A Supplier’sView of
Reprinted with permission.
Environmental Responsibility
American Association of Woodturners
s a supplier of cocobolo for We can only produce enough wood
more than 35 years, I read for three to four shipments a year.
with interest Mr. Whitman’s Once in the mill, the logs are
articles about the effect of using selected for size and yield to
exotic hardwoods in woodturning produce different dimensions. The
in the last two issues of American top grade is stock for musical instru-
Woodturner (Winter 2007 and Spring ments, followed by lumber, squares,
2008 issues). billets, turning stock, and low-grade
I share Mr. Whitman’s passion for small sizes for local craft markets.
the environment and retaining the The entire log is used to maximize
species and environment, but would yield. We only cut bowl stock from
like to bring some additional insight what will not make lumber due to
to the subject. I can only speak for defects in the log. Squares are kept
the methods of Tropical Exotic Hard- as large as possible by cutting off
woods of Latin America in which we defects, which brings down the size
harvest, mill, and market our woods all the way to pen stock.
from Mexico. We purchase certified nursery
It is a long and hard road to bring seedlings of various species, which
legal wood to market. The process are planted in the areas where
involves much planning through logging has taken place. Forestry
the Mexican Department of Agri- agents check to see that the replanting
culture (SARA) and the Secretary of and unmarked trees are all in place
Environment and Natural Resources before giving out permits to proceed
(SEMARNA), which oversee the the following cutting season.
Forestry Department. The Mexican government also
It takes from two to four years to checks to see we are paying taxes,
complete an environmental study Tropical Exotic Hardwoods uses mules to legal wages with good working con-
bring cocobolo trees out of the forests of
of the area to be logged. All com- Central Mexico. ditions, and employee benefits.
mercial species are inventoried It has been some years now, but we
into cubic meters of logs. There are reseeding. Younger smaller trees are invited (at our expense) Dr. Timothy
checks at every step from marking left to grow for future harvest. Sennot, director of the newly formed
trees, replanting, inventory audits, Most of the species we cut are in Forest Stewardship Council (FSC),
and transport from the cutting small stands, which are spread over to have a look and see if our opera-
through exporting. The period of a mountainous area. No large equip- tion could be certified. Dr. Sennot
cutting an area averages 10 years. ment is used to extract the logs and gave some insight on improving our
The older mature and medium- damage the forest. We use teams of methods and corrected some of the
sized trees are selected for harvest. mules to carry short logs to a gather- planting methods we still adhere to
(Within the inventory, dead trees ing point to load on a truck. It takes today. However, the cost of certifica-
are included too.) Healthy trees left a long time using this method to tion was much too expensive for a
standing help with the natural gather enough wood for a shipment. small operation.