Introduction To Finite Element Method Dr. R. Krishnakumar Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 15
Introduction To Finite Element Method Dr. R. Krishnakumar Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 15
Introduction To Finite Element Method Dr. R. Krishnakumar Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 15
Dr. R. Krishnakumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture - 15
In the last class, we saw the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure. As I told you Rayleigh-Ritz
procedure is a forerunner tool in finite element analysis and I hope you understand. If
there is any question, I can answer that. Yeah; one of the questions that was asked is
how is that a0 became zero? Because, if we remember we started with u is equal to a0
plus a1x plus a2x squared and so on. Why did you make a0 is equal to zero? In that
procedure, it should be such that the displacement boundary condition that has been
given, which is an essential boundary condition, should be satisfied by that particular
polynomial. In other words, at x is equal to zero, u has to become zero, which means
that a0 becomes zero.
Now, we move over to the finite element analysis. What is the difference between
finite element analysis and whatever we did? The difference is very simple. In the
Rayleigh-Ritz procedure we considered the complete body. If you remember what we
had put down, we had just put down this and then we said that we will consider it as a
complete body.
You have strain energy term. Please note you are used to writing half sigma epsilon.
Now, what I have written? Essentially, for a multi axial case, I have written it in terms
of a matrix notation, epsilon transpose D epsilon. Our old E now takes the value or
takes the shape of D. Is it clear? So, the first term indicates in this particular
expression, the popular strain energy term you all know. Look at the second term.
You have now, a new epsilon zero, a new term called epsilon zero. In this case, what
we have essentially done is to consider a body with an initial strain and an initial
Let us see what happens to a body when there is an initial strain and an initial stress?
Epsilon zero is an initial strain and sigma0, which comes to the next term, is the initial
stress. Is that clear or other words, what does it mean? It means that the body has
some strain due to, say, assembly or fitting or whatever it is, some initial strain. It can
be due to, say thermal stresses, this kind of thing can be present. So, sigma0 and
epsilon zero indicate the state of the body, when you start loading them. Or in other
words, they are something external; due to something external that has happened to
the body.
Now, look at this term sigma transpose epsilon zero. Look at the second term sigma
transpose epsilon zero and look at this third term epsilon zero transpose sigma or
these two terms are sorry, I think it should be sigma0 transpose or epsilon transpose
sigma0; sorry.
(Refer Slide Time: 6:03)
Yeah; because epsilon zero and sigma0, I have just repeated that. Look at these two
terms. What does it mean? It means that when I start loading the body, because of the
pre existence of the strains and the stress, they start doing work and hence these two,
there are minus signs. These two terms come from initial strain and the initial stress.
Is that clear? What is the next term? What is the next term? Due to body forces?
Please note these two are different from body forces. In the previous problem itself,
you would have noticed that what we were specifying as, what did we specify, Cx? C
is force per length squared and so on, was nothing but a sort of a body force that we
were specifying. We are specifying throughout the volume or throughout the length of
the body.
Now, what is this term, here? What is this term here? That term is due to surface
forces. It is the work done due to the surface forces. So, you would see all those
minuses there. What does it mean? It means that the potential for these external loads
to do work is now getting lost. Is it clear and look at that last term. Last term, I have
just added it now, specifically; may be you would not have seen it. I have just added it
here, because we are going to also meet concentrated loads in a finite element
situation. There are going to be nodes and you may put a concentrated load at a node.
That is why, I have put that. The last term, I have added it. The last term depicts the
work done by concentrated load.
This completes the definition of potential energy for a body, when it has initial strain
and initial stress, surface forces, body forces, concentrated loads and apart from an
elastic type of constitutive equation. What is my goal? My goal is to now develop or
reduce this into an algebraic set of equations. How am I going to do it? Let us see how
we are going to do that? Please note that in my previous derivation on Rayleigh-Ritz
procedure, what is that I did? I had put down a degree of freedom as a1 and a2 and so
on. Now, what I am going to do right away, is to swap this a1 and a2 with u1 and u2 or
ui and uj, to be more general. Is that clear? How am I going to do that?
The first thing that I am going to do is to take an element, say ij. Let us take that
element ij.
