Discover The Love of ChristNov16

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First Baptist Church

Discover the Love of Christ

November 2016

Frostproof, Florida
Pastors Remarks
Dear Church Family,
We are in the middle of our 3151 Outreach/ Evangelism campaign for
this fall. In case you were not in church last Sunday morning, let me again
share some numbers with you. This is a snapshot of what our adult LIFE
Group classes are doing together (I had two classes who did not report): lost
people being prayed for- 131; people who have learned or are learning one
gospel presentation- 47; unchurched people who have already been invited
to attend Bible study and worship- 17; people who have shared the gospel6. Wow, that is great that many of you are actively involved in this effort.
We are going to have a couple of visitation blitzes, when we will go out
and try to make some contacts with prospects. Many of these names are of
prospects who have attended the Feed the Community monthly meal.
Dont forget to visit and contact the absentees on your Sunday morning
ministry roll book.
Fall has finally arrived and the break from the hot Florida weather is
wonderful. There is a lot of activity going on, with fall festivals, parties, and
dare I mention, upcoming Christmas festivities. What great opportunities
we have to invite and include unchurched people. Many are looking for
love and acceptance. What if we took the initiative to ask them to be a part
of our fellowship?
It is unbelievable to think that Thanksgiving is around the corner. We
have much for which we can give thanks and praise to our God. His mercies
are new every day. Dont leave Him out of your activities in life. He
deserves our best. Lets keep on keeping on, for His glory!
In His love,

Bro. Darrol

Inside this issue:

Pastors Remarks

Childrens Ministry
Student Ministry

November Calendar
November Birthdays

FBC Ministry
Service Schedules
Grief Care by Nancy Self
Welcome New Members
Mission Thanksgiving Meal
Community Thanksgiving



I am very blessed and excited to write to you as FBCs new childrens director! I am anticipating with
great joy the work that God will do within our congregation and our community. Prayers are appreciated
during this transition time. Diane Cannon was and always will be a wonderful inspiration and role model to
myself and many others working with children. Im grateful and honored to continue the work God had laid
out for her, and now before me, in the childrens department here at FBC.
As we continue to be motivated by Christs words in Matthew 19, I would ask for
you to pray for our children. Pray for their families. Pray for the many grandparents raising their grandchildren. Pray for their financial situation. Pray for a softening of their hearts.
Pray for salvation and spiritual growth. Pray for our leaders. When Gods people pray, God moves. I know
if we take God seriously on His promises, our church would look so different in all our tomorrows, that we
would not even remember the state of our yesterdays.
Thank you for investing in our young ones and thereby investing in the Kingdom of God. Check the
bulletin for events and ask the Lord how you can help these children know Him better. If He calls you to
become a teacher, a helper, a cook, a playmate, or a friend for these children, then come talk to me and Ill
get you plugged in to be just that!
- Laura Coon ,Childrens Director

First of all, I would like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who was able to volunteer for our TRUNK OR TREAT
community outreach event. It is such a blessing to see so many of our church members serving the community families in
such a great capacity. In total we had over 1,000 people from our local area in attendance! I look forward to seeing the
impact that this outreach will have in the near future.
Our largest event of the month is our joint Thanksgiving Banquet with the childrens ministry on November 16th at
6:00PM, and we will need all the help we can get to pr epar e for this fellowship. Please make note that our
Thanksgiving banquet is open not only to children and students, but also open to parents, church members, and visitors.
Almost all of our students parents do not have a church home, and we would love for you to join us during this time to
welcome them into our family.
In closing, this Thanksgiving holiday reflect upon the God-inspired words of the apostle Paul: Dont worry about
anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And
the peace of God which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus Philippians 4:6-7
According to Paul, Prayer + Thanksgiving = Unsurpassed Peace. As the days leading up to the end of the year become
increasingly more hectic, I urge you to take part in Pauls challenge to give
thanks with your petitions to God and see the peace that the Holy Spirit has
in store for you.
-Brian Coon



November 2016


6 Deacons serving:





2 Student Refuge &

Awana 6pm
Bible Study 6:30pm
Choir 7:45pm

3 Prayer Team

4 Mission Friday

5:30pm Smith Bldg.

