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A Position Paper of the Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is associated with increased child aggression, antisocial behavior, lower
intellectual achievement, poorer quality of parent-child or teacher-student relationship, mental
health problems (such as depression) and diminished moral internalization.

Physical punishment involves the use of physical force with the intention of causing the experience
bodily pain or discomfort so as to correct or punish the child’s behavior. This includes spanking,
hitting, pinching, paddling, whipping, slapping and so on.

“Corporal Punishment A NO”

Corporal punishment is harmful because it may affect the student’s behavior in school. Corporal
punishment tends to diminish or destroy the natural feeling of empathy that are in every child.
Children who repeatedly witness their peers being hurt tend to become aggressive. Punished
children behave out of fear and rarely learn to govern their own conduct. Corporal punishment can
cause serious physical damage.

Hitting a child can cause serious injuries and psychological disorders. Because of fear, the
student’s are scared to go to school because of that punishment. Such a child or adolescent learn
aggression because of corporal and corporal punishment also affect the child.

Children and adolescents can also be physically damaged by such punishment. Some research
notes that the more corporal punishment is use in school, the higher is the rate of the student
violence and homicide. The negative effects of corporal punishment are problem behavior and
mental health problems.

Corporal punishment can affect the studies and the students may think that they are not belong or
they feel neglected. Students who experience corporal punishment are most likely to become
aggressive and become impulsive. Corporal punishment may cause also depression and anxiety to
the students. Corporal punishment can change the student’s behavior and can cause trauma.

Student’s who experience corporal punishment can be a bully to others and cause a lot of trouble
in school and even in the society. Corporal punishment make the students can’t concentrate on
their studies.
Corporal punishment or physical punishment is a punishment intended to cause physical pain or
on a person. It is most often practice on minors, especially in home and school setting. Common
method includes spanking, paddling. It has only historically been use on adults, particularly on
prisoners and enslaved people.

Teacher may use reasonable force to discipline children, any excessive or unreasonable force will
subject the educator to either criminal liability or a civil claim for personal injuries. In case of
parent, corporal punishment may have more to do with the parental mood that their children actual
misdeeds. In case of corporal punishment in school, many students are hurt. Medical complication
may prevent students from returning from school for days, weeks, or even longer. Reported
medical findings include abrasions, severe muscle injury, extensive hematomas, whiplash damage,
life-threatening fat hemorrhage and others (including death). It encourages children to resort to
violence because they see their authority figures or substitute parents using it. It also sanctious the
use physical violence by parents toward their children. Parents are not trained to use alternatives
to corporal punishment and encouraging them to hit their children is dangerous message to
promote in our society. Many parents were abuse themselves as children, and this will only worsen
the violence our children must face. The result is that harming our children by teaching them that
violence is acceptable, especially against the weak, the defenseless, subordinate, a message which
will negatively affect generations yet unborn. Violence is not acceptable and we must not support
it by sanctioning it use by such authority figures as school officials. We must develop and maintain
a nonviolent- temperament and orientation toward children

Summary Position
I conclude that corporal punishment is harmful, dangerous and ineffective method of discipline.
Corporal punishment unacceptable in disciplining a child or a student. National or international
organizations recommending that it should be banned and abolished.

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