Quick Facts About FASTING

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Quick Facts About FASTING:

Fasting is prayer and abstinence from food and drink to attain forgiveness of sins and
reward of the soul. It serves to weaken the force of the body so that the body may obey
the soul. Fasting is more than prayer abstinence from eating meat and meat products.
Fasting includes avoiding works of Satan and all wrongdoings in general. Special days
are appointed for fasting.
Our Lord Christ has taught us that fasting with prayer has the power of driving away evil
spirits (Matt. 17:21). During fasting, consumption of animal products is prohibited. These
include meat, egg, butter, milk, cheese and anything that contains these products. (
/Fitha Negest/Feteha Nagast). However, in true fasting, the eyes are kept from
seeing, the mouth from speaking, and the ear from hearing evil things. Fasting has
perpetual relation with religion though the way it is practiced differs from religion to

Fasting Days:
The 7 official fasting periods ordained in the  /
/Fitiha Negest:
E E  /All Wednesdays and Fridays, except for the fifty
days after Easter and also if the Feasts of Christmas and Epiphany fall on
these days.
2. Fast of the Prophets ( /Tsome Nebiyat): the fast preceding
Christmas and which lasts for some 40 days. It begins with Sibket on
15th of the Ethiopian month of Hedar and ends on Christmas Eve with
the feast of Gena on the 28th of Tahsas.
3.  /The Gahad of Epiphany: the fast on the eves of Epiphany and
4. The Great Lent: This fast is also known as Fast of Hudade or A
/Abiy Tsom. It is moveable and lasts for fifty five days
5. Jonah's Fast of three days also known as Fast of Ninevah (
/Nenawe): This is also a fast of movable dates and is observed in
commemoration of the preaching of Jonah. It comes on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday of the third week before Lent.
6. Apostles' Fast ( /Tsome Hawariat): It begins on Monday after
Pentecost and ends on the 5th of July.
7. Assumption of St. Virgin Mary (  !"/Tsome Filseta):
This fast is held from August 1-15 and is dearly observed by many.
Lion Of Judah Society| RasTafari Groundation | 305A Halsey Street, Brooklyn, NY 11216 USA
www.LionOfJudahSociety.org | www.RasTafariGroundation.com

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