Observation 1

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BKs II & III Lesson Plan Format A

Name: Emilie Colwell

Date Taught: 9/23/15

MT: Lora Nolen

MTs Initials:

Subject: Reading

Grade Level: 3rd grade

A (Audience)
B (Behavior)
C (Condition)

Date Submitted to MT: 9/21/15

US Initials:
Setting: Table Group

Given a set of six vocabulary words, TSW will be able to

correctly define each of the vocabulary words used in a
corresponding short story and will also be able to use each
word in a sentence, correctly using five/six words in a
sentence with 100% accuracy.

D (Determining
E (Ending)
By the time of the next annual ARD, after reading an instructional level text independently,
the student will demonstrate comprehension of what he has read by answering questions
about the main idea and details of the story, and by inferring meaning from the context to
make predictions with a minimum of 80% accuracy on 4/5 attempts given.
(3) Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension.
Students are expected to read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency (rate,
accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.
Polly Gets Out short story, vocabulary flashcards, Muffin Tin, vocabulary word strips,
cotton ball.
MODIFICATIONS & ACCOMMODATIONS (may include these in each section)
Lengthened time to respond.
Attention-Getting Strategy Good morning students! Were going to play a game
Student Objective (By the By the end of this lesson, you will be able to remember the
end of this lesson you will meanings of our new vocabulary words and use them to
create your own sentences.
be able to)
The purpose of our lesson today is to work on adding
Purpose of Lesson
some more words to your brain dictionary! Have you ever
realized that your brain is like your very own dictionary?
Relate to Prior Knowledge This year, we have been reading a new short story each
week and going over new vocabulary words that are used in
the book. Were going to start reviewing our vocabulary
words from our new book called Polly Gets Out.
Lets look over our new six vocabulary words that we
Direct Instruction (incl.
yesterday.I will read each word to you first and then
modeling: I do)
we will go back through the words together.
Our first word is playground. A playground is a place for
outdoor play, often near a school.
The second word is children. The word children means
more than one child.

The next word is safe. The word safe means that

something is not likely to cause loss or injury. Do you think a
rollercoaster would be considered safe or unsafe? Whats
something that makes you feel safe?
What is the next word? Lets sound it out. The next word is
flew. The word flew is the past tense of fly; to move
through the air.
The fifth word is cage. Have you ever heard that word
before? What do you think it means? A cage is an area
surrounded by bars or wires for keeping some pets or zoo
animals. What type of animals do you think should be kept
in a cage?
The final word for today is path. A path is a trail on the
ground that people or other animals can follow. Sometimes
places like the jungle or the woods will have a path for
people to follow so that they dont get lost.
Muffin tin game. Each of the vocabulary words will be
typed out and placed in the muffin tin. The student will
be given a cotton ball to toss into the muffin tin. When
the cotton ball lands in the tin, the student is to give a
definition of the word that is in the spot that it landed in.
They will also use the word in a sentence that they
Guided Practice (We do) come up with on their own. If she uses the words
correct definition, the word will be removed from the tin
and she will receive 2 points. If the word is defined
incorrectly, it will remain in the muffin tin. The student
can receive 1 point for an almost right answer. The
students will continue the activity until all of the words
have been removed from the tin.
Now that we have a deeper knowledge of our vocabulary
Independent Practice
words, we will be able to begin reading our new book Polly
(You do)
Gets Out.
-What is something that makes you feel safe?
-What is an animal that you think should be kept in a cage?
CLOSURE (objective restated, link to future learning; incl. students)
Today, we reviewed the meanings of six new vocabulary words and you were able
remember the definitions and use them in sentences that you came up with on your own.
Tomorrow, we are going to begin reading our new story, Polly Gets Out!. Thank you for
working so hard and for playing so well with one another during the muffin tin game!
Awesome work!
LESSON EXTENSION (extend learning deeper)
If time permits, the students will come up with their own sentences that use the vocabulary
words to reflect their understanding of the words by putting them into context.
ELABORATION (elaborate further)
If time permits, the student will go through the book and find the vocabulary words. They will
then underline the vocabulary words using a crayon.
ASSESSMENT (how you will know students learned the information)
I will be able to assess the students by their ability/inability to define the vocabulary words
and use the newly introduced words correctly in a sentence.
Higher Level Questions

Reading A-Z.
Vocabulary A-Z.
Pinterest (muffin tin): http://www.education.com/activity/article/test-your-vocabulary/

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