70 Useful Sentences For Academic Writing
70 Useful Sentences For Academic Writing
70 Useful Sentences For Academic Writing
This is a collection of sentence stems that are commonly used in academic writing. This list is
organized around keywords.
Before you start:
1. Pay close attention to the words in bold, which are often used in conjunction with the main
2. [ ] means insert a suitable word here, while ( ) means this word is optional.
3. Bear in mind that, within each group, some examples are slightly more formal / less frequent
than others.
a. Along similar lines, [X] argues that ___.
b. There seems to be no compelling reason to argue that ___.
c. As a rebuttal to this point, it might be (convincingly) argued that ___.
d. There are [three] main arguments that can be advanced to support ___.
e. The underlying argument in favor of / against [X] is that ___.
f. [X]s argument in favor of / against [Y] runs as follows: ___.
a. In this [paper], I put forward the claim that ___.
b. [X] develops the claim that ___.
c. There is ample / growing support for the claim that ___.
d. [X]s findings lend support to the claim that ___.
e. Taking a middle-ground position, [X] claims that ___.
a. The data gathered in the [pilot study] suggests / suggest that ___.
b. The data appears / appear to suggest that ___.
c. The data yielded by this [study] provides strong / convincing evidence that ___. (yielded =
d. A closer look at the data indicates that ___.
e. The data generated by [X] is / are reported in [table 1].
f. The aim of this [section] is to generalize beyond the data and ___.
NOTE: In modern usage, data can also be treated as a mass / uncountable noun, like information.
Before you submit your work, check whether the institution youre writing for / on behalf of
prefers data + plural verb.
a. [X] has fostered debate on ___. (fostered = encouraged)