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By Jenna Eddleston

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject:Grade 5 Social Studies Unit: Living With the Land Topic: Interior Plains
Lesson Duration: 40min
Date: Oct. 4, 2016
KSAs: #3, #6
General Learning Outcomes:
5.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the people and the stories of Canada
and their ways of life over time, and appreciate the diversity of Canadas heritage.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
5.2.1 Students will appreciate the complexity of identity in the Canadian context:
acknowledge the roots of Francophone identity and presence in Canada
acknowledge the contributions made by diverse cultural groups to the evolution of
5.2.3 Students will examine, critically, ways of life in New France by exploring and
reflecting upon the following:
What do stories about the habitants tell us about Francophone history, culture and
presence in Canada?
Students will:
1) Demonstrate awareness of and interest in the Francophone settlers
traditions and customs
2) Explain a cultural artifacts that contributes to the context or identity of
Francophone Canadians
Key Questions:
I will observe students
What are the traditional
analyze a cultural artifact and
cultural artifacts, customs, practices
explain its contributions to the
and stories contribute to your
Francophone habitant people (L.O.
understanding of Francophone
habitant people of the Red River
I will observe which
Settlement and their role in
artifacts they select from the
developing Canada? (L.O. #1)
presentations as notable and how
How do these artifacts tell
they think they contribute to
the stories about the Francophone
historical stories of Canada (L.O.
habitants history, culture and
presence in Canada? (L.O. #2)

Written/Performance Assessments:
Students will inquiry with a small group and each select an artifact to
explain how it contributes to Francophone habitants history, culture and presence
in Canada
(L.O. #1 & #2)
Resource#1: Alberta Education Program of Studies: Grade 5 Social Studies
Resource#2: Voices of Canada: People, Places, and Possibilities Grade 5 Textbook
I will need:
Six Historical Artifact-Pack tables:
Eight items per table with full variety of types of sources
and mediums
ie) photographs, written articles, paintings, videos, recordings of oral histories,
photographs, creation stories as well as highlight cultural: traditions, folklore,
language, rules of behaviour, styles of dress, tools, food and religious celebrations
3-2-1 Done! Worksheet for each student
Exit Slips for each student
Students will need:
Pen or pencil
Introduction (Time): 5 mins
Hook/Attention Grabber: We are moving to the Red River settlement and must learn
about their culture in order to be allowed to live there.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Has anyone heard of this place or know where it is
located? Does anyone know who lived here?
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: During today's activity you will be working
at a designated station with three of your peers. I need you to choose your own artifact to
study and present but you may talk about your ideas with others at your table. Please be
respectful of these items and handle them with care. While group discussion is
encouraged, it is important we keep our noise level under control, and please remain at
your station. After you have chosen an item from the table, you will start some research
on that item that you will share with the class later. I will clap to let you know when it is
time to present or if I need your attention before then. If you have any questions about
any of the sources please direct them to me. Please come up one table at a time to select
your station
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Have six Artifact-Pack tables with artifacts spread in
stations around the classroom. Have enough worksheets photocopied
Transition to Body: Have students draw topics from a bag and go to that station and begin
looking at the artifacts.
Body (Time) : 30 mins
Key Questions:
What are the traditional cultural artifacts, customs, practices and stories contribute to
your understanding of Francophone habitant people and their role in developing Canada?
Learning Activity #1: Artifact-Pack Inquiry (10 mins)

1. Students will go to their designated tables
2. Students will browse through the artifacts and choose one to analyze
3. Students will come up with a short explanation to present to the class
describing the artifact using the 3-2-1 worksheet as a guide
-Different forms of media artifacts to choose from
-3-2-1 worksheet as formative assessment (attached)
Assessment for L.O. #1 & #2
Key Questions:
What are the traditional cultural artifacts, customs, practices and stories
contribute to your understanding of Francophone habitant people of the Red River
Settlement and their role in developing Canada?
How do these artifacts tell the stories about the Francophone habitants
history, culture and presence in Canada?
Learning Activity #2: Research Artifact (20 mins)
1. Students will take their notes and worksheet back to their work stations
and use their personal laptops to research the artifact.
2. Students should attempt to answer the two questions they wrote down on
their worksheet. Students should record this and keep the worksheet to share later.
3. If students need help finding information, direct them to appropriate
websites and resources online.
-Presentation through any expressive form (written, verbal, re enactment, song etc.)
-Students who lack the critical thinking skills to do effective research may need a printed
package of relevant information they could analyze on paper
Key Questions:
How do these artifacts tell the stories about the Francophone habitants
history, culture and presence in Canada?

Learning Activity #3: Think, Pair, Share(2 min)

1. Students will pair with one other group to discuss how they think these
items tell the historical stories of the people who used them
2. Share responses if time permits
Sponge Activity
If students finish their worksheet and have extra time they may explore other resources at
their table or go to the computers to look up a new artifact for their table
Closure (Time): 3 min

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: For L.O. #1 & #2
1. Students will hand in the 3-2-1 worksheet as formative assessment to
check their understanding and further questions they have to indicate areas for
2. Students will complete exit slip for formative assessment answering the
following understanding to demonstrate something they have learned:
What artifact would you chose in addition to your own that
you think represents the Francophone habitant culture? Why?
Feedback From Students:
-3-2-1 worksheet with questions they have
-Exit slip with demonstration of knowledge
Feedback To Students:
-Thank them for presenting their ideas
-Will respond to their questions via post (email) that night
Transition To Next Lesson:
- Look for things at home either in some of your books, or on television for things that
represent Canadian culture and think about how they will tell our history
-Take the selected artifacts and create a Colony Site table that will be used next class

Technology Rationale
By doing their own independent research students are able to take control and
direct their own learning. They have to opportunity to research about an item they deem
interesting, and can discover answers to their own questions. They are able to learn from
multiple sources and perspectives that may impact the students learning stronger than
traditional curriculum materials.
Some considerations I would make with this lesson would be the assumption that
the classroom has access to personal devices for each student. If they were not, I would
have to modify the lesson, so that the next class was spent in the computer room
conducting research. I am also presumptuous that my students will have the knowledge
and skills of the technology to conduct relevant research effectively.
Another important consideration I would make is how much does the online
research enhance the content for the students with the trade off of potential distractions
and inappropriate use of technology. I know as a student how easy it is to open up
multiple browser tabs that may not be relevant to the course and tabbing between them so
the teacher does not know. This is why I would have them work individually in order to
reduce distractions.
My greatest concern is that students will not be able to conduct their research
independently and find the information they need.

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