Standards and control document briefing note
Ref: NR/SP/CTM/017 Issue: 1
Title: Competence & Training in Civil Engineering
Publication date: 3 June 2006 Withdrawal Date: 2 September 2023
Standard/Control Document Owner: Ian Brookes, Chief Buildings & Civils Engineer
Standards change lead/contact for briefings: Jason Wenham, Technical Capability Tel: 07740 785998
Purpose: Scope:
This Specification sets out the minimum requirements for the This Specification applies to all Civil Engineering work on all
training and assessment of people who undertake Civil existing Network Rail owned structures; Network Rail managed
Engineering work that may affect the operational safety of Structures, shared Structures and Outside Party Structures by
Network Rail controlled infrastructure. It defines processes that Network Rail employees, Contractors and suppliers. In particular
shall be implemented and the standards that shal l be achieved it applies to the training and proof of competence of personnel
to ensure that personnel who undertake Civil Engineering work managing and undertaking examinations of Structures,
are competent to perform the work. Earthworks and of a Brid ge following a Bridge Strike.
Reason for withdrawal:
A new standard has been published NR/L2/CIV/1000 for Competence Management for Buildings and Civils Infrastructure which
has an expanded scope and replaced the requirements in NR/SP/CTM/017.
Affected documents
Reference Issue Impact Document type
NR/SP/CTM/107 1 Withdraw Standard
Briefing requirements:
Detailed briefings are given to those who have specific responsibilities within this standard/control document.
Overview briefings are given to those who might be affected by the content but have no specific responsibilities within the standard/control
Details of the briefing arrangements are included in the associated briefing programme.
• As drainage and lineside was not in scope of this standard, there is no requirement to brief the withdrawal at their Asset
Technical Review (ATR).
• As Project Engineering and Design Engineering was not in scope of this standard, there is no requirement to brief
withdrawal of at the Buildings & Civils Discipline Review Group.
• It has been agreed at Buildings & Civils Competence Design Group that the chairs of the ATRs listed below would brief
the withdrawal of this standard for onward cascade to routes and regions.
Endorsed by:
Authorised by:
This document is the property of Network Rail. It shall not be reproduced in whole or part nor disclosed to a third
party without the written permission of the Standard Owner.
© Copyright 2006 Network Rail
Uncontrolled copy once printed from its electronic source.
Published & Issued by: Network Rail 40 Melton Street, London NW1 2EE
Ref: NR/SP/CTM/017
Issue: 01
Date: June 2006
Issue record
Issue Date Comments
01 June 2006 New Issue that supersedes all previous versions of:
RT/CE/S/047 - Standards of Competence for
Examination of Structures
RT/CE/S/048 - Standards of Competence for
Examination of a Bridge following a Bridge Strike
The above are all withdrawn as a result of this issue.
This Specification defines the requirements for the training and assessment of
persons undertaking Civil Engineering work on Network Rail controlled
The provisions of this specification must be implemented from 3rd June 2006
for all Civil Engineering work that may affect the operational safety of Network
Rail controlled infrastructure.
This Network Rail Specification is mandatory and must be complied with by
Network Rail and Network Rail’s Contractors who undertake Civil Engineering
work that may affect the operational safety of on Network Rail controlled
infrastructure from 3rd August 2006.
For people who examine Structures and Earthworks:
Competence profiles shall be documented by 4th November 2006.
Training plans shall be documented by 4th November 2006.
Training delivery against the Training Plans shall commence by 1st
January 2007.
Assessment of people against the requirements set out in Appendices
B and C shall commence by 4th November 2006, shall be complete by
1st November 2008 and shall be maintained from that date forward.
For people who examine bridges the requirements take immediate effect and
a set of transitional arrangements apply as detailed in Appendix A.
In issuing this document for its stated purpose, Network Rail makes no
warranties, express or implied, that compliance with all or any documents it
issues is sufficient on its own to ensure safe systems of work or operation. Users
are reminded of their own duties under health and safety legislation.
Copies of documents are available electronically, within Network Rail’s
organisation. Hard copies of this document will be available to Network Rail
employees on request to the Document Controller and to other organisations
from IHS Technical Indexes (01344 404409).
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1 Purpose 3
2 Scope 3
3 Reference documentation 3
4 Definitions 3
5 Requirements 3
6 Application 3
Appendix A Training and Assessment 3
1 Examination of Structures 3
2 Examination of Bridges following a Bridge Strike 3
3 Development for other Competences 3
Appendix B Assessor Guidance 3
Appendix C Competence Standards for Examination of Structures 3
Appendix D Competence Standards for Examination of Bridges following a
reported strike by road vehicles or vessels. 3
Appendix E Competence Standards for Examination of Earthworks 3
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1 Purpose
This Specification sets out the minimum requirements for the training and
assessment of people who undertake Civil Engineering work that may affect
the operational safety of Network Rail controlled infrastructure. It defines
processes that shall be implemented and the standards that shall be achieved
to ensure that personnel who undertake Civil Engineering work are competent
to perform the work.
2 Scope
This Specification applies to all Civil Engineering work on all existing Network
Rail owned Structures; Network Rail managed Structures, shared Structures
and Outside Party Structures by Network Rail employees, Contractors and
suppliers. In particular it applies to the training and proof of competence of
personnel managing and undertaking examinations of Structures, Earthworks
and of a Bridge following a Bridge Strike. The scope of this first issue is
limited; it will be expanded in subsequent issues.
3 Reference documentation
NR/SP/OHS/018 Safety requirements for Track medical & alcohol & drugs
screening & certification
NR/SP/CIV/035 Assessment of Structures
NR/SP/CTM/005 Quality Assurance in Training Delivery
4 Definitions
The gathering and judgement of evidence to demonstrate a person’s
Competence in accordance with a Competence Standard. In the context of
this Specification this term shall not be confused with the determination of the
safe load carrying capacity of a Bridge in accordance with Assessment of
Structures (NR/SP/CIV/035).
A person who is competent and authorised, in accordance with the
organisation’s Competence Management System, to assess the Competence
of others.
Authority to Work
Authority to Work is a document that details the work activities that a person is
authorised to complete. It includes the details of a person’s competence and
details of any restrictions that may apply to the way the person works, e.g.
requirement for supervision.
A Structure of one or more spans greater than or equal to 1,800mm, whose
prime purpose is usually to carry traffic or services over an obstruction or gap.
For the purposes of this Specification, Structures whose prime purpose is to
carry services (utilities) over an obstruction or gap are excluded.
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Bridge Strike
An incident in which a road vehicle or its load, or a waterborne vessel or its
load, impacts with fabric of a Bridge.
Bridge Strike Examiner (BSE)
A person who has been certificated as competent to permit the movement of
trains up to Normal Speed over or under Bridges following a Bridge Strike.
Bridge Strike Nominee (BSN)
A person who has been certificated as competent to permit the movement of
trains at Normal Speed over or under Bridges following a Bridge Strike when
the damage is within defined limits.
A permanent fixed roof Structure other than a Train shed or platform into
which people can go and within which goods may be stored, or within which
plant or equipment may be installed.
A person whose Competence is to be assessed by an Assessor.
