An Overview of Electrostatic Speakers
An Overview of Electrostatic Speakers
An Overview of Electrostatic Speakers
Wes Hatch
where F is the force (N) experienced, Vsig is the signal voltage, Q is the strength of the
charge (C), and 2d is the distance between each electrode (d is then the distance between
the diaphragm and one electrodethis simplifies things later).
This is adequate for small charges, but the polarizing voltage on the diaphragm is
huge by comparison, so more detailed analysis is necessary. Lets assume the total
charge on the diaphragm will not change once it has reached equilibriumthe large
resistance placed in series with the polarizing voltage helps prevent any discharge.
Furthermore, by examining the simple schematic above, it should be obvious that there is
an inherent capacitance present between each plate and the diaphragm. The total
capacitance2 will vary as the diaphragm moves, increasing as it strays farther from
equilibrium. Therefore its voltage must fall, as given in the fundamental equation:
This section assumes an ESL with flat plates, of the push-pull design.
Ctotal = (C1 x C2)/ (C1 + C2) is not included above as it seems straightforward
Q = CVpol = constant
where Q is the total charge (C) between the electrodes and the diaphragm, C is the total
capacitance (F) of the system, and V is the polarizing voltage (V). Since Q will
essentially remain constant, it follows then, that C and V will vary in an inverse
relationship to each other. The capacitance of a parallel plate air-dielectric capacitor is
given by the formula:
C = _0A/d
where A is the area (m2) of the plates, d is the distance (m) between them, and _0 is a
constant equaling 8.854 x 10-12 F/m. If we take the above result and, using equations (a)
and (b), we can find the force which is created by the signal voltage; this result is
independent of the diaphragms position from equilibrium:
Fsig = _0AVpolVsig / d2
Where Fsig is given in Newtons. So now we have an equation which relates how much
force acts on the diaphragm given a certain input voltage. Typical forces for a 1.3m x
0.7m diaphragm with a 2mm gap, a polarizing voltage of 3kV, and a signal voltage of
2kV peak (very roughly approximating any ESL) are in the range of 12 N.
The above analysis neglects any loss of charge which the diaphragm may incur, it
also neglects the fact that the force will vary according to the diaphragms position
between the plates. However, this can give us a general idea of what is going on in an
ESL, and what forces are at work.
3. Performance related issues
3.1 Radiation
Single cones and domes can be said to behave effectively as point sources, in that
the sound level they produce will drop by 6 dB for each doubling of distance away from
the driver. However, the attenuation with distance from a planar source exhibits quite a
different response. There is no decrease in the level until a distance of width/ ! has been
reached (see diagram, next page), at which point a 3dB per doubling of distance is
noticed. It is not until a distance of height/ ! is reached that we find the common 6dB
decrease. The diaphragm of an electrostatic speaker is essentially an unbaffled piston,
and behaves much like
as described above. In
the data shown,
transitions occur
abruptly; however, in
the real world there
would be a more
gradual transition
between sections.
Room conditions will affect the strength of the measured sound, too.
Reverberations and can cause little attenuation in the listening space, which may
complicate stereophonic reproduction. Controlling the directivity of the sound (discussed
later), however, has had positive results in the quality and realism of stereo imaging.
3.2 Frequency Response
In general, the frequency response of a simple ESL can be observed below. Bass
frequencies fall off at a rate of 6dB/octave, while there is a flat response for higher
frequencies. Traditionally, ESLs
have been paired with moving coil
sub-woofers to compensate for the
loss of bass, but recently new, fullspectrum designs have made this
The uppermost frequency limit
is restricted primarily by the high
current demands which the speaker
places on the amplifier. Since the
loudspeaker load is primarily one of
capacitive reactance, there can be
great amounts of current drawn at high
frequencies. (Recall that: V = IR; V is
kept constant, and Rcap will decrease at
high frequencies, therefore I must
One unfortunate deficiency which electrostatic loudspeakers possess is a natural
inability to reproduce low frequencies. The limiting factor in producing low-end is the
excursion capability of the diaphragm. First, we must consider that the wavelength
increases as the frequency decreases. So, in order to recreate bass frequencies, the
diaphragm must be able to move a greater amount of air than it has to for higher
frequencies. This can be accomplished in two ways: either we make the size of the
diaphragm greater, or we allow it to have a greater degree of freedom in its amplitude as
it vibrates. Both options have drawbacks, however. By making the membrane larger, we
incur very irregular high-frequency directional control, but more importantly, there are
feasibility limits as to how large we can go. Allowing the diaphragm more leeway to
move is also not a viable solution because the gap between the diaphragm and electrodes
must remain small. Otherwise, there will be insufficient attractive and repelling forces to
move the diaphragm accurately, thus causing a loss of clarity in the higher frequencies.
