Pattern Making 2
Pattern Making 2
Pattern Making 2
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May 2013
May 2011
June 2011
April 2012
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They also publish womens blocks for jacket, pants, casual top, stretch body.
Notice they publish blocks for a few basic garment types, with different amounts of ease and
common style elements. They dont expect students to start their designs from the most basic
fitting shell. Though they do expect students to devise more complex blocks for themselves, such
as a torso block for dress/ blouse without waist seam. Ive found myself working this way too,
making some basic types of garment that fit well. Then, for very simple garments, all you have to
do is change style elements on the basic block.
Heres an interesting story and advice from someone who taught herself how to make patterns
and now sells pdf download patterns on-line.
The big pattern companies also use slightly different basic fitting shells. oop book Every
Sewers Guide to the Perfect Fit by Morris and McCann compares them. And there are designers
within the large pattern companies who use their own idea of an average body shape, like Sandra
Betzina and Connie Crawford. Independent pattern companies have their own body shapes too,
presumably related to the shape of the designer. So if we use independent patterns, we learn
which companies have patterns which fit us easily with small changes, and which ones dont.
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That image is from a free pdf about bodice drafting, source site discontinued.
There's a wide range of free drafting instructions from the Burda Style site (metric). These are
derived from Winifred Aldrichs pattern making book.
Fitted bodice with darts
[If your front is not average in size or location, you may want to add shoulder-to-bust-point,
shoulder-to-waist-over-bust-point, and bust-point-to-bust-point measures to this method. Also
doesn't include sloping/ square shoulders, high round back. . .]
[Doesn't include a bicep measure, so not much help for large arms.]
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Simplified drafting
If youd like to start your personal pattern drafting with something simpler using fewer
measurements, there are several books with very simple instructions for drafting a personal fit.
They can do this because they use the modern casual or dartless block, which at its simplest
has :
- no darts.
- front and back patterns the same except for the neck line.
- as the front and back pattern armholes are the same, the sleeve cap is symmetrical.
(See my post on the casual/ dartless block.)
Much easier and cheaper shape to manufacture. And much easier to make a basic pattern for.
Simplest of all is Sew What ! Fleece by Jessop and Sekora.
Simple patterns and simple sewing instructions for near beginners.
They use 7 measurements to draw their body template. Then they add extra width to front
opening, shoulders and side seams, to make tops and jackets. Easy pull-on pants from 5 measures
and a similar approach. Book leads you through a sequence of projects so you learn both simple
pattern making and sewing. All in fleece, so no need to neaten edges and prevent fraying.
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For a less easy starting point, theres Cal Patchs Design-it-yourself Clothes. This simplifies
block making and pattern altering. Few darts, so not for large cup sizes. Problem : the
instructions are mainly in paragraphs of words with few illustrations. Not good for a visual
person. Also the focus is on pattern making. The minimal sewing instructions are not for
She uses 24 measurements in all. For a wide range of clothes : skirt, tee, shirt/ light jacket, dress,
pants. Modern styles, plus instructions for pattern alterations.
The simplest Casual Block doesnt fit me well. I now have my own casual block with personal
neckline and shoulder slope, back shoulder darts, and personal armholes and sleeve cap very
different front and back (post on that here). Many people with a full front look better if they add
a bust dart to the casual block. Now I can apply the simple style changes which people suggest
for the casual block, to my own version of it.
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Special rulers
There are some block drafting rulers which look interesting. But I haven't tried them, as when I
found them I already knew they dont include all the measurements I personally need for a good
The Point and Pivot Pattern Ruler is from Eilleen in South Africa.
This uses personal measurements for bust, bust point and cup size, waist, hip, waist length.
This video shows how to draft a bodice.
There are several similar rulers from Australia :
DKEMEL ruler
Pattern Drafter
Sitam square
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The Sure-Fit dress kit allows for bust, cup size, bust point position, waist, waist length, shoulder
and arm length, high hip and hips.
For people with a longer back crotch measure, the Sure-Fit pants dont discriminate between
those who need more vertical length and more angle, to accommodate a large rear, compared to
people who need more horizontal crotch extensions, to accommodate a deep torso (see my note
on pants wedges).
There are many helpful videos about improving the fit, at the SFD Learning Center.
These apply to fitting any personal blocks, not just the SFD derived ones.
Sure-Fit calls the basic pattern your body blueprint. You then use standard pattern making
methods to get other styles. I think the very visual Sure-Fit booklets are good. And the Sure-Fit
instructions can be used to make new styles whatever your source of basic blocks.
For me personally, the Sure-Fit bodice patterns dont get any closer to fitting me than any other
source of a basic top. And the skirt and pants have so little relation to me theyre not a good
starting point for getting a good fit. But many people, who are closer to average in shape than I
am, rave about the quality of fit they get from this system.
With the re-issue of Sure-Fit there has been a lot of interest, see Stitchers Guild discussion
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In the FitNice System you trace very simple basic shapes for casual-block knit top and elastic
waist pants. Many simple ideas for pattern alterations.
Up to finished measurement at bust level of 48-1/2 inches/ 123 cm.
The conversion for wovens doesnt work well for my body shape, as the simplest casual block
isnt good on me.
The Lutterloh System only allows for bust and hip measurements. When I was trying these
methods I already knew that was not enough for me.
Sadly, none of these physical tools include all my challenges in getting forward neckline, sloping
shoulders, high round back, forward armhole, etc. to fit. I need to do those fit alterations myself.
