The Things We Are Day 3
The Things We Are Day 3
The Things We Are Day 3
Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the
central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters.
Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and
relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.
Students will be able to compare their experiences to the experiences of the artists in the
Students will be able to view and understand different cultural backgrounds
Students will be able to create a completed notebook of community and culture
Students will be able to create a video explaining the most meaningful part of the unit in
their own words
Anticipatory Set/Motivation/Hook
I will explain to students that we are going to the Ellensburg Museum of Culture and
Environment. I will tell students that during morning circle we will discuss what the museum is
like, what we will see, what we will look for.
Teaching Step-by-Step
Group Application
1. When we arrive at the museum we will take a tour of the The Things We Carry
2. I will ask students to look at the different exhibits and explain that each of the objects
hold memories to someone just like each of the students objects hold a memory to them.
3. Students will use the Observation Worksheet and follow the question prompts.
Students will answer questions and take notes during the visit (e.g., objects, cultural
representations, community representations, their favorite exhibit, their least favorite)
4. For example, one item in the exhibit is a fishing knife. A student might make a
connection that this person has a Native American culture and uses fishing as a life-
5. When we return back to the school we have a short discussion about what we observed
and what connections students made
Independent Application
Once students have completed their notes on their Community and Culture Notebook,
they will create a 2-5 minute video in ASL discussing their take-away from this unit.
E.g., students can explain their cultural piece from them and why it has meaning, students
can draw conclusions from the exhibit and what they found most meaningful, etc.
1. We will review our classroom community definition. After weve finished the unit I will
ask if students want to add or change anything to it. I will explain that we have learned
why culture and community is important.
2. To conclude students will take turns signing the classroom community definition in
support of maintaining an inclusive, diverse, and respectful classroom community.
Brandon has limited language so I will work supplemental with him one-on-one to get
some ideas from him about community. If he needs more support I will use visual aides
like books, videos, and pictures to expand on culture and community.
Jennifer has a pace-maker and cannot walk for long periods. During the field trip I will
assign a one-on-one aid with her and provide a map of benches in the museum for them
to take breaks as needed.
Joshua has autism and needs to be reminded throughout the week that we will be taking a
field trip. I will show him pictures of the museum so he will become familiar with the
plan before we leave. He will have a one-on-one aide with him at the museum.
Formative Assessment
As students explain their item that represents their culture and community, I will take
notes on various understandings of the assignment. If students do not understand the goal
of the assignment, I will work with them one-on-one to get more of an explanation.
Volunteers and student aides will circulate around the museum with students and ask
specific questions related to the exhibits and note if students are making connections
Summative Assessment
Students will produce a 2-5 minute ASL video explaining what they took away and
learned from this unit
Students will produce a fully-completed Community and Culture Notebook