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MODEL EXAM -1 PART -A 1. Distinguish between positive feedback and negative feedback? 2. An amplifier has a gain of 100.when 5% of output is feedback to the input.determine the gain with feedback. 3. State barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillations 4. Draw the electrical equivalent circuit of crystal and give the expression for resonant frequencies 5. What do you mean by tuned amplifiers? 6. Define quality factor Q of a coil? 7. State nyquist criterion for stability? 8. Draw the basic block diagram of a feedback amplifier? 9. What are the factors which affect the frequency stability of an amplifier? 10. What are the advantage of tuned amplifier? PART B 1) (A) Explain nyquist criterion to analyze the stability of feedback amplifier ? (B) Prove that the gain is stabilized through the application of negative feedback in amplifiers.Also prove that bandwidth with feedback is more than the bandwidth without feedback. (OR) (A) Give the block diagram representation for four types of feedback amplifiers.Explain how the input and output impedance of an amplifier are affected by the different types of negative feedback (B) Draw the circuits of voltage shunt and current series feedback amplifiers and derive the expressions for input impedance. 2) (A) Draw the circuits of Hartley oscillator and explain its working.Derive the expression for frquency of oscillation and condition for starting of oscillation. (OR) (B) Draw the circuits of RC phase shift oscillator and explain its working.Derive the expression for frquency of oscillation and the minimum gain required for sustained oscillations. 3) (A) Draw the equivalent circuit of capacitance coupled single tuned amplifier and derive the equation for the voltage gain. (B) Discuss the effect of cascading single tuned amplifier on bamdwidth (OR) (A) What is a stagger tuned amplifier?explain its working. (B) Explain class C tuned amplifier and Derive its efficiency. 4) (A) Draw the circuits of colpitts oscillator and explain its working.Derive the expression for frquency of oscillation (B) How frequency stability can be improved in the oscillators?explain (OR) (A)Draw the circuits of clapp oscillator and explain its working.Derive the expression for frquency of oscillation (B) Derive the general condition for oscillation for a LC oscillator 5) (A) Explain Hazeltine neutralization method. (B) With equivalent circuit of single tuned amplifier derive the gain as function of frequency and the cut off frequencies. (OR) (A) Explain miller and pierce crystal oscillators.

(B) Draw the circuits of voltage shunt and current series feedback amplifiers and derive the expressions for output impedance.

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