Let us say that the length of this element is equal to L. Now, I am going to put a local
coordinate system to it. Let me put a local coordinate system, such that it is depicted
by s. What does it mean? s is equal to zero at i and s is equal to L at j. Is that clear?
Let me now write down an expression for u. How do I write an expression for u? u is
equal to a1 plus a2s. Now, what we are going to do is to replace a1 and a2 in terms of ui
and uj; ui and uj, within quotes, known values or in other words, what we are going to
solve? ui and uj are the ones which we are going to solve. You already know a
procedure for solving them and so on. So, I am going to replace a1 and a2 by means of
u1 and u2. Till now the procedure is the same. Please note here that I am not going to
put a1 is equal to zero, because there is no boundary condition here. We are treating a
separate element, we are going to put the boundary condition later only. Is that clear?
So, I am going to put first u is equal to a1 plus a2. Can you now substitute ui and uj and
give me an expression for u? I will give you one minute, so, let us see whether you do
it fast?
Let us see how you are going to express u in terms of ui and uj? What is that you are
going to do? You are going to put s is equal to zero, u is equal to ui. s is equal to L, s
is equal to L, what happens? u is equal to uj. So, you can express this as 1 minus s by
L into ui plus s by L into uj. Is that clear? Let me write that as N ui uj. What is N? N is
nothing but 1 minus s by L; s by L.
So, if you want, this N is what is called as the shape function. Note this carefully that
N is called as the shape function. People call this also as interpolation function, basis
function and so on. Essentially they are, either I mean, They are called by one of these
names, but essentially they are the most important input for finite element analysis. Is
it clear? Have a look at that and see whether you can straight away get one or two
properties from it; 1 minus s L and s by L. Straight away, you can see one or two
things. What are they?
When s is equal to L, the first fellow goes off and second fellow remains. Is it clear,
any questions on this? Now let me write down, u as Nd. I can write down the same
procedure by means of a much more complicated matrix notation and so on. Because
I am just introducing this topic, I have written down like that. This kind of moving
from a basis to this N basis can be done for much more complex case as well. Is that
clear? Have a look at that first expression, u is equal to a1 plus a2s; u is equal to a1
plus a2s.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:01)
Yesterday, if you remember, that we had put a2s plus say a3s squared. Suppose, I put
a1 plus a2s plus a3s squared, what am I going to do now? Yes, pardon? Third node, in
other words, I cannot swap now with two nodes. So, I have to put one more node.
Now I have, u is equal to ui, uj and uk or u1 u2 and u3, however you want to call it. You
can now have three nodes and three coefficients, which can be swapped. What does it
mean? It means that as you increase the degrees of the polynomial, I will also have to
increase the number of nodes which go to define the element. Is it clear and these
elements, where I have used higher order or higher order polynomials, are called as
higher order elements. If I now have to do this, like replace a1 a2 and a3 by means of
u1 u2 and u3, if I keep on doing this, this procedure becomes bit difficult, because I
have to sort out or solve these equations like this. So, we are going to work out a
better procedure to do it.
We are going to look at some well known interpolation functions later in the day or
may be in the next class, we are going to look at what are called as Lagrange
interpolation functions. Is that clear? Probably you would have already heard about
Lagrange interpolation functions and Hermite interpolation functions and so on. We
will look at that Lagrange interpolation, later in the class. Right now, let us say that
we can write down u in terms of N and d. This is one dimensional problem.
But if I happen to have a 2D problem with, say for example, an element like this, then
how many degrees of freedom I am going to have? u and p, in which case I have to
write to down u as like that which depicts u and v and what is going to happen now to
d? How many entries did I have here? I had only entries, but when I now shift to a
two dimensional case, how many ds I will have? Is it 4? Look at that in 1 2 3 4 and
each of this nodes will have 2, correct. So, I will have 8 entries.
What is my next step? Just think for a minute and tell me, what is my next step? What
do you think I should do as the next step? In order to do that, have a look at this
expression here. Have a look at this big expression here and tell me what is it that I
should get from u is equal to Nd?
Epsilon, right, beautiful! So, you are very logically looking at things; epsilon.
