Baxandall Tone Control

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Tone Control

Tone Control, shown in its most basic form in Fig. 4.2.1 provides a
simple means of regulating the amount of higher frequencies present
in the output signal fed to the loudspeakers. a simple method of
achieving this is to place a variable CR network between the voltage
amplifier and the power amplifier stages, The value of C1 is chosen to
pass the higher audio frequencies, this has the effect of progressively
reducing the higher frequencies as the variable resistor slider is
adjusted towards the bottom end of the tone control, The minimum
level of attenuation of the higher (treble) frequencies is limited by R1,
which prevents C1 being connected directly to ground. As the circuit
only reduces the high frequency content of the signal it could be called
a simple Treble Cut control. The use of these simple circuits is
normally restricted to guitar applications or inexpensive radios.

In hi-fi amplifiers, tone control refers to the boosting or reduction of

particular audio frequencies. This may be done to suit the preferences
of the listener, not everyone perceives sound in exactly the same way,
for example the frequency response of the human ear changes with
age. The room or hall in which the sound is reproduced will also affect
the nature of the sound. many techniques are used to alter the sound,
and in particular the frequency response of the amplifiers producing
the sound. These range from simple RC filters, through passive and
active frequency control networks to complex digital signal processing.

The Baxandall Tone Control Circuit

Fig. 4.2.2 Baxandall Tone Control Circuit

The circuit discussed here is an example of the Baxandall tone control

circuit, illustrated in Fig. 4.2.2, which is an analogue circuit providing
independent control of bass and treble frequencies; both bass and
treble can be boosted or cut and with both controls at their mid
positions, provides a relatively flat frequency response, as illustrated
by the blue ‘Level response’ graph line in Fig. 4.2.5. The original
design, proposed by P. J. Baxandall in 1952, used a valve (tube)
amplifier and feedback as part of the circuit to reduce the considerable
attenuation (about −20dB) introduced by the passive network, and to
provide true bass and treble boost. There are still many variants of the
circuit in use, both as active circuits (with amplification as originally
proposed), and as passive networks without an incorporated amplifier.
In passive variants of the Baxandall circuit, extra stages of
amplification may be used to make up for the approximately −20bB
attenuation caused by the circuit.

Read the original 1952 paper "Negative-Feedback Tone Control" by P.

J. Baxandall B.Sc.(Eng.) published in "Wireless World"
(Now Electronics World)

How the Baxandall Circuit Works.

Fig. 4.2.3 Maximum Bass & Treble Boost

With bass and treble controls set to maximum boost (both wipers at
the top of resistors VR1 and VR2), and the inactive components
greyed out, the circuit will look like Fig. 4.2.3. Both bass and
treble potentiometers that may have either linear or logarithmic
tracks depending on the circuit design, are much higher values than
other components in the circuit, and so with the VR1 and VR2 wipers
set to maximum resistance both potentiometers can be considered to
be open circuit. Nor does C4 contribute to the operation of the circuit
because of the high resistance of VR2, and C1 is effectively shorted
out by the wiper of VR1 being at the top end of its resistance track.

The full bandwidth of signal frequencies is applied to the input from an

amplifier having low output impedance, and the higher frequency
components of the signal are fed directly to the output of the tone
control circuit via the 2.2nF capacitor C3, which has a reactance of
about 3.6KΩ at 20kHz but over 3.6MΩ at 20Hz, so blocks the lower

The full band of frequencies also appear at the junction of R1 and C2,
which together form a low pass filter with a corner frequency of around
70 to 75 Hz and so frequencies appreciably higher than this (the mid
and high frequencies) are conducted to ground via R2.

Having R2 in series with C2 prevents the attenuation of the mid band

frequencies exceeding about -20dB. The lower frequencies are fed to
the output via R3. Because R3 has quite a large value (to effectively
isolate the effects of the two variable controls from each other, the
input impedance (Zin) of the circuit following the tone control must be
very high to avoid excessive signal loss due to the potential divider
effect of R3 and the Zin of the following stage.

Bass and Treble Cut.

Fig. 4.2.4 The Circuit with VR1 and VR2 at Minimum

With the bass and treble controls both set to maximum cut (Fig. 4.2.4),
the full bandwidth signal passes through R1 but with the slider of VR1
at the bottom end of its resistance track, C1/R2 now form a high pass
filter having a corner frequency of around 7 to 7.5kHz so only
frequencies appreciably higher than this are allowed to pass un-
attenuated. The mid and higher frequencies are therefore fed to R3
and C4, which now form a low pass filter to progressively attenuate
frequencies above about 70 Hz, the mid-band frequencies (about
600Hz) are reduced by approximately −20dB, and at 20kHz by as
much as −43dB, as can be seen from the response curve in Fig 4.2.5.

Fig. 4.2.5 The Baxandall Modified Response Curve

Notice that although the circuit provides what is called bass boost and
treble boost, with the passive version of the Baxandall circuit (with no
amplification), all frequencies are in fact reduced.

The attenuation of the circuit at mid-band is typically around −20dB

and with full ‘boost’ applied at either the low or high end of the
bandwidth, attenuation at these frequencies would be around −1 to

Active Baxandall Circuit

To overcome the substantial losses in the passive version of this
circuit, which give a level response (with both controls at mid way
setting) but at -20dB below the input voltage, it is common to
incorporate an amplifier in the designs. Nowadays an op-amp would
be a reasonable choice, with the Baxandall network forming a negative
feedback loop to give the required gain figures over the necessary
bandwidth. Various designs are possible with different values for
resistors R1 to R4 and C1 to C4 in the network, depending to some
extent on the output impedance of the previous, and input impedance
of the following circuits.

With active circuits such as that shown in Fig. 4.2.6 the aim is to have
the level response at 0dB so there is no gain and no loss due to the
tone control circuit. The maximum amount of boost possible should not
be sufficient to overload any stage following the tone control if
distortion is to be avoided. The design of such control circuits is usually
therefore, an integral part of the overall design of an amplifier system.

Fig. 4.2.6 An active tone control using a Baxandall network and op-amp with

Tone Control ICs

Fig. 4.2.7 The LM1036 Audio Control IC

In modern amplifiers the tendency is to use integrated circuit controls

that may be operated by either digital or analogue circuitry. A simple
solution for bass, treble, balance and volume control in analogue
stereo amplifiers is offered by such chips as the LM1036 from National

The block diagram and an application circuit is shown in Fig. 4.2.7.

Each of the four controls is adjusted by applying a variable voltage of
between 5.4V (which is supplied by pin 17 of the IC), and 0V. Half the
voltage applied to the control pins 4, 9, 12 and 14 gives a level
frequency response, central balance between left and right channels,
and half volume.

The LM1036 also has provision for a loudness compensation switch.

When ‘on’ this changes the action of the controls to boost the bass and
treble frequencies when the volume is at a low setting. The purpose of
this is to compensate for the fall off in the function of human hearing at
high and low frequencies with quiet sounds.

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