The ability to perform work to the standard expected. In the context of this
Specification the term includes the practical and theoretical knowledge,
experience and skill required to carry out Safety Critical Work so as to ensure
the safety of any person who might be affected.
Competence Management System
A Competence Management System (CMS) describes the processes,
methods, tools and procedures that are used to assure the competence of the
people and organisations upon which an organisation relies.
Competence Standard
Consists of Elements, Performance Statements, Scope Statements, and
evidence requirements and is a statement of:
• What a person must be able to do and how well, in order to achieve
the intended outcome of work (Element);
• How this would be assessed (Performance Statements,);
• The range of circumstances in which the ability would have to be
demonstrated (Scope Statements);
• The types of evidence needed to ensure that performance is
consistent and can be sustained (evidence requirements).
A Structure with a span or diameter greater than 450 mm and less than 1,800
mm whose prime purpose is usually, but not exclusively, to permit water or
services to pass under or adjacent to a railway, road or other Network Rail
infrastructure. The term excludes Outside Party pipelines.
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Examining Engineer
The person approved by Network Rail to manage the examination process for
a defined range of Structures.
Geomorphological Features
Are: slope orientation, gradient and drainage of the surrounding land, and any
notable variability in these as a result of weathering, subsidence or slope
Knowledge Evidence
Evidence that the Candidate can recall facts and knows how to apply
principles. It may be observed during performance but is more likely to be
gathered through oral questioning or written tests.
Minor retaining wall
Any retaining wall that does not support vehicular load and that retains
material either to a height of 600 mm or less, or to a height of 1 metre or less
provided it is less than 5 metres long.
Minor Structures
Those Structures supporting signalling assets, telecommunication assets,
electrification assets, lighting assets. The term includes straight signal posts,
electrification masts, equipment platforms and minor retaining walls such as
those surrounding or supporting signal location cabinets. The term does not
include signal gantries and cantilevers.
Natural Slope
Sloping ground that has been formed by natural processes.
Normal Speed
In the context of Bridge Strikes, Normal Speed is the maximum speed on
each line that applied immediately before the Bridge Strike occurred or was
Operational Use Parameters
Loading; speed of trains; frequency of trains.
Outside Party
An organisation or person other than Network Rail that is an infrastructure
owner or developer, or is a user or occupier of Network Rail’s infrastructure.
The term includes Highway Authorities, Passenger Transport Executives,
public or private developers, Train Operating Companies, etc.
Overline Bridge
A Bridge carrying non-rail vehicular traffic over one or more operational
railway tracks. An Overline Bridge usually carries a road and may also be
referred to as an overbridge.
Operational Capability
In the context of this Specification, the fitness for purpose and safety of an
asset for continued operational use by rail traffic or members of the public.
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Performance Evidence
Objective (auditable) evidence that results from a person performing a task.
Performance Evidence may arise from an Assessor’s direct observation of the
Candidate performing the task in question. Alternatively it may be gathered
by inspection of the finished product and associated documents, or collecting
witness testimony from third parties.
Rock Slope Hazard Index (RSHI)
The system used to quantify the condition of Rock Cuttings and Natural rock
Slopes, based on observed features of the Earthwork.
SCMI Structures condition marking index.
Signal Box Special Instructions
A set of instructions required by a Controlling Signaller to perform his/her
duties, and which in the context of management of the risk from Bridge
Strikes, specifies for a particular Bridge or Bridges the criteria for rail traffic to
be permitted to pass over or under the Bridge following a Bridge Strike prior
to, or after an examination of the Bridge, and the specified speeds applicable.
Slope Failure
Any significant rock fall or soil slip, slide or flow in an Earthwork.
Soil Slope Hazard Index (SSHI)
The system used to quantify the condition of soil Earthworks; it is based on
observed features of the Earthwork.
Special Examination
A visual examination of an Earthwork undertaken outwith the standard defined
Something built to support or retain a load. The term includes Bridges;
viaducts; Tunnels; Culverts; retaining walls including Minor retaining walls;
coastal and estuarial defences; gantries; posts and stanchions carrying
overhead line equipment lighting or signals; Train sheds; platform canopies;
platforms; Buildings and water-retaining Structures.
Structures Manager
The person with formally delegated responsibility for the safe management of
a Structure.
Train shed
A station roof (including its supports) that spans across operational railway.
A Structure provided to allow a railway to pass under higher land and which
has been excavated without disturbing the surface of that land. The term
includes shafts, adits or portals. Other types of construction are included
where in the opinion of the Structures manager; the Structure needs to be
examined as a Tunnel.
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Underline Bridge
A Bridge carrying one or more operational railway tracks. An Underline
Bridge usually carries the railway over a road or watercourse and may also be
referred to as an underbridge.
Verification is a process by which the quality of assessment decisions and the
supporting process are independently assured.
5 Requirements
5.1 Deployment
Employers shall not deploy any employee on any tasks associated with
Civil Engineering asset examination work that may affect the operational
safety of Network Rail controlled infrastructure, until that person has
attended and successfully completed appropriate training or has been
assessed as competent and has been authorised to complete the work.
Where a person has been trained they may be deployed but subject to
an appropriate level of supervision until assessed as competent. Note
that different arrangements apply following the training of Bridge Strike
Nominees (see Appendix A).
5.2 Training
The following steps shall be used and documented to identify and satisfy
specific training needs:
1. Identify deployment requirements for the person concerned.
2. Establish the Competence of the person in relation to those
deployment requirements.
3. Establish what development is required and therefore what
training is appropriate to match the deployment needs.
4. Agree a development plan with the person and the order in
which the training should take place.
5. Arrange for the relevant training to be completed.
5.3 Mentoring
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5.4 Assessment
Trainers shall only use the Network Rail approved training plans and
assessments to deliver the training.
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Frequency of
Reference Competence title
Ensure that Structures remain fit 4 times in 12
and safe for use months
Review results of Structures
4 times in 12
STE 2 examination and recommend
actions where necessary
Visually examine Minor Twice in 12
Structures months
Examine the condition of 4 times in 12
Structures months
Examine the condition of station 4 times in 12
Structures and Buildings months
Examine the condition of Tunnels Twice in 12
and shafts months
Examine the condition of 4 times in 12
underwater Structures months
4 times in 12
Evaluate the Operational
months or
BSE Capability of Bridges following a
practice in
Bridge Strike
Check Bridges meet defined
No practice
BSN criteria for operation at Normal
Ensure that Earthworks remain fit 4 times in 12
and safe for use months
Review results of Earthworks
4 times in 12
EWE 2 examination and recommend
actions where necessary
Examine the condition of 4 times in 12
Earthworks months
Table 1 Frequency of practice of Competence
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6 Application
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Structures Manager
STE 1 Ensure that Structures remain fit and safe for use
Examining Engineers
STE 2 Review results of Structures examination and
recommend actions where necessary
STE 3 Visually examine Minor Structures
STE 4 Examine the condition of Structures
STE 5 Examine the condition of station Structures and Buildings
STE 6 Examine the condition of Tunnels and shafts
STE 7 Examine the condition of underwater Structures
Earthworks Manager
EWE 1 Ensure that Earthworks remain fit and safe for use
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Earthworks Examiner
EWE 3 Examine the condition of Earthworks
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1 Examination of Structures
Following training the Candidate shall make logbook entries of all the
completed examinations. In addition, the Candidate shall retain copies of
completed work documentation from examinations.