Fantastic, that is what I wanted; so, epsilon can be written in terms of my
displacements. So, I am going to get strain displacement relationship. Remember,
how did we write it? In terms of u, previously we had written it epsilon11, epsilon22,
epsilon12 and so on or gamma12; we had all those things set up already. Just a second,
we will write that term. Let us follow a notation and say that u, by the way you have
to tell me which is that you are going to differentiate? Nd is there, because you have
to apply differentiation.
Yeah, that is what I was waiting for. Is that d? What is d? What does d contain?
Yeah, they are constants, they are in terms of degrees of freedom. Say for example, I
am going to differentiate this element with respect to s, which is the local coordinate
system, which is something like x. Epsilon I have to differentiate with respect to x, so
it will be in terms of N.
Let me call this as epsilon is equal to some dow term Nd. What is this dow matrix, can
you think about it? What is this epsilon, I mean, sorry, I think I have to put like that.
For 2D, for example, epsilon is epsilon11 epsilon22 gamma12 and so on. You can keep
expanding epsilon for 3D as well. What is this matrix, dow matrix? No; that is
beautiful. So, that is it. So, that matrix is dow by dow x1 zero zero and so on. Can you
fill it up? The next line will be zero dow by dow x2, then dow by dow x2 and dow by
dow x1. That is now multiplied or this operator, you can say that, dow is an operator.
Now, it operates on N; it operates on N. Is that clear? Now, I am going to ask you one
more question. Just think about it. Even though you do not worry about what is inside
N, you have to tell me what is the size of dow N and d? You have to tell me what is
the size of dow N and d for a 2D case, let us say 2D case. Look at this.
You have to tell me, what are the sizes of that? What is the size of dow N and d?
What do you think? Dow-2 by 2; 2 by 2 or what? 3 by 2 and then N? N 2 by,
common, 2 by 3, 2 by 4, 2 by 8; I get all types of answers. See, it is very simple, it is
very simple. Look at d. d is what? What is d? 8 by 1; common, that is it. 8 by 1. So,
what is N? 2 by 8, that is it; 2 by 8. What is that ultimately you will get? How do you
get it? How do you see it? 3 by 1, so, that is what is epsilon?
Yeah, just have a look at that. You should not get confused. This is very, very
important to understand what the sizes of this matrix are, because when we assemble,
when we put them together, it is the sizes which are going to confuse you. That is why
I am right now emphasizing what should be the sizes of these matrices? Having
understood that, having understood that let me call dow N as a B matrix. Let me call
this dow N as a B matrix, so that epsilon can be written as B into d. This is the most
important part of the whole finite element, so, I want you to concentrate. If you have
any doubts, just ask me. Yeah, so, I can write epsilon is equal to Bd.
What is my next logical step? My friend, yeah, he said what is my next logical step?
What is that I should get? What is the next logical step? What is that I should look
for? Stress strain matrix, beautiful. We have already derived that. That is why I did all
those things initially. We know everything now. I already know what this D matrix is.
So, I can write down; that I have already written down, sigma is equal to, I am going
to repeat that sigma is equal to, D epsilon. In our earlier classes we have spent lot of
time looking at D. So, I will just write down sigma is equal to D epsilon.
So, I can say that sigma is equal to DB into D and so on. Any question? Now, having
got all these things, what am I going to do? I am going to substitute them into this
expression. I am going to substitute all of them into this expression.
I would like you to do it, because it is straightforward and gives you an exercise. I
will give you one minute to write this term, just attempt it. What is that you should
know that a b transpose is equal to? What is ab transpose? b transpose a transpose,
that is all you should know. Write it down, I will give you a minute. Have a look at
this expression, this expression and then write it down and after a minute let me hear
what you have done. This will give you a good exercise to remember each of these
things, just put that down. Let us see, have a look at this.
Look at each of the terms and replace. All the while think about the size, for example,
for a 2D problem. By the way notice that piP is a scalar quantity; piP is a scalar
Do not look at what I am going to write now, because I would like you to write it. I
am going to write the final result, but have a look at this and you keep writing it so
that you will get a feel of what is happening. So, all of you have written the first term?
