METU Chem. Eng. Dept. Ch.E. 410 Chem. Eng. Lab II Experiment 4.4 Unsteady State Heat Transfer

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METU Chem. Eng. Dept.

Ch.E. 410 Chem. Eng. Lab II


At the end of this experiment you should be able to determine the temperature distribution
in a metal rod as a function of time and position.
There will be a quiz and a short discussion at the beginning of the experiment. You will
be graded based on them and the preliminary work done on your laboratory notebook
a. Study the equipment and familiarize yourself with its operation.
b. Answer the following questions
1. Explain the heat transfer mechanism for conduction, convection and radiation.
2. What is the dominant heat transfer mode for this system? Why can you neglect other
heat transfer modes? Explain with reasons.
3. Derive the differential equation (Equation 1) for temperature distribution in the rod
together with corresponding initial and boundary conditions. Modify the differential
equation and its initial and boundary conditions to non-dimensional form.
4. Plot qualitatively the shape of the family of curves for the temperature profile along
the rod time being a parameter.
5. Decide the appropriate time intervals that you should record the temperature profile
along the rod by carefully analyzing Figure 1.
6. Why is your experimental system one-dimensional?
7. What can be the possible disturbances that can be applied to a system in which a rod
is heated from both ends.
The experimental set-up is located at the first floor in Unit Laboratory (A107). It consists
of a cylindrical brass rod, two resistance heaters with adjustable electrical power input,
and the necessary electrical connections. The insulated brass rod is 100 cm long with nine
thermowells each 10 cm. apart, for insertion of thermometers. The two resistance heaters
are large brass blocks containing oil and electrical resistance heaters in them. You will
need eleven thermometers, nine for the brass rod and one for each resistance heater, and a
pair of heavy, insulated gloves for handling the resistance heaters when hot.


METU Chem. Eng. Dept.

Ch.E. 410 Chem. Eng. Lab II

Experiment 4.4
One-Dimensional Unsteady State
Heat Transfer

1. Heat the oil in the resistance heaters and keep the temperature of oil constant by
adjusting the electrical power. (This step will be in control of your assistant)
2. Connect the insulated brass rod to the resistance heaters from both ends at the same
time and make sure there is good contact between the rod and heaters. Set this time as
your time zero (t=0). You should record the readings of the thermometers at t=0 just
before connecting the heaters to the rod. The temperatures at the ends of the rod may
be assumed to be equal to the temperature of the resistance heaters. Keep these end
temperatures constant as best as you can by adjusting the resistance switches on the
control panel.
3. Record the temperature profile in the rod at appropriate time intervals. Make your
own judgement as to what is "appropriate time intervals" probably by looking at
Figure 1. Continue taking data for temperature profile until the temperature rise at the
center of the rod becomes too slow (less than 0.30oC/min) or the center temperature is
within 30 oC of the heater temperature.
4. Apply a disturbance to the system (See question 7 in the preliminary work).
5. Continue to record the temperature profile in the rod at previously selected time
intervals, until enough data are collected to understand the effect of the change.
The temperature distribution in the rod can be denoted by the following partial
differential equation:

k 2T
t C p x 2


T : temperature at any position at any time, 0C
t : time, min

= (k/Cp) : thermal diffusivity of the rod, m2/s = 33.9x10-6 m2/s [See Ref. 3]
x : position along the rod, cm
The temperature profile can be obtained by three methods:
(a) The use of analytical expression
To solve Eq. (1) for the temperature one has to make the simplifying assumptions that:

METU Chem. Eng. Dept.

Ch.E. 410 Chem. Eng. Lab II

Experiment 4.4
One-Dimensional Unsteady State
Heat Transfer

i. To is constant and can be assumed to be equal to the average temperature of the rod
at time zero.
ii. T1 is constant and can be assumed to be equal to the temperature of the resistance
heaters throughout the duration of the experiment.
iii. Thermal diffusivity is constant and can be assumed to be equal to the arithmetic
mean of its values at T1 and T0.
In obtaining the temperature distribution given in Eq. (2), dimensionless quantities such
as Y, z, or as described below are introduced, so that the differential equation and initial
and boundary conditions can be expressed in a simpler form.

T1 T
: dimensionless temperature
T1 T0

z = 4 t/L2 : dimensionless time

= 2x / L : dimensionless position
T1 T
(2n + 1) x
exp (2n + 1) 2 az sin
T1 T0 n= 0 (2n + 1)


a = (/2)2
L = length of the rod, cm
T0 = temperature of the rod when t=0, 0C
T1 = temperature at the ends of the rod, 0C
Attention : x is the position along the length of the rod. The origin of the x-axis in this
case is at one end of the rod.
(b) Use of dimensionless ratios and graphs

The temperature profile obtained by Eq (2) can be represented in a graphical form for
most practical purposes, as in Figure 1.
Attention: x is the position along the length of the rod. The origin of the x-axis is at the
center (or mid point) of the rod. In Figure 1, y and b correspond to x and L/2 of equation
2, respectively.
(c) Experimental observation

You will obtain this temperature profile after the experiment by using the temperature
recordings that you obtain in appropriate time intervals.

METU Chem. Eng. Dept.

Ch.E. 410 Chem. Eng. Lab II

Experiment 4.4
One-Dimensional Unsteady State
Heat Transfer


1. Calculate temperature profile by using equation 2. In order to get temperature values

you should write a computer program.
2. Read temperatures at several values of x and t by using Figure 1. Compare the
temperatures predicted by your computer program with these readings and verify that
the solutions of equation 2 (obtained from the computer program) and the graphical
solution (Figure 1) are essentially the same within the precision of reading the chart.
3. Plot calculated temperature profiles that are obtained by your computer program and
the experimental values separately as a function of position and time. This may be
done by plotting temperature vs. position and using time as a parameter.
4. Tabulate the experimental and calculated temperature profiles in a single table.
5. Compare the experimental and calculated results and write a discussion.
6. State suitable governing differential equation and boundary conditions after
disturbance is introduced.
7. Plot the temperature distribution measured after applying the disturbance as a function
of position and time. Discuss the effect of the applied change on evolution of
temperature profile.

1. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., Lightfoot, E.N., "Transport Phenomena," Wiley, New York
(2002). [Read Chapter 12- Temperature Distributions with More than One
Independent Variable, pp.374-406.]
2. Incropera, F.P., DeWitt,D.P., "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer," 5th ed.,
Wiley, New York(2002). [See Chapter 5 - Transient Conduction.]


METU Chem. Eng. Dept.

Ch.E. 410 Chem. Eng. Lab II

Experiment 4.4
One-Dimensional Unsteady State
Heat Transfer

Figure.1 Temperature profiles for unsteady-state heat conduction in a slab of finite

thickness [H.S. Carslaw and J.C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, Oxford University
Press, London (1959), p.101, in R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport
Phenomena, Wiley, New York (2002), p.378. Figure 12.1-1]


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