Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
The paper focuses on ground movements associated with tunnelling and deep excavations in stiff to hard soils. The first part presents field data from case histories of earth pressure balance (EPB) tunnelling. It is shown that, with good control of face pressure and tail void grouting, EPB tunnelling machines are now capable of achieving small volume losses, typically less than 1%
and often significantly smaller. An unusual case history is presented of a large diameter tunnel with very shallow cover, using
sprayed concrete linings (SCL); such tunnels can be safely constructed in hard soils with an open face, provided the undrained
shear strength is high enough to ensure adequate face stability. Ground movements associated with deep excavations in stiff to
hard clays are also reviewed. The second part of the paper concentrates on the effects of tunnelling and excavation-induced
ground movements on buildings, with particular emphasis on tunnelling. Centrifuge modelling of building response to tunnelling
is described; the results are consistent with both finite element analyses reported by Potts and Addenbrooke (1997) and Franzius
et al (2006), and with field data of building performance. A new simplified design approach is proposed to take account of relative building stiffness, defined in a new way, based on centrifuge model tests, finite element analyses and field data.
Cet article, structur en deux parties, s'intresse aux dformations dans les sols indurs ou les roches tendres, conscutives la
perce de tunnels ou l'excavation en zones profondes. La premire partie prsente des donnes de terrain issues de tunneliers
pression de terre (EPB). Moyennant un contrle appropri de la pression en front de taille et du remplissage des vides au niveau
des joints de queue, il est possible de limiter les pertes en volume moins de 1%. Un cas classique est prsent pour un tunnel de
grand diamtre avec une peau en bton projet de trs faible paisseur. Dans les sols indurs, ce type de tunnel peut tre mis en
oeuvre sans risque particulier en absence de soutnement du front, condition que la rsistance au cisaillement
soit suffisamment leve pour garantir la stabilit de la paroi. Enfin, les mouvements de sol associs au creusement d'excavations sont aussi prsents dans cette partie. La seconde partie est consacre aux effets de ces mouvements sur les constructions
et ouvrages. Le cas particulier de leurs rponse en terme de dplacement suite au creusement de tunnels est examin avec attention. Dans ce contexte, on prsente une mthodologie de modlisation s'appuyant sur la mise en oeuvre d'essais la centrifugeuse. Les rsultats montrent une bonne cohrence aussi bien avec les donnes obtenues sur le terrain qu'avec les conclusions d'analyses en lments finis issues de travaux de la littrature (Potts et Addenbrooke, 1997; Franzius et al, 2006). Dans cet esprit, une
approche de conception simplificatrice est propose pour intgrer les effets de la rigidit relative sol-structure. Cette approche
originale s'appuie la fois sur des donnes en provenance d'essais en centrifugeuse, de mesures de terrain et
de simulations numriques en lment finis.
Keywords: tunnelling, deep excavations, stiff to hard soils, ground movements, volume loss, earth pressure balance tunnelling
machines, sprayed concrete linings, building response, centrifuge modelling, finite element analysis, field measurements, deflection ratio, building stiffness, design
Corresponding Author.
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
S = Smax exp (-y2/2i2)
2S i S max
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 2 shows the principal features of a modern EPB tunnel boring machine (TBM). Face
support is provided by the cutterhead (1), powered by the drive motor (2), all of which is within
the circular steel skin (3) of the TBM. The soil,
excavated by the rotating cutter wheel, passes
into the head chamber immediately behind the
cutterhead. Access into the chamber, if necessary, can be made by means of compressed air
via an air lock (4). A key feature of the EPB machine is the extraction of the excavated soil by
means of a screw conveyor (5), which is an Archimedian screw within a cylindrical steel casing.
