2.electronics Circuits II
2.electronics Circuits II
2.electronics Circuits II
2 .a. Describe the effect of negative feedback on bandwidth and harmonic distortion of a amplifier.(May/June
A negative feedback amplifier has a open loop gain of 60,000 and a closed loop gain of 300.If the open loop
upper cutoff frerquency is 15KHz, estimate the closed loop upper cut off frequency. Also, calculate the total
harmonic distortion with feedback if there is 10%harmonic distortion without feedback.
3. Sketch the circuit of a single stage CE amplifier that uses emitter current feedback.Analyse the circuit and
derive the equations for gain, input and output impedence with feedback. (May/June 2013)
4. Find the type of amplifier shown in the diagram given below and draw the basic amplifier without feedback
and find the gain with equivalent circuit. Also find feedback factor and its closed loop voltage gain.
(May/June 2014)
5. A.Draw the block diagram of voltage series amplifier and derive for AV,Rif,Rof.Draw a two stage amplifier
with voltage series feedback. (May/June 2014)
B.Derive for bandwidth with feedback BWf
6.a.(i)Sketch the block diagram of a feedback amplifier and derive the expressions for gain (1)with positive
(2)with negative feedback. State the advantages of a negative feedback.
(ii).An amplifier without feedback,has a voltage gain of 400,lower cutoff frequency f1=50 Hz.upper cutoff
frequency f2=200KHz and distortion of 10%.Determine the amplifier voltage gain,lower cutoff frequency and
upper cutoff frequency and distortion,when a negative feedback is applied with feedback ratio of 0.01.
(iii)An amplifier with feedback has voltage gain of 100.When the gain with out feedback changes by 20% and
the gain with feedback should not vary more than 2%.If so determine the values of open loop gain A and
feedback ratio . (April/May 2011)
7.(i)For a feedback amplifier ,derive the expression for (i)gain with feedback,(2)lower cutoff frequency and (3)
upper cutoff frequency. (May/June 2012)
8.If a amplifier has a bandwidth of 300kHz and a voltage gain of 100,what will be the new band width and gain
if 10% negative feedback is introduced? What will be the gain bandwidth product before and after feedback?
What should be the amount of feedback if the band width is to be limited to 800kHz.
9.(i)What is the effect of a current series negative feedback on input resistance and output resistance of a BJT
amplifier.Explain the same with necessary circuit,equivalent circuit and equations.
(ii)A current series feedback amplifier is shown in figure below (May/June 2012)
Draw the circuit of a current series feedback amplifier and explain . Derive expressions for input and output
impedance.How does it improve the stability of the amplifier.
Draw the circuit of an emitter follower. Identify the type of negative feedback. calculate the gain, input and
output resistance with and without feedback.
(i) Discuss the classification of feedback amplifiers with schematic (topology).How is impedance level
modified in each type?
Derive expression for Avf with positive and negative feedback and state condition for stability in negative
feedback amplifiers.
(i) Draw the circuit diagram and equivalent circuit for current shunt feedback amplifier and derive the
expression for total voltage gain.
(ii) what are the different performance measures of feedback amplifiers? Discuss each in brief.
(i) Show how negative feedback reduces gain of an amplifier.
Explain the effect of negative feedback on the input resistances for a voltage shunt feedback amplifier.
Draw the feedback circuit of a colpitts oscillator. Obtain the value of the equivalent series capacitance required
if it uses a L of 100Mh and is to oscillate at 0kHz.(May/June 2013)
What is the necessary conditions for a wein bridge oscillator circuit to hav e sustained oscillations?
(May/June 2013)
Differentiate oscillator and amplifier. (Nov/Dec 2013)
State the barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillation.What will happen to the oscillations if the magnitude of
the loop gain is greater than unity. (Nov/Dec 2013)
What are the major disadvantages of twin T oscillator. (Nov/Dec 2012)
6. In a Hartley oscillator if L1=0.2mH And L2=0.3mH and C=0.003F.Calculate its frequency of oscillations.
(Nov/Dec 2012) , (May/June 2012)
State the conditions for sustained oscillations (May/June 2012) , (Nov/Dec 2011), (April/May 2010)
A tuned collector oscillator in a radio receiver has a fixed inductance of 60H and has to be tunable over the
frequency band of 400kHz to 1200kHz.Find the range of variable capacitor to be used. (Nov/Dec 2011)
, (April/May 2011)
9.A wein bridge oscillator is used for oscillations at 9kHz.If the value of the resistance R is 100K,what is the
value of C required? (May/June 2011)
In a RC phase shift oscillator, if R=200Kand C=0.02pF find the frequency of the oscillator. (April/May
A crystal has the following parameters h=0.5H ,C=0.05Pf and mounting capacitance is 2Pf.Calculate its series