Following training the person shall make and retain log book entries
relating all Bridge Strikes they attend. These log book entries shall
describe responses, damage, criteria selected and decisions made.
Where a person holds a current BSN they shall, prior to expiry of the
competence, either:
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Where a persons competence expires after 28th July 2007 they shall
complete either ‘a’ or ‘b’ above prior to 28th July 2007.
From 3rd June 2006, anyone who satisfactorily completes a Bridge Strike
Nominee training course or the PC-based knowledge test shall have
their Competence confirmed annually by their line manager using the
PC-based knowledge test.
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1 Safety
The Assessor shall ensure that both his/her own safety and the safety of the
Candidate are maintained at all times.
Performance Evidence shows that the Candidate can complete the work
activity. This type of evidence can be provided from:
• Observation of the Candidate completing the work activity in the
• Observation of the Candidate completing the work activity in a
simulated environment. This may include staged activities in the
working environment or simulated activities away from the
working environment.
• Review of products that have been produced from the work
activity. e.g. reports
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4. Completion of documentation.
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The Candidate may submit evidence through the use of a written report.
The report is considered to be Performance Evidence if it is based on
work which occurred. Alternatively the report generates Knowledge
Evidence if it is based upon a fictional scenario given to the Candidate.
3 Evidence Transfer
STE 3 and 4 define a similar competence at two levels, but the competence
defined by STE 4 is of a more complex nature and of a greater depth and
breadth than that of Unit 3. Evidence transfer or accreditation of prior
achievement/learning will be as follows:
• Achievement of STE 4 negates the necessity to separately demonstrate
competence in STE 3.
• Prior achievement of STE 3 will provide evidence towards the Performance
Statements and some scope and knowledge statements of Unit 4.
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The Assessor shall ensure that the evidence presented is authentic, that
it is reliable and that the Competence is still current.
4 Provision of Evidence
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Structures Manager
STE 1 Ensure that Structures remain fit and safe for use
Examining Engineers
STE 2 Review the results of Structures examination and recommend actions
where necessary
STE 3 Visually examine Minor Structures
STE 4 Examine the condition of Structures
STE 5 Examine the condition of station Structures and Buildings
STE 6 Examine the condition of Tunnels and shafts
STE 7 Examine the condition of underwater Structures
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STE 1 - Ensure that Structures remain fit and safe for use
This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s competence to initiate the actions necessary to ensure that
existing Structures are fit for purpose and are safe for continued operational use.
1.1 Evaluate factors which affect fitness for purpose or operational safety.
1.2 Define the actions necessary to ensure continued fitness for purpose
and operational safety.
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing
the work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element
do not apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed
by their line manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard
performance reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe
performance across the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In
addition the person’s knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
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This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s competence to review the examination report findings and
make recommendations for actions to deal with problems which affect fitness for
purpose and/or safety; using company and technical documentation for reference.
The Candidate is expected to be able make decisions relating to the actual condition
of the Structure and its use, and predict the extent and rate of deterioration in its
subsequent fitness for purpose and/or operational and public safety. The Candidate
is also expected to be able to recommend actions together with priorities and cost
estimations for dealing with identified problems. The Candidate is responsible for
the integrity of all of the recommendations which he/she makes. However, ultimate
responsibility for the implementation of the recommended actions does not lie with
the Candidate, except when urgent notification of actions required and instigation of
emergency arrangements is necessary in order to maintain safety.
2.1 Review the examination findings to identify aspects that will or may
affect fitness for purpose or operational safety.
2.2 Recommend actions to deal with identified problems that will or may
affect fitness for purpose or operational safety
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing the
work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element do not
apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed by their line
manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard performance
reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe performance across
the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In addition the person’s
knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence Standard.
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
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Assessor Guidance
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STE 2 Review results of Structures examination and recommend actions where necessary
Element 2.1: Review the examination findings to identify aspects that will or may affect the
fitness for purpose or operational safety.
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. Information is checked to ensure its integrity and You must have knowledge and understanding
that it provides a valid and complete picture. of:
b. The review methodology used is capable of fully 1. What specific types and formats of
addressing the complexities of the Structure and information are provided as part of the
is in context with the information and the examination report and how they
Structure being reviewed. describe the actual condition;
c. Review of condition takes account of all relevant 2. What other information may be required
information sources including any potential to review the report and where these are
influences from prevailing conditions. located;
d. Supplementary site visits or additional advice are 3. How to verify the integrity and
obtained where further clarification is necessary. completeness of the examination
e. Judgement is based on valid reasoning. information and why it is important to do
f. Review of the condition and situation provides so;
clear and accurate details of degradation in the 4. What action and arrangements can be
fitness for purpose and operational safety of the made where insufficient information is
Structure. available to complete the report;
g. The most likely causes of the defects, 5. What review methods can be used for
degradation or changes in situations are clearly specific types of data and information
and accurately identified. relating to the condition and performance
h. Where insufficient information is available to of the Structure;
complete the review arrangements are made to 6. What specific factors must be taken into
gather further information or to submit the report account when judging the condition and
in an incomplete form. performance of the Structure;
i. Communication is clear, unambiguous and in 7. What constitutes acceptable/normal
accordance with relevant current instructions. condition for the different types of
Structures and where information relating
Scope Statements
to this can be found;
1. Information sources: 8. Why it important to check current against
• Current examination report previous reports and what level of
• Previous examination reports change would be taken as significant;
• Photographs and sketches 9. Typical implications which may arise from
• Change of use information the situation and condition examination
2. Review methods relate to and review;
• Identification of current condition and 10. How to record the review findings;
operational performance 11. The circumstances and reasons when an
• Looking for changes in condition and incomplete report form may be submitted
operational performance and the procedures for arranging this.
• Predicting or projecting rate of deterioration
Evidence Requirements
3. Structures include: Performance evidence must be provided from
• Bridges and viaducts at least three separate reviews.
• Retaining walls The performance evidence taken as a whole
• Tunnels must prove that the Candidate can
• Buildings consistently meet all Performance
• Platform and other station Structures Statements when varied by Scope
• Train shed roofs Statements 2 and 3.
4. Prevailing conditions: Where the Candidate is not expected to deal
• Recent weather conditions with all of the Structures in Scope Statements
• Weather conditions at the time of the 3 the assessment should focus on and
examination encompass all those that he/she is normally
responsible for.
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STE 2 Review results of Structures examination and recommend actions where necessary
Element 2.2: Recommend actions to deal with identified problems that will or may affect
fitness for purpose or operational safety.