The screw conveyor plays an important role in
the excavation process. As the machine advances
through the ground, the excavated soil enters the
pressurised head chamber. The soil is extracted
from the head chamber and flows along the
screw conveyor to the discharge outlet (7), where
the soil is discharged at atmospheric pressure
onto a conveyor belt (9). The rotational speed of
the screw and the restriction of the discharge outlet influence the soil flow rate and pressure gradient along the conveyor. The head chamber
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
tion rate, as well as injection of significant quantities of pressurised foam into the excavation
chamber (Mair, 2008) [23]. In contrast, Figure 6
shows an example of good control of chamber
pressure (Borghi, 2006) [22]. A number of cycles
of excavation and ring-build in a full-face of
London Clay are shown; the tunnel axis was at a
depth of 31m. Typically the ring-build phase was
less than 30 minutes.
There has been considerable experience of
EPB tunnelling in stiff to hard soils in recent
years. Tunnelling in dense or very dense ce-
Figure 5. Example of difficult EPB face pressure control in mixed stiff to hard clays and dense sands of the Lambeth Group
(Borghi and Mair, 2006) [27]
18% respectively. The duration of the excavation phase was typically 0.7-1 hour the time
taken for the EPB machine to advance 1.5m,
which is the length of one ring of the tunnel
segments. During this excavation period it can be
seen that the chamber pressure fluctuates significantly, sometimes rising substantially there is
no clear explanation for this, but it may be a consequence of variations in screw conveyor extrac-
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 6. Example of good EPB face pressure control in London Clay (Borhi and Mair, 2006) [27]
Table 1. Large settlement/sinkhole incidents during EPB tunnelling for 7 major projects in Singapore (Shirlaw and Boone,
2005) [30]
Tunnelling in stiff to hard soils can be problematic, expecially when there are mixed ground
condition. Shirlaw and Boone (2005) [30] report
large settlement or sinkholes for 7 major projects
in Singapore and break these down into various
causes (risk areas), as shown in Table 1.
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 11. Cores of Fort Canning Boulder Bed showing characteristic sequence of quartzite alternating with hard clay matrix (Shirlaw et al, 2003) [31]
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 14. Development of surface settlements for Fort Canning Tunnel (Goh and Mair, 2009) [1]
Figure 12 shows the distribution of SPT-N values obtained in the very stiff to hard clay matrix.
The very large scatter is partly attributed to the
presence of quartzite boulder fragments in the
matrix. Back analysis of settlements of buildings
on rafts founded on the FBB indicate undrained
Youngs modulus Eu in the region of 500MPa,
consistent with pressuremeter and plate loading
tests (Wong et al, 1996) [32].
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 15. Observed transverse surface settlement profiles for Fort Canning Tunnel (Goh and Mair, 2009) [1]
means of grouted steel pipes forming a forepoling arch above the tunnel crown.
A typical surface settlement plot against time
is shown in Figure 14, from which the major
causes of ground movements can be interpreted
in terms of pre-excavation relief, top heading excavation, and bench/invert excavation. The
ground was observed to be settling even before
the top heading excavation arrived below the settlement markers. The pre-excavation settlements
started at about 10m ahead of the tunnel face.
The casting of the temporary invert followed 23m behind the face of the heading excavation.
Subsequent top heading excavation caused more
surface settlements but at a decreasing rate.
When the bench/invert excavation approached
the settlement array (typically from around 20m30m away the array), there was an increase in the
rate of ground settlement again. However, the
settlement stabilised soon after the bench/invert
was cast below the settlement array to achieve
the final ring closure of the tunnel.
Observed transverse surface settlement profiles are shown in Figure 15. Experience in Singapore suggested that volume loss in the Fort
Canning Boulder Bed could vary from 0.5-1.5%
based on observations of SCL excavation for
tunnels up to 6.6m diameter in Singapores Jurong Formation and Fort Canning Boulder Bed.
Volume losses observed in the much larger Fort
Canning Tunnel varied from 0.4 to 2.1%, with
the volume loss increasing for the tunnel with
larger cover. This may be due to the stability ratio N = z/cu increasing with depth and the load
factor N/Nc reducing; Mair (1989) [33] suggested that volume loss can be related to the load
factor. Using data from several case histories in
overconsolidated clays, including centrifuge
model test data from Mair et al (1981) [34],
Macklin (1999) [35] fitted a linear regression between volume loss and load factor.
