (WQI) is a single number that expresses water quality by aggregating the measurements of
water quality parameters (such as dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, chloride, hardness, metals etc.).
Usually the higher score alludes to better water quality (excellent, good) and lower score to degraded quality (bad,
poor). The index provides a simple and concise method for
expressing the quality of water bodies for varied uses such
as recreation, swimming, drinking, irrigation, or fish spawning, etc. The significance of the WQI can be easily appreciated as the water resources play a crucial role in the overall environment and this index has also been recognized as
A. Lumb et al.
A Review of Genesis and Evolution of Water Quality Index (WQI) and Some Future Directions
wi S i
The subsequent investigations tended to show that multiplicative formulation agreed better with expert opinion than
did the additive one. However, both of them continued to
be in use. Briefly, in the process of selecting the parameters for inclusion in evaluating the WQI, marks were to be
awarded to a particular parameter in terms of its importance.
The most important parameter was given the highest marks
purportedly of 100 or close to it and other parameters were
rated relative to this parameter. The rating or the marks for a
parameter were awarded by the respondents in the questionnaire and hence, involved an element of arbitration.
The other noted contribution in the development of water quality indices in US is that of McDuffie and Haney
(1973) who presented a relatively simple water quality index which they called the River Pollution Index (RPI). Although they included eight pollutant variables, either fewer
or more than eight variables can be included in the index depending upon the availability of data. The variables chosen
were: percent oxygen deficit, biodegradable organic matter, refractory organic matter, Coliform count, nonvolatile
suspended solids, average nutrient excess, dissolved salts,
and temperature. The RPI was computed as the sum of n
subindices, Ii, times a scaling factor = [10/(n + 1)]. Math
ematically, RPI = [10/(n + 1)]( Ii2 ) and the index ranges
from 100 (natural unpolluted level) to approximately 1000
(highly polluted levels). Theoretically it can go as low as 0.
Recognizing the lack of a financial accounting system
related with water pollution in the previous WQIs, Dinius
(1972) proposed a water quality index that would quantify
the costs and impact of pollution control efforts. The conceptual framework followed a similar pattern as the balance
sheets used by accountants to describe the assets and liabilities of a firm. The index used 11 water quality parameters viz., DO, BOD5 , total Coliforms, fecal Coliforms, specific conductance, chlorides, hardness, alkalinity, pH, temperature, and color. The index value was computed as the
weighted sum of the indices, like Hortons index and the
additive version of NSFWQI and its value ranged from 0
(poorest) to 100% (perfect water quality).
About the same time, Walski and Parker (1974) presented a water quality index in which quality was considered specifically with respect to recreational uses of water.
They chose the geometric mean (a variant of multiplicative
model (3)) as the form of index. The parameters chosen for
index calculation were suspended solids, turbidity, nutrients,
grease, color, threshold odor, pH, temperature, toxicity, and
Coliform count. The WQI ranged from 0 (very bad quality)
to 1 (very good quality).
The index developed by Brown et al. (1970, 1973) is not
really objective because a panel of experts rates the water
quality parameters to be used (dubbed as Delphi method).
There is always a chance that different panels will give different ratings, thus lessening comparability and objectivity.
The above shortcoming was overcome by an index presented
by Harkins (1974) following the methodology on nonparametric multivariate ranking. The major shortcoming of the
Harkinss index is that it has to be recalculated every time
new data become available because comparisons between
data sets are not possible unless the index values are recalculated for a merged data set of all values of interest. This
major drawback makes this index an untenable choice for
regular use on a regional or national level (Landwehr and
A. Lumb et al.
levels which depended not only on the biological classification of living communities, but also on the overall state of
the water for aquatic life due to oxygen content.