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. The significance of the problem in the type You must have knowledge and understanding of:
of Structure on the safety of the public and 1. The structural behaviour of the different types
on rail traffic is accurately determined. of Structure, and the significance of the material
b. The remedial action necessary to restore type on this;
or maintain the fitness for purpose and 2. What factors to take into account when
operational/public safety of the Structure is assessing the significance of actual defects,
clearly described in the applicable place on projected deterioration, change in
the report. circumstances and situation of use on the
c. Priorities for the remedial actions are fitness for purpose and operational and public
correctly annotated and clearly specified in safety;
accordance with company procedures and 3. Which reference documentation can be used to
requirements. assist and guide the decision making process;
d. Cost estimations are rational for the type 4. What types of remedial action can be
and scale of the recommended actions and recommended on the report to deal with
are produced following company guidelines defects, failures, change in use, and change in
and procedures. circumstances surrounding the use of the
e. Recommendations are presented clearly Structures;
and in a manner which supports further 5. Typical instances of change in use of a
decision making. Structure and change in the situations
f. The report is complete, legible and surrounding the use of Structures, and how
submitted for further decision making within they affect the fitness for purpose and safety;
the defined contractual timescale 6. What the company procedures and guidelines
requirements. are on methods of prioritisation of work;
Scope Statements 7. How to estimate costs, and what guidelines and
formulae are provided by the company for
1. The type of Structures are; doing this;
• Tunnels
8. What additional records are required should it
• Underbridges be necessary to recommend urgent action;
• Overbridges
9. What the contractual timescale requirements
• Retaining walls
are for the submission of the report;
• Buildings
• Train shed roofs 10. To whom and how the report should be
2. Problems relate to;
Evidence Requirements
• Defects or failure
• Changes to operational use parameters Performance evidence must be provided from at
• Projected rate of deterioration least three separate reviews.
• Changes in the situations surrounding The performance evidence taken as a whole must
the use of the Structure prove that the Candidate can consistently meet all
performance when varied by both Scope
Where the Candidate is not expected to deal with
all of the Structures in the Scope Statement 1, the
assessment should focus on and encompass all
those that he/she is normally responsible for.
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This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s competence to visually examine Minor Structures. The
standards expect the Candidate to be able to observe the current condition and
situation, using company and technical documentation for reference. The Candidate
is expected to provide a report detailing readily identifiable new defects and
situations and changes/deterioration in known defects and situations. The
Candidate takes responsibility for the level of detail reported and for the recognition
of and dealing with serious defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of
the public or rail traffic, but is expected to refer to others for additional guidance
when necessary. However, the responsibility for undertaking further detailed
examinations and for the review of the reported results and recommendation of
necessary actions does not rest with the Candidate.
3.2 Deal with identified defects in Structures (within the limits of own
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing
the work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element
do not apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed
by their line manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard
performance reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe
performance across the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In
addition the person’s knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
Minor Structures
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walls such as those surrounding or supporting signal location cabinets. The term
does not include signal gantries and cantilevers.
The type of defects which the Candidate is expected to be able to visually identify
signs of loose, displaced or fallen material; significant vandalism or accidental
damage; signs of subsidence or ground movement; flooding; signs of misuse or
significant changes in the nature or extent of use. Examples expected are:
• In timber: rot, deflection, loss of section, shakes, fixings, crushing and breakdown
of protective treatment; and
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Structures means all Structures excluding Buildings, tunnels and shafts and
underwater Structures, which are dealt with in units 5, 6 and 7 respectively.
This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s competence to examine Structures under a variety of
different conditions. The Candidate is expected to be able to gather detailed
information which relates to the current condition and situation, using company and
technical documentation for reference. The Candidate is expected to provide a
detailed report identifying new defects and situations and changes/deterioration in
known defects and situations, through comparison of findings with previous reported
condition or a standard indicator. The Candidate takes responsibility for the level of
detail reported and for the recognition of and dealing with serious defects which pose
an immediate threat to the safety of the public or rail traffic. However, the
responsibility for the review of the reported results and recommendation of
necessary actions does not rest with the Candidate.
4.3 Deal with defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of the
operational railway or to members of the public
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing
the work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element
do not apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed
by their line manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard
performance reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe
performance across the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In
addition the person’s knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
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Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
The type of defects which the Candidate is expected to be able to identify signs of
and appraise the condition of are:
Assessor Guidance
• Timber Structures
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This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s competence to examine station Structures and Buildings
under a variety of different conditions. The Candidate is expected to be able to
gather detailed information about the station Structures and Buildings, which relates
to the current condition and situation, using company and technical documentation
for reference. The Candidate is expected to provide a detailed report identifying new
defects and situations and changes/deterioration in known defects and situations,
through comparison of findings with previous reported condition or a standard
indicator. The Candidate takes responsibility for the level of detail reported and for
the recognition of and dealing with serious defects which pose an immediate threat
to the safety of the public or rail traffic. However, the responsibility for the review of
the reported results and recommendation of necessary actions does not rest with the
5.3 Deal with defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of the
operational railway or members of the public
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing
the work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element
do not apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed
by their line manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard
performance reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe
performance across the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In
addition the person’s knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
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Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
The type of defects which the Candidate is expected to be able to identify and
appraise are:
• In timber: rot, deflection, loss of section, shakes, fixings, crushing and breakdown
of protective treatment; and
• Dry rot, cladding elements and fixings, weather tightness, plus comment on
gutters, downpipes, drains etc.
• Timber Structures
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This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s competence to examine Tunnels and Shafts under a
variety of different conditions. The Candidate is expected to be able to gather
detailed information about the tunnel, which relates to the current condition and
situation, using company and technical documentation for reference. The Candidate
is expected to provide a detailed report identifying new defects and situations and
changes/ deterioration in known defects and situations, through comparison of
findings with previous reported condition or a standard indicator. The Candidate
takes responsibility for the level of detail reported and for the recognition of and
dealing with serious defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of the
public or rail traffic. However, the responsibility for the review of the reported results
and recommendation of necessary actions does not rest with the Candidate.
The Candidate is the person leading the examination and is expected to be able to
report on the condition using the following types of examination:
• Detailed examinations
6.2 Provide detailed information about the condition of tunnels and shafts
6.3 Deal with defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of the
operational railway or to members of the public
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing the
work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element do not
apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed by their line
manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard performance
reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe performance across
the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In addition the person’s
knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence Standard.
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
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Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
The type of defects which the Candidate is expected to be able to identify and appraise
are: longitudinal and transverse fractures; spalling; open joints; hollows/bulging; loose
bricks; water ingress; loose rock/chalk; broken drainage; corrosion; and damaged
fixtures and fittings.
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This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s competence to examine underwater Structures. The
Candidate is expected to be able to gather detailed information about the underwater
Structure, which relates to the current condition and situation, using company and
technical documentation for reference. The Candidate is expected to provide a
detailed report identifying new defects and situations and changes/deterioration in
known defects and situations, through comparison of findings with previous reported
condition or a standard indicator. The Candidate takes responsibility for the level of
detail reported and for the recognition of and dealing with serious defects which pose
an immediate threat to the safety of the public or rail traffic. However, the
responsibility for the review of the reported results and recommendation of
necessary actions does not rest with the Candidate.
7.3 Deal with defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of the
operational railway or to members of the public
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing
the work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element
do not apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed
by their line manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard
performance reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe
performance across the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In
addition the person’s knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
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The type of defects which the Candidate is expected to be able to identify and
investigate are those found in railway Structures generally, plus those particular to
underwater parts of Structure or scour/marine protection works. Examples of these
are: eroded bed or Structure materials, scour to bed material and undermining of
foundations, marine growth or corrosion, graphitic corrosion in cast iron, attack by
underwater animal life and objects lodged against the Structures.