Is that ok? Minus, epsilon transpose, what is epsilon, sigma transpose epsilon zero;
okay what is sigma transpose? Yeah, epsilon transpose d transpose. So, what is
epsilon? I want you to substitute till the end. Yeah, d transpose; see, all of them are
matrices. I am not putting everything as a matrix, you know they are matrices. So, d
transpose, B transpose, capital D transpose. Is it D transpose? B transpose D transpose
yeah, so, what is the next term? Minus, where is that? Yeah, still you are writing? d
transpose B transpose sigma0 and then next term, minus v d transpose N transpose F
dV that is the next term. That is for what? For body forces. Then for surface forces, d
transpose N transpose phi sorry ds; yeah any questions?
DB. Is that clear and this is for a general body. But, in the sense that is for an element
as well or for the whole body; you can look at it either way.
But, since I have written down this last term here, it is for the whole body which has
been already discretized.
Is that clear? Now, I am going to do one more thing. This small ds here are actually,
there is a small problem; the small ds here are for the element degree of freedom. I
am going to expand them actually. That is why I am very careful in writing the last
term. They do not go with this, so, there is always a trouble, as to understand that.
What I am going to do is to expand that small d to the whole of the matrix. In other
words, if I have an element which run say from 1 and 2 nodes, I am going to say I will
write as if it is 1 2 and other things being zero up to say 20 elements, if the problem
has 20 elements.
I am going to expand them. Why is that I am going to expand? If I expand like that, it
is easy to add them, right now. But, computer implementations are not like that. They
are quite different. So, let us not worry about that at this moment and so, let us see
how we can write down this particular case or in other words what is that we are
doing? We are expanding or in other words, we are substituting for small d by capital
D; substituting small d by capital D. Capital D indicates a vector which covers all the
nodes in the body, which covers all the nodes in the body. Is that clear?
Write down the expression. Let us see, how you can write down that expression?
Define ke, ke, as integral V B transpose DB dV and when I expand it to D, the total piP
of the whole system can be written in terms of capital D. So, I can write that D
transpose D as a contribution of this element strain energy. Of course, half is there,
half; as a contribution of strain energy of one element to the total system. Is that
clear? No? Let me repeat that. Have a look at this again. What is this small ds? What
is this small ds? They are for element. In other words, what it means is each element
now contributes for piP. In strict terms, this piP, what I have written is valid only for
an element. But, I have just added this term. This is not right to do it in the last term.
Please note this is not the right way of doing it, but I just wanted to remind you that
there is the last term there. There is one more contribution from concentrated loads.
I would say that I have just added it more symbolically there. For the time being you
forget it. If there is confusion, forget it for the time being. We will add it in the next
step. I said that I have added it very symbolically. Each of the element contributes to
strain energy and each of the element contributes to potential lost. What is that I
should do, if I want to find out the complete piP of the system? I have to add, add
because each of the elements I have already divided the whole body into number of
elements. I have to add the contribution of each of the elements as far the strain
energy is concerned, as far the potential lost due to internal loads or in other words
sorry, due to body loads or body forces and so on.
In order to do that, in order to add, I cannot add straight away because my d, small d
is there, sitting there. They are different. The first element may have 1 and 2 nodes,
the second element may have 2 and 3 nodes, third element 3 and 4 nodes and so on.
So, how do I now add? Tell me a procedure how to add it? The best thing is to expand
that small d to the whole of capital D, so that others will be zero. 3916I will just give
you a minute to understand this. What I am going to do is to put down my old
problem, you know the old problem and write it down in terms of the entire degree of
freedom. What is that old problem?
Say for example, let me say that I have 4 nodes. I have 4 nodes; 1 2 3 and 4 nodes. I
have an element 1, which connects 1 and 2, element 2 which connects 2 and 3 and
element 3 which connects 3 and 4. I have these three guys sitting there. Element 1 has
k1, say for example, k1 minus k1 minus k1 and k1 and the corresponding displacements
are u1 and u2. I am saying u1 u2, make it u1 u2 u3 u4. Make it u1 u2; so, how will the k
change now? That is what I want to ask you. Just a minute, write it down. Try it. It is
very, very simple. I mean, very obvious question but I know that it is not very easy to
follow. You please try it and write it down. I will write it down in a minute what
exactly I mean by that?
Have a look at that and then have a look at this and then write it down in terms of, let
us say that, this is the element 1. It is very straight forward question. What I am
saying is that the k matrix will have now 1 2 3 4; u1 u2 u3 and u4.