Since the 1970s there has been gradual growth in the development work of WQIs by using different concepts and
statistical methodologies. Contemporary to works of Brown
et al. (1970) in US, efforts to develop a suitable index of water pollution were initiated in Europe (Prati et al. 1971). The
index was primarily designed to express the degree of pollution in surface waters. In developing this index, the authors
first reviewed the water quality classification systems that
have been adopted in England, Germany, the Soviet Union,
Czechoslovakia, New Zealand, Poland and some states in
the US. The parameters chosen for quality classification
were: pH, DO, BOD, COD (chemical oxygen demand based
on permanganate or Kubel test), suspended solids, ammonia, nitrates, chlorine, iron, manganese, ABS (alkyl benzene
sulfonates) and CCE (carbon chloroform extract). For each
parameter, subindices were first computed by transformation of concentrations into new units through mathematical
functions such as logarithms to the base 2, squaring, and
square-rooting. The index was computed as the arithmetic
mean of 13 subindices obtained above and it ranged (dimensionless number) from 0 to 14 (and sometimes above) with
higher values indicating higher level of pollution and vice
versa. In other words lower numbers are good and higher
numbers bad. The index was applied to data on surface waters in Ferrara province, Italy (Ott 1978).
Inspired by the work in United States, particularly that
of Brown et al. (1970), the Engineering Division of the
Scottish Research Development Department initiated the research work for developing the Scottish WQI in 1973. Using the questionnaire approach (essentially Delphi method),
the department came up with ten parameters for generating their WQI, along with weights (in parentheses), which
were: DO (0.18), BOD (0.15), free and saline ammonia (0.12), pH (0.09), total oxidized nitrogen (0.08), phosphate (0.08), suspended solids (0.07), temperature (0.05),
conductivity (0.06) and E. coli (0.12). Note that sum of
the weights is 1. Two forms of WQI formulation were rig
orously tested viz., arithmetic (WQI =
wi Si , (2)) and
geometric (WQI = Siwi , (3)). The additive formulation
tended to be less representative at the lower end of the quality scale, whereas the geometric one was found to capture
the scenario better (note none of the parameters should have
the rating value of zero). However, it was suggested that the
river should be classified by simply quoting the WQI to the
nearest whole number on the scale 0 to 100 and that the particular WQI formulation (arithmetic or geometric form) be
stated (Scottish Research Development Department 1976).
Ross (1977) examined data for rivers in the Clyde catchment in Great Britain and found that the most significant
determinants for describing variations in water quality were
A Review of Genesis and Evolution of Water Quality Index (WQI) and Some Future Directions
At times an unweighted version has also been used for aggregating subindices and has been named the Aquatic Toxicity Index (Wepener et al. 1992, 1999). In the unweighted
version of the additive model, all subindices are given equal
weight such
that wi = 1/n; rendering the model (4) to:
WQI = [ (Si /n)2 ]/100.
The other important European contribution for calculating a WQI came from Spain (Bascaron 1979) using the following equation:
Ci Pi
good: 7079, very good: 8089, excellent: 90100. Each index number was followed by a letter C, P , B or T indicating which subindex values were most problematic, i.e. less
than or equal to 50 (threshold). A numerical subscript by
the letter indicates how many in that class are affected. For
example 70C1 P1 indicates that one chemical and one physical variable did not meet the objective criterion. Steinhart et
al. (1982) found that for 18 nearshore locations in the Great
Lakes, index scores ranged from 98 at two locations in Lake
Superior to 30 (30C2 P1 B2 T3 ) off Point Mouillee in Lake
Erie. They projected the utility of the index in evaluating the
effectiveness of the multibillion dollar Great Lakes cleanup
efforts conducted during the 1970s.
Most of the work cited above tended to have greater relevance to the uses of water for aquatic life or recreational uses
with subtle reference to drinking water applications. Bhargava (1985) derived the ideas from the concept of WQI evaluation advanced by Brown et al. (1970) for classifying the
water quality exclusively for drinking purposes. He, however, used the following form of a multiplicative model:
in which, f i = the sensitivity function value of the ith variable (parameter) which included the effect of the concentration and weight of the ith variable in use and varied from 01
and n is the number of variables considered. Curves based
on requirements of the WQI and involving the weighting effect of each variable on the various uses of water were plotted and WQI computed, thus were used for the classification of river waters for different beneficial uses. The effects
on the WQI, due to changes in the concentration of a single
variable, were depicted through curves to illustrate the effect
of different weighs of a variable for different uses.
