Whms Music Oct 31st 2016 Newsletter

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WHMS MUSIC NEWS: October 31st 2016

Upcoming Dates
Wed. Nov 9th
Thurs. Nov 10th
Mon. Nov 14th
Sat. Nov 26th
Sun. Dec 4th
Tues. Dec. 13th
Wed. Dec. 14th

10:30 and
7:00 to 8:00pm
9:00am to 3:00

Gr 8 Members of Concert Band perform at Remembrance
Day assemblies
Pie Order Sheets are due to Mr. Reid
AVWH Band Parents meeting at WHMS
AVWH Craft Fair at AVHS
Jazz Band and Concert Band perform at Christmas Angels
Holiday Concert
Holiday Concert Storm Date

AVWH Band Parents Association

The next AVWH Band Parent meeting is Monday November 14 th at 7:00pm in the music room
at WHMS. Come on out to be part of decision making and lend a hand to our executive for
Vice President AVHS: Lisa Lebrasseur
Vice President WHMS: Karen Rideout
Registrar: Laura Maddox
Treasurer: Lisa Johnson
Secretary: Beth Brown-Carver
Volunteer Co-coordinator: Laura Maddox
Pie Chair: Laura Maddox
Craft Fair Committee: Lisa, Laura, and Karen
Brunch Chair: Lisa Lebrasseur
BPA Website: Karen Rideout
We can use your help, value your input, and hope to see you on the 14 th!
Pie Fundraiser
Just one week left to sell pies! We have many instruments to purchase, repair, and supply this
year so this fundraiser is more important than ever. The class with the most sales per student
will be rewarded with a fantastic PIE PARTY! Dont forget to collect payment with each order,
completed forms and payments must be returned to Mr. Reid on or before Thursday,
November 10th. A pickup date will be scheduled for the first week of December. Extra pie
order forms are available online at mrreidsite.weebly.com. Happy pie selling (and eating)!
Craft Fair
The AVWHBPA is having a craft fair at Avon View High on Saturday Nov.26 th from 9:00
3:00 featuring a wide variety of local crafters and vendors. Come on out and get a jumpstart
on your holiday shopping! $2.00 admission. If you would like to participate as a vendor,
contact us at avwhbpa@gmail.com for info on renting a table. All proceeds go to support the
music program at both schools (AVHS & WHMS).
BIG Instruments
Students can bring instruments on a bus as long as if fits on their lap or on the floor between
their feet. If your child plays one of the following instruments, they can leave theirs at home
as there is one available for them to use at school euphonium, tuba, bari sax, double bass,
and percussion. If the instrument requires a mouthpiece your child must bring theirs to
Instrument Maintenance

It is important that all instruments are cleaned and maintained properly. An instrument that is
cared for properly plays better, lasts longer, and costs us less to maintain. Please review the
Instrument Maintenance section of mrreidsite.weebly.com with your child. Note that brass
instruments are likely due for a thorough cleaning, and with the colder weather precautions
must be taken with the double basses.
If your child was in the music program last year they received a black golf shirt to wear to
performances. Please have your child check to make sure this still fits, if they have grown out
of it please wash it and have them bring it in to trade for a larger one ASAP as our order for
new shirts needs to go in soon. If your child was in concert band last year and still has a long
sleeved concert band shirt at home, this needs to be returned to the school for inventory.
All grades 7 and 8 students need to be practicing regularly in order to meet performance and
curricular goals. Practice is homework! The best routine is at least 15 minutes of producing
sound every day, or approximately four 30-45 minute practice sessions every week. Students
will soon be receiving practice tracking sheets that need to be signed by a parent or guardian.
See Mr.Reidsite.weebly.com for more information on what and how your child should be
Jazz Band and Concert Band
Our two extracurricular bands are off to a roaring start! There is plenty of interest in these
groups and our young musicians are showing signs of progress already. If your grade 7 or 8
student is interested but has not joined us yet, have them speak to me ASAP so we can talk
about getting them in the door before we begin rehearsing for the holiday concert.
There has been an issue with unannounced absences, this can throw a major wrench into
rehearsals and is detrimental to the growth of the band. Please have your child inform me in
advance if they will be missing a rehearsal.
Please remember our extracurricular attendance policy: Members are expected to be present
at all rehearsals, but may be excused for one-time events such as a sports game or
tournament as long as I am informed in advance. Please note that students will not be
excused for practice if that sports team meets more than once a week. If a student is involved
in a conflicting sport or other activity that only meets once a week, discussions can be had in
an attempt to find a compromise that works for the student.
Grade 6 Students in Jazz and/or Concert Band
At last months BPA meeting we discussed how to handle fees for grade 6 students in Jazz
and/or Concert Band. It was decided that these students would be asked to pay the supply fee
of $20, and if using one of our instruments the $55 full year rental fee. If this situation
describes your child, please contact the AVWH Registrar at avwhbpa@gmail.com.
Mr. Steve Reid
Music and Gr. 8 Art
West Hants Middle School
Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education Martin Luther King Jr.

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