I Want A Filipino Teacher Reflection

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Eman A.

Dr. Josephine Oted
Reading this article makes me proud and confident being a Filipino. We
are indeed UNSTOPPABLE; we are not only honing, forming, inspiring and
molding our co-Filipinos, but also our brothers and sisters from other
countries such as China and Korea.
I remember those days; when I was working as an e-educator at
Mangoi, teaching Koreans was really an enervating and frustrating job. Their
tongues are very hard, they have faulty pronunciations and poor reading
comprehension. I really tried my best and gave my patience to teach the
child, yes at first it was very difficult but if you put your heart on it, with
passion and dedication you can change them. When you see your students
performing very well and they got good results in every evaluation you gave,
its a WOW factor already. You can say to yourself I did my best and heres
the result. Let me tap my back for this achievement.
The advent of technology really gives people the avenue to meet new
people and change people. It may have a bane or disadvantage, but still it
gives us lesson. And from that lesson we learn and renew ourselves for the
Until now, there are companies who are hiring Filipinos to work as an eeducator because they believe Filipinos are good speaker of the language
and the cost of the tutorial is cheaper compare to those native speakers of
the language which are the Americans and English people. Koreans and

Chinese can save their pennies if they will have their English tutorials with a

Eman A. Lachica
Dr. Josephine Oted
Over the past decades, Filipinos were being judged and discriminated
and we cannot deny the fact that people are hypercritical. Knowing first the
persons ability, understanding and capacity would be very meaningful and
wonderful. This should be the proper and appropriate way to do. We always
see the outer part of the person; we directly judge them in their physical
appearance without knowing first his or her intellectual capacity or what
he/she knows or what he/she can do.
Aside from this, we were taught by our parents to be honest and be
proud of our citizenship or nationality. And with this I personally admire the
person for not keeping it as a secret---her true identify to her students. She
never developed to herself the Filipino problem of crab mentality, a
problem of forgetting the learned culture and practices in her homeland,
while learning and loving the new and present situation in her new found
home; instead she showed up that Filipinos are indeed responsible and
eloquent speakers of the English language.
And I agree also that, its through globalization that we can achieve our
goal. Learn things from other people and try to practice it within your

community or place until we can achieve the millennium goals and keeping
ourselves to be ready in any changes that will come along the way.
It is also through understanding and accepting who we are and what
we are in order to attain the so called culture of peace and good dialogue
among others. And above all, we FILIPINOS are incomparable to others
because we are making changes and names not only here in our country, but
also to other countries, which is a good sign of progressive development.
Eman A. Lachica
Dr. Josephine Oted
The Direct Method, also called Natural Method, and was established in
Germany and France around 1900. It appeared as an answer to the
shortcomings of the Grammar Translation Method. It is a method for teaching
foreign languages that uses the target language, discarding any use of
mother tongue in the classroom. As teachers became frustrated with the
students inability to communicate orally, they began to experiment with new
techniques. The idea was that foreign language teaching must be carried out
in the same way people learn their mother tongue.
Teachers who use the direct method in their class intend that students
learn how to communicate in the target language. It is necessary that the
students should learn to think in the target language. So, the teacher in this
method directs the class activities. The teacher-student relationship is more
nice and engaging. They look like partners. These teachers think that
students need to associate meaning and the target language directly.

Teachers use images in order to demonstrate the meaning of the word, he

never translates it into the student's native language.
In this method, language is spoken not written. The learners talk about
culture in their target language. For that reason, vocabulary is emphasized
over grammar, pronunciation also receives attention. So, the student's native
Language should not be used in the classroom. The evaluation of this
method is the students are asked to use the language. They use oral and
written skills. Finally, the teacher employs many techniques trying to get
students to self-correct.

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