Methodology For Ammonia

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The purpose of this protocol is to provide guidelines for monitoring of ammonia in

ambient air.
Indophenol method (Methid 401, Air Sampling and Analysis, 3rd Edition) Ammonia in
the atmosphere is collected by bubbling a measured volume of air through a dilute
solution fo sulphuric acid to from ammonium sulphate. The ammonium sulphate
formed in the sample is analyzed colorimetrically by reaction with phenol and alkaline
sodium hypochlorite to produce indophenol. The reation is acceleration by the addition
of Sodium Nitroprusside as catalyst.
The following etems are necessary to perform the monitoring and analysis fi ammonia
in ambient air:
Analytical balance
Vacume pump to maintain a flow rate up to 5 liter per minute
Calibrated flow measuring device to control the air flow from 1 to 2 l/min.
Absorber: a midget impinger or a fritted bubbler
Spectrophotometer capable of measuring absorbance at 630nm
Glass ware: low actinic glass wares must be used for analysis
All the chemicals should meet specification of ACS Analytical Reagent grade
Distilled water
N Sulphuric Acid (Absorbing solutiom)
Sodium Nitroprusside: Dissolve 2g sodium nitroprusside in 100ml distilled
6.75M sodium hypochlorite solution: dilute 5 to 6% AR grade sodium
hypochlorite with distilled water to give a 0.1N solution (3.7%). Strength
determined before dilution by iodimetric titration

Sodium hypochlorite solution: Dilute 5 to 6% AR grade sodium hypochlorite

with distilled water to give a 0.1N solution (3.7%). Strengh determined before
dilution by iodimetric titration
Phenol solution 45% v/v: Dilute 45ml phenol to 100ml with methanol
Sodium phosphate
Ammonium chloride or Ammonium sulfate
Hydrochloric acid
Buffer solution: Dissolve 50g of sodium phosphate (Na3PO4.2H2O) and 74ml of
6.75M NaOH in 1L of distilled water.
Working hypochlorite solution: Mix 30ml of 0.1 N sodium hypochlorite and 30ml
of 6.75M Sodium hydroxide and dilute to 100ml with distilled water.
Working phenol solution: Mix 20ml of 45% phwnol solution with 1ml of 2%
sodium nitroprusside and dilute to 100ml with distilled water.
Ammonia stock solution:(1mg NH3/ml)
Ammonia stock solution (10g NH3/ml) (prepare fresh daily)

Place 10ml of absorbing solution in an impinger and somple for one hour at the flow
rate of 1 to 2L/min. After sampling measure the volume of sample and transfer to a
sample stroge bottle.
Transfer content of the sample bottle to a 25ml glass stopper graduated cylinder.
Maintain all the solutions and sample at 25C. Add 2ml buffer. Add 5ml of working
phenol solution, mix and fill to about 22ml. Add 2.5ml of working hypochorite soltion
and rapidly mix. Dilute to 25ml, mix and store in the dark for 30 minutes to develop
colour. Measure the absorbance of the solution at 630nm on a spectrophotometer using
1cm eclls. Prepare a reagent blank and field blank and measure the absorbance as done
in the analysis of samples.

Pipet 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ml of working standard solution in to 25ml glass stoppered
graduated cylinders. Fill to 10ml mark with absorbing solution. A reagent bland with
10ml absorbing solution is also prepared. Add reagents to standard against reagent
Plot a curve absorbance (Y axis) versus concentration (X axis). Draw a line of best fit and
determine the slope. The reciprocal of slope gives the calibration factor (CF).
C(NH3 g/m3) = (As Ab)X CF/Va.
C HN3 = Concentration of Ammonia in g/m3
As = Absorbance of sample
Ab = Absorbance of reagent blank
CF = Calibration factor
Va = Volume of air sampled in m3
Indophenol method (method 401, Air Sampling and Analusis, 3rd Edition),
Lewis publishers Inc.

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