Guided Reading - The Zoo

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Backward Design Planning

Student Name: Erica Mistler School: Owatin Creek Elementary School Date: 2/8/17

Grade: Multiple Disabilities Support Group Size: 7

Subject: Guided Reading

Title: The Zoo

PA Core Standard(s): Standards taken from PDEs Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading
correlated to the PASA

Objectives for Decoding, Encoding, and Comprehension: Students will participate in phonemic-phonetic word
analytic approach to decoding, fluency, and spelling instruction using controlled readers and expanding to non-
controlled texts and passages upon attainment of mastery with controlled material. Direct, explicit systematic
instruction vocabulary, pre-reading, reading, and post-reading comprehension strategies. Direct, explicit
language/comprehension instruction, teaching the analysis of words, concepts, and sentence structures. An
emphasis will be placed on vocabulary, back-ground knowledge and preparation for literal and inferential
comprehension. This includes: actions, descriptions of objects, information and background knowledge,
instructional words and problem solving concepts, and classification. Direct, explicit, systematic instruction
vocabulary, pre-reading, reading, and post reading comprehension strategies

PA Connector (if available):

Strand: Family:

Stage 1: Desired Results




Foundational Knowledge:
Students will be able to recognize animals based on a picture.

Key Vocabulary, Concepts, and/or Symbols:

Duration: 30 minutes for x amount of days

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence



Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Activities:

Book The Zoo (7 books)
The Sight Word Song -

Suggested Instructional Strategies:

Instructional Procedures

Anticipatory Set:
Ask the class if they have ever been to a zoo or know what a zoo is.
Discuss with the class the type of animals you would see at the zoo if you went.
The paraeducators will help the students locate different zoo animals on their iPads.
After the students have shared their zoo animals, the teacher will write the word the on the
The teacher will tell the students when they say the letter t they will touch their shoulder.
When the students say the letter h they will touch their elbow. When the students say the letter
e they will touch their hand. After they say all the letters the teacher and the students will say
the word the and move their hand down their arm from their shoulder to their hand while the
say it.
The teacher will practice this with the class a few times until the students seem to be able to do
it independently.
The teacher will then play the The Sight Word Song and let the students practice their new
Ask the class if they have ever been to a zoo or know what a zoo is.
Discuss with the class the type of animals you would see at the zoo if you went.
The paraeducators will help the students locate different zoo animals on their iPads.

The teacher will pull up The Zoo book on the Reading A Z website and put the book into
projection mode.
The teacher will read through all of the pages first for the class. The teacher should draw
attention to the words and point to the picture making sure that the students realize the words
and the picture match.
The teacher will then have the students read the book together as a class.

Guided Practice:
The teacher will call on individual students to come up to the board to help read the book.
After every student has had a chance to go up to the board that wanted to the teacher will hand
out each childs preprinted The Zoo book.
The teacher will have each student read the book, along with his or her paraeducator. The
teacher will walk around during this time to help facilitate instruction.

Independent Practice:
The teacher will have the students each read another time with minimal paraeducator assistance.
The teacher will then pass out the pre-cut The Zoo books. The student will be instructed to
match the words to the pictures. The students will be given one picture and three words. They
will have to match the correct word to the picture from the three choices they are given.

The teacher will walk around the classroom and ask the paraeducators how each student did.
The teacher will offer praise to the students that did well with the task. These students will
receive a break with whatever item they were working far.

Supports and Scaffolds:

Pierce will receive frequent breaks as necessary with a toy or fidget of choice and also praise for
sitting in his chair, quiet hands, quiet mouth, following directions.
Zachary will receive praise every three minutes for sitting in his chair, quiet hands, quiet mouth,
following directions.
All students will be allowed to use their AAC systems to read the book if necessary.

Related Materials/Resources:

Teacher Reflection:

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