26. Draw the electrical equivalent circuit of crystal and mention the significance of each component.
Explain how conditions for oscillation are satisfied for RC phase shift oscillator and derive its frequency of
oscillation. (May/June 2014)
What is the drawback of colpitt oscillator and how it is overcome in clapp oscillator ?Draw the equivalent
circuit od clap oscillator and derive its frequency of oscillation. (May/June 2014)
3.Draw the circuit diagram and explain operation of RC phase shift oscillator.Describe the phase shift network
and amplifier gain requirements.Derive the expression for frequency of operation of the circuit . (May/June
4.(i)What is the principle of oscillation of crystals?sketch equivalent circuit and impedence frequency graph of
crystals and obtain its series and parallel resonant frequency. (May/June 2013)
(ii)Explain how crystals are employed in oscillators for stabilization.
5.(i)Explain working of Hartley oscillator.Derive expression for frequency of oscillation and condition for
oscillation. (Nov/Dec 2013)
(ii)Describe operation of twin T oscillators.
6.(i).Draw circuit diagram of RC phase shift oscuillator and explain its operation by deriving expression for
frequency of oscillation.(Nov/Dec 2013)
(ii)Discuss about the frequency stability of an oscillator.
7.(i)Draw Draw circuit diagram of RC phase shift oscuillator and explain its operation by deriving expression
for frequency of oscillation and minimum gain required for sustained oscillations. (May/June 2012)
(ii)Make a table of comparision of RC phase shift oscillator and wein bridge oscillator bringing out the
similarities and difference.
8.With neat diagram explain working principle of following oscillators.State expression for frequency in each
case. (May/June 2012)
(i) tuned collector oscillator (ii)franklin oscillator (iii)Armstrong oscillator
9.(i)Draw the circuit of wein bridge oscillator using BJT.Show that gain of the amplifier must be atleast three
for oscillation to occur. (Nov/Dec 2012) (Nov/Dec 2011)
(ii)In a certain oscillator circuit,gain of of the amplifier is
network is
Verfy barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillation.Also find frequency at which
value of C1 for a gain of 10 if C2 is kept constant as 500Pf.Also find the resulting new frequency.
(April/May 2011)
(i)Explain Armstrong oscillator and derive its frequency of oscillation. (April/May 2010)
A Colpitts oscillator is designed with C1=100 pF and C2=750 pF. The inductance is variable. Determine the
range of inductance values,if the frequency of oscillation is to vary between 950 KHz and 2050 KHz.
(i) Explain Wien bridge oscillator and derive its frequency of oscillation. (April/May 2010)
Write a note on frequency stability of oscillators.
1.What is meant by neutralization. (May/June 2014)
2.Draw the input and output waveform fot the circuit shown. (May/June 2014)
3.What is the need for neutralization circuit. (May/June 2013), (Nov/Dec 2013) 4.Mention any two inportant
features of straggered tuned amplifier. (May/June 2013)
5.What are tuned amplifiers?What are the various types of tuned amplifiers? (Nov/Dec 2012) 6.What is narrow
band neutralization? (Nov/Dec 2012),(Nov/Dec 2011)
7.In a low pass RC circuit,rise time is 35 nano seconds.What is the bandwidth that can be obtained using the
circuit.? (Nov/Dec 2012)
8.State two advantages and disadvantages of tuned amplifiers. (May/June 2012) 9.What is meant by clamper
circuit. (May/June 2011)
10.In a low pass RC circuit, rise time is 35 nano seconds,what is the bandwidth obtained from the circuit.
(Nov/Dec 2012)
What is meant by clipper circuit. (May/June 2011)
What is a straggered tuned amplifier (Nov/Dec 2011)
What is tilt applicable to RC circuits?Give expression for tilt (Nov/Dec 2011)
Define tuned amplifier. (April/May 2010)
Define the term unloaded Q factor. (April/May 2010) 16.Define loaded and unloaded Q (Nov/Dec 2010)
17.Why does tuned amplifier need neutralization? Draw the circuit of narrow band neutralization . (Nov/Dec
18.What are the advantages of double tuned over single tuned?
2.Why neutralization in needed and explain with circuit Hazeltine neutralization method? (May/June2014)
3.Draw a single tuned amplifier and derive its max gain with its equivalent circuit. (May/June 2014) 4.Explain
the functioning of a capacitor coupled single tuned amplifier.With high frequency transistor
model,carry out an analysis and obtain gain and bandwidth of an amplifier. Plot its frequency response.
(May/June 2013)
5.What are synchronous tuned amplifiers.Draw the circuit of two stage capacitor coupled single tuned
amplifier and explain with equation the effect of cascading on the gain and bandwidth.(May/June
6.(i)Draw the circuit diagram of a single tuned amplifier and explain the circuit operation.Also derive
expression for its frequency of oscillation. (Nov/Dec 2013)
(ii)Discuss effect of cascading tuned amplifiers.