The variables were divided into groups. The first group
included the concentration of Coliform organisms to represent the bacterial quality of drinking water. This variable has
a direct implication on the health of the consumer, and cannot be allowed in excess of the standards set by the various
authorities. The sensitivity function for this should, therefore, fall rapidly to a level such that the WQI is significantly lowered to acceptable levels, i.e., when the concentration of Coliforms exceed permissible level and become dangerous. The second group of variables included toxicants,
heavy metals, etc. and their permissible concentrations are
based on the physiological effects associated with symptoms related to concentration levels of these variables. For
such variables, a slight deviation from the permissible levels may be allowed, to the extent of about twice the allowable level. The third group of variables includes the materials that cause physical effects such as odor, color, turbidity,
and the other aesthetic qualities which are important factors
in the publics acceptance and confidence in a public water supply system. Their concentrations relate to palatability
of the water and an excess of these variables would be disliked but would not be dangerous for health. The sensitivity
function for these variables should gradually fall off when
their concentration exceeds the permissible levels and a deviation up to three times the permissible limit is allowed for
such variable. The fourth group of variables includes the organic or inorganic non-toxic substances such as chlorides,
sulfates, foaming agents, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and
total dissolved solids (TDS), which in some cases address
similar concerns as for the third group. Their values exceeding permissible limits are not at all dangerous. There are in
fact health-based drinking water standards for some of these
variables, including iron, manganese, zinc and copper. However, an upper limit can be established based on local conditions. The water quality standards for United States Environmental Protection Agency existing in 1982 were used in
the analysis. This model was also tested for the drinking water supply for the city of Delhi, India and worked well. For
drinking water, a value of WQI of 90 or above based on the
above model was acceptable.
One of the challenges that spurred attention of the water
quality investigators was the selection of the significant pollutants and their level of concentration, which was endemic
during the 1970s and 1980s in the fresh waters. Dinius
(1987) addressed this problem by evolving a fourround
Delphi process. The inclusion of representative pollutants in
the index, and the relationship between the quantity of these
pollutants in the water and the resulting quality of the water
involved consultations among members of a panel of water
quality experts. The panel used a general rating scale as a
frame of reference to establish the rate of change in the numerical index as the quality of water changed. Evaluation
levels were gathered for six separate water uses (public water supply, recreation, fish, shellfish, agriculture, and industry), but parsimony, pragmatism, and utility suggested the
indices be aggregated into one generalized index. A multiplicative index of the form of (3) was used to bring the
pollutants together in one system.
A significant advance was made by Smith (1990) in New
Zealand, who developed a WQI for four water uses: bathing,
water supply, fish spawning and general uses. The salient
feature of Smiths work has been to make a better use of the
water quality parameter giving the lowest score (or lowest
subindex value) in order to arrive at the final score. The indexing system at that point of time tended to integrate expert
opinion and water quality standards. The parameters used
for the WQI evaluation were: DO, suspended solids, turbidity, temperature, BOD5 (unfiltered), ammonia, and fecal Coliforms with the exception that ammonia was only included
in water supply and fecal Coliforms were not included in fish
spawning. The index value ranged from 0 to 100 with 80 and
A. Lumb et al.
above eminently suitable for all uses and less than 20 totally
unfit for nearly all uses. The system was simple to use and
addition (or subtraction) of determinants (water quality parameters) was a much simpler task. The index was used for
water quality legislation and dissemination of water quality information in New Zealand. Several water authorities in
New Zealand are presently using this as a planning tool and
as a simple means of disseminating water quality information.
In the United Kingdom, House (1989, 1990) suggested
another water quality index which conceptually was similar to NSFWQI. The following parameters and their relative weightings were used in the calculations: DO (0.20),
BOD (0.18), ammonia nitrogen (0.16), total Coliforms
(0.11), suspended solids (0.11), pH (0.09), nitrate (0.09),
chloride (0.04), and temperature (0.09). These weights were
established by using a questionnaire (Delphi procedure)
which was sent out to operational management personnel
in the pollution prevention organization of the UK. Houses
graphs were established from various quality standards such
as EC (European commission) directives or maximum desirable concentrations. The WQI values result in the range
from 10 to 100 with higher values pointing to a better quality.