Therefore, it is customary to construct ESLs using several diaphragms, or panels,
of different sizes. Narrow, vertical panels used for the highest frequencies are placed
next to larger ones for the middle and lower frequencies. By varying the size and tension
of the diaphragm, these panels can then be optimized for a certain frequency range. The
result is a smooth response, as each panel still operates as a full-range driver, but being
optimized for a specific frequency range. Moreover, each radiating panel is proportional
in size to the frequencies it will be radiating, thus having an effect over the dispersion of
said frequencies (as discussed below). Finally, since each diaphragm acts as a full range
driver (but optimized for a certain range), there is no need for a crossover3 (although
some systems still use them) and problems with phase distortion do not arise. There are
no discontinuities in the frequency response curve, and we get the full music spectrum, as
it was recorded. A variation on the above design is to use a crossover to filter out midand high frequency content on the largest panels, and high frequency content on
medium size panels. In this way, the entire radiating surface is used for the bass, with
less area devoted to the midrange, and even less for higher frequencies. The result is that
the levels of the different frequency ranges will be more carefully balanced, and the
presence of the bass can be more readily heard4. Other strategies include setting the
resonant frequency5 of each panel at a slightly different bass frequency, thus achieving
peaks in the bass with the equivalent input voltage.
Another advantage of a system of panels is that there is a reduced capacity per
section. This reduces the destructiveness of a spark should a spark occur between the
electrodes. With a large capacity charged to a high potential, a spark may readily be hot
enough to burn a hole in through the diaphragm, while with smaller panels a much less
intense spark occurs for the same voltage. Also, the overall sound will not be affected as
other panels will continue to radiate while the one afflicted recharges.
3.1.1 Directivity
Electrostatic loudspeakers offer new possibilities in controlling the directivity of
sound; indeed, much of the appeal of these speakers stems from their unique radiation
properties. As we learned earlier, there are two methods of going about constructing
ESLs: with a curved diaphragm, or simply with a flat diaphragm.
The curved diaphragm methodology was the first and earliest approach to
controlling radiation patterns. As we should recall, a flat radiating surface which is large
compared to the wavelength of the radiated sound becomes increasingly directional. That
is, until we curve the plane in the horizontal direction. A curved radiator of this type is
observed to give an even dispersion of high frequenciesall the way to the end of the
reproduced spectrumover an angle of 55. In the vertical direction, the radiator
remains flat, and so radiation occurs at 90 from the diaphragm up until the height of the
speaker. Thus, by controlling the radius of curvature in the horizontal plane and the
vertical height of the diaphragm, speaker manufacturers can control the dispersion pattern
to fit any area. This method is not so popular today and ESLs are now rarely produced
this way. The principle drawback is that this system is not of the push-pull type which
otherwise predominate today; rather, only one electrode is used to push while the
mechanical restoring force of the diaphragm returns it to its original position. In short,
high frequency content suffers and the maximum level is considerably less than with two
electrodes because there is less force acting on the diaphragm.
With the more common flat-panel systems, advantage is taken of the size of the
radiating surface. A radiator which is large compared to the wavelength of the radiated
Some manufacturers, such as InnerSound, prefer to have very narrow dispersion; others, such as
Quad and Martin-Logan have very wide dispersion.
where Isig is signal current sent to the plates (A), Vpol is the polarizing voltage, c is
velocity of sound, r is the measuring distance (m), and d is the space between the
diaphragm and the electrode. P is in N/m2.
