Survival Indonesian - Syllabus

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Indonesian Language for foreign students

5 meetings. @ 90 minutes
A. Short Description
This basic level course (3 meetings) of Bahasa Indonesia is
designed for individuals who want to travel in Indonesia. This
program covers essential skills to survive in most big cities in
B. Objectives
At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to:
- Use Bahasa Indonesia and communicate with Indonesians
in simple, everyday conversations for survival.
- Understand about basic culture of most Indonesian people
- Able to identify simple phrases in Bahasa Indonesia
C. Required materials
- Reading material is provided in the website
- Facebook account
- Google account
D. Minimum Required hardware/software
- PC or Mac. Minimum Memory 2 GB, 500MB Storage free
- Internet Connection
- Flash player
- Media player e.g. Quicktime, Windows Media Player
- Speaker or headphones
E. Minimum technical skills
- Understand the basic of computer operation
- Understand how to navigate Facebook & google hangouts
- Understand to make email, chat or another synchronous
online conversation
F. Prerequisite knowledge: None
G. Assessment and Grading policy
- Grade will be divided into:
o 5 points for actively involved in Facebook posting
o 25 points for completing weekly quiz in multiple
choice (5 points each)
o 30 points for completing exercises in Memrise
o 20 points for being active in Google hangouts
o 20 points for submitting homework or assignment on


1. Introduction
- Greetings
- Using first, second, third person
- Saying Hello and goodbyes
- Cultural notes in greeting and
addressing people
2. Knowing other people
- Asking names, origins and address.
- Cultural notes in asking someone

Required readings
& activities
- Watch online video
about learning
Bahasa Indonesia
in YouTube
(presented by the
explaining the
- Reading materials
in website
- Create and Login to
Facebook group
- Start using
Note: Memrise is an
online language
learning app. Learners
are required to learn
and practice bahasa
Indonesia through
Memrise in their spare

Numbers and time

- How to say 1-100, 100-1000, 1000

- Understanding time
- Understanding price
- Learning vocabularies about food,
and other things
- Cultural notes about the concept of
time in Indonesia
Day, Month, Year
- Making schedule
- Making appointment
- Accepting or refusing an offer

Reading materials
in website
Watch the slide
show in Pow Toon
Join discussion in

Making a schedule
using tikitoki
(online timeline
Check what
youve achieved in
Do online quiz

- Asking direction
- Using public transportation
- Traffic rules and regulations
- Cultural note about travelling and
personal safety in Indonesia
A. Shopping
- Buying food in the local market
- Learning vocabularies about
Indonesian local food
- Cultural note about shopping in
Indonesian local market

At a restaurant
Ordering food
Asking and paying the bill
Learning vocabularies about
Indonesian food

(multiple choice)
Watch video about
traffic in
Discuss it through
google hangouts
Check your
using Memrise
Free discussion in
Google hangouts
Post opinion and
experience in

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