Scope of Our Audit Our Audit Objectives
Scope of Our Audit Our Audit Objectives
Scope of Our Audit Our Audit Objectives
the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of Duter-tea and Coffee Shop as at December 31, 2016, and its
financial performance, its cash flows and the comparison of budget and
actual amounts for the year then ended in accordance with Philippine
Financial Reporting Standards; and
The accounting standards have been applied consistently.
These reports are prepared to assist those charged with governance of Duter-tea
and Coffee Shopin their review of the financial statements. The reports provide
disclosures required by professional standards and other information we believe will
be useful to those charged with governance of Duter-tea and Coffee Shop in their
Our audit approach
Financial Statement
Start-up cost
The risk involves the
documentation and
proper classification of
these expenses as startup cost.
Cash on hand
The risk involves the
safekeeping and authority
over the cash on the firm.
Presentation and
The risk involves the
presentation of individual
items in the financial
statements without
proper supporting
schedules and the lack of
disclosures regarding
matters affecting the
financial statements.
We will examine the
source documents to
identify start-up cost from
other cost and to verify
the need to incur these
We will inquire with the
management regarding
their policies and
procedures in selecting
personnel that access
over the cash of the
We will inquire with the
management to provide
supporting schedules and
request for significant
Materiality represents our judgment on the degree of significance of a
misstatement(s) that could influence the decision of a knowledgeable user relying
on the financial statements. In determining materiality, both quantitative and
qualitative factors are considered.
We have set our preliminary materiality for the audit as follows:
Overall materiality
Unadjusted and adjusted
items in excess of this
amount will be reported
to management
5% of total assets
5% of overall materiality
We would like to make you aware, however, that the quantitative measure of
materiality is not the only factor we consider in evaluating misstatements.
Relatively small misstatements may have material effect on the financial
statements because of qualitative considerations. For example, misstatements that
have the effect of altering performance trends, turning operating losses into
operating income, or that increase compensation could be considered material,
even though they might be less than our quantitative measure of materiality.
Consider whether fraud risk factors exist as part of our client acceptance and
continuance procedures.
Analytical procedures, primarily over revenue, and considering unusual or
unexpected relationships identified in performing analytical procedures in
planning the audit.
Perform additional required procedures to address the risk of managements
override of controls, including:
examining journal entries and other adjustments for evidence of possible
material misstatement due to fraud;
reviewing accounting estimates for biases that could result in material
misstatement due to fraud
evaluating the business rationale of significant unusual transactions.
If you have knowledge of any actual, suspected, or alleged fraud affecting the
Duter-tea and Coffee Shop, please disclose this matter to us as soon as practicable.
If, at any point throughout the audit, we become aware of suspected fraud involving
management, employees who have significant roles in internal controls, and other
cases where fraud results in a material misstatement in the financial statements, we
will advise you on a timely basis. We will discuss with you the nature, timing, and
extent of the audit procedures necessary to complete the audit. We will also
communicate any other matters related to fraud that are, in our judgment, relevant
to your responsibilities.
Reliance on internal control
We have assessed the overall control environment and the control activities
relevant to the audit and decided not to rely on their internal control.
Our professional standards require us to communicate in writing any significant
deficiencies in internal control to management and those charged with governance
on a timely basis. This includes deficiencies that may have been previously
communicated, yet remain unresolved.
Our responsibilities relating to other information in the annual report and
similar documents
TheDuter-tea and Coffee Shop may wish to publish the financial statements,
including our audit reports, in other documents, such as in an annual report.
Philippine Standards on Auditing require us to review publications before they are
published to ensure that the financial statements and our auditors report have
been reproduced accurately. We also read other information within the publications
for the purpose of identifying material inconsistencies, if any, with the audited
financial statements or material misstatements of fact. We will also expand the
review described above to include the Internet version of the publications.