A Friend of All: His Life For His Friends Through Loving Friendships" Denote The Highest Humanity The Supreme

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Who among us would deny that in these difficult times we need a friend? We need that
special someone who would seemingly lighten up the burden, and bring bus back to the right
track. Ravaged by political corruption and a multitude at social woe, it sometimes pay to have a
simple pat on a shoulder by someone who would comfort you and say, Im just here beside you!
Jesus calls us his friends and instrusts us to love each other We need to understand that being a
friend through the grace of Christ is the essence of all our social interactions.
Most especially in moments when we start a new life as friends together with the bonding
of each other says even further that, Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down
his life for his friends through loving friendships Denote the highest humanity the supreme
Goodwill the sternest honesty and the greatest unison of minds of which all human should live
by moreover, Jesus call to friendship is an invitation to join him in his work of salvation not as
servants, but as willing partners.
When never should them it can be see the act of love as a friendship, but we need give
ourselves to other people to express the meaning of Love with the humility of our heart and
we share the blessing we can just receive and if we can do this kind of sharing. We can see the
good result and which means the essence of love is the good act, we can give learning to the
persons who are the persons are needed the things that we can give them, so the people are not
selfish in own things may be can are needed of one persons but the things are own went the
person are need give them to the persons for the sake of good.

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