LINK 7:30 pm

Fellowship 5:30pm
Fellowship Hall

9 Student Refuge &

Awana 6pm
Bible Study 6:30pm
Choir 7:45pm

10 Prayer Team


16 Student Refuge &

Awana Thanksgiving
meal 6pm
Bible Study 6:30pm
Choir 7:45pm

17 Prayer Team

23 Office closed


8 General Election

Cliff Lightsey
Garry Talley
Day Light Saving Time

13 Deacons serving:


Fellowship Hall


15 WMU Sewing

Larry Ogburn
Ernie Wasdin
Mission Mtg. 4:30pm

Fellowship Hall 9am

Nancy Self-Grief Care6:00pm

20 Deacons serving:


22 Feed the

Bill Rankin
Larry Blackwelder

27 Deacons serving:

Thanksgiving Meal
Fellowship Hall



John Cavanaugh
Deacon Mtg. 4:30pm





Dennis Smock Jr.,

Dee Sheveland
Annette Whaley,
Ernie Pittman,
Terry Fulton
Anselmo Gamez
Inez Sullivan
Amanda Martin,
Kasie Robarts
Jennie Bell Spurlock,
Greg Ervin,
Carrie Starnes
Lisa Trammell,
Mary C. McDowell,
Barbara McFarr
Josh Thompson,



Cliff Lightsey,
Diane Nicholas
Renee Sousa
Ruth Cavanaugh,
Jason Smith,
Kathy Plante
Chris Hill
Jimmy wise
Mike Cannon
Betty Walters
Linda McKinney,
Sonny Leonard
Judy Ogburn
Veronica Bullock
Pauline Boball

No classes


5:30pm Smith Bldg.

LINK 7:30 pm

12 Joy Class
Fellowship 4pm
Smith Building





5:30pm Smith Bldg.

LINK 7:30 pm


First Baptist Church Ministry

Discover the love of Christ!

Gods Vision For FBC: He desires us to be a church that impacts our community
with the Gospel.


96 West. B. Street
Post Office Box 327
Frostproof, Florida 33843-0327
Phone: 863 635-3603
Fax: 863 635-6923
First Baptist Church of Frostproof

Gods Mission For FBC: Making disciples, leading believers to become fully
devoted followers of Christ.
Gods Strategy For FBC:
Connect with God thr ough wor ship and with other s thr ough
Grow spir itually and numer ically thr ough small gr oup Bible study.
Serve other s by joining a team engaged in ministr y.

Connecting with God!

Connecting with Others!

Service Schedules
Life Group Classes 9:45am
Celebration Worship Service 11:00 am
Worship Service 6:00pm
Children and Student Programs 6:00 pm
Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm
Choir 8:15 pm

Welcome New Members

Grief Care Fellowship
Hope and help for Hurting Hearts
Nancy Self, Representative, Director of
Womens Ministry Grief Care Fellowship
For over 20 years, Ive served God as
Business Administrator at Northcliffe Baptist
Church in Spring Hill, Florida. I was blessed to
be able to use my business knowledge in
ministry helping Northcliffe through multiple
multi-million dollar building programs and
campus improvements.
However, Ive felt God calling me to
encourage those struggling with loss,
prompting me to enter full-time minis
try on a more personal level. Ive been where
hurting people are, every fiber of my being
feels what they feel. It was through my
immense personal tragedies that I experienced
Gods powerful hope and peace. I know I must
now use my experiences with loss and Gods
comfort to help others who are grieving.
Nancy will speak at First Baptist on Sunday,
November 13, at 6:00 p.m.

Marilyn Hill
2572 Cedarwood Drive
Lake Wales, FL 33898
Feed the Community Thanksgiving meal is
Tuesday, November 22, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at
the Fellowship Hall.

Community Thanksgiving Meal
The Community Thanksgiving meal will be
held on November 24, from 11:00 to1:00 p.m.
The meal is part of a group effort of community
churches who provide this meal each year. Meal
preparation will be held at the First United
Methodist Church. For additional information,
contact Carol Held at (330) 206-0909.

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