Lecture 1: Introduction To Artificial Intelligence: Dr. Roman V Belavkin BIS3226
Lecture 1: Introduction To Artificial Intelligence: Dr. Roman V Belavkin BIS3226
Lecture 1: Introduction To Artificial Intelligence: Dr. Roman V Belavkin BIS3226
1 Problems in AI and Related Areas
3 Applications of AI
What is AI?
...science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. John McCarthy.
A branch of cybernetics concerned with automation of deductive constructions (reasoning).
The study and design of intelligent agents.
Remark 1. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatisai/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial intelligence
Major Problems in AI
How does human think? (cognitive science)
Reasoning and problem solving (choosing goals, subgoals).
Pattern recognition (primarily visual and aural).
Learning (e.g. machine learning).
Natural human languages (recognition of the meaning of sentences and
expressions, maintaining a dialogue).
What is Intelligence?
The ability to reason, plan, make decisions, solve problems and learn.
Some also add comprehend and use language to communicate.
. . . computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world John
Question 1. Does intelligence require emotion or consciousness?
Applications of AI
Applications of AI
Decision support systems, management and finance.
Data-mining and knowledge discovery in databases.
Image processing (medicine, geophysics, criminology).
Automatic scheduling, planning and optimisation.
Space industry.
Game industry.
Security and military applications.
Turing, A. (1950, October). Computing machinery and intelligence. Mind,
LIX (236), 433460.