Pre-requisite Competence
The standards contained within this Unit do not make any provision for the
assessment of the Candidate’s diving proficiency. They assume that the Candidate
holds all relevant qualifications and certificates for diving and is registered with Her
Majesty's Health and Safety Executive (in accordance with the current diving
Regulations under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974) prior to commencement of
assessment against this unit.
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BSN Check Bridges meet defined criteria for operation at Normal Speed.
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This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s Competence to evaluate whether following a reported
Bridge Strike by road vehicles or waterborne vessels, the Bridge and associated
track infrastructure involved has the Operational Capability for train movements to be
permitted, and at what speed.
The Candidate will take responsibility to either allow rail traffic to pass at Normal
Speed, at a restricted speed, or to block the line to rail traffic dependent upon his/her
evaluation of the damage. The Candidate has a responsibility of duty of care to the
public and is expected to take appropriate actions. In the context of this
specification, however, the responsibility for taking subsequent further action to
determine repair requirements and subsequent actions does not rest with the
1.2 Gather information about the effect of the damage on the Bridge
Limits of responsibility
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This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is assessed in order to
determine an individual’s Competence to check that following a reported Bridge
Strike by road vehicles, Bridges meet the defined criteria for permitting train
movements at Normal Speed. The checks are through comparative visual
inspection of the affected Bridge and associated track infrastructure using pre-
defined acceptable damage criteria.
Limits of responsibility
Damage which is visible to a person from the ground and which may be readily
compared to the pre-defined acceptable damage criteria and limitations for Bridge
Strikes. Example of types of damage are: mis-alignment of the track, loss of ballast,
damaged railhead; deformation or displacement of metal Bridges; displaced material
in masonry and brick arch Bridges; exposure or damage to the internal reinforcing
bars of concrete beam Bridges; cracks or displacement in parapet walls and debris
obstructing or likely to obstruct the traffic.
Where the damage is to metal Bridges it is acceptable for the Candidate to discount
old rusty damage.
Where the Bridge is an Underline Bridge with metal columns, slab track or glued
ballast or a Bridge over a navigable waterway, the Candidate does not have the
authority to permit rail traffic to pass
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• The end of training course written assessment and PC based knowledge test.
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BSN Check Bridges meet defined criteria for operation at Normal Speed
Element 2.1: Attend the incident as requested
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. Information obtained is promptly evaluated You must have knowledge and understanding of:
for accuracy and sufficiency. 1. Where the procedures for response by a
b. Any inconsistencies or deficiencies in the Bridge Strike Nominee to Bridges struck by
received information are clarified with the road vehicles are contained.
relevant people. 2. What additional procedures may relate to
c. Sufficient information is obtained to identify Bridges where Signal Box Special
the Bridge, its location, nearest access point Instructions have been permitted including
and communication methods. instructions for Late Reported Bridge Strikes.
3. What the limits of responsibility of a Bridge
d. Arrival on site is prompt and at the correct
Strike Nominee are with respect to attending
a Bridge Strike.
e. Where delays are incurred the relevant 4. What types and nature of Bridges may be
people are promptly advised. encountered.
f. Access to the Bridge is safe and in 5. Where and from whom additional information
accordance with site access procedures. relating to the facts and details about the
g. Reporting to the signaller is timely, uses the reported Bridge Strike may be obtained.
correct protocols and clearly conveys intent. 6. What the requirements are for reaction to a
reported Bridge Strike and the
circumstances, which may cause a variation
to these.
7. The implications of not obtaining sufficient
information prior to reacting to the incident.
8. How to access road Bridge locations safely,
and the relevant access procedures.
9. What tools and equipment are necessary to
carry out the comparison of damage against
the defined criteria.
Evidence Requirements
Performance Evidence must be provided from at
least two separate incidents.
The Performance Evidence taken as a whole
must demonstrate that the Candidate can
consistently meet all of the Performance
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BSN Check Bridges meet defined criteria for operation at Normal Speed
Element 2.2: Check Bridges against defined criteria
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. Current and complete pre-defined You must have knowledge and understanding of:
criteria and limits for acceptable 1. Where the procedures and pre-defined criteria for
damage are available for reference. examination by a Bridge Strike Nominee of Bridges
b. Criteria and limits selected for use are struck by road vehicles are contained.
appropriate to the type and nature of 2. What the limits of responsibility of a Bridge Strike
the Bridge. Nominee are with respect to examining a Bridge
c. Initial observations are in sufficient struck by road vehicles.
detail to confirm all areas of damage 3. What types and nature of Bridges may be
caused by the Bridge Strike and the encountered,
potential effect on the Bridge and the 4. What factors must be taken into account when
track. carrying out an initial observation of the damage
d. All aspects cited in the defined criteria caused by the Bridge Strike, to identify and confirm
for the Bridge type are adequately damage and potential effect.
checked for compliance. 5. What different types of damage may be
e. Assessment of compliance is encountered in Overline and Underline Bridges
accurately made with all apparent where the construction materials are brick,
damage accounted for in relation to the masonry, concrete and metal.
defined criteria. 6. What the significance of track displacement or
Scope Statements damage is on the safe running of rail traffic.
1. Bridge Structure is: 7. How to identify Bridges with several independent
• Metal girder Structures.
• Masonry arch 8. What factors must be considered when deciding
• Brick arch whether associated independent Structures may
• Concrete beam have been affected by the Bridge Strike.
• Parapet wall 9. What criteria and limits apply when permitting train
2. Damage is: movements at Bridges at Normal Speed.
10. What the implications are of permitting train
• Within the limits
movements at Normal Speed and the
• Exceeding the limits
consequences of poor judgement.
• Difficult to assess 11. What action to take when there is any doubt or
• Old damage in metal Bridges discrepancy or when the damage is near the
3. Bridges are: defined limits and when to seek advice.
• Overline Evidence Requirements
• Underline Performance Evidence must be provided from at least
• More than one independent two separate occasions.
Structure The Candidate shall be directly observed in the
4. Checks are for: workplace on actual or staged activities on at least one
• Initial examination to permit train occasion.
movements The Performance Evidence taken as a whole must
• Observation with trains passing demonstrate that the Candidate can consistently meet
‘ all of the Performance Statements, and can:
• Identify damage which is within the limits and
exceeding the limits in metal girder, masonry, brick
and concrete beam Underline Bridges;
• Identify damage which is within and exceeding the
limits in parapet wall Overline Bridges;
• Examine damage against given criteria for initial
assessment and observation with trains passing;
• Select the appropriate criteria and limits for all
types of Bridges.