Water Quality Index Models during the 1990s and 2000s
The Florida Stream Water Quality Index (FWQI) was developed in 1995 under the Strategic Assessment of Floridas
Environment Indicators Project (SAFE 1995). It is an arithmetic average of water clarity, turbidity, total suspended
solids, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, total organic carbon,
nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), bacteria (total and fecal Coliforms), and biological diversity. Values of this index
classified the water as follows: good: 0 to <45, fair: 45 to 60,
poor: 60 to 90.
At the same time, attempts to refine the mathematical
structure of the water quality index proposed by Brown et
al. during the 1970s were still continuing with the additional
input from Dojlido et al. (1994) in the form of a harmonic
mean square root formula, or simply known as the harmonic
model formula, expressed as:
1 2
A Review of Genesis and Evolution of Water Quality Index (WQI) and Some Future Directions
observed value was off the acceptable limits or the yardsticks. Factor 3 (F3 ) deals with the amplitude of deviation
or the amount by which the objectives are not met. The index value is computed using the following formulation:
F2 + F2 + F2
The factor of 1.732 has been introduced to scale the index
from 0 to 100. The above formulation produces a value of
CCME WQI between 0 and 100 and gives a numerical value
to the state of water quality. Note a zero (0) value signifies
very poor water quality, whereas a value close to 100 signifies excellent water quality. The assignment of CCME WQI
values to different categories is somewhat subjective process
and also demands expert judgment and publics expectations
of water quality. The water quality is ranked in the following
five categories: excellent: 95100; good: 8094; fair: 65-79;
marginal: 4564; poor: 044.
An equally noteworthy contribution in the form of the
water quality index dubbed as Indice de qualite bacteriologique et physicochimique (IQBP) has been tested rigorously in the province of Quebec, Canada (Hbert 1996,
2005) with the following formulation:
IQBP = min(IF 1 , IF 2 , IF 3 , . . . , IF 7 )
A. Lumb et al.
based on mathematical logic have been suggested to replace the Delphi method of selection of parameters and their
weights (Parparov and Hambright 2007; Kumar and Dua
In the USA, the NSFWQI continues to enjoy the status of
a popular indicator of water quality, which has been further
assessed and altered to address the specific needs of individual states. The notable variants of NSFWQI such as Oregon
Water Quality Index (OWQI) is used to aid in the assessment
of water quality for fishing and swimming and in turn to
water quality management in major streams (Mrazik 2007;
Cude 2008). One important feature of the OWQI is that it
includes E. coli as the bacterial parameter for assessment of
the index. On lines similar to Oregon, states of Washington (Hallock 2002), California (Thomson et al. 2007), and
Iowa (Iowa DNR Report 2006) etc. have adopted modified
versions of NSFWQI to suit their needs. Another index different from NSFWQI was introduced by Said et al. (2004)
from the University of South Florida and its mathematical
form is expressed as:
WQI = log
(3.8)TP (Turb)0.15 (15)Fcol./10000 + 0.14(SC)0.5
where subscript si stands for the subindex function associated with each of these parameters (DO, BOD, COD, ammonical nitrogen, suspended solids and pH).
A few other indexing schemes have also been developed deriving the ideas from the pioneering NSF based concepts and those coming from Europe. One such index is
that of Fulazzaky (2009). The WQI scores based on this
method classifies the water in five classes viz. excellent: 80
100; good: 6080; moderate: 4060; bad: 2040; and very
bad: 020. The method has been successfully used to classify the water quality of Selangor River in Malaysia (Fulazzaky et al. 2010). The concepts based on grey relational
method (Ip et al. 2009) and fuzzy logic analysis (Kung et al.