From the plots of settlement troughs in Figure
15, the observed ground settlement was Gaussian
in nature and can be described by the trough
width parameter i = K*zo as suggested by
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 16. Surface settlements for excavations in stiff to hard clays (CIRIA, 2003 [44]; GCG, 2007 [45])
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 17. Surface settlements for deep basement excavations (16-24m) in very stiff to hard London Clay and Lambeth Group
(GCG, 2007) [45]
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 18. Simplified Gaussian settlement distribution for deep basement excavations in very stiff to hard London Clay and Lambeth
Group (GCG, 2007) [45]
Figure 19. Surface horizontal ground movements for excavations in stiff to hard clays (CIRIA, 2003 [44]; GCG, 2007 [45])
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 21. Transverse settlement trough, horizontal displacements and horizontal strain
Figure 23. Relationship of building damage category to deflection ratio and horizontal strain
Figure 22. Typical ground movements affecting buildings adjacent to deep excavations
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 25. Centrifuge modelling of tunnelling and soil-structure interaction effects on building response (Farrell, 2010) [2]
A greenfield test was also carried out, the results of which are used to quantify the modification to greenfield distortions that the various
buildings displayed.
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 27. Response of different stiffness model buildings to tunnelling, compared with greenfield settlement GF-1, (Farrell
2010) [2]
The measured settlement profiles of the different stiffness buildings at 2% volume loss are
illustrated in Figure 27. The greenfield settlement profile (GF-1) is also shown in Figure 27
for reference. Model building STR-1 is seen to
behave fully flexibly, with the settlement profile
being very similar to the greenfield profile, while
model building STR-4 demonstrates the most
rigid response. Depending on a buildings stiffness, the settlement response can be fully flexible, fully rigid or somewhere in between. Clearly
a more rigid response implies correspondingly
smaller distortion and deflection ratio and, consequently, less damage.
Potts & Addenbrooke (1997) [3] conducted a
parametric finite element analysis investigating
the response of buildings to tunnelling. Two parameters were defined to explain the modification to the settlement and axial response of buildings; these were the relative bending stiffness
(*) and the relative axial stiffness (*). The parameters * and * were later modified by Franzius et al (2006) [4], the former to be dimensionless. Expressions for *mod and *mod, defined
by Franzius et al (2006) [4] are as follows:
U *mod
Es B 2 z0 L
D *mod
E s BL
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 29. FE results illustrating relationship between modification factors and relative building stiffness, with proposed
design curves (Potts and Addenbrooke, 1997 [3]; Franzius et
al, 2006 [4])
Usag =
E S * L3sag
U hog =
E S * L3hog
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 31. Finite element analyses of effects of deep excavations in soft clay on adjacent buildings (Goh, 2010 [57]; Goh
and Mair, 2011 [56])
Figure 32. Tunnel passing between a two-storey and a fivestorey building in Italy: aerial view of site (Farrell et al,
2011) [58]
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
The tunnel passed beneath two load bearing masonry buildings, shown in an aerial view in Figure 32 one of two storeys (Building 106) and the
other of five storeys (Building 107). A longitudinal section through the tunnel with the soil strata
and the two buildings is shown in Figure 33.
a depth of 14mbgl, can be observed. A subsequent drop in cu to around 70kPa was observed
in several CPT tests and may arise due to historical variations in the deposition process and water
level. Below 30mAD, cu again increases linearly
and can be estimated as 120kPa at the tunnel
Figure 33. Longitudinal profile of tunnel and ground stratigraphy beneath buildings for tunnel in Bologna (Farrell et al,
2011) [58]
The ground conditions consist of overconsolidated fluvial deposits from the Quaternary period. The ground is highly stratified with layers
of silty clays and clayey silts, termed the T1 formation, with lenses of sandy silt and silty sand,
termed the T2 formation. The range of particle
size distribution (PSD) curves for the T1 formation shows negligible sand and gravel content
while PSD curves for the T2 formation show
sand contents to range from 25 to 70%.