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BSN Check Bridges meet defined criteria for operation at Normal Speed
Element 2.3: Take actions appropriate to the results of the check
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. Potential safety implications posed to You must have knowledge and understanding of:
rail traffic and to the public are 1. Where the procedures and pre-defined criteria for
recognised without error. examination of Bridges struck by road vehicles are
b. Courses of action identified ensure the contained.
safety of the railway and the public; 2. What the limits of responsibility of a Bridge Strike
and are appropriate for the damage. Nominee are with respect to permitting train
c. Liaison with others is polite, to the movements following a Bridge Strike, when
point, timely and follows any defined damage limits are exceeded, limits of authority and
protocol requirements. duty of care to the public.
d. Courses of action undertaken are 3. What types and nature of Bridges may typically be
effective, within the limits of own encountered
authority, comply with current 4. What types of damage may typically be
instructions and procedures. encountered at the different types of Bridge and
e. Advice is sought from a suitable person how this will impact on the potential hazard to rail
or reference documents where doubt traffic and to members of the public.
arises. 5. What the procedures are for closing the line to
f. Where the road vehicle is wedged it is traffic.
dealt with appropriately 6. How to contact and gain assistance from the
g. Responsibility is correctly handed on to Highway Authority.
a Bridge Strike Examiner prior to 7. When it is permissible for the Bridge Strike
leaving the site. Nominee to leave the site.
h. Reporting and documentation is 8. How and to whom responsibility may be handed on
completed accurately, on relevant following damage to a Bridge by a road vehicle.
documents and in accordance with 9. What the implications are of permitting train
current instructions. movements at Normal Speed and the
Scope Statements consequences of poor judgement.
1. Damage is: 10. Why it is necessary for the Bridge to be observed
• None with trains passing.
• Within the criteria for permitting 11. How to deal with instances where road vehicles are
train movements wedged at Bridges.
• Exceeding the criteria for 12. How and from whom to seek assistance.
permission for train movements 13. To whom details of the damage must be reported,
• With the potential to cause and how this should be done.
injury/damage to third parties 14. What documentation must be completed and how it
2. Courses of action are: should be processed.
• Advise signaller that that either the Evidence Requirements
damage exceeds the criteria or that Performance Evidence must be provided from at least
the Bridge is outside the two separate occasions.
Candidate’s limits of authority The Candidate shall be directly observed in the
• Request closure of the public workplace or during staged activities on at least one
highway; occasion.
• Permit train movements at Normal The Performance Evidence taken as a whole must
Speed demonstrate that the Candidate can consistently meet
3. Others are: all Performance Statements (except e and f which
may be assessed through knowledge); and that the
• Civil authorities
Candidate can:
• Signaller
• Identify the correct course of action for each type
• Control room staff
of damage
• Can undertake each course of action.
Civil authorities will include Emergency Services, Local
Highway Authority and Waterway Authority.
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Earthworks Manager
EWE 1 Ensure that Earthworks remain fit and safe for use
Earthworks Examiner
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EWE 1 - Ensure that Earthworks remain fit and safe for use
This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is to be gathered and
assessed in order to determine an individual’s Competence to initiate the actions
necessary to ensure that existing Earthworks remain fit for purpose and safe for
continued operational use.
1.1 Evaluate factors which affect fitness for purpose or operational safety.
1.2 Define the actions necessary to ensure continued fitness for purpose and
operational safety.
1.3 Implement actions to ensure existing Earthworks remain safe for continued
operational use.
All Candidates are expected to be able ensure that Earthworks including Embankments;
Soil Cuttings; and Natural Slopes remain fit and safe for use. Where a Candidate is
required to ensure Rock Cuttings remain fit and safe for use associated evidence must
be provided. The Authority to Work shall be suitably endorsed to include/exclude Rock
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing
the work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element
do not apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed
by their line manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard
performance reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe
performance across the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In
addition the person’s knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
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EWE 1 Ensure that Earthworks remain fit and safe for use
Element 1.1: Evaluate factors which affect fitness for purpose or operational safety.
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. Information obtained is sufficient to identify You must have knowledge and understanding of:
the current and future/planned performance 1. Where to source information relating to current
requirements of the Earthwork. performance/specifications for the Earthwork;
b. Information sources are evaluated for their 2. Where to source information relating to planned
suitability and used to determine current and changes to use, legal, health and safety issues
planned operational use. and performance requirements of the
c. The current condition of the Earthwork is Earthwork;
confirmed using all relevant data. 3. Where specialist technical advice and
d. Variations between actual Earthwork integrity information may be obtained and under what
and known requirements are accurately circumstances;
established. 4. How the change in use of an Earthwork or
e. The reasons and causes of the variations are change in the use of environment surrounding
clearly and accurately specified. the Earthworks may affect the fitness for
f. Evaluation of all information clearly identifies purpose and safety including typical examples;
whether the existing Earthwork is fit for 5. What specific types and formats of information
purpose and safe for continued use. are provided as part of the examination report
g. Where insufficient information is available, and how they relate to the actual condition;
further information is sought according to the 6. What hazard ranking measures signify and what
nature of the clarification required. other guidelines are available to provide
h. Communication is clear, unambiguous and in consistency of reported information;
accordance with relevant current instructions. 7. Why it is important to check current against
Scope Statements previous reports and what level of change
1. Initiating circumstances are: would be taken as significant;
• New examination report relating to the 8. Where and from whom initial and additional
Earthwork information relating to the causes of variations
• Planned changes in operational use can be obtained;
parameters 9. How further monitoring of condition may provide
• Notification of problems in other similar further information needed for Evaluation and in
Earthworks what situations it should be initiated;
2. Information sources: Evidence Requirements
• Current cyclical/Special Examination Performance evidence must be provided from at
report least three separate occasions.
• Previous Evaluation reports The Candidate shall be directly observed in the
• Risk Assessments workplace on at least one occasion.
• Change of use information The performance evidence taken as a whole must
prove that the Candidate can consistently meet all
• Legal, health and safety, and other
Performance Statements when varied by the Scope
regulatory requirements
3. Variations are due to:
Earthworks are: embankments; soil Cuttings;
• Gradually deteriorating condition
natural slopes; Rock Cuttings drainage
• Unforeseen degradation in condition systems
• Changes in operational use parameters Initiating circumstances are: new examination
• Changes in the adjacent environment to report relating to the Earthwork, planned
the Earthwork changes in operational use parameters,
• Changes to legislation or contractual notification of problems in other similar
requirements Earthworks; and identifying
4. Earthworks are: Variations due to: gradually deteriorating
• Embankments condition, unforeseen degradation in
• Soil Cuttings condition, changes in operational use
• Natural slopes parameters, changes to legislation or
• Rock Cuttings contractual requirements
• Drainage systems Operational Use Parameters means loading; speed
of trains; frequency of trains
Other influencing factors may be; works already
planned; change of use information or legal, health
and safety, and other regulatory requirements.