But you only have to make alterations once on the basic pattern. Then all patterns you make from
your personal basic pattern will include those changes ready made.
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This, and the discontinued Bernina My Label, are the only pattern making software I have
personal experience with. I found this sort of fitting process is not one I enjoy at all. And after a
lot of struggles I eventually discovered it wasn't possible for me to get a pattern from PMB that
worked well for me.
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Most pattern making software has a demo version so you can check if you like the method of
working. Though you may have to pay out before you can find if it produces a good pattern for
your own body shape. The software packages include guidance about improving the fit. Sadly
that doesnt necessarily work, if the calculations dont allow for your particular body shape
Its a good idea to start small and find if using pattern software is a way of working you enjoy.
And best to start by expecting better rather than ideal for the fit. It may take several tries to get
the best fit you can.
And if the measurements used in particular software dont allow for some of your particular body
shape features, such as armhole not half way between shoulder and waist, then you may have to
make those fit changes on every pattern that is produced.
These are sources of pattern making software for amateurs :
Dress Shop
Garment Designer (link on left in menu along top)
My Pattern Designer
Pattern Maker
Pattern Master
Professional pattern making software is rather different. It doesnt need any focus on individual
fit. And there is very much more design freedom. But that does make it much more difficult to
Although I love using a computer for many purposes, Im much happier doing real-world pattern
making. Rather than working in the virtual reality of pattern software. Many people are the
other way round.
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Method C :
Get a set of personal blocks for the garment shapes you usually wear, but get them by fitting
commercial patterns. Rather than by drafting the most basic 'primary blocks/ fitting shells and
then developing those to make secondary shapes.
Start from a commercial pattern for one of these secondary shapes, like a raglan or kimono top.
Get that to fit. And then use that as the base for making other styles. Easiest to start from a
pattern with few added style elements.
This is what I find myself doing in practice. Ive tried many pattern drafting and easy fitting
methods. And find I have to do nearly as much work on getting the result to fit as I do on a
commercial pattern. So I might as well start with a commercial pattern and cut out the step of
using the special aid.
See my posts on :
fitting my own casual pullover
fitting my own raglan top.
I also have basic skirt and pants, developed by the same method : starting from a commercial
pattern and doing a lot of fiddling with a muslin.
Here's my posts on whats involved in :
getting a good fit in my waist-hip area
getting a good fit for my crotch curve.
I'm still working on a basic shirt and fitted blouse, but making progress.
I don't wear tees and knit tops, or jeans and leggings, or sheath dresses, or different shapes of
skirt, but many people will want basic patterns for them too.
To get a set of good starting point patterns by this route, we don't need help with drafting the
primary and secondary blocks. We need help with fit (see page 22).
I no longer feel I ought to be using the proper method of drafting my basic pattern making
blocks. Because for me this direct approach gives a better result with less work.
Method D :
And for something completely different theres draping as a method for making patterns. Cut
fabric shapes close to what you want but with big seam allowances. And play with manipulating
the fabric on a dress form or person until its what you want. (See my post on Draping.) Work
with fabric, pins, scissors. Rather than with paper, pencil, ruler. Some people find theyre much
happier and more inspired this way.
There are books on draping but I havent tried it and dont know them.
-- 2013
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Altering your basic well fitting starting blocks to make patterns for different
Just a note on this here, as this is a huge topic and the focus in this e-book is the starter blocks,
not on altering them to get another style.
An example : working out how to copy a favourite flared jacket with no side seams and revers
Starting from a quarter scale fitting shell (white) : rotate out the darts in the fitting shell, add
length (pale green), slash and spread (red).
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I like Peggy Sagers Basic Pattern Making DVD for a good intro to understanding the basics of
altering a basic starting point to make patterns for different styles.
Though its very difficult to re-view as it has no menu or headings, or listing of whats covered.
Ive made extensive notes on what happens when. (And it is expensive, luckily I got it on special
And I definitely need to be supported by pattern altering books for reference, so I dont have to
remember it all. See my post on my favourite books on pattern altering.
No substitute for actually doing some, to learn how to do pattern making.
Its fun to use quarter size blocks and play with different pattern making techniques. There are
often quarter size blocks in pattern making books, but I havent found any copyright free ones.
Quarter size patterns fit 16 inch fashion dolls with relatively correct adult body proportions (not
like child-shape dolls or Barbie, however much fun they may be to make clothes for !). Here are
a couple of on-line sources for buying these small patterns as downloads : Don McCunn and a
doll pattern site. (Tyler Wentworth is a 16 fashion doll.)
And then make up the design full size in muslin. To be sure the pattern pieces go together
properly. And to check the overall silhouette and size/ shape/ placement of style elements flatter
your body shape. Good to make this trial garment in a fabric you can write and draw on, and just
baste it together so you can change things easily.
Getting the right length and breadth of each pattern piece, and the best placement of each style
element, to achieve the effect you want is a matter of judgement, an art not a science. So can
only be refined by practice, experimenting to find out what has what effect. Which is why many
of us find we prefer to adapt commercial patterns rather than trying to make our own designs.
Muslins are used in 2 ways :
- for testing the fit,
- and for testing the success of the design ideas.
Professional high-end designers and custom dressmakers dont expect to get things right first
time !
They may make many muslins before theyre satisfied with the result.
See my Index page 3 which lists my posts on pattern making.
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