Laboratory testing indicate the T1 formation to
be a medium to high plasticity clay. The overconsolidation ratio (OCR) ranges from 1 to 2.
Other properties of the clay of the T1 formation
are summarised in Figure 34. A linear increase in
undrained strength cu with depth to roughly
200kPa just above the tunnel crown (30mAD) at
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 35. Details of protective measures: vertical and horizontal jet grouting, steel forepoles and drains (Farrell et al, 2011) [58]
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Comparison of the behaviour of the two buildings with the greenfield response at section STE
are shown in Figure 40. The rigid tilt response of
building 107 is observed to result in settlements
at the northern edge that are significantly larger
(265mm) than the equivalent greenfield settlements (130mm). Settlements of building 107
around the trough shoulders are also larger than
the greenfield values, indicating that the building
embeds into the soil. This embedment is likely to
have resulted from a redistribution of the building weight as the tunnel progressed towards the
Figure 39. Response of the building to tunneling (Farrell et al, 2011) [58]
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Reduction factor,
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 43 summarizes the observed deflection ratios and horizontal strains for buildings 106 and
107 in Italy. Building 106 was almost fully flexible in bending (with modification factors for deflection ratio up to 0.8), but experienced smaller
horizontal strains than the greenfield horizontal
strains, most of these being associated with jet
grouting (Farrell, 2010) [2]. Damage to building
106 was found to cause jamming of doors and
windows and significant cracking. Re-pointing of
brickwork was also required. Based on definitions of levels of damage proposed by Burland et
al (1977) [52], the observed level of damage to
building 106 can be classified as category 3
In contrast, very little damage was observed
for building 107 despite it settling by up to
260mm (see Figure 39). It responded rigidly and
simply tilted, experiencing only some small horizontal strains, and displayed only minor cracking
of internal plastering resulting from shear strains.
Cracking of the external faade was minimal and
the maximum measured crack width was about
1mm. No significant structural damage was observed. The observed level of damage can be
classified as category 1 to 2 (Very Slight to
As indicated in Figure 43, an assessment of
the risk of damage to buildings 106 and 107 using the approach summarised by Burland (1995)
[49] and Mair et al (1996) [46], suggests that had
the buildings been subjected to greenfield distortions, the damage in both cases would have
been in the Severe to Very Severe category.
This is clearly a significant overestimation of the
damage to both buildings, especially in the case
of the stiffer building 107, and highlights the importance of considering the soil-structure interaction when estimating potential tunnellinginduced damage.
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
Figure 42. Field data of building response to tunnelling using new definition of relative building stiffness (Goh, 2010 [57];
Farrell, 2010 [58])
timated, and this will indicate whether the building is likely to behave fully flexibly, partially
flexibly or fully rigidly. The procedure for doing
this is in the following 5 steps:
Figure 43. Observed response of two Bologna buildings - implications for design in terms of settlement assessment
The envelope in Figure 42 can be used for design. By estimating the relative bending stiffness
of the building, the modification factor can be es-
R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
The author is grateful to Goh Kok Hun and
Ruaidhri Farrell, former PhD students, for their
assistance in preparation of this paper. He also
acknowledges the support of Geotechnical Consulting Group (GCG), and the collaboration of
Italferr of Italy, the Land Transport Authority of
Singapore, London Underground Ltd and Crossrail of London.
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R.J. Mair / Tunnelling and Deep Excavations: Ground Movements and Their Effects
PIR = Vp/Vs.100
FIR= Vf/Vs.100
cs = Vsurf/Vfl.100
cp = Vpol/Vp. 100
FER= Vf/Vfl.100
where Vfl is the volume of foaming liquid solution and Vf the volume of foam.