SDH Trail Creation

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OSN 3500

Product Documentation
Issue: 04
Date: 2009-02-20

For any question, please contact us.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.

Configuring SDH/PDH Services by

Using the Trail Management Function
1 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management Function
1.1 Creating a VC-4 Server Trail
1.2 Creating a VC-12 Trail
1.3 Creating a VC-3 Trail

1 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management

The trail management function provides end-to-end service configuration between NEs. This section
describes how to configure SDH/PDH services by using the trail management function on the T2000.
On the OptiX iManager T2000, SDH/PDH services can be configured as follows:

By using the trail management function.

By using the single station configuration. This method is used to configure services on a single NE
in sequence. The service must be capable of being added to/dropped from the NEs at two ends
and passed through the middle NEs.

You need to obtain the license for the trail management function. Otherwise, you can only use the

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station configuration function.

The OptiX OSN 3500 is taken as an example in this section. For the OptiX OSN 3500T, OptiX OSN
2500 and the OptiX OSN 1500A/B, the trail is created in the same way, except for that the boards
configured, the slots, and the timeslots are different.
Before you configure the services, you need to query the remaining available resource by using Trail >
Resource Statistics > TU Port Resource Statistics .
Creating a VC-4 Server Trail

The VC-4 server trail is used to carry the VC-12/VC-3 services. Before configuring the VC-12/VC-3
services, create the VC-4 server trail. You do not need to create a VC-4 server trail for VC-4
Creating a VC-12 Trail

This section describes how to configure a VC-12 trail.

Creating a VC-3 Trail

This section describes how to configure a VC-3 trail.

Parent topic: Configuring SDH/PDH Services

1.1 Creating a VC-4 Server Trail

The VC-4 server trail is used to carry the VC-12/VC-3 services. Before configuring the VC-12/VC-3
services, create the VC-4 server trail. You do not need to create a VC-4 server trail for VC-4 services.


The necessary operations must be complete.

The license for using the trail management function must be available.


User Authority Level

You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

Required/As Needed

1. Choose Trail > Trail View from the Main Topology.
2. Choose Trail > SDH Trail Creation to display the trail creation view. Set the following

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parameters. For a detailed description of the configuration parameters of SDH trails, refer to Table

Direction: Bidirectional

Level: VC4 Server Trail

Resources Usage Strategy: Protected Resource

Protection Priority Strategy: Trail Protection First

3. Select the source NE and sink NE. Double-click the NE in the topology view on the right, and
select the source NE (NE1) and sink NE (NE2). If you double-click the NE again, this action can
cancel the selection. Otherwise, you can directly click Browse for selection. The selected source
NE is represented by

, and the sink NE by

4. Click Set Route Timeslot, set the Timeslot of the trail to 1, and then click OK. Select AutoCalculation, and the route information is displayed in the route information table. The trail
marked with an arrow is displayed between the source NE and the sink NE in the topology view
on the right.
5. Click the General Attributes tab, and set the following parameters.

Name: NE1-NE2-VC4 Server Trail-0001

ID: 1

6. Select Activate the trail and Copy after Creation, and click Apply. A message is displayed
indicating that the trail is created successfully. Click Close.
7. In the Copy dialog box, select the following parameters.

Source: NE1-12-N2SL16-1(SDH-1)-2 to NE1-12-N2SL16-1(SDH-1)-8

Sink: NE2-7-N2SL16-1(SDH-1)-2 to NE2-7-N2SL16-1(SDH-1)-8

8. Click Add.
9. Set the Specify the start timeslot to 2. Set The start value of the trail name suffix to 2. Select
Activated. Click OK to create the second to eighth VC-4 server trails.
10. For adjacent NEs, such as NE2 and NE3, NE3 and NE4, NE4 and NE1, NE4 and NE5, create
corresponding service trails by repeating steps 18.

Table 1 Description of configuring the parameters of SDH trails


Value Range Default



Bidirectional, Bidirectional Chooses the service direction. If the

sending and receiving of the service
share the same trail, choose bidirectional. If different trails are used,
choose unidirectional.





Chooses the following service levels.

VC12 for E1 services

VC3 for E3 services

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VC4 Server

All Resource

Configure the VC4 server trail before

configuring lower-order services.
Set the service level according to actual
situations when configuring
concatenation services.

Resource use strategy defines the

protection subnet resources or timeslots
that can be used when creating trails.
The principle of resource use is as


SNCP First,
NP First

VC4 for E4 services


Protection resource: When creating

trails, the following resources are
available: SNCP, non-protection,
1+1, the protection timeslots of
MSP, and the protection timeslots of
1:1. Select this option to create
Extra resource: When creating
trails, the following resources are
available: non-protection, 1+1, the
extra timeslots of MSP, and the
extra timeslots of 1:1. Select this
option to create extra trails.
All resources: When creating trails,
the following resources are
available: SNCP, non-protection,
1+1, the extra timeslots of MSP, the
protection timeslots of 1:1, and the
extra timeslots of 1:1. If you choose
this option, it means that all the
resources can be used. If you
choose this option, you can create a
trail that uses the extra timeslots of
MSP. But if you choose the other
two options, you cannot create such
a trail.