What will happen to the k matrix? I am expanding it. What will happen to the k
matrix? Zero, that is it. You know that is what I have been looking for. It took you
quite a while to find out. So k1 minus k1 zero zero, minus k1 k1 zero zero and so on.
What is the advantage now? The advantage is that if I write the second element also in
the same sense, how do I write it? Zero zero zero zero, first row zero zero zero zero.
Then, second row becomes zero k2 minus k2 zero and so on. Then these are, straight
away they can be added. They are matrix of the same size and not only that, this us
that are sitting there, they are the same us. So, u can be taken out and I can add them.
Is that clear? No, still not clear?
What I have done is to facilitate adding of k. What I have done is to facilitate the
adding of k or else I cannot add k straight away, because this k1 corresponds to this 1
and 2; k1s or ks corresponds to 1 and 2, the k2 corresponds to 2 and 3. So, I cannot
add k1 and k2 straight away, unless and until I expand it like this. Though it is not an
efficient way of doing things in a computer, let me make it very clear, this is not the
way commercial code is written. Right now, as a student it is easy to understand what
is happening. There are different ways of doing it. We are not looking at computer
implementation straight away. We are not looking at computer implementation. We
are only looking at how to do things, how things are done. Hence this is a nice way of
looking at this.
I have already defined ke and u. This is not ke, that is the u, the contribution of u of an
element. Now, complete this thing. I am making you write because it is easier to
follow when you start thinking and writing them. I will give you one minute, just
write down or convert it and write down. I want something like this. I want ultimately
K into d is equal to R. This is the expression I want, KD is equal to R. How are you
going to write it down? That is the question. Just try it for a minute. I will give you all
the clues that are necessary. One is, ke can be summed up or k can be sum of kes,
capital K. Let us call that as capital K. Capital K is equal to sum of kes. Then you
look at also res. What is re? What is re?
re is the other term, say for example, D; D transpose, take it out. So, re is equal to
minus N transpose F dV and minus N transpose phi ds.
Is that clear? In other words, what is that you are going to get ultimately? Yeah, write
it down, you have another 2 minutes, just write it down. I will do that. I will write it
down, but just see how you are going to write down. I can write it down as half capital
D transpose KD minus D transpose re. What is the next term I will have or R rather
minus D transpose P will be my piP.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:58)
That is the total piP is equal to half D transpose KD. This K is the sum of sigma of kes
minus D transpose R. This R is sigma of re minus D transpose P. That will be piP. K is
equal to sigma of ke. This is the matrix addition, because I have already expanded K
in terms of complete D and R is equal to sigma of res. Is that clear? Is that clear and
the last term now I have brought in because, my piP now should include the
contribution due to concentrated loads. Please remember what re is. re is nothing but N
transpose FdV N transpose phi ds that is re. In other words, this will come out and that
will come out.
What is my next step, what is my next step? Yes, that is it. So, dpiP by d D should be
equal to zero, independently. In other words, dow piP dow Di2 or i, where i is equal to
1 2 and so on, should be equal to zero. What is it that I am going to get? A matrix,
correct; but, what is that? Half D transpose KD, when you differentiate it with respect
to D, becomes KD. You can work it by hand, KD.
The first term now, after I differentiate this becomes KD minus R minus P and that is
equal to zero. So, KD is equal to R plus P. That is my final expression. KD is equal to
R plus P. K comes from small ke, which is, what is it? Integral v transpose DB dV.
Yeah, 1. I think only small thing is that, see usually, I think there is a small error here.
That sigma0 is usually replaced by means of, I think that is the only mistake you did
when you expanded, by D into epsilon zero. That is how you expand.
I think, you said d transpose. That is what I was surprised actually you write sigma0 as
D epsilon zero. Did you get it correctly? D epsilon zero and this is equal to sigma
transpose epsilon zero. Anyway, I mean, this is very straight forward. If you
understand sigma transpose epsilon zero and if you put it as sigma0 D epsilon zero, I
will explain this in the next class. What it really means is any strain, initial strain, you
can talk in terms of initial stress or vice versa. We will discuss this in a later class. I
hope you understand this. Any questions, any questions on it? Please go through it, if
there are any questions, I will answer it in the next class.