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EWE 1 Ensure that Earthworks remain fit and safe for use
Element 1.2: Define actions necessary to ensure continued fitness for purpose and operational
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. The significance and implications of the You must have knowledge and understanding of:
identified variation in condition and 1. What the behaviour of the different types of
performance is accurately determined. Earthwork is, and the significance of the material
b. Actions recommended in the type on this;
examination report are evaluated for 2. What factors to take into account when assessing
suitability in light of other influencing the significance of actual defects, projected
factors. deterioration, change in circumstances and
c. The actions selected are capable of situation of use on the fitness for purpose and
restoring/maintaining the fitness for operational and public safety;
purpose and operational/public safety 3. How deterioration of slope drainage may affect the
of the Earthwork. fitness for purpose and safety of Earthworks
d. Actions are capable of being 4. Which reference documentation and sources of
implemented within the constraints and information can be used to assist and guide the
requirements of Network Rail and other decision making process;
third parties. 5. How the change in use of a Earthwork or change in
e. The strengths and weaknesses of the use of environment surrounding the Earthworks
possible actions are identified and may affect the fitness for purpose and safety
used as part of the decision making including typical examples;
process. 6. How to identify any contractual and legal
f. Consideration is given to the requirements to maintain either by Network Rail or
implications of legal, health and safety third parties and how this will effect the decision
and other regulatory requirements. making process;
g. Priorities set for further investigation, 7. What types of remedial action can be undertaken to
Evaluation or remedial works are deal with defects, failures, change in use, and
consistent with the risk and change in circumstances surrounding the use of the
current/future business requirements. Earthworks where the variations are actual and
Scope Statements predicted;
1. Variations relate to: 8. What types of further investigation, Evaluation
• Current condition of the Earthwork Special Examination or monitoring regimes are
outside required performance available to give further information or provide
specification continuing assurance of fitness for purpose and
• Changes to operational use safety;
requirements 9. What types of legislation, health and safety or other
• Projected rate of deterioration regulatory requirements might vary and/or affect the
• Changes in use of environment performance parameters of the Earthwork;
surrounding the Earthworks 10. Why it is important to identify and take account of
• Changes in drainage condition other planned work, and where to find relevant
2. Third parties include: information;
11. What the Network Rail procedures and guidelines
• Highways authorities
are on methods of prioritisation of work.
• Waterways authorities
Evidence Requirements
• Private land owners
Performance evidence must be provided from at least
• Statutory undertakers
three separate occasions.
3. Constraints are:
The Candidate shall be directly observed in the
• Network Rail obligations to third workplace on at least one occasion.
parties The performance evidence taken as a whole must
• Third parties obligations to prove that the Candidate can consistently meet all
Network Rail Performance Statements when varied by the Scope
• Work already planned Statements 1 and 4.
• Other rail operators Statutory undertakers include for example;
4. Identified implications relate to: Telecommunication companies Utility companies, the
• Safety of the operational railway Environment Agency.
• Safety of the public An example of where an Earthwork may affect the
• Safety of staff safety of staff is in the maintenance of safe walking
• Contractual/legal obligations routes.
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Issue: 01
Date: June 2006
EWE 1 Ensure that Earthworks remain fit and safe for use
Element 1.3: Implement actions to ensure existing Earthworks remain safe for continued
operational use.
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. Specific tasks are clearly identified and are 1. You must have knowledge and
achievable. understanding of: what tasks and methods
b. Methods comply with legal, health and safety, are required to achieve each of the types of
and other regulatory requirements. actions in scope statement 1
c. The parties implicated by the necessary 2. What legal, health and safety and other
actions are all identified. regulatory requirements apply when
specifying methods to be used to achieve
d. Timescales and frequencies are realistic and
achievable, and take account of constraints.
3. How and where the recommended actions
e. Items for action are presented precisely,
should be recorded;
clearly and in a manner which supports their
implementation. 4. Which other third parties might be implicated
by the different types of action and what the
f. Relevant people are informed of the planned
reporting and recording requirements are;
actions necessary to ensure continued
fitness for purpose and operational safety of 5. What the recording and processing
the Earthwork. requirements are for those actions internal to
the organisation and for examination
g. Actions implemented are confirmed as being
in accordance with the plan and appropriate
to the condition of the Earthwork and its 6. What additional documentation is required
surrounding environment where actions are as recommended in the
examination report, modified from the original
h. Changes in operational capability are clearly
recommended actions or are generated due
specified and promptly progressed according
to external influences;
to defined procedures.
7. How to ensure that actions are implemented
i. Frequency of future examination is accurately
in accordance with set priorities and what to
defined, is appropriate to the condition of the
do in the event of delayed implementation;
Earthwork and in accordance with defined
procedures. 8. How to ensure progression of the required
actions and who is involved.
j. Records completed are legible, unambiguous
and as required for the type of actions and Evidence Requirements
parties implicated. Performance evidence must be provided from at
Scope Statements least three separate occasions.
1. Actions relate to: The Candidate shall be directly observed on at
• No actions required least one occasion.
• Definition of examination frequency The performance evidence taken as a whole
• Logging of future repair requirements must prove that the Candidate can consistently
• Further or Special Examination meet the Performance Statements when varied
• Evaluation by the Scope Statements 1, 2 and 3.
• Remediation work
2. Immediate actions are:
• As recommended in the examination
• Modified from original recommended
• Generated due to external influences
3. Implicated parties are:
• Those internal to the organisation
• Examination contractors
• Other third parties
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Issue: 01
Date: June 2006
This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is to be gathered and
assessed in order to determine an individual’s Competence to review the
examination report findings and make recommendations for actions to deal with
problems which affect fitness for purpose and/or safety, using company and
technical documentation for reference.
The Candidate is expected to be able make decisions relating to the actual condition
of the Earthwork and its use and predict the extent and trend of deterioration in its
subsequent fitness for purpose and/or operational and public safety. The Candidate
is also expected to be able to recommend actions together with priorities for dealing
with identified problems.
The Candidate is responsible for the integrity of all of the recommendations which
he/she makes. However, ultimate responsibility for the implementation of the
recommended actions does not lie with the Candidate, except when urgent
notification of actions required and instigation of emergency arrangements is
necessary in order to maintain safety.
2.1 Review the examination findings to identify aspects that will or may affect
fitness for purpose or operational safety.
2.2 Recommend actions to deal with identified problems that will or may affect
fitness for purpose or operational safety
All Candidates are expected to be able to review the examination findings of Earthworks
including Embankments; Soil Cuttings; and Natural Slopes. Where a Candidate is
required to review the examination findings Rock Cuttings associated evidence must be
provided. The Authority to Work shall be suitably endorsed to include/exclude Rock
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing the
work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element do not
apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed by their line
manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard performance
reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe performance across
the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In addition the person’s
knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence Standard.
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
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• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
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Issue: 01
Date: June 2006
EWE 2 Review results of Earthworks examination and recommend actions where necessary
Element 2.1: Review the examination findings to identify aspects that will or may affect the
fitness for purpose or operational safety.
