Study of Planting Pattern Optimization at Kambara Irrigation Area District of Muna Barat

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Rehabilitation process implemented in Kambara irrigation network in 2013 showed that
was the problem of Kambara irrigation network which makes differences between water
flow of the initial plan and available water flow after rehabilitation. This allowed farmers
at Kambara irrigation applied irregular planting pattern and caused deviation of planting
pattern implementation, so it did not optimize the profit of yield at Kambara irrigation
The present study was conducted by calculating the need of irrigational water using
considering several factors such as evapotranspiration which is obtained Cropwart 8.0,
percolation, infiltration, effective raindrop, irrigation efficiency, large of irrigation area
and planting pattern implemented. This study also analyzed the optimum planting pattern
using linear program, that was QM for Windows 3 by taking into account of obstacles,
such as Kambara irrigation of area and the correlation between water need and
availability. Thus, profit of farmers harvest was gained from optimum planting pattern
of existing planting pattern.
Based on the analysis result, the water need of Kambara irrigation area with planting
pattern of rice rice palawija*, that is for planting season 1 in amount of 1.34 lt/sec/ha,
planting season II with amount of 1.08 lt/sec/ha and planting season III with amount of
0.73 lt/sec/ha. Based on optimization result which is conducted using QM software, the
optimum planting pattern was rice-rice-(rice-palawija*) for initial planting period
January I. This pattern produce income Rp. 80.644.230.000, thence the benefit obtained
from production compared to the existing condition, that is Rp. 80.644.230.000 Rp.
73.663.510.000 = Rp. 6.980.720.000.
Keywords: need of irrigation water, planting pattern optimization, linear program
*Palawija are the second planted after rice (like beans, corn, tuber etc).

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