Negative Punishment and Its Effects
Negative Punishment and Its Effects
Negative Punishment and Its Effects
Negative punishment and its effects
Negative discipline in schools can take the form of corporal (physical) or emotional punishment, carried
out by teachers and other school staff, in the belief that these are the correct means of disciplining,
correcting, controlling, educating, or modifying the behaviour of, a child.
It also includes acts carried out by another child who has been given (or assumed) authority or
responsibility to inflict punishment on other children.
Negative discipline causes physical and psychological pain to the child on the receiving end, as well as
other children who witness it. They can be inflicted as:
Negative discipline goes beyond just the actual forms of punishment it also describes a system where
children are not allowed to participate in their own discipline. Children have to be able to understand what
their mistakes are and how they can make amends.
However, few countries have provisions in schools where children can be involved in such disciplinary
processes. Even in countries where these exist, children are seldom involved in procedures for
complaints and reform.
Corporal and all forms of destructive punishment have far-reaching negative effects on children:
Mental health issues: A child who is exposed to corporal punishment and humiliation may
resort to withdrawal, depression or other avoidance behaviours, because he or she is struggling
to comprehend the meaning of the physical or emotional attack and his/her defencelessness
against it.
Some studies have shown that corporal punishment in childhood may increase the probability of
depression and alcoholism in adulthood, regardless of socioeconomic status or family history.
Physical injuries and abuse: Corporal punishment can cause injuries but more alarmingly, it
can lead to abuse of the child.
A teacher tends to be emotionally charged when carrying out the act of punishment, and may
underestimate his/her own strength and lose control.
Do not hit.
Shouting at a child teaches that it is acceptable to be
Do not shout.
Humiliating a child teaches that might is right.
Do not humiliate.
Hurts them