1992; Lermontov et al. 2009; Jinturkar et al. 2010) as used
in hydrology have also been introduced in developing the
WQI. The other novel attempt in the recent past has been the
introduction of the probabilistic approach in development of
water quality index for river quality assessment (Nikoo et al.
2010), which entailed the concepts of fuzzy inference systems, Bayesian networks and probabilistic neural networks.
These concepts have been used in modeling the hydrological processes and water resources systems. The approach
worked well for water quality index evaluation of the Jajrood River, Iran (Nikoo et al. 2010).
The emerging technology of remote sensing has also
been introduced in the realm of water quality indices. One
such attempt is that of Vignolo et al. (2006), who have successfully used this technique to assess the water quality of
the Medrano Creek, Argentina. In particular, the technique
seemed to have strong potential for tracing the organic contamination associated with dyes in fresh water systems.
There are other water quality indices which in principle
are derived from the NSF based concept. One such WQI
(the score range 0 to 10) has been used to evaluate the quality of the Mekong River for aquatic life, human impact and
agricultural uses (MRC 2008). For instance for aquatic uses
the water quality classes are: high quality (WQI: 109);
good quality (WQI: 99.5); moderate quality (WQI: 79);
and poor quality (WQI: <7). Different score ranges have
been applied to categorize the Mekong River water for agricultural uses and human impact evaluations (MRC 2008).
Likewise Tipping et al. (2002) have proposed a concept of
sustainable development indicators for managing the water
quality in the Mekong River. Another recent development
has been the emergence of some macro-invertebrate based
biotic indices (Bhatt and Pandit 2010). Succinctly during
the first decade of 2000, competing models do exist as consequences of different legal and political context on implementation, environmental concerns, data availability, multiple ways of formulating mathematical relationships between
variables, and mannerism on inculcating the role of expert in
the models.
A Note on Indexing the Ground Water Quality During the
1990s and 2000s
Most of the work on the WQI has been devoted to surface
water such as streams and lakes with the intent of classifying the water for aquatic and recreational uses. There have
been some attempts to categorize the water for drinking purposes, particularly the groundwater which comprises a major source for drinking applications. To determine the suitability of the groundwater for drinking purposes, WQI is
computed by adopting the method which is formulated as
(Tiwari and Mishra 1985):
WQI = anti log
wi log qi
A Review of Genesis and Evolution of Water Quality Index (WQI) and Some Future Directions
as the vast majority of other indices, suffers from the insensitivity toward a particular parameter in the process of
aggregation, which mutes its role. That means that a low
score for one variable that is severely limiting water use may
be masked when aggregated with relatively high scores for
other variables. For example, a high level of fecal contamination should make water unsuitable for bathing, but the
corresponding low index score for fecal indicator bacteria
may be swamped in the overall index by a high score for
the other variables. The above noted deficiency was circumvented in the late 1990s and early part of the first decade of
21st century by using a subindex approach (Bhargava 1985;
Nagles et al. 2001; Hbert 2005). The WQI model can work
in complementary mode with subindex as part of a dashboard approach to water quality, and also support key parameters for trends analysis. It would be feasible by establishing connection between the overall index and measurements of water quality ingredients. The water quality assessed using the CCME WQI that confirmed its suitability
for drinking, aquatic life, irrigation and other purposes has
been applied not only in Canada but also in many other
countries all over the world (Zoabi and Gueddari 2008;
Aloui and Gueddari 2009 in Tunisia; Avvannavar and Shrihari 2008; Joseph and Parameswaran 2005 in India; Boyacioglu 2007, 2010 in Turkey).
Globally, much of the work being conducted on water quality is linked to one of the UN Millennium Development Goals (UNEP GEMS 2007): sustainable access to
safe drinking water by world population by 2015. Another
initiative from Mekong River Commission (MRC 2008),
which has established the drinking water categories based
on their own WQIs to assess the water quality of Lower
Mekong Basin for human use. GEMS/Water Program supported the development of a global drinking water quality
index (GDWQI) developed by Rickwood and Carr (2009),
based on CCME WQI model. Notwithstanding development
of other indices, it seems that the CCME WQI still holds
some promise in terms of improvements for the future and
can support additional works.