7.(i)Explain the working of straggered tuned amplifier with appropriate derivation. .(Nov/Dec 2013)
(ii)Explain the instability of tuned amplifiers and explain any one technique for stabilization. (Nov/Dec
8.(i)Draw the circuit diagram of two stage synchronously tuned amplifier and also its equivalent circuit.Derive
expression for bandwidth. (Nov/Dec 2012)
(ii)Design a tuned amplifier using FET to have fo = 1M Hz 3dB bandwidth is to be 10K Hz and maximum gain
is to be -10.FET has gm=5Ma/v and rd =10K. (Nov/Dec 2012)
9.(i)Draw the circuit of a double tuned amplifier and explain its operation.Sketch nature of frequency gain
characteristics and write the expression for 3dB bandwidth . (Nov/Dec 2012)
(ii)Explain briefly what is a straggered tuned amplifier. Sketch and compare the frequency response of
individual stages with that of a two stage stagger tuned amplifier. (Nov/Dec 2012).
10. (i)Draw the circuit diagram and equivalent circuit of a capacitor coupled single tuned amplifier and explain
its operation. Derive equation forvoltage gain and write the expression for 3dB bandwidth. Sketch frequency
response of the amplifier. (May/June 2012) , (Nov/Dec 2011)
(ii)A single tuned transistor amplifier is used to amplify modulated RF carrier of 600KHz and bandwidth of
15KHz.The circuit has total output resistance R=20k and output capacitance Co=50Pf.Calculate values of
inductance and capacitance of tuned circuit.
11.(i) Draw the circuit of class C tuned amplifier and explain its operation with relavent waveforms/Discuss its
frequency response. (May/June 2012)
(ii)With neat circuit diagram explain Hazeltine method of neutralization and coil neutralization (Nov/Dec
12.(i) Draw the circuit of a single tuned amplifier and derive expression for gain as a function of frequency.
(Nov/Dec 2011)
(ii)The drain current of a FET Tuned radio frequency amplifier has a 100Pf capacitor placed in parallel with
an inductor L whose unloaded Q factor is 100.If the frequency of resonance is 1MHz and transistor
output resistance
is 20k.Calculate loaded Qfactor , inductance and loaded bandwidth.(Nov/Dec 2011)
(i) Explain class C tuned amplifier and derive its efficiency (april /may 2010)(ii) Explain Hazeltine
Neutralization Method.
With circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of a Schmitt trigger circuit using two transistors for
a sinusoidal input.
1.Draw a double tuned amplifier and its frequency response of different types of coupling.(May/June 2014)
2.Briefly explain one type of triggering bistable multivibrator. (May/June 2014)
3.What is a regenerative comparator.Give an example circuit.(May/June 2013)
4.A RC low pass circuit has R= 1.5K c=0.2F,What is the rise time of the output if an step input is
given(May/June 2013)
5.Define threshold points in a Schmitt trigger. (Nov/Dec 2013) 6.Give two application of Schmitt trigger
(May/June 2012) 7.What is a clamper circuit. (May/June 2012)
8.Why do we call astable multivibrator as free running multivibrator. (Nov/Dec 2012)
9.An inductor of 250Mh has Q=300 at 1MHz.Determine RS and RP of inductor. (Nov/Dec 2012) 10.What are
the applications of bistable multivibrator. (April/May 2011)
11.What type of distortion is occurred in astable multivibrator. (Nov/Dec 2011)
Give two applications of bistable multi vibrator.
A 20 KHz, 75% duty cycle square wave is used to trigger continuously,
a monostable multi vibrator with a triggered pulse duration of s 5.(April/May 2010)
14.What will be the duty cycle of the waveform at the output of the monostable multivibrator?(April/May
What is a complementary Multivibrator?
What is the important application of Schmitt trigger?
What are the other names of speed up capacitors?
Define transition time.
Define resolving time.
Define gate width.
21.What are the two types of transister bistable Multivibrator?
How are the values R1, R2 and VBB chosen in bistable Multivibrator?
What is self biased Multivibrator?
What is the main characteristics of Astable Multivibrator?
What is multivibrator?
1. (i)With neat circuit diagram and waveform explain working of a positive clamping circuit (ii)Draw circuit to
perform the following
2.(i) to transmit that part of a sine wave that lies between -3v and +6v (ii) to clip the input sine wave below -4v.
(May/June 2013)
3.(i)A rectangular pulse of voltage is applied to the base of a transistor friving it from cutoff to
various timed involved in switching process.
(ii)With the help of circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of a collector coupled astable
multivibrator. (May/June 2013)
4.(i)Define delay time and storage time of a bipolar transistor.(May/June 2014) (ii) Explain transfer
characteristics of Schmitt trigger with circuit diagram
5.(i)Draw a discrete circuit of astable multivibrator and explain its working with waveforms at both collector
and base terminals,Also derive its frequency of oscillation
(ii)Briefly explain a positive clamper circuit with an example.