The strategy of protection subnet

selection indicates the types of
protection subnets that should be
selected when creating trails.

Parent topic: Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management Function

1.2 Creating a VC-12 Trail

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This section describes how to configure a VC-12 trail.


The necessary operations must be complete.

The license for using the trail management function must be available.


User Authority Level

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Required/As Needed

1. Choose Trail > Trail View from the Main Topology to enter the trail view.
2. Choose Trail > SDH Trail Creation from the Main Menu of the trail view to enter the trail creation
view. Set the following parameters. For a detailed description of the configuration parameters of
SDH trails, refer to Table 1.

Direction: Bidirectional

Level: VC12

Resource Usage Strategy: Protected Resource

Protection Priority Strategy: Trail Protection First

3. Select the source and the sink. Refer to Figure 1 and create the service of each NE. Double-click
the NE1 icon in the topology view on the right. In the Select Board Port-Source-NE1 dialog box,
click the PQ1 board in slot 2 on the NE panel, select Tributary Port 1, and then click OK.
4. Double-click the icon of NE2. In the Select Board Port-Sink-NE2 dialog box, click the PQ1 board
in slot 2 on the NE panel, select Tributary Port 1, and then click OK.
5. Double-click the icon of NE4 in the topology view on the right to specify the backup route provided
by the system that does not pass through NE4. The is displayed above NE4. It is optional. You
can specify the route that should not be used to pass through a certain NE with this method. This
ensures that the routing direction conforms to the requirement. It is usually not selected.
6. Click the Set Route Timeslot. When the Set Route Timeslot dialog box is displayed, click the
option box under Timeslot to select timeslot 1[1-1-1] for E1 on VC4, and then click OK.
7. Click the General Attributes tab, and set the following parameters.

Name: NE1-NE2-VC12-0001

ID: 1

8. Select the Activate the trail and Copy after Creation check boxes to allow the duplication of

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other 31 E1 services from NE1 to NE2 after creating this E1 timeslot. Click Apply.
9. When the Copy dialog box is displayed, select the following parameters and click Add.

Source: NE1-2-PQ1-2(SDH_TU-2)NE1-2-PQ1-32(SDH_TU-32)

Sink: NE2-2-PQ1-2(SDH_TU-2)NE2-2-PQ1-32(SDH_TU-32)

10. Select the Select Timeslots/Port check box to set the Specify the start timeslot of these 31
E1s on the VC4 to 2[2-1-1]. Set The start value of trail name suffix to 2. Select the Activate
check box and click OK.
11. Repeat Steps 210 to create the E1 service from NE1 to NE3 and NE1 to NE4, and then the E1
service between any two nodes of NE3, NE4, and NE5 in turn.
Parent topic: Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management Function

1.3 Creating a VC-3 Trail

This section describes how to configure a VC-3 trail.


The necessary operations must be complete.

The license for using the trail management function must be available.


User Authority Level

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Required/As Needed

1. Choose Trail > Trail View from the Main Topology to enter the trail view.
2. Choose Trail > SDH Trail Creation from the Main Menu to enter the trail creation view, and set
the following parameters. For a detailed description of configuring the parameters of SDH trails,
refer to Table 1.

Direction: Bidirectional

Level: VC3

Resource Usage Strategy: Protected Resource

Protection Priority Strategy: Trail Protection First

3. Refer to Figure 1 and create the VC3 service of NE4NE5. Select source and sink. Double-click
the NE4 icon in the topology view on the right. In the Select Board Port-Source-NE4 dialog box,

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click the PL3 board in slot 14 on the NE panel, select Tributary Port 1, and then click OK.
4. Double-click the NE5 icon in the topology view on the right. In the Select Board Port-Sink-NE5
dialog box, click the PL3 board in slot 14 on the NE panel, select Tributary Port 1, and then click
5. Click Set Route Timeslot and the Set Route Timeslot dialog box is displayed. Click the option
box under Timeslot and select timeslot 1 for this E3 service on VC-4. Click OK.
6. Select the Activate the trail and Copy after Creation check boxes to duplicate other two VC3
services from NE4 to NE5 after creating this E3 timeslot. Click Apply.
7. When the Copy dialog box is displayed, select the following parameters and click Add.

Source: NE4-14-PL3-2SDH_TU-2- NE4-14-PL3-3SDH_TU-3

Sink: NE5-14-PL3-2SDH_TU-2- NE4-14-PL3-3SDH_TU-3

8. Select the Select Timeslots/Port check box to set the start timeslot of these two VC3 services on
the VC4 to 2. Select Activate and click OK to create the other two VC3 trails.
Parent topic: Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management Function

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