A. Lumb et al.
A Review of Genesis and Evolution of Water Quality Index (WQI) and Some Future Directions
part of the routine monitoring network. Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) was first developed by Karr (1981) to help resource managers to assess the biological health (condition
of living organisms, benthic, native fish or algae etc.) of the
watersheds, rivers, lakes and streams. To characterize benthic conditions, macro-invertebrate index of biotic integrity
(M-IBI) and multimetric index and more recently the Reference Condition Approach (RCA) has been widely used by
benthic ecologists (Reynoldson et al. 1997, 2003). This type
of index could either be used as such and as complement to
WQI, or be aggregated to form a more comprehensive index.
In a comparative study of 36 WQIs and WPIs (Water Pollution Indices) it was noticed that appreciable differences
exist between classifications given by different indices on
the same water sample (Fernandez et al. 2004). These differences arise primarily because of differing parameter numbers, calculations and aggregation formulas. Overall, applying WQI to water quality data must be done with due regard
to how the index is formulated and used for the purposes it
was designed for. There is no simple procedure to compare
the performance of indices, but one would look at complementarities of the information, credibility of measurements,
transparency of indices formulation, relevancy of key parameters selected and comparability of results, looking for
status and trends.
There is need to launch a study to compare the performance of various water WQI models in terms of efficiency,
adequacy, parsimony and flexibility with available data. Several countries, including Canada, possess data on water quality parameters that are lying in archives and such data should
be used in developing a universal WQI. In an equal vein, the
score system used in various WQI models must be linked
appropriately to reflect on the right class of water quality.
Concluding Remarks
The concept of water quality index is a relatively new, and
Horton (1965) is to be credited to give a first formal definition to it. Since then numerous variations of water quality indices have been addressed in literature over the past
five decades. The NSF based additive and multiplicative
WQI formulations (Brown et al. 1970, 1973) seem to rule
the roost with modifications from various countries. A distinctly diverse concept has been introduced by Canada in developing WQI (CCME 2001), which is widely used across
provinces in Canada, and is gaining popularity globally.
Most indices rely on normalizing/standardizing data parameter by parameter according to expected concentrations and
some interpretation of good versus bad concentrations.
Parameters are often then weighted according to their perceived importance to overall water quality and the index
is calculated as the weighted average of all observations
of interest, and therefore dependant on existing monitoring data. The ranking of water quality classes based on the
WQI scores from various WQI models is also not uniform.
The commonly used NSF based and CCME based scores
range from 0 to 100 alluding higher scores to a better quality. There is no unique model of water quality index that has
been universally applicable.
In many cases of index evaluation the parameter selection has been made using Delphi method. It is only in the
current decade that statistical tool of multivariate analysis
has been introduced to perform this task. The majority of
indices involve nine or more parameters with commonality of DO, BOD, pH, total dissolved solids, and fecal Coliforms or E. coli. The indices are largely developed for surface waters (rivers and lakes) with a greater bias to aquatic
uses (Simes et al. 2008) and less intent to drinking, recreational and irrigational uses. The indexing for agricultural
applications is at an infant stage (Cooper et al. 1998; Wright
et al. 1999; Almeida et al. 2008; NL 2008). Some attempts
exist on indexing ground water quality for drinking applications. There is no globally acceptable composite index of
water quality, though some countries and regions have used
aggregated water quality data in the development of WQI.
In the future, it may be expected that additional effort
for integration will be fostered in the context of WQIs, in a
somewhat similar fashion as with economic indicators since
the 1930sfrom a global index to more specific and extended subindices and dashboard indicators for sustainable
societies. There is immediate need to compare the effectiveness, ease, adequacy etc. of the existing WQI models to
evolve a universally applicable model flexible enough to cut
across the available data for assessing the water quality for
varied uses.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Vincent Mercier, Environmental Indicator and Reporting Specialist, Environment Canada,
Environmental Science Centre, University of Moncton, Moncton, NB,
Canada, E1A 3E9, for very constructive suggestions and a critical review of the manuscript.
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