(iii) Design a discrete monostable multivibrator with VCC = 20V and T=5sec.Draw the designed circuit.
(Nov/Dec 2013)
6.Sketch a transistor switching circuit and its collector current response wave form for a pulse input.For such a
circuit,explain the following terms (Nov/Dec 2012)
1.Delay time (2)storage time (3)fall time (4) turn off time.
7.An inverter circuit using 2N3904 transistor with tON =70 ns has RS=600 and Rb=5.6k.determine (i)the
size of the speed up capacitor to give maximum improvement in transistor turn on time. (ii)recovery time of the
(iii)the maximum square wave input frequency that may be used with the circuit. (Nov/Dec 2012)
8.(i)Draw the circuit of a Schmitt trigger.Explain its operation with necessary waveforms and hysteresis
diagram.Obtain the expression for LTP and UTP.
(ii)Discuss with necessary diagrams,the working of a self biased bistable multivibrator which uses transistors.
(Nov/Dec 2011)
9.(i)Describe the response of low pass RC circuit for step and aquae wave input.Sketch the circuits and
(ii).Explain how RC circuit is used as differentiator.
(iii)Explain with suitable circuit and waveforms,the operations of positive and negative clampers.(Nov/Dec
10.What is the response of low pass RC circuit for sinusoidal,step,pulse square wave and ramp inputs.
(Nov/Dec 2010)
11.Explain the woring principle of a bistable multivibrator with neat digrams and illustrate how Schmitt trigger
circuit can be evolved from a bistable circuit. (Nov/Dec 2010)
12.(i)Sketch and define transistor switching times.
What is a clipper? Explain the operation of positive and negativediode clippers with waveforms.
(i) Explain astable multivibrator with neat sketch of waveforms atcollector and base of transistors used in
Determine the value of capacitors to be used in an astablemultivibrator to provide a train of pulse s 2
at a repetition rate of 100 KHz .
Design a Schmitt trigger circuit for Vcc=10 V;UTP=5 V;LTP=3V.Assume hfe=100 and Ic=1 mA.
Design a monostable multivibrator for the following specifications:Vcc=10 V;Vbb=6V;Ic=1 mA;duration of
output pulse=14 sec;hfe min=100;Icbo=0;Vbe=-0.5 V.
1.(i) Explain transistor bootstrap time base generator with relevant waveforms.Derive its maximum sweep
voltage, retrace interval and minimum recovery time. (May/June 2014)
2(i)Desribe monostable blocking oscillator with emitter timing and derive its ON time. (ii)Explain any one
method of triggering the above blocking oscillator. (May/June 2014) 3.(i)Explain the operation of astable
multivibrator with neat diagrams.
(ii)With the help of neat circuit diagram and waveforms,explain the working of transistor current time base
generator. (Nov/Dec 2013)
4.(i)With neat sketches,describe the principle and operation of monostable blocking oscillator with base timing.
(ii)Describe the operation of BJT and its emitter characteristics. (Nov/Dec 2013)
5.Draw the circuit diagram and describe the working of a transistor monostable blocking oscillator with base
timing.Derive the expression for the pulse width. (May/June 2013)
6.(i)With neat diagram and waveforms,explain the operation of a UJT relaxation oscillator.Derive the
expressions for the sweep time and frequency of oscillation of the circuit.
(ii)Explain the operation of a simple current time base generator circuit.(May/June 2013)
7.(i)Describe the operation of a trigerred transistor blocking oscillator with emitter timing.Sketch the relavent
circuit and waveforms.Also obtain the expression for the pulse width tp.
(ii)With circuit diagram and waveforms,explain the operation of a RC controlled astable transistor blocking
oscillator. (Nov/Dec 2012)
8.Draw the circuit of bootstrap voltage time base generator and explain the quiescent conditions,formation of
sweep, retrace interval and recovery process. (Nov/Dec 2012)
9.(i)Explain the UJT oscillator with its working principle and neat diagrams. (Nov/Dec 2010) (ii)How does a astable
circuit act as a free running blocking oscillator?Draw the circuit and explain.
10.(i)With neat sketches,describe the principle of operation of a monostable blocking oscillator with emitter
(ii)Draw and explain any one type of current time base circuit. (Nov/Dec2010)
11. Write about Miller Integrator and Current-Time Base Circuit with waveform (April/May 2010)
12.With necessary circuit
diagram,equivalent circuit,equivalent
equations and waveform
diagram,explain the
working of (i)Monostable blocking oscillator with
base timing (ii)B blocking
oscillator with emitter timing (Nov/Dec 2011)
13.(i)Design a UJT relaxation oscillator to generate a sawtooth wave form at a frequency of 500Hz.Assume the