The maximum output of most ESLs is still not as great as the average dynamiccoil design. Luckily, advances in design have greatly increased the maximum possible
volume level over levels of 40 years agomaximum levels of 120dB are rare but not
unheard of.
4. Advantages over conventional speakers
Now we come to some of the electrostatic speakers many advantages. (This will
probably read like an advertisement because Ive been swept up in the propaganda Ive
been exposed to while researching these things) The first and most apparent benefit is
its reproduction of high frequency content. The response of the lightweight diaphragm is
in every way superior to the heavy moving coil. Recall that the moving part of a
magnetic speaker is relatively substantialits voice coil, suspension system, and cone
add up to a lot of mass. The total weight of all of these parts is much more than the air
that the speaker drives, and since music consists mostly of transients, the mass of
magnetic speakers prevents them from responding quickly enough to follow a rapidly
changing waveform with perfect precision. We know that the mass of an electrostatic
loudspeakers diaphragm is quite small and can, as a result, respond near-instantaneously
to the audio signal. This is not to say that transient response is perfect, but when
compared to the moving coil, the difference is readily discernible.
Another attraction of ESLs is that the diaphragm can be a full frequency driver.
This means that no crossover is necessary, or that the crossover frequency is quite low if
other methods are employed to strengthen the bass. Either way, coloration from phase
distortion in the higher frequencies is removed.
The diaphragm in an ESL, for the most part, moves evenly over its entire surface
(movement varies as we progress from clamped at the edges to more free in the middle),
whereas the voice coil of a magnetic speaker drives only one pointthe apex of the cone.
Cones are designed to not be perfectly rigiddifferent parts vibrating at different
frequenciesso the driven surface flexes and distorts, consequently distorting the sound.
The advantage which ESLs have here is that breakup is eliminated, removing another
coloration of the sound which is familiar to ordinary moving-coil systems. Also, because
the diaphragm moves more equally as a unit, it has virtually zero distortion7, so their
sound quality remains high, and they produce a unified, coherent wave-front for precise
holographic-quality imaging.
Of the many potential pitfalls in the accurate reproduction of an audio signal,
resonance is something which poses few problems for the ESL. Changing the tension of
the diaphragm enables manufacturers to control which frequencies the ESL will resonate
at. Usually this value is set below 100Hz, meaning there are no high frequency
resonances. A magnetic speaker resonates at many frequencies, behaving somewhat like
a bell. Also, because the "ringing continues long after the original note has stopped,
Nonlinear distortions are below 0.1 - 0.05%, comparable with the distortions of a good amplifier.
transient response is poor. And finally, ESLs dont need a cabinet. All those problems
associated with cabinet design can be circumvented.
All this, in short, frees the electrostatic loudspeaker from limitations which plague
conventional systems. Coloration and non-linear distortion which are associated with
most speaker systems is removed. Indeed, we are so used to hearing the colour which
the moving-coil loudspeaker introduces that we have grown to accept it. Certainly,
hearing the uncolored version will come as a revelation. And while there still exist
problems with ESLs, (sure, theyre still expensive and big) they have overcome many
other limiting factors which have existed since their resurgence of popularity in the late
1950s. With further developments in materials, cheaper polymers, and ongoing
research, these types of speaker are sure to start showing up with more frequency.8
Pun intended.
Peter J. Baxandall, Electrostatic Loudspeakers, in Loudspeaker and Headphone
Handbook, edited by John Borwick, Oxford: Reed Educational and Professional
Publishing Ltd, pg. 106 195 (1998).
John Eargle, Loudspeaker handbook, New York: Chapman & Hall, pg. 114 120 (1997).
Arthur A. Janszen, An Electrostatic Loudspeaker Development, in An Anthology of
Articles on Loudspeakers from the pages of the Journal of the Audio Engineering
Society vol.1 vol.25, pg. 21 24 (1955).
Theodore Lindenberg, The Isophase Loudspeaker, in An Anthology of Articles on
Loudspeakers from the pages of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
vol.1 vol.25, pg. 25 28 (1956).
H. M. Tremaine, Audio Cyclopedia, Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams & Co., pg 1084
1090 (1969).