SR No. Product Features

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Online Tuition Management ( OTM )

Sr No. Product features

1 Create & offer platform to conduct classes online with all features build-in
2 Inbuilt animated videos, ppt etc for few typical and / or important topics
3 Conduct live video chat, recording features, Built-in tools for screen sharing,
join from anywhere any device, chat etc..

Product should be user savvy with faculties and students. With special
4 attentions for subjects like maths, if some inbuilt commands are there to
write √x, ≠ , r2 , a3….. In other words dedicated keyboard for math

5 Teacher to have control over the students. Like mute features, can remove
a particular student, chat box, annotations, can display PPT, screen share,
can write on the screen share, highlighters, emojis etc

after the session a pop up for the faculty, wherein faculty allocates the
6 homework and the same message written by faculty is forwarded to
every student should have a dedicated email id of the coaching class

8 Each student should submit the homework, how we do on Google drive by

making the folder of each subject. Reminder sms to be send to student.
Homework not submitted should be reported to parents through sms

System should put up the schedule for the weekly sessions / monthly
9 session / yearly sessions. Entire year curriculum planning to be done
through the s/w

Parents and Students should get the reminder 30 mins before the sessions
10 starts via email / sms. If any student is absent the same can be informed to
the parents.
11 After every session a feedback from the students wrt how was the session,
why they liked the session and so on can be taken.
12 Facility to offer one on one coaching from the private tutors across India.
Though it is subject to availability of teacher/s.

Lectures to get recorded and should be available to students to view it.

13 There can be number of hours restriction to view for ex: a subject like
history they can view only for 50 hours (assuming 10 topics and online it
covers in 150
14 What preparations to be done before coming for next session

Exams to be conducted after every chapter and MCQ type support after
15 every session. Sufficient practise questions to be made available on the
16 keep them engaging by adding small 30 mins / 60 mins session on topics
like something on Newton, law of Gravity, Bermuda Triangle, Shivaji
Maharaj, Gandhiji, Sardar Patel, amazon rain forest etc
17 Query resolution time to be fixed say 48 hrs to be claimed, but it should be
answered within 30 mins if possible

During Exam time 24 hrs facility should be available for query resolution
18 and the video facility to view the recorded videos should be without any
19 List of FAQ should be made available on the portal once the student login.
This will avoid the repetition of the question.

Make a 2 or 3 layer of faculties to answer the queries during the live

20 lecture. So that the junior faculty should resolve the 80 % of the queries.
And only the filtered queries especially the tuff queries come to the main
Let there be teachers development and interaction program every month
22 Additional practice and remedial coaching for weaker students
23 Also, more challenging papers for students competent enough to crack the
Board exams

A system wherein the student had made an error in the exams it gets
24 highlighted. So that it becomes very easy for the students to revise the
same questions where he had lost the marks

In the lock down period the biggest challenge is conducting the exams. A
25 system to be developed wherein students can appear the exams from
home, upload the paper and the assessed papers can be given back to the
students online
26 Ensure the data security
27 Billing Process and follow up for collection.
28 Follow up for students enquired for admission
29 Advertisement and Marketing
30 Progress Report of each student and areas of improvement

Online meeting with the parents on quarterly basis to update the

31 performance / progress of the child, wherein the faculty and parents can
32 Keep Scholarship exams etc, wherein the students are motivated for the
exams and partipate for scholarship.

33 Messages of Birthday, Anniversaries etc to be posted to students / ex

students / their parents. Object is to be in touch with the parents
34 Manage entire student data base
35 Create time table and schedule classes online
1. Regular exams to be conducted chapter wise/ unit wise / full syllabus. (schedule to be announced well in advance)
2. Paper assessment within the prescribed due dates.
3. Performance Evaluation of the child and every month progress report on the same. Also what chapters and subjects the chi
along with the number of exams he had appeared. All such statistics should be available on finger tips. 
4. Question Banks to be provided so that extra practice can be given to the child. Also after the completion of every chapter th
complete the same online. 
5. Areas wherein the  face to face teaching but the technology can simplify the particular chapter / topic / concept. As per the
particular coaching class if we go for customized solutions)
6. Parents friendly app so that they can have a quick report of the child performance.
7. Auto generated messages / email to wish the child/parents on the special occasion(So that it may keep them in touch  with
8. Helping them with system generated Invoices / payment solutions etc.
9. Auto attendance system (it is a very common feature and today everyone has the same)
10. A list of FAQ to be made wherein the recurring query can be answered there via Question - Answer form or though video.
11. In theory subjects more of focus should be on giving video / animations etc to help the students to remember.
12. an app should be self motivating for the student to cover the question bank. (means something like Candy Crash  Game wh
to do the task and so on.)

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