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. Information is checked to ensure its integrity and that You must have knowledge and
it provides a valid and complete picture. understanding of:
b. The review methods used are capable of fully 1. What specific types and formats of
addressing the complexities of the Earthwork and the information are provided as part of the
adjacent environment/Geomorphological Features examination report and how they
and relevant to the information and the Earthwork describe the actual condition;
being reviewed. 2. What other information may be required
c. Review of condition takes account of all relevant to review the report and where these
information sources and any potential influences from are located;
prevailing conditions. 3. How to verify the integrity and
d. Supplementary site visits or additional advice are completeness of the examination
obtained where further clarification is necessary. information and why it is important to do
e. Interpretation of the information and conclusions so;
drawn are logical and appropriate to the condition of 4. What action and arrangements can be
the Earthwork. made where insufficient information is
f. Review of the condition and situation provides clear available to complete the report;
and accurate details of degradation in the fitness for 5. What review methods are appropriate to
purpose and operational safety of the Earthwork. the various information sources relating
g. The most likely causes of the defects, degradation or to the condition and performance of the
changes are identified and evaluated as appropriate. Earthwork;
h. Where insufficient information is available to 6. What specific factors must be taken into
complete the review, arrangements are made to account when judging the condition of
gather further information or to submit the report in an the Earthwork;
incomplete form. 7. What constitutes poor / marginal /
i. Communication is clear, unambiguous and in serviceable condition for the different
accordance with relevant current instructions. types of Earthworks and where
Scope Statements information relating to this can be found;
1. Information sources: 8. Why it important to check current
• Current cyclical/Special Examination report against previous reports and what level
• Previous examination reports of change would be taken as significant;
• Photographs and sketches 9. How to record the review findings;
• Previous Evaluation reports 10. The circumstances and reasons when
• Previous risk Assessments an incomplete report form may be
submitted and the procedures for
• Change of use information
arranging this.
• Desk study reports
2. Earthworks include: Evidence Requirements
Performance evidence must be provided
• Embankments, Soil Cuttings, Natural slopes
from at least three separate reviews.
• Rock Cuttings and Drainage
The Candidate shall be directly observed in
3. Review methods relate to
the workplace on at least two occasions.
• Identification of current condition and operational One observation should deal with reviewing
performance reports from soil-based Earthworks and the
• Looking for changes in condition and operational other from Rock Cuttings.
performance The performance evidence taken as a
• Establish and predict the trend of deterioration whole must prove that the Candidate can
4. Prevailing conditions: consistently meet all Performance
• Weather conditions at the time of examination Statements when varied by the Scope
• Weather conditions since the examination Statements 2 and 3.
• Scour/flooding Operational Use Parameters means
• Burrowing loading; speed of trains; frequency of trains
• Excessive vegetation
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Issue: 01
Date: June 2006
EWE 2 Review results of Earthworks examination and recommend actions where necessary
Element 2.2: Recommend actions to deal with identified problems that will or may affect
fitness for purpose or operational safety.
Performance statements Knowledge statements
a. The significance of the problem in the type of You must have knowledge and understanding of:
Earthwork on the safety of the public and on 1. What the behaviour of the different types of
rail traffic is accurately determined. Earthwork is, and the significance of the
b. Decisions about the courses of action take material type on this;
account of all available information, the effect 2. What factors to take into account when
on operational/public safety, other affected assessing the significance of actual defects,
infrastructure, traffic delays and operational projected deterioration, change in
timescales. circumstances of use on the fitness for
c. Courses of action identified are relevant to purpose and operational and public safety;
the problem and take account of the imposed 3. Which reference documentation can be used
risk and any other planned repairs. to assist and guide the decision making
d. The Remedial Treatment necessary to process;
address immediate concerns is accurately 4. What types of Remedial Treatment can be
established, appropriate to the condition and recommended on the report to deal with
actioned in accordance with procedures. defects, failures, change in use, and change
e. Geotechnical priorities for the remedial in adjacent environment to the Earthworks;
treatments are correctly established and 5. Typical instances of change in use of a
clearly specified in accordance with Network Earthwork and change in use of the land
Rail procedures and requirements. surrounding Earthworks, and how they affect
f. Recommendations are presented clearly and the fitness for purpose and safety;
in a manner which supports further decision 6. What courses of action are available and
making. when each may apply
g. The report is complete, legible and submitted 7. What the procedures and guidelines are on
for further decision making within the defined methods of prioritisation of work;
contractual timescale requirements
8. How to implement the emergency procedure
Scope Statements and what additional records are required in
1. The type of Earthworks are; such an event;
• Embankments, Soil Cuttings, 9. What the contractual timescale requirements
• Natural Slopes are for the submission of the report;
• Rock Cuttings 10. How the report should be submitted and to
• Drainage whom.
2. Problems relate to: Evidence Requirements
• Defects or potential failure
Performance evidence must be provided from at
• Predicted trend of deterioration least three separate reviews.
• Changes to operational use parameters
• Changes in the adjacent environment to The Candidate shall be directly observed in the
the Earthwork workplace on at least two occasions. One
observation should deal with reviewing reports
3. Courses of action are; from soil-based Earthworks and the other from
• No repairs required Rock Cuttings.
• Evaluation required
The performance evidence taken as a whole
• Specific repairs required must prove that the Candidate can consistently
• Determination of frequency of meet all Performance Statements when varied by
examination and future examination date the Scope Statements 2 and 3.
• Establish condition band
• Emergency procedure implementation
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Issue: 01
Date: June 2006
This Unit specifies the requirements against which evidence is to be gathered and
assessed in order to determine an individual’s Competence to examine Earthworks
under a variety of different conditions. The Assessment applies equally to cyclical and
Special Examinations.
The Candidate is expected to be able to gather detailed information which relates to the
current condition and situation, using company and technical documentation for
reference. The Candidate is expected to provide a detailed report identifying defects
and conditions and changes/deterioration in known defects and conditions, through
comparison of findings with previous reports (where available).
The Candidate takes responsibility for the level of detail reported and for the recognition
of and dealing with serious defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of the
public or rail traffic. However, the responsibility for the review of the reported results
and recommendation of necessary actions does not rest with the Candidate.
3.3 Deal with defects which pose an immediate threat to the safety of the
operational railway or to members of the public
Assessment Strategy
Where the person has been previously trained and has been satisfactory completing the
work for more than 1 year the evidence requirements detailed in each element do not
apply. The person shall be assessed using performance reports completed by their line
manager or other competent person. Network Rail shall make standard performance
reports available for this purpose that confirm satisfactory and safe performance across
the range of work detailed in this Competence Standard. In addition the person’s
knowledge shall be confirmed, as detailed in this Competence Standard.
• If the person is competent the Assessor (which maybe the line manager) shall
arrange for a certificate of competence to be issued. If the person is competent
they shall have their competence reviewed annually in accordance with 5.8.2.
• If the person is not yet competent the line manager shall be produce suitable
development/mentoring plan.
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Date: June 2006
Where the person is new to the role they shall be mentored by a competent person
and shall provide evidence as detailed in each element.
Assessor Guidance
In element 1 Assessors should note that this element deals exclusively with the
planning and preparation for work, and does not deal with the Candidate’s ability to
use any of the equipment mentioned. Examples of the factors which the Candidate is
expected to check in confirming that the site is ready are: reconnaissance
information, opportunity for work/access, clearance of vegetation, weather conditions
e.g. Lying snow.
For the purpose of Assessment the type of defects which the Candidate is expected
to be able to identify signs of and appraise the condition of soil based Earthworks
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Date: June 2006
For those Candidates who are to be assessed for Rock Cuttings defects which the
Candidate is expected to be able to identify signs of and appraise the condition of
• Tension cracks;
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Issue: 01
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Standards Briefing Note
Reference No NR/SP/CTM/017 Issue No 01 Publication Date June 2006
Title Competence & Training in Civil Engineering
Standard Owner D Carrier, Head of Competence and Compliance Date 3rd August 2006
Training Management
New Issue that supersedes all previous versions of: Contracts & Procurement