5e Lesson Plan 1

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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan
Teacher: Kayla Dunn
Date: 11/2/16/-11/4/16
Subject area/course/grade level: Science-3rd
Materials: KWL Chart, Monarch Butterfly Video, QR Codes for Butterfly
Life Cycle Exploration Stations, iPad, Recording Sheet for Butterfly Life
Cycle Exploration Stations, Life Cycle Prezi, Frayer model concept
maps, PuppetEdu App, Group Puppet Rating Rubric
AL. 2015. SC. 3. 6.) Create representations to explain the unique and
diverse life cycles of organisms other than humans (e.g., flowering
plants, frogs, butterflies), including commonalities such as birth,
growth, reproduction, and death.
AL. 2009. T. 8.) Collect information from a variety of digital sources.
AL. 2009. T. 12.) Create a product using digital tools.
Students will be able to collect information on life cycles through
digital sources by
participating in QR stations.
Students will be able to create representations of unique and diverse
life cycles of organisms
other than humans with the digital tool PuppetEdu
Differentiation Strategies:
The teacher will employ the use of peer assistance by strategically
grouping the students. For
special needs students, the teacher will have the paraprofessional
float between students to
provide additional support to the students throughout the group and
individual activities, helping them deliver information and clarify
students understanding. The students will be given extra time to
Approved January, 2013

complete projects if needed.


1.The teacher will tell the students they will be starting a mini-unit on life cycles of organisms.
2.The teacher will use KWL Creator and project it on the white board to engage the students
in discussions about the butterfly life cycle.
3.The teacher will direct the students to discuss at their table group what they already know
about the butterfly life cycle. The teacher will regain students attention and ask each group
to share what they already know. The teacher will add this to the K,
What We Already Know, of the KWL chart.
4.The teacher will direct the students to discuss at their table group what they want to know
about the butterfly life cycle. The teacher will regain students attention and ask each group
to share what they want to know. The teacher will add this to the W, What We Want to
Know, of the KWL chart
5.The teacher will save the KWL draft to return to later and add what the students learned.
6.The teacher will pique students interest in learning about the butterfly life cycle by
projecting a time lapse video of the life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly.

Prior to the lesson, the teacher will print the QR codes attached at the end of the lesson
plan (made with QR Stuff,http://www.qrstuff.com/)These QR codes should be cut,
laminated, and placed in six stations around the room.
Station 1:
Station 2:
Station 3:
Station 4:
Station 5:
Approved January, 2013

Station 6:
2.The teacher will explain the directions for the explorations stations where students will be
discovering the life cycle of a butterfly. The teacher will pass out the teacher-made
Butterfly Life Cycle- Exploration Stations recording sheet. (Attached at the of the lesson plan)
3.The teacher will divide students into collaborative groups. The teacher will assign each
student in the group one of these collaborative roles:
Leader- Will read the information at each station and lead group discussions.
Tech Handler- Will hold the iPad and scan the QR codes.
Recorder- Will write the answers to questions on the recording sheet.
Time Keeper- Encourages students to stay on task. Will alert the group when time is halfway
through and when time is nearly up.
4.The students will rotate through each station with their recording sheet and group iPad. The
teacher will set the timer for 5 minutes at each station change. The stations contain a QR
code to research a stage of the butterfly life cycle. Students will answer the question for
that station on their recording sheet.

1.The teacher will have students turn in their recording sheets and return to their seats for
the whole group lesson. The teacher will use the teacher-made life cycle Prezi to discuss life
cycles with the students. https://prezi.com/99cjvnhpdwzc/life-cycles/
2.After the Prezi on life cycles, students will complete a Frayer model concept map to
demonstrate their understanding of life cycles.
3. Once all students turn in the concept map, the students will play a teacher-made Kahoot
quiz to conclude the lesson. The teacher will project the Kahoot and students will pair it with
their iPads. The teacher will quickly assess students understanding of life cycles.
https://play.kahoot.it/ - /k/cb5ef6ba-c7db-4c59-a975-f778a3f70902


1.The next day, the teacher will have students start by adding facts to the L portion of the
KWL chart.
2.Next, the students will retrieve their iPads and return to their groups from exploration
stations. The collaborative groups will create a puppet using Shadow Puppet Edu (
Approved January, 2013

https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shadow-puppet-edu/id888504640?mt=8). This allows students

to create informative picture slide shows using their voices and pictures. The students will use
their life cycle pictures they screenshot during exploration stations and create a picture slide
show to inform others of the life cycle of a butterfly. The students will describe what is
happening in each stage by recording their voices over that stage's picture.
Sample Students Puppet on Butterfly Life Cyclehttp://get-puppet.com/v/qJE149SO-3Y?autoplay=true

1.The teacher will call students attention back to her once students have finished. The
teacher will explain the carousel activity. In the carousel activity, students will view all
puppets. The teacher will assign each group to assess one other groups puppet using the
Group Puppet Ratings form. (Attached at the end of the lesson plan)
2.The student groups will rotate to each other groups Puppet in 3 minute intervals to watch
and assess their puppet.
3.In conclusion, the students will turn in the puppet ratings and an index card with facts they
learned about the butterfly life cycle.

Approved January, 2013

Approved January, 2013

Approved January, 2013

Approved January, 2013

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