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ATDC set to roll-out B.

Voc Programmes for

Apparel-Fashion sectors -Signs MoU with AICTE
and collaborates with RGNYID under the Ministry of
Skill Development
With the ever increasing requirement of skilled-youth in the rapidly growing IT/Fashion related
sectors, there is distinct rise in demand for SKILL-EDUCATION courses from the new generation.
In an attempt to reduce the growing gaps between skilled man power requirements and availability in
the apparel industry, Apparel Training and Design Centre (ATDC) signed an MoU (Memorandum of
Understanding) with All India Council of Technical Training (AICTE), at Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi
on 31th December 2014 for approval to offer B. Voc Programmes in Apparel Manufacturing &
Entrepreneurship and Fashion Design & Retailing. The MoU was signed by Prof S S Mantha, AICTE
and Sh Virender Uppal, Chairman, ATDC. The signing of the MoU was witnessed by Secretary,
Higher Education, MHRD, Sh Hari Kapoor-Vice-Chairman, ATDC, Sh H K L Magu - Chairman (F&B)
and other senior Officials of AICTE and ATDC.

This initiative is a very significant one as it certainly goes a long way in promoting skill based
competency modules to be part of the skill certification levels where a student can undergo skill
based learning in textile, apparel and fashion sectors systematically and have both lateral and
vertical mobility. Such an arrangement would encourage employability, and also flexibility to pursue
formal education and take up appropriate jobs in the Fiber-to-Fashion value chain at the end of
different levels of certification with better employability and learning capacity.
Dr. Darlie Koshy, DG&CEO-ATDC & IAM shares, ATDC Vocational Institutes are a vital part of the
vocational training system for careers in apparel, fashion and textiles having a pan-India presence in
and near Apparel-Textile Hubs, offering certificate, diploma and advance diploma courses. To attend
to the ever increasing demand for degree courses, this MOU with AICTE will now facilitate ATDC to
offer new generation B. Voc (Bachelors in Vocational Education) at ATDCs across the country

which are based on the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) that addresses critical
knowledge and skill sets required to make the candidate industry ready right from the start and
also become a young-entrepreneur.
ATDCs have state-of-the-art infrastructure in terms of training equipment and human resources to
offer 2 Programmes viz. B. Voc in Apparel Manufacturing & Entrepreneurship and B. Voc in Fashion
Design & Retailing both having a suitable mix of general-education and skill-development
components based on the NSQF as per AICTE prescribed framework. ATDC has collaborated with
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), an Institute of National Importance
through an Act of Parliament under Ministry of Skill Development and the B Voc Degree
Programmes would be offered under the tripartite arrangement between RGNIYD as University
and Institute of Apparel management (IAM), Gurgaon and ATDC being Knowledge Partner and
SKP respectively. The Skill-Development component to be given by SKP i.e. ATDC and
knowledge partner - IAM, will provide students with appropriate knowledge, practice and attitude, so
as to become work ready. General Component to be given by University i.e. RGNIYD, adhere to the
normal university standards, emphasizing on holistic development which is about 40% of the total
curriculum giving adequate emphasis to language and communication skills.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of AEPC, Sri Virender Uppal said Industry requires trained
professionals at all tiers in the apparel industry, while the existing courses address the entry level
requirement, B.Voc courses give thrust to middle management professionals which are in significant
demand due to new technological and IT interventions in the apparel-retail industry. Sri Hari Kapoor
suggested that Apparel industry has to upgrade and the new B. Voc courses will be of great help in
that direction. This MOU will compliment AICTE and ATDC capabilities to reach and achieve a
common goal of skilling India.

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